1 Colo. Code Regs. § 301-69.227611-R-3.00

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Rule 1 CCR 301-69.227611-R-3.00 - Selection Criteria

The following criteria shall be used to identify districts and schools that demonstrate a significant achievement gap and thus are eligible to submit an application for funds:

3.01 Of all the districts and schools in the state with gaps in achievement status on the Colorado Student Achievement Program (CSAP) between minority and non-minority groups and poverty and non-poverty groups, the 10% of districts and schools with the highest gap, based on CSAP data from the previous 2 consecutive years; and
3.02 Of all the districts and schools in the state with gaps in growth percentiles for performance on the CSAP between minority and non-minority groups and poverty and non-poverty groups, the 10% of districts and schools with the highest growth gaps, based on CSAP growth model data from the previous 2 consecutive years.
3.03 The following criteria shall be utilized in determining which Eligible Districts and Eligible Schools shall be selected to participate in the program:
3.01(a) Consideration of quantitative achievement data, CSAP and formative data, which are disaggregated by race, socio-economic status (SES), and gender. Gap analyses, by subgroup, with an indication of those areas of greatest strength and need;
3.01(b) A description of the scope and range of achievement disparities, which include a clear presentation of the proposed intervention.
3.01(c) An identification of the root cause for performance disparity, broken out by subgroup, over which the school has control;
3.01(d) A rubric showing that the proposed plan is aligned with the district strategic plan, state expectations for academic content, and student achievement results, including annual goals and interim targets focused on closing the achievement gap;
3.01(e) Identification of specific assessments, using disaggregated assessment data results used in decision-making related to teacher training, and student achievement progress monitoring by subgroup;
3.01(f) Inclusion of culturally responsive practices integrated throughout the plan;
3.01(g) The time sequence of events must include major implementation activities with expected completion dates.
3.01(h) Professional development shall be considered.
3.01(i) A plan detailing the expenditure of grant funds, including a budget narrative linked to project goals and activities;
3.01(j) Demonstration that the proposed project budget is reasonable and sufficient in relation to objectives, design, and scope of project activities; and
3.01(k) Identification and description of formative assessment costs which are paid for by the district, the grant, or any other sources shall be included in the narrative and in the budget allocations.

1 CCR 301-69.227611-R-3.00