A. The amount of damage shall be the difference between the grazing capacity of the area and the amount of grazing actually realized by the claimant, provided that the amount of damage calculated in this way could have been caused by the number and kind of big game animals documented to have used the designated area or damage can be determined strictly on the basis of the number of big game animals counted on the property during the damage period. The amount of damage that could have been caused by big game shall be based on the following annual average livestock animal unit month (AUM) equivalents: 13.6 pronghorn months = 1 AUM
8.7 bighorn months = 1 AUM
9.9 deer months = 1 AUM
2.5 elk months = 1 AUM
1.4 moose months = 1 AUM
10.3 mountain goat months = 1 AUM
Each AUM equivalent represents the average total amount of forage that could have been eaten by big game. Actual consumption is determined by establishing the proportion of the big game animals' daily forage intake that occurred on the damaged area and dividing the wildlife UM's by this fraction. In the event that these average equivalents are not applicable to the circumstances of an individual case either party may come before the Commission to request a change in regulation in that instance.
1. The Division may compensate landowners or lessees with the comparable amount of hay or feed or equivalent thereof in lieu of AUM equivalents of the wildlife causing damage where the loss of livestock forage required supplemental feeding.