Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 8 CCR 1507-56-8 - CO MOST PROGRAM APPROVED TRAINING8.1.CO MOST INSTRUCTOR TRAINING COURSE. To deliver or provide CO MOST Program Approved Training Courses, a CO MOST Vendor must first: 8.1.1. Obtain Certification from the CO MOST Program Office;8.1.2. Agree that all CO MOST Program Approved Courses supported through the CO MOST Program Office (course materials, books, etc.) are offered to all CO MOST Instructors. CO MOST Program Approved Courses also supported through the CO MOST Program must be open to all Colorado residents who are qualified CO MOST Ridercoach/Instructor Candidates, regardless of where or through the CO MOST Program Approved Instructor Training is provided. Agreement may be recorded through electronic means. Regardless of whether a MOST Instructor Training Course is supported through the CO MOST Program, all applicable CO MOST Program Vendor, Student, and Course reporting requirements must be satisfied.8.1.3. Provide the following information to the CO MOST Program Office: VS OUT-OF-STATE INSTRUCTOR TRAINERS. A statement confirming that the CO MOST Program Approved Instructor Training Course will be provided by a CO MOST Program Certified Instructor Trainer or an out-of-state Approved Course Instructor Trainer equivalent. In the event an out-of-state Approved Course Trainer is scheduled to deliver a CO MOST Program Approved Training Course, the out-of-state Instructor Trainer must consent to abide by all applicable CO MOST Program Instructor standards. Consent may be recorded through electronic means. A statement from the CO MOST Program Certified Vendor acknowledging responsibility to first seek and use Certified CO MOST Program Instructors or Instructor Trainers available within Colorado before seeking out and using MOST Program Instructors or Instructor Trainers from outside of Colorado.8.2.CO MOST COURSE GUIDELINES. All CDOR-recognized Motorcycle license-waiving Training Courses must receive CO MOST Program Certification before they may be offered to students in Colorado. To be eligible for approval in Colorado, Courses submitted to the CO MOST Program must: 8.2.1. Be submitted as part of a written request for review by the CO MOST Program Office and the CDOR. Submitted materials received by the CO MOST Program Office will be subject to a third-party review for purposes of copyright infringement determination prior to being shared with the CDOR. The CO MOST Program will arrange copyright review services for Course applications received. Course application submissions determined to violate copyrights of existing national or state-developed curricula will be rejected with an explanation in writing detailing the infringement determined. Submissions determined to contain material in violation of copyrights attached to existing MOST or CO MOST Program Approved Courses will remain on file with the CO MOST Program, but will not be forwarded to the CDOR.8.2.2.CO MOST COURSE REQUIREMENTS. A complete copy of the proposed Training Course must be provided to the CO MOST Program Office for evaluation and assessment. To be approved as a CO MOST Program Course, the materials provided as part of the application must demonstrate that the Course meets the CDOR's requirements to issue a Colorado Driver's License Motorcycle endorsement and meets the following requirements: The proposed MOST Course content is research-based and provides appropriate instruction content to teach all components of a specific CO MOST Program Approved Motorcycle Training Course; The Course provides adequate instruction and methodologies to teach all components; The Course content imparts knowledge of safe Motorcycle operating practices, and the necessary aptitude for instructing CO MOST students, consistent with § 43-5-502, CRS; and8.2.2.4. The Course addresses the effects of alcohol, drugs, and other operator impairments on the operation of Motorcycles, as is also consistent with § 43-5-502, CRS. The course is organized and comprised of applicable content based upon documented research and demonstrated effective in providing safety training. Any basic or novice Motorcycle Rider Course must be consistent with the Model National Standards for Entry-Level Motorcycle Rider Training in effect as of January 2021, hereby incorporated into the rules by reference, excluding any later amendments. The Model National Standards for Entry-Level Motorcycle Training are available for copying or public inspection during regular business hours at the CO MOST Program Office. Includes an evaluation of the student's knowledge and skill as each relates to the safe operation of a Motorcycle. Successful completion by a student requires a passing score of both a written CO MOST Program Approved Course Knowledge Test and a Motorcycle Skills Test evaluation. Requires that all CO MOST Program Approved Course participants and Instructors wear protective gear whenever seated on a Motorcycle during instruction of a Course, including: A USDOT-Compliant Motorcycle helmet; Eye protection; A Long-Sleeved shirt or jacket; Full-Fingered gloves; Long-legged pants of durable material providing an appropriate level of coverage and protection; and8. Boots or shoes of sturdy construction and design that covers the ankle when sitting upon a Motorcycle. Include evidence and information relating to the training, evaluation, and assessment protocol necessary to ensure the integrity of the instruction provided, instruction of Instructors, and the overall existence and sufficiency of required CO MOST Program Approved Course elements addressed by these rules, the CO MOST PnP, the CO MOST Program Agreement, CO MOST