Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 5 CCR 1002-64.16 - MONITORING AND ANALYSISA.Biosolids Monitoring.(1) For purposes of this section, "Annual Biosolids Production" is defined as the amount of biosolids (dry weight basis) applied to the land, which also includes those facilities that further process biosolids, e.g. "composting", that is distributed to the public. Collection and analysis of biosolids shall be accomplished after final treatment and at the frequencies specified in Table 7. When sampling is required once per year samples shall be collected during the fourth quarter (October 1 through December 31) unless the Division approves otherwise. TABLE 7. - FREQUENCY OF BIOSOLIDS SAMPLE COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS
less than 319 | once per year |
319 to less than 1,650 | once per quarter |
1,650 to less than 16,500 | once per two months |
16,500 and greater | monthly |
(2) Notwithstanding the requirements of Table 7 above, collection and analysis of biosolids samples from wastewater treatment lagoons shall be required prior to removal and use or distribution of the biosolids. Sampling shall be described in a sampling plan submitted to the Division for review and approval and shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved plan.(3) Analysis of biosolids samples shall include the parameters identified in Table 8. TABLE 8. - BIOSOLIDS ANALYSES AND REPORTING UNITS
total solids | percent | volatile solids | percent of total solids |
pH | standard units | organic nitrogen as N | percent dry weight |
total phosphorus | percent dry weight | total ammonia as N | percent dry weight |
total potassium | percent dry weight | nitrate as N | percent dry weight |
total arsenic | mg/kg dry weight | total mercury | mg/kg dry weight |
total cadmium | mg/kg dry weight | total molybdenum | mg/kg dry weight |
total nickel | mg/kg dry weight |
total copper | mg/kg dry weight | total selenium | mg/kg dry weight |
total lead | mg/kg dry weight | total zinc | mg/kg dry weight |
(4) Samples collected to satisfy the requirements of paragraphs (3) of this subsection shall be composite samples. Individual composite samples shall be collected either in a storage area or at the outlet of a biosolids application device immediately prior to application. A composite sample of liquid biosolids shall consist of a minimum of three grab samples of no less than 500 ml each taken at equal intervals so as to be representative of the entire pumping cycle. A composite sample of dewatered biosolids shall consist of a minimum of three grab samples of no less than 0.5 pounds collected so as to be representative of the volume of biosolids applied within a twenty-four hour period, and combined.(5) Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (3) above, biosolids shall also be analyzed for such parameters as necessary to demonstrate compliance with the pathogen destruction and vector attraction reduction requirements of sections 64.12 and 64.12 of these regulations as appropriate for the use and distribution option(s) practiced. Compliance with Class A pathogen requirements shall be demonstrated using multiple tube assays. Compliance with Class B pathogen requirements may use either multiple tube or membrane filter methods. Analyses demonstrating pathogen destruction and vector attraction reduction shall be performed at the frequencies specified in section 64.16 , Table 7 of these regulations. Samples collected to satisfy the requirements of this paragraph shall be grab samples.(6) All methods used for the analysis of biosolids samples must be approved by the Division.(7) All nutrient and metals (Table 8), pathogen destruction, and Vector Attraction Reduction data collected for compliance with these regulations, may be valid for up to a maximum of 12 months from the date the sample was collected.B.Soils Monitoring.(1) Collection and analysis of soils for the parameters identified in Table 9 shall be accomplished prior to the initial biosolids application and on a once per application basis thereafter. Sampling conducted subsequent to the initial sampling event shall occur after completion of the cropping cycle, i.e. after harvest, but prior to any additional application. For purposes of this section biosolids application shall be considered as one or more individual application of biosolids which are intended to supply the agronomic nitrogen requirement for the crop for a single cropping cycle. TABLE 9. - SOILS FERTILITY ANALYSES AND REPORTING UNITS
pH | standard units | conductivity | mmhos/cm |
ammonium as N | mg/kg | organic matter | percent |
nitrate as N | mg/kg | available phosphorus | ppm extract |
total phosphorus | mg/kg |
(2) Analysis of soil samples for the parameters listed in Table 9 shall be performed using methods approved by the Division.(3) Samples collected to satisfy the requirements of paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be composite samples made up of soil taken from no fewer than sixteen core holes per 320 acres and completely mixed to form a minimum one-pound sample. (a) A minimum of one composite sample per 320 acres is required. The Division may require more intensive sampling in instances where multiple crops are cultivated or different soil types are present.(b) Except as otherwise required in the Notice of Authorization for the Use or Distribution of Biosolids samples shall be collected to a depth of one foot and composited.(c) Notwithstanding any other requirements of this section 64.16 , the Division may require deep soil (nitrate) monitoring.(4) The Division may specify more frequent monitoring than otherwise required in paragraphs (1) and (3) above when biosolids are applied for the reclamation of disturbed land.C.Additional Monitoring.(1) Additional monitoring, including but not limited to monitoring of additional biosolids or soils parameters, monitoring of biosolids or soils parameters more frequently than otherwise specified, deep soil monitoring, monitoring of groundwater, monitoring surface water, or monitoring of plant tissue may be required by the Division.44 CR 17, September 10, 2021, effective 9/30/2021