10 Colo. Code Regs. § 2505-10-8.401

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 18, September 25, 2024
Section 10 CCR 2505-10-8.401 - LEVEL OF CARE SCREEN
.01 The client must have been found by the Case Management Agency to meet the applicable level of care for the type of services to be provided.
.02 The Case Management Agency shall not make a Level of Care Eligibility Determination unless the recipient has been determined to be Medicaid eligible or an application for Medicaid services has been filed with the County Department of Social/Human services.
.03 Payment for skilled (SNF) and intermediate nursing home care (ICF) Payment for skilled (SNF) and intermediate nursing home care (ICF) will only be made for clients whose Level of Care Eligibility Determination and frequency of need for skilled and maintenance services meet the level of care for long-term care.
.04 Payment for care in an intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ICF/IID) will only be made for developmentally disabled clients whose programmatic and/or health care needs meet the level of care for the appropriate class of ICF/IIDs.
.05 Services provided by nursing facilities are available to those individuals who meet the level of care below and are not identified as mentally ill or individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability by the Determination Criteria for Mentally Ill or Individuals with an Intellectual or Developmental Disability in Section 8.401.18.
.11 Eligibility for long-term care is based on a LOC Screen, as defined in Section 8.390.1, in which an individual's needs are evaluated in at least the following areas of activities of daily living:

- Mobility

- Bathing

- Dressing

- Eating

- Toileting

- Transferring

- Need for supervision

.12Skilled services shall be defined as those services which can only be provided by a skilled person such as a nurse or licensed therapist or by a person who has been extensively trained to perform that service.
.13Maintenance services shall be defined as those services which may be performed by a person who has been trained to perform that specific task, e.g., a family member, a nurses' aide, a therapy aide, visiting homemaker, etc.
.14 Skilled and maintenance services are performed in the following areas:

- Skin care

- Medication

- Nutrition

- Activities of daily living

- Therapies

- Elimination

- Observation and monitoring

A. The case management agency shall certify as to the need for the nursing facility level of care, as demonstrated by the Level of Care Eligibility Determination Screen outcome using criteria outlined in 10 CCR 2505-10 Section 8.401.
B. A person's need for Medicaid state plan benefits is not a proper consideration in determining whether a person needs long-term care services (including Home and Community Based Services).

The Department is implementing a new Level of Care Eligibility Determination Screen instrument- the Colorado Single Assessment Level of Care Screen, or CSA LOC Screen. The new LOC Screen will replace the current instrument, the Uniform Long-Term Care (ULTC) 100.2. The intent of the new instrument is to better understand individual needs, obtain objective and consistent assessment data, including standardized Functional Assessment Standardized Items (FASI), and is not intended to reduce eligibility or services. The Department will implement the new LOC Screen gradually, meaning the ULTC 100.2 and the new CSA LOC Screen instruments will both be in use concurrently for Level of Care Eligibility Determination Screens until the new CSA LOC Screen has been fully implemented across Colorado. During the transition, Case Management Agencies will use one of the two instruments, as determined by the Department, for initial and ongoing Level of Care Eligibility Determinations.


To qualify for Medicaid long-term care services using the ULTC 100.2, the member/Applicant must have deficits in 2 of 6 Activities of Daily Living (ADL), (2+ score) or require at least moderate (2+ score) in Behaviors or Memory/Cognition under Supervision as outlined below. The needs of an individual ages 18 and under shall be assessed in accordance with Appendix A, the Age-Appropriate Guidelines for the Use of ULTC 100.2 on Children. Specific ULTC scoring criteria is as follows:


Definition: The ability to shower, bathe or take sponge baths for the purpose of maintaining adequate hygiene.


[]0=The client is independent in completing the activity safely.

[]1=The client requires oversight help or reminding; can bathe safely without assistance or supervision, but may not be able to get into and out of the tub alone.

[]2=The client requires hands on help or line of sight standby assistance throughout bathing activities in order to maintain safety, adequate hygiene and skin integrity.

[]3=The client is dependent on others to provide a complete bath.

Due To: (Score must be justified through one or more of the following conditions)

Physical Impairments:


[]Sensory Impairment

[]Limited Range of Motion


[]Balance Problems

[]Shortness of Breath

[]Decreased Endurance



[]Neurological Impairment

[]Oxygen Use

[]Muscle Tone


[]Open Wound

[]Stoma Site


[]Cognitive Impairment

[]Memory Impairment

[]Behavior Issues

[]Lack of Awareness

[]Difficulty Learning


Mental Health:

[]Lack of Motivation/Apathy






Definition: The ability to dress and undress as necessary. This includes the ability to put on prostheses, braces, anti-embolism hose or other assistive devices and includes fine motor coordination for buttons and zippers. Includes choice of appropriate clothing for the weather. Difficulties with a zipper or buttons at the back of a dress or blouse do not constitute a functional deficit.


[]0=The client is independent in completing activity safely.

[]1= The client can dress and undress, with or without assistive devices, but may need to be reminded or supervised to do so on some days.

[]2= The client needs significant verbal or physical assistance to complete dressing or undressing, within a reasonable amount of time.

[]3= The client is totally dependent on others for dressing and undressing.

Due To: (Score must be justified through one or more of the following conditions)

Physical Impairments:


[]Sensory Impairment

[]Limited Range of Motion


[]Balance Problems

[]Shortness of Breath

[]Decreased Endurance

[]Fine Motor Impairment


[]Neurological Impairment

[]Bladder Incontinence

[]Bowel Incontinence


[]Oxygen Use

[]Muscle Tone

[]Open Wound


[]Cognitive Impairment

[]Memory Impairment

[]Behavior Issues

[]Lack of Awareness

[]Difficulty Learning


Mental Health:

[]Lack of Motivation/Apathy






Definition: The ability to use the toilet, commode, bedpan or urinal. This includes transferring on/off the toilet, cleansing of self, changing of apparel, managing an ostomy or catheter and adjusting clothing.


[]0=The client is independent in completing activity safely.

[]1=The client may need minimal assistance, assistive device, or cueing with parts of the task for safety, such as clothing adjustment, changing protective garment, washing hands, wiping and cleansing.

[]2=The client needs physical assistance or standby with toileting, including bowel/bladder training, a bowel/bladder program, catheter, ostomy care for safety or is unable to keep self and environment clean.

[]3=The client is unable to use the toilet. The client is dependent on continual observation, total cleansing, and changing of garments and linens. This may include total care of catheter or ostomy. The client may or may not be aware of own needs.

Due To: (Score must be justified through one or more of the following conditions)

Physical Impairments:


[]Sensory Impairment

[]Limited Range of Motion


[]Shortness of Breath

[]Decreased Endurance

[]Fine Motor Impairment


[]Neurological Impairment

[]Bladder Incontinence

[]Bowel Incontinence


[]Oxygen Use

[]Physiological defect


[]Muscle Tone




Supervision Need:

[]Cognitive Impairment

[]Memory Impairment

[]Behavior Issues

[]Lack of Awareness

[]Difficulty Learning


Mental Health:

[]Lack of Motivation/Apathy






Definition: The ability to move between locations in the individual's living environment inside and outside the home. Note: Score client's mobility without regard to use of equipment other than the use of prosthesis.


[]0=The client is independent in completing activity safely.

[]1=The client is mobile in their own home but may need assistance outside the home.

[]2=The client is not safe to ambulate or move between locations alone; needs regular cueing, stand-by assistance, or hands on assistance for safety both in the home and outside the home.

[]3=The client is dependent on others for all mobility.

Due To: (Score must be justified through one or more of the following conditions)

Physical Impairments:


[]Sensory Impairment

[]Limited Range of Motion


[]Shortness of Breath

[]Decreased Endurance

[]Fine or Gross Motor Impairment


[]Neurological Impairment


[]Oxygen Use


[]Muscle Tone

Supervision Need:

[]Cognitive Impairment

[]Memory Impairment

[]Behavior Issues

[]Lack of Awareness

[]Difficulty Learning


[]History of Falls

Mental Health:

[]Lack of Motivation/Apathy






Definition: The physical ability to move between surfaces: from bed/chair to wheelchair, walker or standing position; the ability to get in and out of bed or usual sleeping place; the ability to use assisted devices, including properly functioning prosthetics, for transfers. Note: Score Client's ability to transfer without regard to use of equipment.


