Regulation Number 4 - Adoption Chronology
To set a standard test methodology, an emission standard developed, establish a certification fee, and develop an emission label - Adopted: June 27, 1985; Effective: July 30, 1985
Revised to raise the certification fee - Adopted: September 18, 1986; Effective: October 30, 1986
Revised to establish a definition for new woodstoves and exemptions from the woodstove certification program - Adopted: May 19, 1988; Effective: June 30, 1988
Revised to establish a woodstove certification program - Adopted: May 17, 1990; Effective: June 30, 1990
Revised to include provisions for pellet stoves - Adopted: August 20, 1992; Effective: September 30, 1992
Revised to make locally adopted ordinances state enforceable - Adopted: June 24, 1993; Effective: August 30, 1993
Revised to include provisions for masonry heaters - Adopted: April 21, 1994; Effective: June 30, 1994
Revised Section X to meet requirements for incorporation by reference - Adopted: February 16, 1995; Effective: April 30, 1995
Revised to update references to NSPS AAA and specify masonry heater provisions as State Only - Adopted: November 19, 2015; Effective: January 14, 2016
Revised to reinsert new wood stove definition - Adopted: March 16, 2017; Effective: May 15, 2017
5 CCR 1001-6-X