6 Colo. Code Regs. § 1010-7.8

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 6 CCR 1010-7.8 - Sanitary Facilities and Controls
7.8.1Water Supply
A. An adequate supply of drinking water for the needs of the child care facility shall be provided in the building housing the establishment and shall be from a source constructed and operated in compliance with 5 CCR 1002-11, Colorado Primary Drinking Water Regulations and regulations adopted pursuant to Section 25-1.5-203, C.R.S.; or,
1. If the child care facility does not meet the definition of a public water system pursuant to 5 CCR 1002-11, Colorado Primary Drinking Water Regulations, the child care facility shall provide:
a. Adequate treatment on a continuous basis. Manual or pellet feed systems are not permitted;
b. Bacteriological samples at a minimum of once per quarter or at a frequency determined by the Department;
c. An N, N diethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPD) colorimetric drinking water test kit capable of testing free chlorine at an accuracy of 0.1 milligrams per liter (mg/Liter);
d. Free chlorine shall range from 0.2 to 4 mg/Liter (0.2 to 1.2 mg/Liter recommended) at any fixture; and,
e. The previous twelve months of water sample reports shall be retained on file at the child care facility and shall be available for review by the Department when requested; and the child care facility shall immediately report positive bacteriological results to Department.
2. Child care facilities with water supplies determined to be surface water or under the influence of surface water shall be required to filter their water to 1|j,m (micron) absolute using National Sanitation Foundation approved equipment and maintain a residual disinfectant concentration pursuant to Section 7.8.1 to ensure inactivation and/or removal of Giardia and other parasitic cysts and viruses.
3. Water under pressure of at least 15 pounds per square inch (psi) (1.05 kilograms per square centimeter) at the required temperature shall be provided to all fixtures and equipment that use water.
B. Bottled and packaged drinking water shall be obtained from a source that is approved by the Department and shall be handled and stored in a way that protects the water from contamination.
C. Drinking water shall be readily accessible to children whenever the facility is operating.
1. Drinking fountains shall be equipped with angled jets and orifice guards located above the rim of the fountain. The pressure shall be regulated so that the water stream does not come in contact with the orifice guard or splash onto the floor.
2. Drinking fountains on designated restroom handwashing, art, or science sinks shall be prohibited.
3. Separate angle jet drinking fountain, when installed shall be at an appropriate height for use by the children in the facility or be equipped with a step platform to make the sink available to children. If a platform is used, it shall be stable and easily cleanable.
4. Individual single-service drinking cups shall be dispensed by the staff or through an approved cup dispenser. Children may not share single-service drinking cups.
5. Individual water bottles, bulk multiuse thermoses and other bulk water containers provided by the child care facility shall be in good repair and kept clean. Containers shall be washed, rinsed, and sanitized daily after use. Containers shall be stored clean and dry, and in a manner that protects them from contamination.
D. Surface water utilized during backcountry excursions shall be treated and safe for drinking.
1. Water shall be boiled for a minimum of one minute, for every 1000 feet in elevation above sea level; or,
2. Water filter kits shall be utilized to filter water to 1 |j,m (micron) absolute to control parasites. The water shall also be chemically disinfected using chlorine, iodine, or other approved means such as Ultra Violet light to control bacteria and viruses.
E. Hot water shall be provided at all times during operation of a building-based facility. The water heating system shall be of adequate size to supply 90°F to restroom, diaper changing, custodial and classroom sinks, 110°F water to warewashing sinks, 120°F water to commercial low temperature dish machines, and 140°F water to laundry facilities where hot water is used to sanitize pursuant to 7.8.6(A)(4).
1. Each handwashing and classroom sink shall be provided with hot and cold water through a mixing valve or combination faucet. Hot water at sinks accessible to children shall be at least 90°F and shall not exceed a temperature of 120°F.
2. Hot water delivered to bathing facilities shall be at least 90°F and shall not exceed a temperature of 120°F.

All sewage, including liquid waste, shall be discharged to a sanitary sewer or to a sewage system constructed, operated and maintained according to law.