[]0=The client is independent in completing activity safely.

[]1=The client transfers safely without assistance most of the time, but may need standby assistance for cueing or balance; occasional hands on assistance needed.

[]2=The client transfer requires standby or hands on assistance for safety; client may bear some weight.

[]3=The client requires total assistance for transfers and/or positioning with or without equipment.

Due To: (Score must be justified through one or more of the following conditions)

Physical Impairments:


Sensory Impairment

Limited Range of Motion


Balance Problems

Shortness of Breath


Decreased Endurance


Neurological Impairment


Oxygen Use

Supervision Need:

Cognitive Impairment

Memory Impairment

Behavior Issues

Lack of Awareness

Difficulty Learning


Mental Health:

Lack of Motivation/Apathy






Definition: The ability to eat and drink using routine or adaptive utensils. This also includes the ability to cut, chew and swallow food. Note: If a person is fed via tube feedings or intravenously, check box 0 if they can do independently, or box 1, 2, or 3 if they require another person to assist.


[]0=The client is independent in completing activity safely.

[]1=The client can feed self, chew and swallow foods but may need reminding to maintain adequate intake; may need food cut up; can feed self if food brought to them, with or without adaptive feeding equipment.

[]2=The client can feed self but needs line of sight standby assistance for frequent gagging, choking, swallowing difficulty; or aspiration resulting in the need for medical intervention. The client needs reminder/assistance with adaptive feeding equipment; or must be fed some or all food by mouth by another person.

[]3=The client must be totally fed by another person; must be fed by another person by stomach tube or venous access.

Due To: (Score must be justified through one or more of the following conditions)

Physical Impairments:


[]Sensory Impairment

[]Limited Range of Motion


[]Shortness of Breath

[]Decreased Endurance


[]Neurological Impairment


[]Oxygen Use

[]Fine Motor Impairment

[]Poor Dentition


[]Swallowing Problems



[]Tube Feeding

[]IV Feeding

Supervision Need:

[]Cognitive Impairment

[]Memory Impairment

[]Behavior Issues

[]Lack of Awareness

[]Difficulty Learning


Mental Health:

[]Lack of Motivation/Apathy






Definition: The ability to engage in safe actions and interactions and refrain from unsafe actions and interactions (Note, consider the client's inability versus unwillingness to refrain from unsafe actions and interactions).


[]0=The client demonstrates appropriate behavior; there is no concern.

[]1=The client exhibits some inappropriate behaviors but not resulting in injury to self, others and/or property. The client may require redirection. Minimal intervention is needed.

[]2=The client exhibits inappropriate behaviors that put self, others or property at risk. The client frequently requires more than verbal redirection to interrupt inappropriate behaviors.

3=The client exhibits behaviors resulting in physical harm to self or others. The client requires extensive supervision to prevent physical harm to self or others.

Due To: (Score must be justified through one or more of the following conditions)

Physical Impairments:

[]Chronic Medical Condition

[]Acute Illness


[]Neurological Impairment


[]Sensory Impairment

[]Communication Impairment (not inability to speak English)

[]Mental Health:

[]Lack of Motivation/Apathy




[]Mood Instability

[]Supervision needs:

[]Short Term Memory Loss

[]Long Term Memory Loss


[]Aggressive Behavior

[]Cognitive Impairment

[]Difficulty Learning

[]Memory Impairment

[]Verbal Abusiveness

[]Constant Vocalization

[]Sleep Deprivation

[]Self-Injurious Behavior

[]Impaired Judgment

[]Disruptive to Others




[]Self Neglect

[]Medication Management


SUPERVISION- Memory/Cognition Deficit

Definition: The age appropriate ability to acquire and use information, reason, problem solve, complete tasks or communicate needs in order to care for oneself safely.


[]0= Independent no concern

[]1= The client can make safe decisions in familiar/routine situations, but needs some help with decision making support when faced with new tasks, consistent with individual's values and goals.

[]2= The client requires consistent and ongoing reminding and assistance with planning, or requires regular assistance with adjusting to both new and familiar routines, including regular monitoring and/or supervision, or is unable to make safe decisions, or cannot make his/her basic needs known.

[]3= The client needs help most or all of time.

Due To: (Score must be justified through one or more of the following conditions)

Physical Impairments:

[]Metabolic Disorder

[]Medication Reaction

[]Acute Illness


[]Neurological Impairment


[]Sensory Impairment

[]Chronic Medical Condition

[]Communication Impairment (does not include ability to speak English)

[]Abnormal Oxygen Saturation

[]Fine Motor Impairment

Supervision Needs:


[]Cognitive Impairment

[]Difficulty Learning

[]Memory Impairment

[]Self-Injurious Behavior

[]Impaired Judgment

[]Unable to Follow Directions

[]Constant Vocalizations


[]Receptive Expressive Aphasia




[]Lack of Awareness


[]Medication Management

Mental Health:

[]Lack of Motivation/Apathy




[]Mood Instability



The Level of Care Eligibility Determination outcome is based on an individual's performance level as documented in the LOC Screen, in areas including, but not limited to, completing Activities of Daily Living, memory and cognition, sensory and communication, and behavior, as well as other criteria specific to applicable program. The eligibility criteria and thresholds are as follows:

