The provisions of this section apply to cold cleaners, non-conveyorized vapor degreasers, conveyorized degreasers, industrial cleaning solvent operations, and other operations that use solvents. Open top vapor degreasers are a subset of non-conveyorized vapor degreasers. The owner or operator of a unit subject to this section shall ensure that no such unit is used unless the requirements of this section are satisfied. Section II.E. requirements are effective on January 1, 2017. Section II.F. requirements are effective on May 1, 2021.
Wi = Weight of the "i"th VOC compound, in grams
Ww = Weight of water, in grams
We = Weight of exempt compound, in grams
MWi = Molecular weight of the "i"th VOC compound, in g/g-mole
MWw = Molecular weight of water, in g/g-mole
MWc = Molecular weight of exempt compound, in g/g-mole
PPc = VOC composite partial vapor pressure at 20°C (68°F), in mm Hg
VPi = Vapor pressure of the "i"th VOC compound at 20°C(68°F), in mm Hg
In any disposal or transfer of waste or used solvent, at least 80 percent by weight of the solvent/waste liquid shall be retained (i.e., no more than 20 percent of the liquid solvent/solute mixture shall evaporate or otherwise be lost during transfers).
Waste or used solvent shall be stored in closed containers unless otherwise required by law.
For solvents with a true vapor pressure above 32 torr (0.62 psia) at 38°C (100°F), or, for solvents heated above 50°C (120°F), one of the following techniques shall be used:
The following two types of switches shall be installed on vapor degreasers:
For all conveyorized degreasers with a solvent surface area greater than two (2) square meters (21.5 square feet), the degreasing shall be controlled by at least one of the following:
A drying tunnel, tumbling basket(s), or other demonstrably effective method(s) shall be employed to prevent cleaned parts from carrying out solvent liquid or vapor.
The owner or operator of an industrial cleaning solvent operation with total combined uncontrolled actual VOC emissions equal to or greater than three (3) tons per calendar year (excluding VOC emissions from solvents used for cleaning operations that are exempt under Section II.E.4.) must:
The owner or operator of an industrial cleaning solvent operation must implement the following work practice requirements at all times to reduce VOC emissions from fugitive sources:
The requirements of this Section II.F. do not apply to:
The owner or operator of operations that use solvents must implement the following work practice requirements at all times to reduce VOC emissions from fugitive sources:
The owner or operator of operations that use solvents with uncontrolled actual VOC emissions greater than or equal to twenty-five (25) tons per year on a calendar year basis, and that are located in the 8-Hour Ozone Control Area, must reduce solvent use VOC emissions by 90%.
5 CCR 1001-29-B-II