Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 6 CCR 1015-4-201 - Reporting of Trauma Data by Facilities1. Facilities designated as Level I, II, III or Regional Pediatric Trauma Centers , as defined in Section 25-3.5-703(4), C.R.S., shall submit data as defined by the Department based on recommendations by SEMTAC or a committee thereof. These data elements include but are not limited to: A. The data for discharges, inpatients, transfers, readmits, and deaths in a particular month shall be submitted as an electronic data file to the Department within 60 days of the end of that month. These data elements include but are not limited to: (1) Patient information: name; date of birth; gender; race/ethnicity; address; preexisting medical diagnoses; medical record number;(2) Injury information: date, time and location of injury; cause of injury; injury circumstances; whether or not protective devices were used by the patient; evidence of alcohol or other intoxication;(3) Prehospital information: transport mode from the injury scene; name of agency providing transport to the facility; physiologic and anatomic conditions; times of notification, arrival at scene, departure from scene and arrival at destination;(4) Emergency department information: clinical data upon arrival; procedures; providers; response times; disposition from the emergency department;(5) Interfacility transfer information: transfer mode from the referring facility; name of the referring facility; arrival and discharge times from the referring facility; whether the patient was seen in the emergency department only or was admitted as an inpatient at the referring hospital;(6) Inpatient care information: name and address of the facility; admission date and time; admission service; surgical procedures performed; date and time of all surgical procedures; co morbid factors; total days in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU); date and time of discharge; discharge disposition; payer source; discharge diagnoses, including International Classification of Disease (ICD) codes, Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS), body region, diagnosis description and Injury Severity Score (ISS);(7) Readmission information: patient's name, date of birth, gender, address; medical record number, name of facility and the date of admission at the original facility; and medical record number, name of facility, date of readmission and the reason for admission at the readmitting facility;(8) Death information: patient's name, date of birth, gender and address; patient's injury type, diagnostic codes, severity and cause; the time and date of arrival at the facility; the date of the death; autopsy status if performed (i.e. complete, pending, not done).2. Level IV, V, and nondesignated facilities, as defined in Section 25-3.5-703(4), C.R.S., shall submit data as defined by the Department based on recommendations by SEMTAC or a committee thereof.A. Data shall be submitted to the Department for all discharges, transfers, and deaths on a quarterly basis within 60 days of the end of that quarter. These data elements include but are not limited to:(1) Inpatient information: name, age, gender, zip code of residence, medical record number, admission date, discharge date, injury type, and cause;(2) Interfacility transfer information, whether from the emergency department or after inpatient admission: the patient's name, age, gender, and zip code of residence;(3) Readmission information: patient's name, age, gender and zip code of residence; medical record number, name of facility and the date of admission at the original facility; medical record number, name of facility, date of readmission, and the reason for admission at the readmitting facility;(4) Death information: patient's name, age, gender and zip code of residence; patient's injury type and cause; the time and date of arrival at the facility; the date of the death.B. Level IV, V, and nondesignated facilities shall fulfill the reporting requirement by participating in a reporting system approved by the Department with submission dates determined by the data system operator.3. All facilities shall submit to the Department such additional information regarding the care, medical evaluation and clinical course of specified individual patients with trauma as requested by the Department for the purpose of evaluating the quality of trauma management and care. Such information shall be defined by the Department based on recommendations by SEMTAC or a committee thereof.39 CR 02, January 25, 2016, effective 2/14/201640 CR 08, April 25, 2017, effective 5/15/201741 CR 22, November 25, 2018, effective 12/15/201842 CR 10, May 25, 2019, effective 6/14/201943 CR 09, May 10, 2020, effective 6/14/202044 CR 10, May 25, 2021, effective 7/1/2021