1. Nursing Facility Level of Care Eligibility for ages four (4) and older
a. Participants four (4) years of age or older must meet the Nursing Facility Level of Care criteria and thresholds outlined in 10 CCR 2505-10 Section 8.401.16.B.1 to be determined eligible for Long-Term Services and Supports.
i. Eligibility Criteria
1. Meets one or more ADL and Health Condition criteria thresholds in at least two areas to include Mobility, Transferring, Bathing, Dressing, Toileting, Eating (ADLs) or Health Condition; or
2. Meets one or more Behavior threshold(s); or
3. Meets one or more Memory and Cognition threshold(s); or
4. Meets the Sensory & Communication threshold.
ii. Criteria Thresholds
1. ADL and Health Condition criteria thresholds are as follows:
a. Mobility threshold is met with either of the following:
i. Participant does not walk but walking is indicated in the future or Participant does not walk and walking is not indicated in the future; or
ii. Participant requires a cane or walker during all mobility activities; or
iii. Participant uses a wheelchair or scooter as their primary mechanism for mobility; or
iv. Participant requires, at minimum, partial moderate assistance to walk (once standing) 10 feet indoors; or
v. Participant requires, at minimum, supervision or touching assistance to walk (once standing) 150 feet indoors; or
vi. Participant requires, at minimum, supervision or touching assistance to walk 10 feet outside of the home; or
vii. Participant requires, at minimum, supervision or touching assistance to walk 150 feet outside of the home.
b. Transferring threshold is met with either of the following:
i. Participant requires use of a cane or walker during all transfer activities; or
ii. Participant requires, at minimum, partial/moderate assistance for the ability to roll left and right: from lying on back to left and right side, and return to lying on back on the bed; or
iii. Participant requires, at minimum, partial/moderate assistance for the ability to complete a sit to stand transfer: safely come to a standing position from sitting in a chair or on the side of the bed.
c. Bathing threshold is met with the following:
i. Participant requires, at minimum, partial/moderate assistance for the ability to shower/bathe self in shower or tub, including washing, rinsing, and drying self. Does not include transferring in/out of tub/shower
d. Dressing threshold is met with either of the following:
i. Participant requires, at minimum, partial/moderate assistance with upper body dressing; or
ii. Participant requires, at minimum, partial/moderate assistance with lower body dressing; or
iii. Participant requires, at minimum, partial/moderate assistance with putting on/taking off footwear.
e. Toileting threshold is met with either of the following:
i. Participant requires, at minimum, partial/moderate assistance with toilet hygiene; or
ii. Participant requires, at minimum, partial/moderate assistance with toilet transfers; or
iii. Participant requires, at minimum, partial/moderate assistance with menses care; or
iv. Participant requires assistance with managing equipment related to bladder incontinence; or
v. Participant is currently using a bladder program to manage participant's bladder continence; or
vi. Participant requires assistance with managing equipment related to bowel incontinence; or
vii. Participant is currently using a bowel program to manage the participant's bowel continence.
f. Eating threshold is met with either of the following:
i. Participant requires, at minimum, partial/moderate assistance for eating; or
ii. Participant requires, at minimum, partial/moderate assistance for tube feeding.
g. Health Condition threshold is met with the following:
i. Participant has a diagnosis of paralysis; or
ii. A missing limb.
2.Behavior criteria thresholds are as follows:
a. Behavior threshold area one is as follows:
i. Participant's behavior status previously or currently requires interventions or presents symptoms for Injury to Self, Physical Aggression or Property Destruction; and
ii. One or more of the following are met:
1. Cueing frequency, at minimum, is required more than once per month and up to weekly; or
2. Physical intervention frequency, at minimum, is required more than once per month up to weekly; or
3. Planned intervention frequency, at minimum, is required less than monthly up to once per month.
b. Behavior criteria threshold area two is as follows:
i. Participant's behavior status for Verbal Aggression currently requires interventions or presents symptoms for this behavior; and
ii. Participant presents threat(s) to own or other's safety; and
iii. One or more of the following are met:
1. Cueing frequency, at minimum, is required more than once per month and up to weekly; or
2. Physical intervention frequency, at minimum, is required more than once per month up to weekly; or
3. Planned intervention frequency, at minimum, is required less than monthly up to once per month.
c. Behavior criteria threshold area three is as follows:
i. Injurious to Self, property destruction, physical aggression, or verbal aggression behavior status currently requires intervention and/or displays symptoms and
ii. Likelihood behavior would occur and/or escalate if HCBS services were withdrawn is likely or highly likely.
3. Memory and Cognition criteria thresholds are as follows:
a. Participant has a Level of Impairment of moderately or higher in at least one area (Memory, Attention, Problem Solving, Planning, or Judgment); or
b. Participant has a level of impairment of mildly or higher in at least two areas (Problem Solving, Planning, Judgment).
4. Sensory and Communication criteria threshold is as follows:
a. Participant frequently exhibits difficulty expressing needs and/or ideas with individuals they are familiar with; or
b. Participant rarely or never expresses themself or is very difficult to understand.
2. Nursing Facility Level of Care Eligibility Criteria for individuals zero to three (0-3) years of age
a. Participants zero to three (0-3) years of age must meet the Nursing Facility Level of Care criteria and thresholds outlined in 10 CCR 2505-10 Section 8.401.16.B.2, according to age, to be determined eligible for Long-Term Services and Supports.
i. Eligibility Criteria
1. The participant must meet the criteria threshold for two or more Activities of Daily Living, based on participant age.
2. If the participant meets one or more of the two required ADL thresholds by selecting only "Other Concerns," a second level review is required to determine eligibility.
3. Participants may also meet LOC using the behavior criteria for adults in Section 8.401.16.B.1.ii.2.
ii. Activities of Daily Living thresholds by age 0-5 months
1. Bathing:
a. Needs adaptive equipment, or
b. Utilizes medical devices that make bathing very difficult, such as feeding tubes, breathing tubes, etc., or
c. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs and
d. at least one of the bathing impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
2. Dressing:
a. Has physical characteristics that make dressing very difficult, such as contractures, extreme hypotonia, or extreme hypertonia., or
b. Utilizes medical devices that make dressing very difficult, such as feeding tubes, breathing tubes, etc., or
c. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs and
d. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
3. Eating:
a. Requires more than one hour per feeding, or
b. Receives tube feedings or TPN, or
c. Requires more than three hours per day for feeding or eating, or
d. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs and
e. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
iii. Activities of Daily Living thresholds by age 6-11 months
1. Bathing:
a. Needs adaptive equipment, or
b. Utilizes medical devices that make bathing very difficult, such as feeding tubes, breathing tubes, etc., OR
c. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
d. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
2. Dressing:
a. Has physical characteristics that make dressing very difficult, such as contractures, extreme hypotonia, or extreme hypertonia., OR
b. Utilizes medical devices that make dressing very difficult, such as feeding tubes, breathing tubes, etc., OR
c. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
d. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
3. Eating:
a. Requires more than one hour per feeding, OR
b. Receives tube feedings or TPN, OR
c. Requires more than three hours per day for feeding or eating, OR
d. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
e. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
4. Mobility:
a. Unable to maintain a sitting position when placed, OR
b. Unable to move self by rolling, crawling, or creeping, OR
c. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
d. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
iv. Activities of Daily Living thresholds by age 12-17 months
1. Bathing:
a. Needs adaptive equipment, OR
b. Utilizes medical devices that make bathing very difficult, such as feeding tubes, breathing tubes, etc., OR
c. becomes agitated requiring alternative bathing methods OR
d. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
e. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
2. Dressing:
a. Has physical characteristics that make dressing very difficult, such as contractures, extreme hypotonia, or extreme hypertonia., OR
b. Utilizes medical devices that make dressing very difficult, such as feeding tubes, breathing tubes, etc., OR
c. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
d. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
3. Eating:
a. Requires more than one hour per feeding, OR
b. Receives tube feedings or TPN, OR
c. Requires more than three hours per day for feeding or eating, OR
d. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
e. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
4. Mobility:
a. Unable to sit alone, OR
b. Requires a stander or someone to support the child's weight in a standing position, OR
c. Unable to crawl or creep, OR
d. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
e. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
v. Activities of Daily Living thresholds by age 18-23 months
1. Bathing:
a. Needs adaptive equipment, OR
b. Utilizes medical devices that make bathing very difficult, such as feeding tubes, breathing tubes, etc., OR
c. becomes agitated requiring alternative bathing methods OR Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
d. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
2. Dressing:
a. Has physical characteristics that make dressing very difficult, such as contractures, extreme hypotonia, or extreme hypertonia., OR
b. Utilizes medical devices that make dressing very difficult, such as feeding tubes, breathing tubes, etc., Does not assist with dressing by helping to place arms in sleeves or legs into pants, OR
c. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
d. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
3. Eating:
a. Receives tube feedings or TPN, OR
b. Requires more than three hours per day for feeding or eating, OR
c. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
d. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
4. Mobility:
a. Requires a stander or someone to support the child's weight in a standing position, OR
b. Uses a wheelchair or other mobility device not including a single cane, OR
c. Unable to take steps holding on to furniture, OR
d. other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
e. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
vi. Activities of Daily Living thresholds by age 24-35 months
