This section applies to all sources of volatile organic compounds associated with pharmaceutical manufacturing activities, including, but not limited to, reactors, distillation units, dryers, storage of VOCs, extraction equipment, filters, crystallizers, and centrifuges.
Extraction of organic substances from animal or vegetable material; fermentation and culturing; formulation and packaging of pharmaceutical or medicinal products.
For the purpose of this section, the following definitions apply:
VOCs True Vapor Pressure* at 20° in torr (and psia) from (minimum) up to ** (maximum) | Maximum temperature of Gas Stream immediately exiting the condenser |
0-26(0-0.5) | 35°C (95°F) |
26-52(0.5-1.0) | 25°C(77°F) |
52-78(1.0-1.5) | 10°C(50°F) |
78-150(1.5-2.9) | 0°C(32°F) |
150-300(2.9-5.8) | -15°C(5°F) |
Greater than 300(Greater than 5.8) | -25°C(-13°F) |
*The calculation methods for gases containing more than one condensable component are complex. As a simplification, the temperature necessary for control by condensation can be roughly approximated by the weighted average of the temperatures necessary for condensation of each VOC considered separately but at concentrations equal to the total organic concentration.
**But not including the maximum value of the range.
5 CCR 1001-29-B-V