These rules govern administrative proceedings pursuant to the Commission's obligations under House Bill 1158 as described by Section 37-60-122.2 CRS and Section 5 of Chapter 266, Session Laws of Colorado 1987. This Act, dated July 13, 1987, directs the Wildlife Commission (Commission) and the Water Conservation Board (Board) or the Governor to determine an official State position on a wildlife mitigation plan submitted by an applicant proposing to construct, operate or maintain a water project requiring federal approval. It also establishes State grants to assist in paying for wildlife mitigation and/or enhancement measures. These rules are written to be compatible with the Board's "Rules and Regulations for the Implementation of Colorado's Fish and Wildlife Mitigation and Enhancement Grant Program."
These rules apply to all actions required by and taken pursuant to Section 37-60-122.2 CRS, (1984 and 1987 Supp.) and Section 5 of Chapter 266, Session Laws of Colorado 1987.
These rules apply to all applicants who file an application for, or receive a permit for, a proposed water project on or after July 13, 1987.
These rules do not apply to the Animas-La Plata Project, the Two Forks Dam and Reservoir Project, the Homestake Water Project or to any project which is eligible for a nationwide permit pursuant to Section 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act or to any project, except reservoirs, which requires an individual permit pursuant to Section 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act unless the applicant elects to submit a wildlife mitigation or enhancement plan.
These rules do not apply to actions concerning or carrying out other statutory responsibility of the Commission.
2 CCR 406-16-1602