5 Colo. Code Regs. § 1002-64.13

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
A.Notice of Authorization for the Use and Distribution of Biosolids Required. No person shall store biosolids unless a Notice of Authorization for the Use and Distribution of Biosolids has been issued by the Division pursuant to section 64.10 for such storage.
B.Exemptions. The requirements of this section shall not apply to the following:
(1) Process components of a domestic wastewater treatment facility which is subject to a CDPS permit issued pursuant to section 25-8-501 of the Act, C.R.S., 1973, as amended, or to the process components of a domestic wastewater treatment facility site approval and plans and specifications approval pursuant to section 25-8-701 of the Act, C.R.S., 1973, as amended.
(2) Components of a solid waste disposal site or facility which has received a Certificate of Designation pursuant to the Solid Wastes Disposal Sites and Facilities Act, C.R.S. 30-20-100.5et seq., 1973 (as amended).
(3) Components of an Individual Sewage Disposal System which is subject to requirements adopted pursuant to the Individual Sewage Disposal Systems Act, C.R.S. 25-10-101et seq., 1975, (as amended).
(4) Transfer / Offloading Areas, within a permitted land application site, which are intended for the offloading of biosolids from vehicles transporting biosolids to an application site and subsequent loading of biosolids into application equipment, including any incidental spillage or placement on the land during transfer. Such areas shall be protected or managed so as to prevent movement of spillage or runoff from the transfer area, off of the permitted land application site.
(5) Tankage. Such facilities shall be bermed or otherwise protected so as to prevent movement of spillage or runoff from the storage area off of the permitted site.
(6) Short Term Storage - Staging Area, within a permitted land application site, for the storage of dewatered biosolids for a period of fourteen days or less, or temporary storage for a longer period upon site-specific Division approval at that time. These areas shall be protected or managed so as to prevent biosolids and/or runoff from escaping the permitted land application site. If approval is sought for a period in excess of two weeks, the applicant may also be required to address the potential need for control of leachate generated as a result of such storage.
C.General Requirements for Storage. No person shall use any facility for biosolids storage unless the facility, and the biosolids to be stored therein, meet the following requirements:
(1) At the time biosolids are placed in the storage facility, all biosolids which are stored shall meet, at a minimum, Class B pathogen destruction criteria as described in section 64.12(B) of these regulations.
(2) At the time biosolids are placed in the storage facility, all biosolids which are stored shall meet, at a minimum, one of the vector attraction reduction criteria as described in paragraphs 64.12(C)(3) through (10) of these regulations.
(3) Biosolids shall not be stored for a period of more than two years before removed for use or distributed. A storage facility may operate for an indefinite period such that the maximum retention time for biosolids stored within the facility does not exceed two years.
D.Storage Requirements for Liquid Biosolids. Facilities for the storage of liquid biosolids shall comply with the Waste Impoundment criteria described in section 9 of the Regulations pertaining to Solid Waste Disposal Sites and Facilities (6 CCR 1007-2).
E.Storage Requirements for Dewatered Biosolids. Facilities for the storage of dewatered biosolids shall be operated in a manner which will prevent windblown biosolids from escaping the storage facility, and shall comply with either of the following requirements:
(1) The bottom of the biosolids storage facilities shall consist of an impermeable material or shall be constructed with an underdrain system and the facilities shall be bermed or otherwise protected so as to prevent movement of spillage or runoff from the storage facilities off of the permitted site. For purposes of this section 64.13 , the term "impermeable material" means any synthetic or naturally occurring material which will allow leachate to seep no more than 1/16 of an inch per day through surrounding or underlying material, or
(2) The storage facilities shall be covered and either shall be bermed or otherwise protected so as to prevent movement of spillage or runoff from the storage facilities off of the permitted site, or runoff from the cover shall be collected and directed away from the storage facilities.

5 CCR 1002-64.13

44 CR 17, September 10, 2021, effective 9/30/2021