1. Bathing:
a. Needs adaptive equipment, OR
b. Utilizes medical devices that make bathing very difficult, such as feeding tubes, breathing tubes, etc., OR
c. becomes agitated requiring alternative bathing methods OR Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
d. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
2. Dressing:
a. Has physical characteristics that make dressing very difficult, such as contractures, extreme hypotonia, or extreme hypertonia., OR
b. Utilizes medical devices that make dressing very difficult, such as feeding tubes, breathing tubes, etc., Does not assist with dressing by helping to place arms in sleeves or legs into pants, OR
c. Unable to pull hats, socks, and mittens, OR
d. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
e. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
3. Eating:
a. Receives tube feedings or TPN, OR
b. Requires more than three hours per day for feeding or eating, OR
c. Cannot pick up appropriate foods with hands and bring them to his/her mouth, OR
d. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
e. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
4. Mobility:
a. Requires a stander or someone to support the child's weight in a standing position, OR
b. Does not walk or needs physical help to walk, OR
c. Uses a wheelchair or other mobility device not including a single cane, OR
d. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
e. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
5. Transfers:
a. Requires transfer assistance due to physical or cognitive deficits, OR
b. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
c. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
vii. Activities of Daily Living thresholds by age 36-47 months
1. Bathing:
a. Needs adaptive equipment, OR
b. Utilizes medical devices that make bathing very difficult, such as feeding tubes, breathing tubes, etc., OR
c. Is combative during bathing (e.g., flails, takes two caregivers to accomplish task), OR
d. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
e. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
2. Grooming:
a. Is combative during grooming (e.g., flails, clamps mouth shut, takes two caregivers to accomplish task), OR
b. Has physical limitations that prevent completing the task (e.g. limited range of motion, unable to grasp brush), OR
c. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
d. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
3. Dressing:
a. Has physical characteristics that make dressing very difficult, such as contractures, extreme hypotonia, or extreme hypertonia., OR
b. Utilizes medical devices that make dressing very difficult, such as feeding tubes, breathing tubes, etc., OR
c. Is combative during dressing (e.g., flails, resists efforts to put clothes on, takes two caregivers to accomplish task), OR
d. Does not or cannot assist with dressing by helping to place arms in sleeves or legs into pants, OR
e. Unable to undress self independently, OR
f. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
g. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
4. Eating:
a. Is combative while eating (e.g., flails, throws food so will not have to eat, takes two caregivers to accomplish task), OR
b. Receives tube feedings or TPN, OR
c. Requires more than three hours per day for feeding or eating, OR
d. Needs to be fed by another individual, OR
e. Needs one-on-one monitoring to prevent choking, aspiration, or other serious complications, OR
f. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
g. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
5. Toileting:
a. Is combative during toileting (e.g., flails, takes two caregivers to accomplish task), OR
b. Has no awareness of being wet or soiled, OR
c. Requires caregiver assistance to be placed onto the toilet/potty chair, OR
d. Does not use toilet/potty chair when placed there by a caregiver, OR
e. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
f. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
6. Mobility:
a. Does not walk or needs physical help to walk, OR
b. Uses a wheelchair or other mobility device not including a single cane, OR
c. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
d. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
7. Transfers:
a. Needs physical help with transfers, OR
b. Uses a mechanical lift, OR
c. Other concerns that may affect the amount of support the child needs AND
d. at least one of the impairments above is expected to last for at least one year from the date of assessment.
3. Nursing Facility Level of Care Eligibility Alternative Criteria
a. Alternative ADL criteria shall be applicable for participants four (4) and older whose level of support for Activities of Daily Living (Mobility, Transferring, Bathing, Dressing Toileting, Eating) has varied over the last 30 days; and
i. Meet the following alternate ADL thresholds in two or more ADL areas (Mobility, Transferring, Bathing, Dressing Toileting, Eating):
1. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, scored at partial/moderate assistance or higher AND
2. Frequency of enhanced support is scored, at minimum, 1-2 times per month in the past 30 days, or
ii. Meets at least one Nursing Facility Level of Care ADL (Mobility, Transferring, Bathing, Dressing Toileting, Eating) thresholds as required at 10 CCR 2505-10 Section 8.401.16.B.1.a.ii.1., and
iii. Meets the alternate ADL thresholds in at least one ADL area.
b. If the alternative LOC criteria is used, a second level review is required to determine eligibility.
4. Hospital Level of Care Eligibility Criteria
a. Complementary and Integrative Health (CIH), Brain Injury (BI), Children's Home and Community Based Services (CHCBS), and Children with Life Limiting Illness (CLLI) have a Hospital Level of Care (H-LOC)).
i. CIH and BI may be met through NF-LOC and H-LOC Criteria.
ii. CHCBS and CLLI have distinct criteria.
b. H-LOC for SCI and BI participants must meet in at least one of the following areas:
i. Transfers:
1. Participant has met Nursing Facility Level of Care (NF-LOC) AND
2. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, substantial/maximum assistance for Chair/Bed -to-Chair Transfers-the ability to safely transfer to and from a bed to a chair.
ii. Bathing:
1. Participant has met NF-LOC AND
2. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, substantial/maximum assistance for Shower/bathe self-the ability to bathe self in shower or tub, including washing, rinsing, and drying self. Does not include transferring in/out of tub/shower.
iii. Dressing:
1. Participant has met NF-LOC AND
2. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, substantial/maximum assistance for Upper Body Dressing-the ability to put on and remove shirt or pajama top. Includes buttoning, if applicable OR
3. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, substantial/maximum for Lower Body Dressing-the ability to dress and undress below the waist, including fasteners. Does not include footwear.
iv. Toileting:
1. Participant has met NF-LOC AND
2. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, substantial/maximum assist for Toilet hygiene-the ability to maintain perineal/feminine hygiene, adjust clothes before and after using toilet, commode, bedpan, urinal. If managing ostomy, include wiping opening but not managing equipment. OR
3. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, substantial/maximum assistance for Toilet Transfers: the ability to safely get on and off a toilet or commode.
v. Eating:
1. Participant has met NF-LOC AND
2. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, substantial/maximum assistance for Eating - the ability to use suitable utensils to bring food to the mouth and swallow food once the meal is presented on a table/tray. This includes modified food consistency OR
3. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, substantial/maximum assistance for Tube feeding - the ability to manage all equipment/supplies related to obtaining nutrition.
c. H-LOC for CLLI participants must meet in at least ONE of the following threshold areas:
i. Threshold Area 1:
1. Participant has met NF-LOC or Alt-LOC AND
2. Participant has been diagnosed with a life limiting illness by a medical professional.
ii. Threshold Area 2:
1. Participant has NOT met NF-LOC or Alt-LOC AND
2. Participant has been diagnosed with a life limiting illness by a medical professional AND
3. ONE of the following conditions apply to the participant:
a. Technologically dependent for life or health-sustaining functions OR
b. Complex medication regimen or medical interventions to maintain or improve health status, OR
c. Need of ongoing assessment or intervention to prevent serious deterioration of health status or medical complications that place life, health or development at risk
4. A second-level review is required to verify whether the conditions documented justify a H-LOC.
d. H-LOC for CHCBS participants must meet in at least ONE of the following threshold areas:
i. Threshold Area 1:
1. Transferring:
a. Participant met NF-LOC or Alt-LOC AND
b. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, substantial/maximum assistance for Chair/Bed -to-Chair Transfer -The ability to safely transfer to and from a bed to a chair.
2. Bathing:
a. Participant has met NF-LOC or Alt-LOC AND
b. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, substantial/maximum assistance for Shower/bathe self- The ability to bathe self in shower or tub, including washing, rinsing, and drying self. Does not include transferring in/out of tub/shower.
3. Dressing:
a. Participant has met NF-LOC or Alt-LOC AND
b. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, substantial/maximum assistance for Upper Body Dressing - The ability to put on and remove shirt or pajama top. Includes buttoning, if applicable OR
c. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, substantial/maximum assistance for Lower Body Dressing - The ability to dress and undress below the waist, including fasteners. Does not include footwear.
4. Toileting:
a. Participant has met NF-LOC or Alt-LOC AND
b. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, substantial/maximum assistance for toilet hygiene-The ability to maintain perineal/feminine hygiene, adjust clothes before and after using toilet, commode, bedpan, urinal. If managing ostomy, include wiping opening but not managing equipment. OR
c. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, substantial/maximum assistance for Toilet Transfer: The ability to safely get on and off a toilet or commode.
5. Eating:
a. Participant has met NF-LOC or Alt-LOC AND
b. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, substantial/maximum assistance for Eating - The ability to use suitable utensils to bring food to the mouth and swallow food once the meal is presented on a table/tray. This includes modified food consistency OR
c. Participant's performance level is, at minimum, substantial/maximum assistance for Tube feeding - The ability to manage all equipment/supplies related to obtaining nutrition.
ii. Threshold Area 2:
1. Participant has not met NF-LOC or Alt-LOC AND
2. One of the following conditions apply to the participant:
a. Technologically dependent for life or health-sustaining functions, OR
b. Complex medication regimen or medical interventions to maintain or improve health status, OR
c. Need of ongoing assessment or intervention to prevent serious deterioration of health status or medical complications that place life, health or development at risk.
3. A second-level review is required to verify whether the conditions documented justify a H-LOC.



