6 Colo. Code Regs. § 1011-1 Chapter 08, pt. 21

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Part 21 - Physical Environment
21.1 The facility shall maintain a home-like environment that is clean, sanitary, and free of hazards to health and safety.
21.2 All interior areas including basements and garages shall be safely maintained to protect against environmental hazards.
21.3 All exterior areas shall be safely maintained to protect against environmental hazards including, but not limited to:
(A) Exterior premises shall be kept free of high weeds and grass, garbage, and rubbish.
(B) Grounds shall be maintained to prevent hazardous slopes, holes, snow, ice, or other potential hazards.
(C) Staircases and porches shall be kept in good repair.
21.4 Compliance with State and Local Laws/Codes.
(A) Facilities shall be in compliance with all applicable zoning regulations of the municipality, city and county, or county where the home is situated. Failure to comply with applicable zoning regulations shall constitute grounds for the denial of a license to a home consistent with Section 25.5-10-215, C.R.S.
(B) Facilities shall be in compliance with all applicable state and local plumbing laws and regulations. Plumbing shall be maintained in good repair, free of the possibility of backflow and backsiphonage, through the use of vacuum breakers and fixed air gaps, in accordance with state and local codes.
(C) Facilities shall be in compliance with all applicable state and local sewage disposal requirements. Sewage shall be discharged into a public sewer system or disposed of in a manner approved by state and local health authorities in compliance with the Water Quality Control Division's Guidelines on Individual Sewage Disposal Systems, 5 CCR 1002-43.
21.5 Electric or space heaters shall not be permitted within resident bedrooms and may only be used in common areas of the facility if owned, provided, and maintained by the facility.
21.6 Waste Disposal/Combustibles
(A) All interior areas shall be free from accumulations of extraneous materials such as refuse, discarded furniture, and old newspapers.
(B) Combustibles, such as cleaning rags and compounds, shall be kept in closed metal containers.
(C) Kerosene heaters shall not be permitted within the facility.
(D) All garbage and rubbish not disposed of as sewage shall be collected in impervious containers in such manner that it is not a nuisance or health hazard and shall be removed to an approved storage area at least once a day. The refuse and garbage storage area shall be kept clean and free from nuisance. The facility shall have a sufficient number of impervious containers with tight fitting lids that shall be kept clean and in good repair.
(E) Carts used to transport refuse shall be enclosed, constructed of impervious materials, used solely for refuse, and maintained in a sanitary manner.
(F) Incinerators shall comply with state and local air pollution regulations and be constructed in a manner that prevents insect and rodent occupation.
(G) If private sewage disposal systems are used, system design plans and records of maintenance shall be kept on the premises and available for inspection.
(H) No exposed sewer line shall be located directly above working, storage, or eating surfaces in kitchens, dining rooms, pantries, or where medical supplies or drugs are prepared or stored.
21.7 Infestation and Hazardous Substances
(A) The facility shall be maintained free of infestation of insects and rodents, and all openings to the outside shall be screened.
(B) The facility shall have a pest control program as needed, provided by maintenance personnel or by contract with a pest control company, using the least toxic and least flammable effective pesticides.
(C) Solutions, cleaning compounds, pesticides, and other hazardous substances shall be labeled and stored in a safe manner.
21.8 Heating, Lighting, Ventilation
(A) Each room in the facility shall have heat, lighting, and ventilation sufficient to accommodate its use and the needs of the residents.
(B) All interior and exterior steps, interior hallways, and corridors shall be adequately illuminated.
(C) Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Developmental Disabilities submitting an initial license application after May 1, 2011, shall have nightlights that are controlled at the door of the bedroom.
21.9 Water
(A) There shall be an adequate supply of safe, potable water available for domestic purposes.
(B) Water temperatures shall be maintained at comfortable temperatures. Hot water shall not measure more than 110 degrees Fahrenheit at taps that are accessible by residents.
(C) There shall be a sufficient supply of hot water during peak usage demands.
21.10 Common Areas
(A) If the facility has one or more residents using a wheelchair, it shall provide a minimum of two entryways for wheelchair access and egress from the building.
(B) The facility shall provide common areas that are sufficient to reasonably accommodate all residents.
