The owner or operator must request, or the Division may require, a modification to the permit to operate and odor management plan when it is necessary to correct operational problems or to incorporate controls that minimize to the greatest extent practicable the emission of odorous gases from anaerobic process wastewater vessels and impoundments into the atmosphere, the emission of odorous gases from aerobic impoundments, and off-site odor emissions from all aspects of the housed commercial swine feeding operations. The owner or operator must obtain approval from the Division prior to initiating any change in operational procedures that may impact odorous gases, including but not limited to the following:
If a housed commercial swine feeding operation is required to modify its permit to operate or odor management plan, it shall pay the Division permit processing fees in the amounts and subject to the limits specified in the provisions of the Colorado Revised Statutes Section 25-7-114.7, for the Division's review of the odor management plan revisions.
5 CCR 1001-4-VIII