Program Instructor requirements, applicable CO MOST Program Approved Courses, and applicable state laws. Evidence and information provided must specifically address compliance of the Course and its Instructors with all related CO MOST Program Course training requirements and the CO MOST Program Quality Assurance requirements. Additional guidance regarding recommended elements and requirements to be included as part of a CO MOST Course submission to the CO MOST Program Office may be reviewed in the CO MOST Program PnP. Minimally, each CO MOST Course application must: Identify how the Course proposed meets CO MOST Program approval requirements, nationally recognized best practices and standards, and define how any two-wheel level I vs. level II and/or three-wheel level I vs. level II are consistent therewith. Describe and identify the methodology that will be applied when incorporating changes and updates to Courses, verifying that changes and updates will not operate in opposition to current versions of CO MOST Program Approved Courses. Describe and identify measures of accountability and assessment that apply to the measurement, evaluation, and reporting of the effectiveness of current operation and of program amendments and updates. These measures of accountability and assessment must specifically identify consistency and inconsistency with applicable CO MOST Program Approved Course requirements, these rules, and other applicable CO MOST Program requirements. Confirm that all appropriate and adequate resources necessary to deliver training and/or materials are available and/or will be acquired and made available to all CO MOST Program Approved Training Sites and Instructors. Describe and identify the instruction method(s) proposed and how the method(s) support effective research-based training standards and pedagogy for the safe operation of two or three-wheel motorcycles. Include written documentation confirming the legal authority or ownership from the Course owner or provider, granting legal license or other authorization to the Course applicant to use the name, products, likeness, logos, images, videos, etc., of the Course owner or provider. Applicant must also complete a written statement that such authorization or license between the applicant and the Course owner or provider will be maintained in good standing for the term of any contract or agreement applicable thereto. The agreement or contract between the Course provider and the applicant must extend to cover any Course amendments, changes, and updates of a Course submitted to the CO MOST Program for the duration the Course is approved for use in Colorado through the CO MOST Program. The CO MOST Program reserves the right to require updated information regarding authority or license from a Course owner or provider for an CO MOST Program Approved Course. Applicants must agree that, in the event of any legal challenge to the legal use of Course content, written notice will be forwarded to the CO MOST Program Office within five (5) business days. Furthermore, in the event of a legal decision voiding the prior legal use of the CO MOST Program Approved Course or its materials, written notice will be forwarded to the CO MOST Program Office within 48 hours. The CO MOST Program reserves the right to reasonably limit the number of students participating in any CO MOST Program Approved Course, and the right to approve, disapprove, or restrict proposed methods of instruction, consistent with nationally recognized coach-to-student ratios.8.2.3. Require and comply with the Instructor-to-Student Ratio standards and best practices set forth in the applicable CO MOST Program Approved Courses.8.2.4. The CO MOST Program Office will maintain a copy of the complete Course materials for every CO MOST Program Approved Course. Any person may request information about an Approved CO MOST Course or its materials by submitting a request through the CSP Central Records Unit (CRU).8.2.5. A list of all current CO MOST Program Approved Courses will be maintained by the CO MOST Program Office.8.2.6. Approval of a MOST Course submitted for CO MOST Program Approval may take up to one (1) calendar year following the submission of a complete Course application.8.2.7. The CO MOST Program will engage an independent third-party Curricula/Course review body to facilitate and complete the initial Course document review. An initial document review will be completed no sooner than 90 days following the completion of a CO MOST Program copyright review of a Course submission.8.2.8. Once the initial document review of a Course application submission is complete, the CO MOST Program will deliver written notice to the Course applicant to schedule the completion of an on-site evaluation and audit of the Course seeking CO MOST Program approval. Completion of an on-site evaluation and audit of a proposed Course in its entirety by the CO MOST Program or its agent(s) is required for a Course to receive approval from the CO MOST Program. It is the responsibility of the applicant applying for CO MOST Program approval of a Course to cooperate in good faith with the CO MOST Program and its agent(s) to complete these requirements. Delay of the site evaluation and audit may also delay the CO MOST Program approval of a Course beyond a single calendar year.8.2.9. Approval or denial of a CO MOST Course application will be issued in writing by the CO MOST Program or its agent(s) no sooner than 90 days after the completion of an on-site evaluation and audit.41 CR 17, September 10, 2018, effective 9/30/201845 CR 02, January 25, 2022, effective 2/14/202245 CR 23, December 10, 2022, effective 12/30/2022