(C) The facility shall provide furnishings in all common areas that meet the needs of the residents and are in good repair.
(D) All common areas and dining areas shall be accessible to residents utilizing an auxiliary aid without requiring transfer from a wheelchair to walker or from a wheelchair to a regular chair for use in dining areas. All doors to those rooms requiring access shall be at least 32 inches wide.
(E) Residents shall be allowed free use of all common living areas with due regard for privacy, personal possessions, and safety of all residents.
(F) The facility shall have liquid soap and paper towels available in the common bathrooms of the facility.
21.11 Bedrooms
(A) The facility shall ensure that each resident resides in a regularly designated bedroom.
(B) All bedrooms shall meet the following square footage requirements:
(1) Single occupancy bedrooms shall have at least 100 square feet.
(2) Double occupancy bedrooms shall have at least 80 square feet per person.
(3) Bathroom areas and closets shall not be included in the determination of square footage.
(C) The facility shall provide each resident with a clean comfortable mattress, maintained in a sanitary condition.
(D) Resident bedrooms shall contain furnishings that meet the needs of the resident.
(E) Each bedroom shall have adequate storage space or closets for a resident's clothing and personal articles.
(F) Each bedroom shall have at least one window of eight (8) square feet, which shall have opening capability. All escape windows shall be maintained unobstructed on the interior and exterior of the facility.
(G) The ground level outside of any basement resident bedroom shall be maintained at or below the window sill for a distance of at least eight feet measured out from the window.
21.12 Bathrooms
(A) A full bathroom shall consist of at least the following fixtures: toilet, hand washing sink, toilet paper dispenser, mirror, tub or shower, and towel rack.
(B) The facility shall ensure compliance with the following criteria regarding the number of bathrooms per residents:
(1) The group home shall provide toilet and bathing facilities appropriate in number, size, and design to meet the needs of the residents,
(2) There shall be at least one full bathroom for every four (4) residents, and
(3) Group homes utilizing more than one level or floor for resident services and/or sleeping rooms shall have at least one full bathroom per floor.
(C) The facility shall ensure the following accessibility criteria:
(1) There shall be at least one bathroom adjacent to the common living space that is available for resident use.
(2) In any facility that is occupied by one or more residents utilizing an auxiliary aid, the facility shall provide at least one full bathroom as defined herein with fixtures positioned so as to be fully accessible to any resident utilizing an auxiliary aid.
(D) The facility shall ensure each bathroom has the following safety features:
(1) Non-skid surfaces on all bathtub and shower floors;
(2) Grab bars properly installed at each tub and shower, adjacent to each toilet, and as otherwise indicated by the needs of the resident population; and
(3) Toilet seats constructed of non-absorbent material and free of cracks.
(E) The facility shall ensure that each resident is furnished with personal hygiene and care items.
21.13 Housekeeping, Linen, and Laundry
(A) Each facility shall establish organized housekeeping services that are planned and performed to provide a pleasant, safe, and sanitary environment.
(B) The facility shall either contract with a commercial laundry or maintain its own laundry that meets the following criteria:
(1) All laundry equipment shall be designed and installed to comply with state and local laws and possess appropriate safety devices.
(2) Laundry operations shall be located in an area that is separated from resident care units.
(3) The laundry procedures shall be performed in such a way that soiled linen and resident clothing emerge clean and free of detergents according to manufacturer instructions.
(4) Soiled laundry shall be processed frequently enough to prevent unsanitary accumulations.
(5) The temperature of the water during the washing and rinsing process shall be based upon the recommendations of the laundry detergent and the items being laundered.
(C) There shall be a resident linen supply consisting of at least two complete changes times the number of resident beds. All linens shall be maintained in good repair.
(D) Bed linens shall be changed as often as necessary but in no case less than once a week.
(E) The facility shall have a secured maintenance area separated from living quarters with adequate floor storage area that is equipped with:
(1) Storage space for housekeeping equipment, supplies, and chemicals;
(2) An area for handling chemicals;
(3) Hand washing supplies;
(4) A waste receptacle with impervious liner; and
(5) For facilities with more than eight (8) beds, the secured maintenance area shall also contain a sink (preferably depressed or floor mounted) with mixing faucet.

6 CCR 1011-1 Chapter 08, pt. 21