5 Colo. Code Regs. § 1002-55.27

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025

The provisions of Sections 25-8-202, 25-8-308, and 25-8-608, C.R.S. provide the specific statutory authority for adoption of the attached regulations. The Commission, in compliance with section 24-4-103(4), C.R.S., has adopted the following statement of basis and purpose.


House Bill 11-1026 amended the Water Quality Control Act to authorize grants for stormwater management training and best practices training to prevent or reduce the pollution of state waters.

Section 55.3 (Entity Eligibility) was amended for consistency with HB 11-1026 to include not-for-profit stormwater administrators and training providers as types of entities eligible to receive funding.

Section 55.4 (Project Eligibility) was amended per HB 11-1026 to add stormwater management training and best management practices training as Category 1 type projects. The existing categories were renumbered to account for this addition.

Section 55.5 (Funding Allocation) was amended to provide for up to $50,000 of available water quality improvement funds to Category 1 projects. The Commission determined that it was appropriate to allocate this amount as the maximum allowed under HB 11-1026.

The Commission determined it was appropriate to reduce the funding for Category 2 (formerly Category 1) projects from 40% to 10%. This category includes projects for the improvement of water quality impacts which are the result of a water quality violation that resulted in a penalty. While the Commission believes it is appropriate to maintain some level of funding for such projects, the number of applicants that have historically applied for funding under this category has been limited. In order to inform potential applicants of their eligibility to receive funding under Category 2, the Division will post a list of violators who paid penalties into the Water Quality Improvement Fund. The list will also include the county where the violation occurred. If the applicant can demonstrate its project will improve the water quality in the community or water body which has been impacted by the violation, such applicant may be eligible to receive funding.

The Commission also increased the funding allocation for Category 3 (formerly Category 2) projects from 30% to 60% because this category, which relates to planning, design, construction and repair of stormwater projects and domestic wastewater treatment works, represents the majority of funding requests received by the Division. The Commission found the increase for Category 3 to be necessary to address the high level of demand and the $2.9 billion of infrastructure needs that are documented in the 2012 Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan. The allocation for Category 4 (formerly Category 3), nonfederal match funding for nonpoint source projects, will remain at 30% of available funds.

In addition, language was added to section 55.5 to clarify that if any funds were not utilized in one category they will be redistributed among the remaining categories.

Section 55.6 (Project Prioritization Criteria), outlining the prioritization of grant requests within each category, was revised to include the new Category 1. The Commission found it appropriate to give priority to projects that implement stormwater management and best management practices training not previously available (or previously limited in accessibility) in Colorado, above those projects that will simply expand the context or availability of existing stormwater management and best management practices training. Language was also added to section 55.6 to explain that if insufficient requests for funding are received and determined eligible, the Division has the ability to reallocate funding among categories based on demand. Historically, when the Division did not receive sufficient eligible applications within a certain category, the funds allocated to that category were not expended. This provision ensures that all funds appropriated each year can be utilized.

Section 55.7 (Notification and Reporting) was amended to require grant recipients to provide a final project report instead of an annual report. Based upon Division feedback, the Commission determined this to be a more efficient approach to reporting.


1. Urban Drainage and Flood Control District
2. Colorado Department of Transportation

5 CCR 1002-55.27

37 CR 17, September 10, 2014, effective 9/30/2014
40 CR 23, December 10, 2017, effective 12/31/2017
46 CR 01, January 10, 2023, effective 1/30/2023