Memory/Cognition Deficit

Definition: The age appropriate ability to acquire and use information, reason, problem solve, complete tasks or communicate needs in order to care for oneself safely.


[]0= Independent no concern

[]1= The client can make safe decisions in familiar/routine situations, but needs some help with decision making support when faced with new tasks, consistent with individual's values and goals.

[]2= The client requires consistent and ongoing reminding and assistance with planning, or requires regular assistance with adjusting to both new and familiar routines, including regular monitoring and/or supervision, or is unable to make safe decisions, or cannot make their basic needs known.

[]3= The client needs help most or all of time.

.181Purpose of Program
A. The PASRR program requires pre-screening or reviewing of all clients who apply to or reside in a Medicaid certified nursing facility regardless of:
1. The source of payment for the nursing facility services; or
2. The individual's or resident's diagnosis.
B. The purpose of the PASRR Level I Identification screening is to identify for further review all those clients seeking nursing facility admission, for whom it appears a diagnosis of mental illness or intellectual or developmental disability is likely.
C. The purpose of the PASRR Level II evaluation is to evaluate and determine whether nursing facility services are needed, whether an individual has mental illness or intellectual or developmental disability and whether specialized mental health or intellectual or developmental disability services are needed.
.182 Definitions
A. Serious Mental Illness
1. Serious mental illness (SMI) is defined as: a mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder resulting in serious functional impairment, which substantially interferes with or limits one or more major life activities.
2. For the purposes of the PASRR program, a person is considered to have serious mental illness if they meet the diagnosis, level of impairment and recent treatment criteria found at 42 C.F.R. § 483.102.
3. An individual is considered to not have mental illness if he/she has:
a. a primary diagnosis of dementia (including Alzheimer's disease or a related disorder); or
b. a non-primary diagnosis of dementia (including Alzheimer's disease or a related disorder) without a primary diagnosis of serious mental illness, or intellectual or developmental disability or a related condition.
B. Intellectual or developmental disability and Related Conditions
1. Intellectual or developmental disability refers to significantly sub-average general intellectual functioning existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental years.
2. The provisions of this section also apply to individuals with "related conditions," as defined by 42 C. F. R. section 435.1010 which states: "Persons with related conditions" means individuals who have a severe, chronic disability that meets all of the following conditions:
a. It is attributable to:
1) Cerebral palsy or epilepsy; or
2) Any other condition, other than mental illness, found closely related to intellectual or developmental disability. These related conditions result in impairment of general intellectual functioning or adaptive behavior similar to individuals with intellectual or developmental disability, and require treatment or services similar to those required for these individuals.
b. It is manifested before the individual reaches age 22.
c. It is likely to continue indefinitely.
d. It results in substantial functional limitations in three or more of the following areas of major life activity:
1) Self-care,
2) Understanding and use of language,
3) Learning,
4) Mobility,
5) Self-direction or
6) Capacity for independent living.
8.401.183Requirements for the PASRR Program
A. The Level of Care determination and the Level I screening reviews shall be required by the Utilization Review Contractor prior to admission to a Medicaid certified nursing facility.
B. The Utilization Review Contractor admission start date (the first date of care covered by Medicaid) shall be assigned after the required Level II PASRR evaluation is completed and the Utilization Review Contractor certifies the client is appropriate for nursing facility care. The admission start date for individuals who do not requiring a Level II evaluation shall be the date that the Initial Screening and Intake Form and Professional Medical Information pages from the ULTC 100.2 are faxed to the Single Entry Point.
C. Individuals other than Medicaid eligible recipients, who require a Level II evaluation, shall have the Level II evaluation prior to admission. The Level II contractor shall perform the evaluation. The Level II contractor can be a qualified mental health professional, a corporation that specializes in mental health, the community mental health center, or the community centered board.
D. The Level II contractor shall conduct a review and determination for individuals or clients found to be mentally ill or retarded who have had a change in mental health or developmental disabled status.
E. PASRR findings, as related to care needs, shall be coordinated with the nursing facility federally prescribed, routine Resident Assessments (Minimum Data Set) requirements. These requirements are described at 42 C.F.R. part 483.20 (October 1, 2000 edition), which is hereby incorporated by reference. The incorporation of 42 C.F.R. part 483.20 excludes later amendments to, or editions of, the referenced material. The Department maintains copies of this incorporated text in its entirety, available for public inspection during regular business hours at: Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, 1570 Grant Street, Denver, CO 80203. Certified copies of incorporated materials are provided at cost upon request.
8.401.184Nursing Facilities Responsibilities Under the PASRR Program
A. The Utilization Review Contractor/Single Entry Point shall complete the Level I screening on the functional assessment form for Medicaid clients. The nursing facility shall complete the Level I screening for non-Medicaid individuals admitted from the community or pay source change. The hospital shall complete the Level I for non-Medicaid individuals admitted to nursing facility from the hospital. Medicaid Level I information is on the Level I screen in the ULTC-100.2 and is submitted to the Utilization Review Contractor with the rest of the Level of Care information. Private pay Level I information that indicates the resident may be mentally ill or individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability is submitted to the Utilization Review Contractor as well on the ULTC-100.2.
B. Nursing facility staff shall be trained in which diagnoses, medications, history and behaviors would result in a positive finding in a Level I screening (e.g., a Yes response to a psychiatric diagnosis or history).
C. Following review of information on the Functional Assessment form, the Utilization Review Contractor determines whether a Level II evaluation is necessary and notifies the facility.
D. If a Level II evaluation is necessary, the facility and the Level II contractor shall assure that the Level II is completed. Level II PASRR evaluations shall be done at no cost to the individual or facility by the Level II contractor for that geographic area.
E. If the individual is determined to be mentally ill or individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability as a result of the Level II, the nursing facility shall retain the results of the Level II in the resident's charts. The Level II evaluation shall be updated when the resident's condition changes. The Level II evaluations must be kept current in the resident's charts.
F. If a Level II evaluation is not required, documentation must be completed on the reasons a Level II one was not done and retained in the resident's chart.
G. The resident's chart shall contain the following information:
1. The psychiatric evaluation and/or Colorado Assessment Review form (COPAR);
2. The findings; and
3. The determination letter (from either mental health or intellectual or developmental disability authorities).
H. The nursing facility shall assure that the diagnoses are current and accurate by reconciling in the resident's record any diagnoses conflicting with the PASRR Level II diagnosis.
I. The nursing facility is responsible to arrange for services based on service recommendations from the Level II evaluation.
J. Nursing Facilities may contact the local community mental health centers or community center boards to make arrangements for the provisions of Specialized Services as indicated on the Level II reviews. Furthermore, nursing facilities are prohibited from providing Specialized Services.
.185The State Survey and Certification Process
A. The State Survey and Certification Process will be used to determine whether the resident had the following:
1. A comprehensive Level I and Level II assessment;
2. An appropriate care plan; and
3. Specialized treatment, if needed.
B. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) shall conduct the PASRR program surveys in accordance with the Agency Agreement between CDPHE and the Department.
.186Responsibilities of the Utilization Review Contractor in Determining Level of Care
A. For private pay and nursing facility residents on admission with indications of mental illness or intellectual or developmental disability, the Utilization Review Contractor shall first determine appropriate admission to a nursing facility through the following process:
1. A Level of Care review;
2. The Level I identification screen verification;
3. A Categorical determination, if appropriate; and
4. A Level II referral, if appropriate.
B. A nursing facility placement shall be considered appropriate when the following conditions are met:
1. An individual's needs are such that he or she passes the Level of Care screen for admission and the individual is seeking Medicaid reimbursement; and
2. The Level I and II screens indicate nursing facility placement is appropriate.
.191 The Level I Screen criteria shall be as follows:
A. The Level I Screen, used by the Utilization Review Contractor to identify those who may be mentally ill shall, be applied under the following conditions:
1. The individual has a diagnosis of mental illness as defined above; and/or
2. The individual has a recent (within the last two years) history of mental illness, as defined above; and/or
3. A major tranquilizer, anti-depressant or psychotropic medication has been prescribed regularly without a justifiable diagnosis of neurological disorder to warrant the medication; and/or
4. There is presenting evidence of mental illness (except a primary diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or dementia) including possible disturbances in orientation, affect, or mood, as determined by the Utilization Review Contractor.
B. The Level I Screen, used by the Utilization Review Contractor to identify those who may be individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability or individuals with related conditions, shall be applied under the following conditions:
1. The individual has a diagnosis of intellectual or developmental disability or related conditions as defined above; and/or
2. There is a history of intellectual or developmental disability or related conditions, as defined above, in the individual's past; and/or
3. There is presenting evidence (cognitive or behavior functions) of intellectual or developmental disability or related conditions; and/or
4. The individual is referred by an agency that serves individuals with intellectual or developmental disability or related conditions, and the individual has been determined to be eligible for that agency's services.
.192 When the results of the Level I Screen indicate the individual may have mental illness or intellectual or developmental disability or related conditions, the individual must undergo the additional PASRR Level II evaluation specified below, unless one or more of the following is determined by the Utilization Review Contractor:
A. There is substantial evidence that the individual is not mentally ill or individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability; or
B. A categorical determination is made that:
1. The individual has:
a. A primary diagnosis of dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease or a related disorder;
b. The above must be substantiated based on a neurological examination.
2. The individual is terminally ill (i.e., the physician documents that the individual has less than six months to live).
3. An individual is in need of convalescent care.
a. Convalescent care is defined as:
1) A discharge from an acute care hospital;
