" I, ________________ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I am a citizen of the United States and state of Colorado; that I am at least 16 years of age and a High School Junior or Senior; that I will perform the duties of an election judge according to law and to the best of my ability; that I will studiously strive to prevent fraud, deceit, and abuse in conducting the same; that I will not try to determine how any elector voted, nor will I disclose how any elector voted if in the discharge of my duties as a student election judge such knowledge shall come to me, unless called upon to disclose the same before some court of justice; that I have never been convicted of election fraud, any other election offense, or fraud and that, if any ballots are counted before the polls close on the date of the election, I will not disclose the result of the votes until after the polls have closed."
8 CCR 1505-1-6