G.1 An initial assessment of the patient and any subsequent assessments, care coordination, resource navigation, as needed, in an out-of-hospital setting over one or more visits.
G.2 Patient education that may include, but is not limited to, a patient's family or caregiver.
G.3 Provide allowable services as an employee or contractor of a Community Assistance Referral and Education Services (CARES) Program, as set forth in Section 25-3.5-1203(3), C.R.S.
G.4 Medical interventions, as set forth in a patient service plan:
Table G.1
Intervention | P-CP |
Access central lines, indwelling venous ports, peritoneal dialysis catheters, or percutaneous tubes | Y |
Assist with home mechanical ventilators | Y |
Complex wound closure (suturing, steri-strips, adhesive glue, staples) | N |
Ostomy care | Y |
Simple wound closure (limited to dressings, bandages, butterfly closures) | Y |
Simple wound care (monitor progress, simple dressing change, wet-to-dry dressing change, suture removal) | Y |
Ultrasound - assist procedures | Y |
Ultrasound - diagnosis | N |
G.5 Assist with the inventory, compliance, and administration of, or may directly administer,
specialized medications prescribed to the individual by a prescribing physician under a care plan. The route of administration must be within the provider's scope as listed in Appendix A and this Appendix G.
G.6 Gather laboratory and diagnostic data for POCT
Table G.2
Sites | P-CP |
Indwelling ports or drains | Y |
Nasal | Y |
Oral | Y |
Skin | Y |
Urine | Y |
Stool | Y |
G.7 Vaccinations as part of a consumer service plan.
6 CCR 1015-3-2-G