2) An admission for a prescribed, limited nursing facility stay for rehabilitation or convalescent care; and
3) An admission for a medical or surgical condition that required hospitalization.
b. If an individual is determined to need convalescent care, the Utilization Review Contractor must follow-up to determine if the individual still needs convalescent care (and the following must occur, including):
1) A referral shall be made for a Level II evaluation if the individual remains in the nursing facility for longer than 60 days;
2) The above referral shall be made to the appropriate community mental health center or community centered board or other designated agencies; and
3) The individual shall receive a Level II evaluation within 10 calendar days of the referral.
4. An individual is severely ill.
a. An individual is considered severely ill if he or she is:
1) comatose;
2) ventilator dependent;
3) in a vegetative state.
b. The following PASRR criteria must be met when an individual is severely ill:
1) A Mental Health referral shall be made and a Level II evaluation shall be completed if the individual no longer meets the above criteria as determined by the Utilization Review Contractor.
2) An Intellectual or developmental disability Level II referral shall be made and an evaluation shall be completed within 60 days of admission, even if the individual meets the above criteria as determined for severely ill by the Utilization Review Contractor.
5. Emergency procedure in C.R.S. section 27-65-105, et. seq., shall supersede the PASRR process. When the State Mental Health authorities, pursuant to C.R.S. section 27-65-106, et.seq., determine that an individual requires inpatient psychiatric care and qualifies under the emergency procedures for a hold and treat order, this procedure shall supersede the PASRR determination process.
.193 For individuals or residents who may have mental illness or intellectual or developmental disability as determined through the Level I screen and who are referred by the State authorities or designees for a PASRR Level II evaluation, the following applies:
A. The designated agencies completing the Level I screen shall send a written notice to the individual or resident and to his or her legal representative stating the Level I findings.
B. The Level I notice to the individual or resident shall be required if the Level I findings result in a referral for a Level II evaluation.
C. The Level I findings are not an appealable action.
.194 Categorical determinations which may delay a Level II referral shall not prevent the nursing facility from meeting the psychosocial, physical and medical needs of the resident.
.195 Categorical Determinations may be applied only if an individual is in no danger to him/herself or others.
.201 The purpose of the Level II evaluation is to determine whether:
A. Each individual with mental illness or intellectual or developmental disability requires the level of services provided by a nursing facility.
B. An individual has a serious mental illness or is individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability.
C. The individual requires a Specialized Services program for the mental illness or intellectual or developmental disability.
.202 Basic Requirements for LEVEL II PASRR Evaluations and Determinations include:
A. The State Mental Health authority shall make determinations of whether individuals with mental illness require specialized services that can be provided in a nursing facility as follows:
1. The determination must be based on an independent physical and mental evaluation.
2. The evaluation must be performed by an individual or entity other than the State Mental Health authority.
B. The State Intellectual or developmental disability authority shall conduct both the evaluation and the determination functions of whether individuals with intellectual or developmental disability require specialized services that can be provided in nursing facilities.
C. The PASRR Level II contractor shall complete the evaluation within 10 working days of the referral from the URC.
D. PASRR determinations made by the State Mental Health or Intellectual or developmental disability authorities cannot be countermanded by the Department through the claims payment process or through other utilization control/review processes, or by CDPHE, survey and certification agency, or by any receiving facility or other involved entities.
E. The Final Agency action by the Department may overturn a PASRR adverse determination made by State Mental Health or Intellectual or developmental disability authorities.
F. Timely filing of PASRR billings from providers is 120 days.
.203 An individual meets the requirements of a Depression Diversion Screen.
A. A Depression Diversion Screen shall be applied under the following conditions:
1. Depression is the only Level I positive finding (i.e. a depression diagnosis is the only Yes checked on the Level I screen); and
2. The URC or the PASRR Level II Contractor for that geographic area shall make the determination of need for a Depression Diversion Screen.
B. The nursing facilities are not authorized to apply the Depression Diversion Screen.
C. When a serious mental illness depression is validated as the only Level I positive finding through the Depression Diversion Screen, a complete Level II referral and evaluation is not required unless the individual's condition changes.
.204 Appeals Hearing Process for the PASRR Program
A. A resident has appeal rights when he or she has been adversely affected by a PASRR determination as a result of the Level II evaluation made by the State Mental Health or Intellectual or developmental disability authorities either at Pre- admission Screening or at Annual Resident Review.
B. Adverse determinations related to PASRR mean a determination made in accordance with Sections 1919(b)(3)(F) or 1919(e)(7)(B) of the Social Security Act that:
1. The individual does not require the level of services provided by a Nursing Facility; and/or
2. The individual does or does not require Specialized Services for mental illness or intellectual or developmental disability.
3. Section 1919 of the Social Security Act (1935) (42 U.S.C. section 1396r) is hereby incorporated by reference. The incorporation of 42 U.S.C. section 1396r excludes later amendments to, or editions of, the referenced material. The Department maintains copies of this incorporated text in its entirety, available for public inspection during regular business hours at: Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, 1570 Grant Street, Denver, CO 80203. Certified copies of incorporated materials are provided at cost upon request.
C. Appeals of Level of Care determination are processed through the Appeals Section related to the URC's Level of Care process in Section 8.057.
D. For adverse actions related to the need for Specialized Services, the individual or resident affected by the mental illness or intellectual or developmental disability determination may appeal through procedures established for appeals in the Recipient Appeals and Hearings at Section 8.057.
.205 The Level II PASRR Evaluation Process
A. The URC shall refer all Medicaid clients and private pay individuals who require a Level II evaluation, to the PASRR Level II contractor.
1. The PASRR Level II contractor shall complete the Level II evaluation.
2. The State Medicaid program shall pay for the private pay evaluations.
3. Nursing facilities shall not complete the Level II evaluation.
4. The findings of these evaluations shall be returned to the URC for review and referral to the State Mental Health and/or Intellectual or developmental disability authorities for final review and determination.
B. Evaluations shall be adapted to the cultural background, language, ethnic origin and means of communication used by the individual.
C. The Level II Mental Illness Evaluation for Specialized Services shall consist of the following:
1. A comprehensive medical examination of the individual. The examination shall address the following areas:
a. A comprehensive medical history;
b. An examination of all body systems; and
c. An examination of the neurological system which consists of an evaluation in the following areas:
1) Motor functioning;
2) Sensory functioning;
3) Gait and deep tendon reflexes;
4) Cranial nerves; and
5) Abnormal reflexes.
d. In cases of abnormal findings, additional evaluations shall be conducted by appropriate specialists; and
e. If the history and physical examinations are not performed by a physician, then a physician must review and concur with the conclusions and sign the examination form.
2. A psychosocial evaluation of the individual, which at a minimum, includes an evaluation of the following:
a. Current living arrangements;
b. Medical and support systems; and
c. The individual's total need for services are such that:
1) The level of support can be provided in an alternative community setting; or
2) The level of support is such that nursing facility placement is required.
3. A Functional Assessment shall be completed on the individual's ability to engage in activities of daily living.
4. A comprehensive psychiatric evaluation, at a minimum, must address the following areas:
a. A comprehensive drug history is obtained on all current or immediate past utilization of medications that could mask symptoms or use of medications that could mimic mental illness;
b. A psychiatric history is obtained;
c. An evaluation is completed of intellectual functioning, memory functioning, and orientation;
d. A description is obtained on current attitudes, overt behaviors, affect, suicidal or homicidal ideation, paranoia and degree of reality testing (presence and content of delusions, paranoia and hallucinations); and
e. Certification status under provisions at C.R.S. section 27-65-107 et.seq. and need for in-patient emergency psychiatric care shall be assessed. If an individual qualifies under the emergency provisions in the statute, emergency proceedings shall be considered. This action shall supersede any PASRR activity.
5. If the psychiatric evaluation is performed by a professional other than a psychiatrist, then a psychiatrist's countersignature shall be required.
6. The Mental Health evaluation shall identify all medical and psychiatric diagnoses which require treatment and should include copies of previous discharge summaries from the hospital or nursing facility charts (during the past two years).
7. The Mental Health determination process shall insure that a qualified mental health professional, as designated by the State, must validate the diagnosis of mental illness and determine the appropriate level of mental health services needed.
D. The Level II Intellectual or developmental disability or related conditions evaluation for Specialized Services shall consist of the following:
1. A comprehensive medical examination review so that the following information can be identified:
a. A list of the individual's medical problems;
b. The level of impact on the individual's independent functioning;
c. A list of all current medications; and
d. Current responses to any prescribed medications in the following drug groups:
1) Hypnotics,
2) Anti-psychotics (neuroleptics),
3) Mood stabilizers and anti-depressants,
4) Antianxiety-sedative agents, and
5) Anti-Parkinsonian agents.
2. The Intellectual or developmental disability process must assess:
a. Self-monitoring of health status;
b. Self-administering and/or scheduling of medical treatments;
c. Self-monitoring of nutrition status;
d. Self-help development such as: toileting, dressing, grooming, and eating);
e. Sensorimotor development such as: ambulation, positioning, transfer skills, gross motor dexterity, visual motor/perception, fine motor dexterity, eye-hand coordination, and extent to which prosthetic, orthotic, corrective or mechanical supportive devices improve the individual's functional capacity);
f. Speech and language (communication) development, such as: expressive language (verbal and nonverbal), receptive language (verbal and nonverbal), extent to which non-oral communication systems improve the individual's functional capacity, auditory functioning, and extent to which amplification devices (e.g., hearing aid) or a program of amplification improve the individual's functional capacity);
g. Social development, such as: interpersonal skills, recreation-leisure skills, and relationships with others;
h. Academic/educational development, including functional learning skills;
i. Independent living development such as: meal preparation, budgeting and personal finances, survival skills, mobility skills (orientation to the neighborhood, town, city), laundry, housekeeping, shopping, bed making, care of clothing, and orientation skills (for individuals with visual impairments); and
j. Vocational development, including present vocational skills;
