Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 2 CCR 406-3-306 - Cottontail Rabbit, Snowshoe Hare, White-tailed & Black-tailed jackrabbit
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-307 - Abert's Squirrels
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-308 - Fox Squirrel and Pine Squirrels
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-309 - Wyoming (Richardson's) ground squirrel, and black-tailed, white-tailed, and Gunnison prairie dogs
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-310 - Common Snapping Turtle
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-311 - Marmot
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-312 - Prairie Rattlesnake
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-313 - Dusky (Blue) Grouse
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-314 - White-tailed Ptarmigan
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-315 - Greater Sage-grouse
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-316 - Gunnison Sage-grouse
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-317 - Mountain Sharp-tailed Grouse
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-318 - Chukar Partridge
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-319 - Pheasant
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-320 - Quail (Northern Bobwhite, Scaled, Gambel's)
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-321 - Greater Prairie-Chicken
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-322 - Wild Turkey
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-322.5 - RANCHING FOR WILDLIFE - TURKEY
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-323 - Mink, pine marten, badger, gray fox, red fox, swift fox, raccoon, ring-tailed cat, striped skunk, western spotted skunk, long-tailed weasel, short-tailed weasel, opossum, and muskrat
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-324 - Bobcat
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-325 - Coyote
- Section 2 CCR 406-3-326 - Beaver