Section 11-24d-7 - Funding(a) Library automation funds will be used to support up to 75% of the cost of project grants to support programs outlined in Public Act 85-537-2. Applicants may meet their share of project costs by a combination of cash and in-kind support. At least twenty-five percent (25%) of the local contribution must be actual cash.(b) Grant applicants may request funding for a period not to exceed one year. An interim report outlining expenditures and progress to date shall be submitted 9 months after the applicant receives their first state library automation grant payment. If at the end of the 12 month period, unexpended funds remain in a project and if a grantee makes application at least 30 days before the termination of the funding period, permission may be granted by the State Library Board for a six month extension of the project without additional funding.(c) Grant recipients will immediately notify the State Library in writing if they are unable to meet the requirements of a project grant. In the event a library receiving a grant is unable to meet the requirements of the grant, a grant award will be made to a library on the priority list with the highest priority ranking.(d) Any equipment purchased under this program shall be the property of the applicant institution.(e) Funds awarded must be spent in accordance with grant application as subsequently approved by the State Library Board; If the State Librarian finds that any grant is being used for purposes which are not in conformity with the purposes of the library automation grant program, the State Librarian may require repayment of the grant to the State.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 11-24d-7