In an effort to comply with the legislative charge to assure the quick and efficient delivery of medical benefits at a reasonable cost, the Director (Director) of the Division of Workers' Compensation (Division) has promulgated these utilization standards, effective January 1, 2025. This Rule defines the standard terminology, administrative procedures, and dispute resolution procedures required to implement the Division's Medical Treatment Guidelines (Rule 17) and Medical Fee Schedule (Rule 18).
When an injury or occupational disease falls within the purview of Rule 17, Medical Treatment Guidelines and the injury occurs on or after July 1, 1991, Providers and Payers shall use the MTG, in effect at the time of service, to prepare or review their treatment plan(s) for the injured worker. A Payer may not dictate the type or duration of medical treatment or rely on its own internal guidelines or other standards for medical determination when the treatment falls within the purview of the MTGs. Initial recommendations for a treatment or modality should not exceed the time to produce functional effect parameters in the applicable MTG. When treatment exceeds or is outside of the MTGs, Prior Authorization is required. Requesters and reviewers should consider how their decision will affect the overall treatment plan for the individual patient. In all instances of denial, appropriate processes to deny are required.
The Payer, unless it has previously notified the Provider, shall give notice to the Provider of the procedures for obtaining Prior Authorization for payment upon receipt of the initial bill from that Provider.
If not, the medical review, IME report, or report from the ATP must be subsequent to the prior authorization request.
After reviewing all of the submitted documentation and documentation referenced in the Prior Authorization request that is available to the Payer, the reviewing Physician may call the requesting Provider to expedite the communication and processing of the Prior Authorization request.
The Payer may limit approval of initial treatment to the number or duration specified in the relevant MTG without a medical review.
Payers must provide an electronic remittance advice (835) no later than 30 days after receipt of a complete electronic medical bill or within five days of generating a payment. This requirement applies only to the date the electronic remittance advice is sent and does not modify the medical bill processing timeframes outlined in 16-10.
X12N/005010X222A1 Health Care Claim: Professional (837);
X12N/005010X223A2 Health Care Claim: Institutional (837);
X12N/005010X224A2 Health Care Claim: Dental (837);
X12N/005010X221A1 Health Care Claim Payment/Advice (835);
X12N/005010X212 Health Care Claim Status Request and Response (276/277);
X12N005010TA1 Interchange Acknowledgment;
X12C005010X231 Implementation Acknowledgment for Health Care Insurance (999);
X12N005010X214 Health Care Claim Acknowledgment (277);
NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Implementation Guide Version D.0; and
NCPDP Batch Standard Implementation Guide 1.2.
The following acknowledgement formats and the attachment format have not been adopted in the current HIPAA rules but are also based on X12 standards:
The NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Implementation Guide Version D.0 contains the corresponding request and response messages to be used for pharmacy transactions.
When resubmitting a claim, Providers must append the appropriate frequency code in segment CLM05-3 with the claim control number in segment REF02 in an 837P file, or resubmission code in item 22 of the CMS-1500 Form along with the original claim number:
1 - original claim (duplicate of a previously submitted that was never processed)
7 - replacement/corrected claim (previously adjudicated with new or amended information)
8 - void/cancel prior claim (previously paid claim that was submitted in error)
042X - Physical Therapy
043X - Occupational Therapy
044X - Speech Therapy
XX7 - correction/replacement or prior claim
XX8 - void/cancel of prior claim
If the Payer disagrees with the billing Provider's recommended code value, the denial shall include an explanation of why the requested fee is not reasonable, identification of the similar code as determined by Payer, and how the Payer calculated its fee recommendation. If the Provider disagrees with the Payer's determination, it can follow the process for appealing billed treatment denials.
When seeking dispute resolution from the Division's Medical Dispute Resolution Unit, the requesting party must complete the Division's "Medical Dispute Resolution Intake Form" (WC 181) found on the Division's web page. The items listed on the bottom of the Form must be provided at the time of submission. If necessary items are missing or if more information is required, the Division will forward a request for additional information and initiation of the process may be delayed.
When the request is properly made and the supporting documentation submitted, the Division will confirm receipt. If, after reviewing the materials, the Division believes the dispute criteria have not been met, the Division will issue an explanation of those reasons. If the Division determines there is cause for facilitating the disputed items, the other party will be sent a notice requiring response within 14 days.
The Division will facilitate the dispute by reviewing the parties' compliance with Rules 11, 16, 17, and 18 within 30 days of receipt of the complete supporting documentation; or as soon thereafter as possible. In addition, the Payer shall pay interest at the rate of eight percent per annum in accordance with § 8-43-410(2), upon all sums not paid timely and in accordance with the Division Rules. The interest shall be paid at the same time as any delinquent amount(s).
Upon review of all submitted documentation, disputes resulting from violation of Rules 11, 16, 17, and 18, as determined by the Director, may result in a Director's Order that cites the specific violation.
Evidence of compliance with the order shall be provided to the Director. If the party does not agree with the findings, it shall state with particularity and in writing its reasons for all disagreements by providing a response with all relevant legal authority, and/or other relevant proof in support of its position(s).
Failure to respond or cure violations may result in penalties in accordance with § 8-43-304. Daily fines up to $1,000/day for each such offense will be assessed until the party complies with the Director's Order.
Resolution of disputes not pertaining to Rule violations will be facilitated by the Division to the extent possible. In the event both parties cannot reach an agreement, the parties will be provided additional information on pursuing resolution and adjudication procedures available through the Office of Administrative Courts. Use of the dispute resolution process does not extend the 12-month application period for hearing.
7 CCR 1101-3-17-16