Annual hunting licenses, including all big game hunting licenses, small game hunting licenses, turkey hunting licenses, and annual fishing licenses are only valid for the individual specified on the license, and, subject to #902.B.1. and #903, authorize such individual to enter, use or occupy any State Trust Lands leased by the Division or portion thereof from March 1 through March 31 of the following year, also known as the current license year. Daily or multi-day fishing and small game licenses are only valid for the individual specified on the license, and authorize such individual to enter, use or occupy any State Trust Lands leased by the Division or portion thereof only on the date(s) indicated on the license.
Except as otherwise provided in these regulations, the following provisions apply to all State Trust Lands leased by Colorado Parks and Wildlife:
When these regulations provide that an activity is prohibited, except as posted or permitted as posted, Colorado Parks and Wildlife may control these activities by posting signs. Colorado Parks and Wildlife shall apply the following criteria in determining if an activity shall be restricted or authorized pursuant to posting:
2 CCR 406-9-902