7 Colo. Code Regs. § 1101-15-1-6

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 7 CCR 1101-15-1-6 - Definitions

Terms in these regulations shall have the same meaning as those found in Title 8, Article 20 and Title 9, Article 4 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. In addition, unless the context otherwise requires:

AHJ -- Authority Having Jurisdiction

API - American Petroleum Institute.

ASME International - Formerly the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

ASTM International - Formerly the American Society for Testing and Materials.

CETP - Certified Employee Training Program

Condemned - A condemned container assembly and piping system is one determined by a state inspector to be so unsafe that further use is prohibited until it is satisfactorily repaired or replaced.

Container assembly - A container assembly includes US Department of Transportation (DOT) and ASME containers, commonly known as tanks or cylinders.

CRS - Colorado Revised Statutes.

Cylinder -- A portable container (usually DOT) with a marked water capacity of 1000 lb (454 kg) or less, designed to transport and store LP-Gas.

Division - The Division of Oil and Public Safety, the regulatory agency of the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment having jurisdiction over LPG container assemblies and piping systems as defined in these regulations.

DOT - United States Department of Transportation.

Existing installation - Any LPG container assembly and piping system that has been placed into service and received its initial inspection by a state inspector.

FSA - Fire Safety Analysis, also known as Product Release Prevention and Incident Preparedness Review or Incident Prevention Review. An FSA is a plan incorporating the various safety features used to control the product and operations at the facility, an evaluation of hazard to the immediate neighborhood and a tool to be used by an emergency response agency, such as the local fire department.

Handling - Transferring LPG into a DOT container or an ASME tank. Handling does not include transporting of LPG.

Incident - A reportable accident, as defined by 8-20-407(1), CRS.

Incident prevention review - See definition under FSA.

Installer - Person or company responsible for setting up for use any container assembly and piping system required by LPG statute or regulation to be inspected.

Interruption of service - An interruption of gas service where pressure in the fuel gas piping is below a point that the appliances can no longer operate, including an out-of-gas call, except for when conducting a test.

LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LP-Gas). Any material having a vapor pressure not exceeding that allowed for commercial propane that is composed predominantly of the following hydrocarbons, either by themselves (except propylene) or as mixtures: propane, propylene, butane (normal butane or isobutane), and butylenes.

LPG facility - Facility that has an LPG container assembly and piping system.

LPG liquid meter - A meter designed to measure LPG liquid, with an active National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) Certificate of Conformance (CC), which includes a metering chamber or device, vapor eliminator, differential valve and register.

Marking - Container information located on container name-plate or stamped into the shell or collar of an LPG container. Marking is done in accordance with the regulations of DOT, ASME or API-ASME and is done by the original container manufacturer or a repair organization authorized by the National Board to utilize the "R" code symbol stamp.

NACE - The National Association of Corrosion Engineers.

National Board - The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors.

New installation - Any container assembly that has been placed into service but has not received its initial inspection by a state inspector.

NFPA - The National Fire Protection Association.

NIST - The National Institute of Standards and Technology.

Out-of-gas call - A request for LPG delivery to an empty tank.

PEP - PERC Education Program

PERC - The Propane Education and Research Council.

Plant Oil Extraction - Process using LPG as a solvent for the isolation of oil from raw plant matter.

Plant Oil Extraction Equipment - Any equipment used for the purpose of plant oil extraction as defined.

Product release prevention and incident preparedness review- see definition under FSA.

Proved - The act of having verified the accuracy of meters used to measure fuel and petroleum products using a prover.

Prover - A calibrated volumetric receiver or mechanical device traceable to NIST standards.

PSI - Pounds per square inch.

Registered serviceperson - Any individual who, for hire, award, commission or any other payment of any kind, installs, services, repairs or reconditions a commercial weighing or measuring device and who voluntarily registers with the division.

Registered service agency (RSA) - Any agency, firm, company or corporation that, for hire, award, commission or any other payment of any kind, installs, services, repairs or reconditions a commercial weighing or measuring device and voluntarily registers with the division. Under agency registration, identification of individual servicepersons shall be required.

Retail - The sale of LPG from fixed dispensing equipment or by means of bobtail delivery truck, or such as at a fueling station, in small or individual quantities for direct consumption by the purchaser.

State inspector - A person who is employed or authorized by the division to perform inspections of LPG facilities.

Temporary Installation - A once only installation meeting all requirements of NFPA 58, in service no longer than 12 months.

Universal Cylinder - A cylinder (usually DOT) that can be connected for service in either the vertical or the horizontal position so that the fixed maximum liquid level gauge, pressure relief device, and filling and withdrawal appurtenances function properly in either position.

7 CCR 1101-15-1-6

40 CR 07, April 10, 2017, effective 5/1/2017
40 CR 17, September 10, 2017, effective 9/30/2017
47 CR 21, November 10, 2024, effective 11/30/2024