Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 7 CCR 1107-5.4 - Application Requirements and Effective Date of New Private Plans1. Private plans must be approved by the Division prior to implementation. Private plans in the form of an insurance policy issued by an insurer approved by the state must first be submitted to the Colorado Division of Insurance for approval.2. To obtain approval of a private plan, an employer must first submit a completed application for private plan approval to the Division. Entities with separate federal employer identification numbers (FEINs) must submit separate applications and pay separate application fees, except that employers who are members of a professional employer organization ("PEO") certified pursuant to C.R.S. § 8-70-114 do not have to pay an application fee if they are covered by their PEO's private plan and their PEO has paid an application fee. Applications may be submitted at any time, and the Division will review applications as they are received.3. An application for private plan approval must include:A. The employer's federal employer identification number ("EIN");C. The employer's business address;D. The employer's mailing address;E. A designated contact person, with that person's name and contact information;F. A copy of the employer's self-insured private plan, or if the private plan is in the form of an insurance policy provided by an insurer approved by the state, a copy of that insurance policy form;G. If the private plan is in the form of self-insurance, a surety bond, issued by a surety company authorized to transact business in Colorado, in an amount equal to one year of total premiums calculated pursuant to C.R.S. § 8-13.3-507, along with payroll documentation supporting the surety bond calculation;H. If the private plan is in the form of self-insurance, attestation that the employer has complied with the separate account requirements at Section 5.3.6 of these rules;I. An attestation, completed by the employer, that the employer understands, and the private plan satisfies, the requirements set forth in the FAMLI Act and its implementing regulations;J. An attestation, completed by the employer, that the forms used by the employees and/or health care providers will be no more onerous than the forms used by employees and/or health care providers under the state plan;K. A copy of the posted notice required by Section 5.9.4 of these rules;L. Other information as required on the application form; andM. An administration fee of:1. $500.00 for private plan applications received through 2024; and2. For private plan applications received in 2025 and later, the amount determined by the Director pursuant to C.R.S. § 8-13.3-521(7), and published on the Division's website.4. Approved private plans must take effect no earlier than sixty days after the date of application so that the Division has sufficient time to review the application, and the employer has sufficient time to provide notice to employees in accordance with Section 5.9 of these rules.5. The employer must submit to the Division any forms to be used by employees and/or health care providers under the approved private plan at least thirty (30) days prior to making them available to employees for usage.6. Employers remain liable to the FAMLI Division for premiums on wages paid until the effective date of the approved private plan, and remain entitled under C.R.S. § 8-13.3-507(5) to withhold the employees' share of premiums from wages paid until the effective date of the approved private plan. Throughout the duration of an approved private plan, employers may withhold premiums deductions from employees in an amount not to exceed the amount authorized by C.R.S. § 8-13.3-507(5), if such a deduction is pursuant to the terms of the approved private plan.7. Employees remain eligible for benefits under the FAMLI Act until the effective date of the approved private plan.8. Benefits awarded to an employee must be paid by the plan that awarded the benefits for the full duration of the employee's approved FAMLI benefits claim, pursuant to 7 CCR 1107-4 Section 4.9.1.A. In the event of an approved private plan failing to pay benefits due to an insurance carrier's insolvency, if the policy is covered by an insurance guaranty association, the claims will be paid by the insurance guaranty association pursuant to their rules and procedures. If the policy is not covered by a guaranty association, then the employer will become responsible for paying all claims approved by the private plan prior to the date of insolvency. In either event, the employer shall immediately notify the FAMLI Division of the insolvency, the notice requirements under Section 5.14 of these rules are waived, and the employer will be deemed covered under the state system.B. If a self-insured employer fails to pay benefits as awarded and private plan approval is withdrawn pursuant to Section 5.16 of these rules, the Division shall execute upon the surety bond and use the proceeds and the remaining funds in the separate account established pursuant to Section 5.3.6 of these rules to pay benefits due for claims arising prior to the date of termination.C. If an employer fails to pay benefits as required by 5.4.8.A, or if the surety bond and remaining funds are insufficient to pay the benefits under 5.4.8.B, those claims shall be paid by the FAMLI Division. The employer is indebted to the Division for such amounts, and the Division may pursue all legal means to collect such amounts from the employer.45 CR 23, December 10, 2022, effective 12/30/202246 CR 23, December 10, 2023, effective 1/1/202447 CR 23, December 10, 2024, effective 1/1/2025