Below is a summary of the information contained in each section:
Section 4.000 contains SNAP specific definitions.
Section 4.100 contains general program information, confidentiality requirements, and complaint procedures (including complaints regarding alleged discrimination).
Section 4.200 sets forth policies and procedures for the application and recertification processes. Information contained in this section includes the process of filing an application and recertification, interview requirements, timely processing standards, determination of certification periods, and initial month allotment proration.
Section 4.300 outlines the non-financial criteria a household must meet to be eligible for SNAP. Non-financial criteria include identity of clients, Social Security Number (SSN) requirement, residency, household composition, citizenship and non-citizenship status, and work program requirements.
Section 4.400 sets forth the financial criteria a household must meet to be eligible for SNAP. Financial criteria include gross and net income standards, resource standards, and deductions from income.
Section 4.500 sets forth policies and procedures regarding the verification and documentation of a household's circumstances.
Section 4.600 outlines a household's obligation to report changes during the certification period, and how certain changes are handled by the local office.
Section 4.700 sets forth policies and procedures for issuing SNAP benefits, including restoration and replacement of issuances.
Section 4.800 outlines the rules and processes regarding claims, appeals, and fraud.
Section 4.900 outlines state and county administrative requirements.
10 CCR 2506-1-4.110