6 Colo. Code Regs. § 1011-1 Chapter 07, pt. 17

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Part 17 - Food and Dining Services

Meals, Drinks and Snacks

17.1 The assisted living residence shall provide at least three meals daily, at regular times comparable to normal mealtimes in the community, or in accordance with resident needs, preferences, and plans of care.
(A) Nourishing meal substitutes and between-meal snacks shall be provided, in accordance with plans of care, to residents who want to eat at non-traditional times or outside of scheduled meal service times.
17.2 Meals shall include a variety of foods, be nutritionally balanced, and sufficient in amount to satisfy resident appetites.
(A) Appealing substitutes of similar nutritive value shall be available for residents who choose not to eat food that is initially served or who request an alternative meal.
17.3 The assisted living residence shall offer drinks, including water and other liquids, to residents with every meal and between meals throughout the day. The assisted living residence shall also ensure that residents have independent access to drinks at all times.
17.4 Assisted living residence staff shall observe resident food consumption on a regular basis in order to detect unplanned changes such as weight gain, weight loss, or dehydration. Changes in consumption that may indicate the need for assistance with eating shall be reported to the resident's practitioner and case manager, if applicable.
17.5 If a resident repeatedly chooses not to follow the dietary recommendations of his or her practitioner, the assisted living residence shall document such in the record or care plan and notify the resident's practitioner and case manager, if applicable.


17.6 Menus shall vary daily and incorporate seasonal and/or holiday foods.
17.7 Weekly menus shall be readily available for residents and public viewing no less than 24 hours prior to serving.
17.8 Residents shall be encouraged to participate in planning menus and the assisted living residence shall make reasonable efforts to accommodate resident suggestions.

Food Supply

17.9 Each assisted living residence shall have sufficient food on hand to prepare three nutritionally balanced meals per day for three (3) calendar days.

Therapeutic Diets

17.10 An assisted living residence may provide therapeutic diets when the following conditions are met:
(A) The diet is prescribed by the resident's practitioner, and
(B) The assisted living residence has trained staff to prepare the food in accordance with the diet and ensure it is being served to the appropriate resident.

Assistance with Dining and Feeding

17.11 If a resident demonstrates difficulty opening, reaching, or accessing food and beverage items at meal time, staff shall promptly assist that resident in doing so regardless of the resident's dining location.
17.12 Staff may assist residents by cueing and prompting them to eat and drink so long as that assistance is not undertaken for the convenience of staff.
17.13 Staff may assist feeding a resident only if the resident is able to maintain an upright position and chew and swallow without difficulty.
17.14 Staff who assist feeding a resident shall be trained in the proper techniques for supporting nutrition and hydration by a licensed or registered professional qualified by education and training to assess choking risks, such as a registered nurse, speech language pathologist, or registered dietitian.
(A) The assisted living residence shall not allow staff to assist feeding a resident if the resident has difficulty chewing and swallowing, or has a history of chronic choking or coughing while eating or drinking.
(B) If a resident who is receiving feeding assistance experiences a change in eating and swallowing that is a decline from baseline as identified in the individualized resident care plan, staff shall stop providing assistance, document the issue in the resident's record and ensure that the resident's practitioner is notified.
(1) Unless temporary measures are ordered by the practitioner, feeding assistance shall not be resumed until a medical evaluation has been performed and the assisted living residence has documentation from the practitioner that it is safe to resume.

Dining Area and Equipment

17.15 Each assisted living residence shall have a designated dining area with tables and chairs that all residents are able to access and that is sufficient in size to comfortably accommodate all residents. Residents shall be given the opportunity to choose where and with whom to sit.
17.16 No resident or group of residents shall be excluded from the designated dining area during meal time unless otherwise indicated in the resident's individualized care plan.
17.17 Meals shall not be routinely served in resident rooms unless otherwise indicated in the resident's individualized care plan. The assisted living residence shall, however, make reasonable efforts to accommodate residents that choose to dine somewhere other than the dining room.
17.18 The location of resident dining shall not be chosen solely for staff convenience.
17.19 Paper or disposable plastic ware shall not be used for regular meals with the exception of emergencies and outdoor dining.

6 CCR 1011-1 Chapter 07, pt. 17