Section 12-701(a)(11)-1 - Estimated tax(a) For Connecticut income tax purposes, "estimated tax" means the amount which an individual estimates to be his or her income tax for the taxable year less the amount which such individual estimates to be the sum of any credits allowable for tax withheld pursuant to Part IX. In estimating his or her income tax for the taxable year, a resident individual or part-year resident individual shall take into account the credit allowable for income tax paid to a qualifying jurisdiction pursuant to Part VI. A resident trust or estate, or a part-year resident trust, is entitled to estimate its income tax for the taxable year in a similar fashion and is subject to the same exceptions and limitations set forth in Part VI.(b) While this section pertains to Section 12-701a(11) of the general statutes, for purposes of supplementary interpretation, as the phrase is used in Section 12-2 of the general statutes, the adoption of this section is authorized by Section 12-740(a) of the general statutes.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 12-701(a)(11)-1
Effective November 18, 1994