k. Affective development (such as: interests, and skills involved with expressing emotions, making judgments, and making independent decisions); and
l. Presence of identifiable maladaptive or inappropriate behaviors of the individual based on systematic observation (including, but not limited to, the frequency and intensity of identified maladaptive or inappropriate behaviors).
3. The Level II Intellectual or developmental disability evaluation shall insure that a psychologist, who meets the qualifications of a qualified intellectual or developmental disability professional completes the following:
a. The individual's intellectual functioning measurement shall be identified; and
b. The individual's intellectual or developmental disability or related condition shall be validated.
4. The Level II Intellectual or developmental disability evaluation shall identify to what extent the individual's status compares with each of the following characteristics, commonly associated with need for specialized services including:
a. The inability to:
1) Take care of most personal care needs;
2) Understand simple commands;
3) Communicate basic needs and wants;
4) Be employed at a productive wage level without systematic long-term supervision or support;
5) Learn new skills without aggressive and consistent training;
6) Apply skills learned to a training situation to other environments or settings without aggressive and consistent training; or
7) Demonstrate behavior appropriate to the time, situation or place, without direct supervision.
b. Demonstration of severe maladaptive behavior(s) which place the individual or others in jeopardy to health and safety;
c. Inability or extreme difficulty in making decisions requiring informed consent; and
d. Presence of other skill deficits or specialized training needs which necessitate the availability of trained intellectual or developmental disability personnel, 24 hours per day, to teach the individual functional skills.
5. The Intellectual or developmental disability evaluation shall collect information to determine whether the individual's total needs for services are such that:
a. The level of support may be provided in an alternative community setting; or
b. The level of support is such that nursing facility placement is required.
6. The Intellectual or developmental disability evaluation shall determine whether the individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability individual needs a continuous Specialized Services program.
.206 PASRR Findings from Level II Evaluations
A. PASRR Level II findings shall include the following documentation:
1. The individual's current functional level must be addressed;
2. The presence of diagnosis, numerical test scores, quotients, developmental levels, etc. shall be descriptive; and
3. The findings shall be made available to the family or designated representatives of the nursing facility resident, the parent of the minor individual or the legal guardian of the individual.
B. PASRR Findings from the Level II Evaluations shall be used by the URC in making determinations whether an individual with mental illness or intellectual or developmental disability is appropriate or inappropriate for nursing facility care, and
C. The individual shall be referred back to the URC for a determination of the need for long-term care services if at any time it is found that the individual is not mentally ill or individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability, or has a primary diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer's disease or related disorders or a non-primary diagnosis of dementia (including Alzheimer's disease or a related disorder) without a primary diagnosis of serious mental illness, or intellectual or developmental disability or a related condition.
D. The results of the PASRR evaluation shall be described in a report by the State Mental Health or Intellectual or developmental disability authorities, which includes:
1. The name and professional title of the person completing the evaluation, and the date on which each portion of the evaluation was administered.
2. A summary of the medical and social history including the individual's positive traits or developmental strengths and weaknesses or developmental needs.
3. The mental health services and/or intellectual or developmental disability services required to meet the individual's identified needs;
4. If specialized services are not recommended, any specific services identified which are of a lesser intensity than specialized services required to meet the evaluated individual's needs;
5. If specialized services are recommended, the specific services identified required to meet each one of the individual's needs; and
6. The basis for the report's conclusions.
E. Copies of the evaluation report will be made available to:
1. The individual and his or her legal representative;
2. The appropriate state authorities who make the determination;
3. The admitting or retaining nursing facility;
4. The individual's attending physician; and
5. The discharge hospital, if applicable.
.207 PASRR Determinations from the Level II Evaluation
A. Determinations which may result in admissions and/or specialized services shall include:
1. If an individual meets the level of care and needs the level of services provided in a nursing facility, as determined by the URC, and is determined not mentally ill or individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability, the individual may be admitted to the facility.
2. If an individual does not meet the level of care (as determined by the URC), and is determined to not be mentally ill or individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability through the PASRR determination and is not seeking Medicaid reimbursement, the individual may be admitted to the facility.
3. If the determination is that a resident or applicant for admission to a nursing facility requires BOTH the nursing facility level of care and specialized mental health or intellectual or developmental disability services, as determined by the URC and the State Mental Health and Intellectual or developmental disability authorities:
a. The individual may be admitted or retained by the nursing facility; and
b. The State Mental Health or Intellectual or developmental disability authorities shall provide or arrange for the provision of specialized services needed by the individual while he or she resides in the nursing facility.
4. Nursing facilities admitting residents requiring specialized mental health or intellectual or developmental disability services shall be responsible for assuring the provisions of services to meet all the resident needs identified in the Level II evaluations. The provisions of services shall be monitored through the State's survey and certification process.
B. Determinations which may result in denial of admission include:
1. If an individual does not require nursing facility services and is seeking Medicaid reimbursement, the individual cannot be admitted to the nursing facility.
2. If the determination is that an individual requires neither the level of services provided in a nursing facility nor specialized services, the nursing facility shall:
a. Arrange for the safe and orderly discharge of the resident from the facility; and
b. Prepare and orient the resident for the discharge.
c. Provide the resident with a written notice of the action to be taken and his or her grievance and appeal rights under the procedure found at C.R.S. section 25-1-120 entitled "Nursing facilities - rights of patients".
C. If the determination is that a resident does not require nursing facility services but requires specialized services, the following action shall be taken:
1. For long-term residents who have resided continuously in a nursing facility at least 30 months before the date of the first annual review determination and who require only specialized services, the nursing facility, in cooperation with the resident's family or legal representative and care givers, shall complete the following:
a. The resident shall be offered the choice of remaining in the facility or receiving services in an alternative appropriate setting; and
b. The resident shall be informed of institutional and non-institutional alternatives; and
c. The effect on eligibility for Medicaid services shall be clarified if the resident chooses to leave the facility, including the effect on readmission to the facility; and
d. The provision of specialized services shall be provided for or arranged regardless of the resident's choice of living arrangements.
2. For short term residents who require only specialized services and who have not resided in a nursing facility for 30 continuous months before the date of PASRR determination, the nursing facility, in conjunction with the State Mental Health or Intellectual or developmental disability authority, in cooperation with the resident's family or legal representative and caregivers, shall complete the following:
a. The safe and orderly discharge of the resident from the facility shall be arranged;
b. The resident shall be prepared and oriented for the discharge; and
c. A written notice shall be given to the resident notifying him or her of the action to be taken and of his or her grievance and appeal rights.
d. The provision of specialized services shall be provided or arranged, regardless of the resident's choice of living arrangements.
D. Any individual with mental illness, determined through the PASRR process, to be in need of in-patient psychiatric hospitalization, shall not be admitted to the nursing facility until treatment has been received and the individual certified as no longer needing in-patient psychiatric hospitalization.
.211 Specialized Services shall include the following requirements:
A. Community Mental Health Centers and Community Centered Boards shall be authorized by the State to provide specialized services to individuals in Medicaid nursing facilities.
B. These services shall be reimbursed by the Medicaid program to the community mental health centers or community centered boards through The Department of Health Care Policy and Financing. The cost of these services shall not be reported on the Nursing Facility cost report.
C. Specialized services may be provided by agencies other than community mental health centers or community centered boards or other designated agencies on a fee for service basis, but the cost of these services shall not be included in the Medicaid cost report or the Medicaid rate paid to the nursing facility.
.212 Specialized Services for Individuals with Mental Illness shall be defined as services, specified by the State, which include:
A. Specified services combined with the services provided by the nursing facility, resulting in a program designed for the specific needs of eligible individuals who require the services.
B. An aggressive, consistent implementation of an individualized plan of care.
.213 Specialized services shall have the following characteristics:
A. The specialized services and treatment plan must be developed and supervised by an interdisciplinary team which includes a physician, a qualified mental health professional and other professionals, as appropriate.
B. Specific therapies, treatments and mental health interventions and activities, health services and other related services shall be prescribed for the treatment of individuals with mental illness who are experiencing an episode of serious mental illness which necessitates supervision by trained mental health personnel.
.214 The intent of these specialized services is to:
A. Reduce the applicant or resident's behavioral symptoms that would otherwise necessitate institutionalization.
B. Improve the individual's level of independent functioning.
C. Achieve a functioning level that permits reduction in the intensity of mental health services to below the level of specialized services at the earliest possible time.
.215 Levels of Mental Health services shall be provided, as defined by the State, including Enhanced and General Mental Health services.
.216 Specialized Services for Individuals with Intellectual or developmental disability shall be defined as a continuous program for each individual which includes the following:
A. An aggressive, consistent implementation of a program of specialized and generic training, specific therapies or treatments, activities, health services and related services, as identified in the plan of care.
B. The individual program plan includes the following:
1. The acquisition of the behaviors necessary for the individual to function with as much self determination and independence as possible; and
2. The prevention or deceleration of regression or loss of current optimal functional status.

