Good personal safety and cleanliness goes a long way for promoting aseptic sampling. The following measures help to prevent the sampler from becoming part of the sample.
1. Wash hands with a bactericidal soap and water BEFORE and AFTER sampling.
2. Keep all food and drink away from sampling sites, sampling equipment, and sample containers.
1. Determine where the samples are to be collected:
- Collect one sample for approximately every 50 meters of beach. Take the first sample near the middle of the beach and then proceed 50 meters in each direction town the beach to collect each subsequent sample.
- Collect sample(s) near the beach where swimmers could be exposed to contaminated water entering the lake/reservoir (e.g., storm water drains, natural contours which drain rest room or septic system areas, etc.).
2. Collect samples during greatest bather load (i.e., peak usage time). Allow enough time to collect the sample and have it properly shipped or delivered to a lab for analysis. Please be aware that the sample MUST be received by a lab and the analysis begun within 30 hours of collection.
3. Obtain one PRE-STERILIZED sample container for each sample site. Do Not open the container until you are ready to collect the sample. The sample may either be hand collected or a sampling device may be used.
4. Label each container with a water proof marker with the following information: date and clock time of collection, sample location (could be a predetermined ID number specific for each sampling site), and sample number (typically provided by the lab). Complete a Sample Collection Form For Multiple Sampling Sites (again, provided by the lab).
5. Follow the Personal Safety and Cleanliness instructions above. If a sampling device is used, wipe the entire surface of the device with a fresh alcohol swab - allow device to dry before sampling.
6. At each sampling site, wade out into the water far enough so the sample can be collected from where the water is approximately 3 feet deep. Disturb the bottom sediment as little as possible.
7. Open sample container. Be careful not to touch the inside of the container (or lid if present). DO NOT RINSE the container.
8. Collect the sample facing into the wind or current. Make every effort to collect as little disturbed sediment as possible (high levels of turbidity will interfere with the test method).
9a. Hand Sampling - Grasp sample container near the base, invert, and plunge into the water to a depth of approximately 12 inches. Slightly tilt the container into the wind or current and push forward horizontally away from your hand and body to fill. Avoid contact with the bank or bed. Remove container upright and vertically from the water.
9b. Sampling Device - Follow the directions for collection with a sampling device specific for the device.
10. The sample container should be nearly full when it is removed from the water. Pour out some of the sample so the water level is just ABOVE the 100 mL line on the container (about 1/2 inch of head space in the container is necessary mixing the sample in the lab).
11. Without touching the inside of the container or lid, secure the container shut Check the container for leakage.
12. When hand sampling, change gloves before collecting another sample. When using a sampling device, wipe the entire surface with a new alcohol swab before collecting another sample.
13. Pack the sample(s) for shipment or delivery to the lab. Ideally, the sample(s) should be shipped with ice (or a frozen gel ice pack) to keep the sample(s) cool during shipment. Be sure to include the sample collection form.
5 CCR 1003-5-D