Limitations on the use of wood burning appliances shall be applicable only in those portions of the counties of Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, and Jefferson are located in the AIR program area, as such area is defined in § 42-4-304(20)(a) (2006), C.R.S. but not including those areas above seven thousand feet elevation.
No person shall operate a stove, fireplace, furnace, fire pit, fixture or device used, or intended for use, to burn only clean, dry, untreated wood during a high pollution day unless the appliance is exempt pursuant to Section VII.E. A burn down time shall be allowed for the burn down of existing fires prior to the initiation of enforcement action. The use of any fuel other than clean, dry, untreated wood in any stove, fireplace, fire pit, fixture or device used, or intended for use, to burn only clean, dry, untreated wood shall not constitute grounds for allowing its usage on a high pollution day.
5 CCR 1001-6-VII