"Institution for Mental Diseases" (IMD) as defined in the Medicaid regulations at 42 C.F.R. section 435.1010 (2013), is an institution of more than sixteen (16) beds that is primarily engaged in providing diagnosis, treatment or care of persons with mental diseases, including medical attention, nursing care and related services. Whether an institution is an institution for mental diseases is determined by its overall character as that of a facility established and maintained primarily for the care and treatment of individuals with mental diseases, whether or not it is licensed as such.


The primary criteria for the determination of the IMD status of an institution is that more than fifty percent (50%) of all patients in the facility have primary diagnoses of serious mental illness as determined by the Level II Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) process which is verified by the Utilization Review Contractor.

The State has defined the following diagnostic codes contained in the DSM IV as valid for the purpose of determining whether an individual has a "mental disease":

296.0 through 296.9


[Removed per S.B. 03-088, 26 CR 7]

Additional criteria applied for the purpose of IMD determination are as follows:

A. The facility is licensed as a psychiatric facility for the care and treatment of individuals with mental diseases;
B. The facility is accredited as a psychiatric facility by the Joint Commission for Accreditation for Health Care Organizations (JCAHCO);
C. The facility is under the jurisdiction of the state's mental health authority;
D. The facility specializes in providing psychiatric/psychological care and treatment as ascertained through a review of patients' records; and
E. The current need for institutionalization for more than 50 percent of all patients in the facility results from major mental diseases.

Facilities that meet the primary "50%" criterion at a minimum are at serious risk of being classified as an IMD by the State and federal government. However, facilities meeting any lesser criteria may or may not be at risk of being identified as an IMD.

The assurance that a facility is not an IMD is included in all nursing facility contracts.


FFP is not available for any medical assistance under Title XIX for individuals between the ages of 21 and 65 who are patients in an IMD. The Department, in cooperation with CDPHE, will monitor long term care facilities to determine whether any facility has a census of primary psychiatric patients in excess of fifty percent (50%) of its total census. Facilities whose psychiatric census approaches this fifty percent (50%) limit will be so notified by the Department. Should an on-site review by the Department document a psychiatric census in excess of fifty percent (50%) of total census in a facility, Medicaid reimbursement shall be denied for all residents between the ages of 21 and 65 until the Department determines that the facility is no longer an IMD.


In order to determine whether a nursing home facility is an IMD the following administrative procedures and requirements are necessary:

A. All nursing homes shall indicate on the patient's medical record the primary, secondary and tertiary diagnoses (as applicable) of all their patients, Medicaid and private pay. All medical records shall contain this information no later than three calendar months after the effective date of this regulation.
B. All nursing homes shall report discharges to the Utilization Review Contractor. Discharge information shall include the name of the person, state identification number if applicable, discharge destination, date, payment source Utilization Review Contractor and primary and secondary diagnoses. Discharges of all patients shall be reported within one week of discharge. Discharge is defined to mean death, transfers, discharge to home, and absent without leave.
C. CDPHE shall use the medical records diagnosis information to determine the percentage of patients with mental diseases. In cases where the percentage is higher than 40%, a notice of the potentially high percentage shall be sent to the Department and Utilization Review Contractor.
(1) In cases where the percentage is over 40% and less than 50% the nursing home will be instructed by the Department to provide admission data and discharge data on all private pay as well as Medicaid patients to the Utilization Review Contractor. The admission and discharge data is necessary on all patients so that the entire psychiatric census of the facility can be determined and monitored by the Utilization Review Contractor.
(2) In cases where the percentage of psychiatric patients appears to be exceeding or about to exceed 50%, the Department may instruct the Utilization Review Contractor to deny admission authorization for Medicaid patients with psychiatric diagnoses. The facility shall be notified of the Department's intent to limit admissions to only non-psychiatric patients at least five (5) days in advance of the action. The facility may appeal this action in accordance with the regulations at 10 CCR 2505-10 section 8.050 et seq..
(1) In cases where the percentage of psychiatric patients in the census of the facility is over fifty (50) percent, and/or the facility meets some of the other criteria, the Department shall conduct an audit of the facility to determine if it is primarily engaged in the care and treatment of persons with mental diseases (i.e. an institution for mental diseases). The basis of such a finding shall be the criteria described in the regulations. This audit shall be conducted with assistance from CDPHE and shall include medical personnel with the necessary qualifications to determine the primary characterization of a facility.
(2) Should the audit indicate a finding that the facility is an Institution for Mental Disease, then all Medicaid funding for patients between the ages of 21 and 65 shall be denied. Furthermore, should the audit indicate the facility has been an IMD for a period of time prior to the time the audit was undertaken, the facility shall refund to the Medicaid program one hundred percent (100%) of the payments for patients between the ages of 21 and 65. Under no circumstances shall the refund extend to periods of time before the effective date of the GUIDELINES FOR INSTITUTIONS FOR MENTAL DISEASES, issued April, 1987.
F. The Department shall make arrangements with the Medicaid patients of the facility determined to be an IMD to do any of the following:
(1) Relocate Medicaid patients between the ages of 21 and 65 in accordance with the regulations entitled NURSING HOME RESIDENT/CLIENT RELOCATION PLAN.
(2) Relocate a sufficient number of psychiatric patients from the facility so as to reduce the facility's psychiatric census to below 50%. Such relocation shall be completed in accordance with the NURSING HOME RESIDENT/CLIENT RELOCATION PLAN.
G. A nursing home facility determined to be an IMD may appeal such a finding in accordance with the regulations at 10 CCR 2505-10 section 8.050 et seq.. In cases where the administrative law judge issues a stay of the agency's action to terminate Medicaid payments to a provider, such an order of stay shall clearly indicate that should the State's IMD finding be correct, the facility shall repay the State one hundred percent (100%) of Medicaid payments it received during the period of the stay. In order to assure that such a payment shall be made, the administrative law judge shall require the facility to post a bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the anticipated nursing home payment for each month the stay is in effect.

Section deleted eff. 3/01/02

10 CCR 2505-10-8.401

46 CR 13, July 10, 2023, effective 7/30/2023
47 CR 01, January 10, 2024, effective 1/30/2024
47 CR 07, April 10, 2024, effective 4/30/2024