A. All plumbing fixtures shall be sized, installed and maintained in accordance with applicable state and local plumbing codes, ordinances, regulations and standards.
1. There shall be no cross connections between the drinking water supply and any non-drinking water supply, or any source of contamination;
2. Plumbing shall be designed and constructed according to the 2009 International Plumbing Code, hereby incorporated by reference. Where local building departments have adopted codes equivalent to or more stringent than the above, those codes shall apply.
B. The drinking water system shall be installed and maintained to preclude the possibility of backflow or back siphonage.
1. Where chemical dispensing towers without integral air gaps or breaks to prevent back siphonage are installed, an approved backflow prevention device shall be installed between the chemical tower and the water supply line.
C. The piping of any non-drinking water system such as air conditioning and fire protection systems shall be labeled and identified so as to be readily distinguished from piping that carries drinking water.
7.8.4Toilet Facilities
A. Only flush toilet facilities shall be installed and used in the establishment. They shall be accessible to children and shall be properly maintained in a clean and sanitary condition. The number of toilets per children and staff shall either meet the requirements of the 2009 International Plumbing Code, hereby incorporated by reference, or the local building department requirements. Non-flushing toilets (i.e., potty chairs) are prohibited.
B. Toilet room walls shall be constructed of easily cleanable, non-absorbent materials. Floors shall have an impervious surface. Floor wall junctures shall be tightly coved with approved concave coving.
C. Toilet fixtures shall be of an easily cleanable design. Fixtures shall be of appropriate size and height for the children in the facility or be equipped with a step platform to make the fixture available to children. If a platform is used, it shall be stable and easily cleanable.
D. The use of privies and portable chemical toilets in child care facilities is prohibited, except that the use of privies and portable chemical toilets located in remote wilderness areas may be allowed only after obtaining the approval of the Department and meeting applicable standards and local ordinances. These remote wilderness programs shall have adequate toilet facilities available for use.
E. Privies and portable chemical toilets shall be separated from sleeping, activity, food preparation and storage rooms by a minimum of fifty (50) feet. Privies shall be properly screened and doors self-closing to prevent the entry of flies. Handwashing facilities approved by the Department shall be provided where privies and portable chemical toilets are located.
F. During backcountry excursions where toilet facilities are not accessible, human waste shall be handled and disposed of in a manner that does not create a hazard and is approved by the Department and/or the governmental agency that oversees the usage of the land in which backcountry excursions take place.
1. Waste shall be collected and packed out for proper disposal in an approved sewage system. Waste shall be collected in durable waste bags or waste tubes designed for such collection and shall be transported in hard sided, air tight secondary containers; or,
2. Where allowed, human waste shall be deposited in cat holes dug 6-8 inches deep and 4-6 inches wide in organic soil so as to facilitate decomposition and sited a minimum of 200 feet away from water, trails, and campsites. Cat holes shall be filled in and covered after use. Toilet paper and feminine hygiene products shall be collected and packed out with other trash.
G. An adequate supply of toilet paper shall be available from a dispenser located adjacent to each toilet.
H. Toilet seat inserts, when used, shall be constructed of durable, easily cleanable materials and maintained in a clean and sanitary manner and disinfected after each use as described in Section 7.10.6.
I. All toilet, bath and shower rooms in facilities shall have adequate mechanical ventilation to the outside. Exhaust ventilation must be operational during the hours the child care facility operates.
7.8.5Handwashing/Bathing Facilities
A. Handwashing and bathing facilities shall be installed and maintained in a clean, sanitary condition.
1. Handwashing facilities shall be located in or immediately adjacent to toilet rooms and diaper changing areas. Handwashing facilities shall be located within food preparation areas as well as any other area where activities require frequent handwashing.
2. In all new or extensively remodeled facilities providing care to infants, toddlers or preschoolers, a handwashing sink shall be accessible without barriers, allowing the caregiver to visually supervise the children during handwashing activities. Children's handwashing sinks shall be at an appropriate height for the children in the facility or be equipped with a step platform to make the sink available to children. If a platform is used, it shall be stable and easily cleanable.
3. Bathtubs or showers, when used, shall be located within the facility or within a building approved by the Department.
4. Soap and single-service towels from a dispenser or clean cloth towels laundered after each use shall be provided at each handwashing sink, at a height for those children in the facility utilizing the handwashing sinks and supplies. Mechanical air drying devices may be used in lieu of disposable or cloth towels.
5. Except as allowed in Section 7.8.5 , if cloth towels are used to dry hands they shall be immediately placed in a container and laundered after each use.
6. The use of common towels or washcloths is prohibited.
7. An adequate supply of bath towels and washcloths shall be available for each child who uses a shower or bath. Bath towels and washcloths shall be laundered at least once a week and shall not be shared or intermingled among children.
8. Adequate space or accommodations such as a bench, hooks, storage shelves, or dressing counter shall be provided in bathing areas for the storage of clean towels and clothing while children bathe.
B. Bathing facility walls and ceilings shall be constructed of easily cleanable, non-absorbent materials. Floors shall have an impervious surface. Floor wall junctures shall be tightly coved with approved concave coving.
7.8.6Custodial Areas
A. Laundry facilities, where provided, shall be maintained clean and in good repair. Except when life skills training is provided, laundry facilities shall be inaccessible to children.
1. In buildings where laundry facilities are provided, properly vented gas or electric dryers shall be installed.
2. Soiled linens and clothing shall be stored in non-absorbent or washable laundry bags or baskets until removed for laundering, shall be stored separate from clean linens and clothing, and shall be inaccessible to children. This provision does not prohibit life skills training in facilities providing more than 24-hour care.
3. Laundry facilities shall be physically separated from food preparation, food storage, and restroom areas.
4. The water temperature for the laundry shall be maintained above 140°F unless an approved disinfectant is applied in the rinse cycle, in accordance with the product label, or the dryer uses heat above 140°F as specified by the manufacturer.
5. Soiled linens, slipcovers, and clothing contaminated with high hazard body fluid shall be stored and laundered separately.
6. Clean linens and clothing shall be stored in a clean place and protected from contamination until used.
7. When items are laundered offsite, it shall be in compliance with Section 7.8.6 and returned to the facility in a clean container.
B. A custodial sink or mop sink shall be provided or shall be easily accessible for use. The sink shall be properly plumbed with hot and cold water and directly drained to the sewer.
C. Adequate space shall be provided for custodial and maintenance supplies and equipment. Storage areas shall be kept clean, sanitary, and inaccessible to children.

6 CCR 1010-7.8

38 CR 24, December 25, 2015, effective 1/14/2016