Basis and Purpose - 3-730
The statutory authority for this rule includes but is not limited to sections 44-10-202(1)(c) and 44-10-203(3)(a), and 44-10-701(3)(c), C.R.S. Authority also exists in the Colorado Constitution at Article XVIII, Subsection 16(5)(a)(VIII). The purpose of this rule is to clarify the Advertising restrictions applicable to safety claims that are by nature misleading, deceptive, or false. This Rule 3-730 was previously Rules M and R 1110, 1 CCR 212-1 and 1 CCR 212-2.
A Regulated Marijuana Business shall not engage in Advertising or utilize signage that asserts its products are safe because they are tested by a Regulated Marijuana Testing Facility.
1 CCR 212-3-3-730