The control measures adopted by these regulations are intended to be implemented and enforced locally. All affected parties shall take all actions necessary, to implement no later than December 10, 1993, all provisions of the regulations set forth herein. The provisions of these regulations shall apply throughout the Aspen/Pitkin County PM-10 attainment/maintenance area. The control measures adopted by these regulations recognize that the largest source, by far, of the material causing the air quality in the City of Aspen to exceed National Ambient Air Quality Standards for particulate matter is from re-entrained dust from traffic on paved roads. This phenomenon is caused primarily by vehicle mile trips that originate from outside the Aspen/Pitkin County attainment/maintenance area.
Nothing contained in these regulations shall be intended or construed to limit or impair the home rule or legislative authority of the City as provided under the Constitution and laws of the State of Colorado or the Home Rule Charter of the City of Aspen. Nothing contained in these regulations shall be intended or construed to limit or impair the home rule or legislative authority of the County of Pitkin as provided under the Constitution and laws of the State of Colorado or the Home Rule Charter of Pitkin County. No emission control regulation may be considered a part of the Aspen/Pitkin County PM10 attainment/maintenance area control strategy unless and until the same has been adopted as part of the State of Colorado's State Implementation Plan pursuant to Section 25-7-105(1)(a)(II), C.R.S.
The provisions of this subsection shall apply to any user that applies any street sanding material within the Aspen/Pitkin County PM-10 attainment/maintenance area on or after December 1, 1993.
All street sanding material, whether new or recycled, shall equal or exceed a standard of less than 1% fines and less than 30% durability index, and only such sanding material shall be used for street sanding operations and purposes.
Experimentation with new street sanding materials may be approved by the Division and the EPA provided that the impact of such experiments or tests does not contribute appreciably to air quality degradation.
Prior to, or upon, delivery of street sanding materials, and prior to the use of any recycled street sanding material, suppliers of street sanding materials shall have a test performed upon representative samples of the material by an independent laboratory to determine compliance with the standards of quality set forth above at Subsection C.1.b. The test results shall be provided to the purchaser upon delivery. Alternative percent fines and durability index test procedures for percent fines and durability must be approved by the Division and EPA should they be determined to provide a measure that is equivalent to the test procedures set forth in this regulation.
The provisions of this subsection shall apply to any user that has applied any street sanding material on Highway 82 within the Aspen/Pitkin County PM-10 attainment/maintenance area on or after December 1, 1993. The provisions of this subsection shall be applicable between December 1 and March 31 of each year.
Broom sweepers using liquid, or any other method of equal efficiency approved by the Division and EPA must be utilized to sweep the specified streets and roadways set forth above at Subsection b.
Operators of street sweeping equipment working for users of street sanding materials shall maintain records to document the information described below and governmental entities shall maintain on file all reports received or prepared in accordance with these regulations for a period of two years. All records generated under provisions of this regulation shall be made available for inspection upon request by the Division.
The City of Aspen shall implement and enforce Ordinance Number 74, Series of 1992, as amended by Ordinance Number 47, Series of 1993, as it exists on September 24, 1993. This ordinance limits future growth in emissions from wood burning fireplaces, stoves and restaurant grills. In addition, the City of Aspen shall implement and enforce any ordinance adopted in accordance with these regulations.
The City of Aspen may revise the ordinances as necessary to allow greater use of natural gas burning devices without revising the state implementation plan. Any revision to the ordinances to allow greater use of woodburning devices shall be submitted immediately to the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission and EPA as revisions to the State Implementation Plan. Any amendments to these ordinances shall not constitute a revision to the State Implementation Plan until such time as the State Implementation Plan is appropriately revised. All ordinances shall remain in full force and effect until such time as the City obtains full approval of a State Implementation Plan revision.
Pitkin County shall implement and enforce Ordinance Number 18, Series of 1992, as it exists on January 1, 1993. This ordinance limits future growth in emissions from wood burning fireplaces, stoves and restaurant grills. In addition, Pitkin County shall adopt and enforce any resolutions adopted in accordance with these regulations.
Pitkin County may revise the ordinances as necessary to allow greater use of natural gas burning devices without revising the state implementation plan. Any revision to the ordinances to allow greater use of woodburning devices shall be submitted immediately to the Colorado Air Quality Control Commission and the EPA as revisions to the State Implementation Plan. Any amendments to these resolutions shall not constitute a revision to the State Implementation Plan until such time as the State Implementation Plan is appropriately revised. Resolution Number 18, Series 1992, shall remain in full force and effect until such time as the County obtains full approval of a State Implementation Plan revision.
The City and County shall maintain records for a period of two years that document compliance and enforcement activities in order to verify that the ordinances and resolutions have been properly implemented.
Maintenance Plan for Aspen/Pitkin County area
Adopted: January 11, 2001
The amendments to the "State Implementation Plan-Specific Regulation for Nonattainment Areas" implement a maintenance plan and associated changes to the "Ambient Air Quality Standards for the State of Colorado" to redesignate Aspen/Pitkin County as a PM10 attainment area.
The revisions delete several control measures that were included in the EPA-approved State Implementation Plan for the Aspen/Pitkin County area, but which are no longer necessary to maintain the national ambient air quality standard for PM10. The repealed control measures include transit measures, voluntary programs, and additional control measures for Presidents Day, and obsolete reporting requirements. In addition, the rule revision repeals the mandatory contingency measures for the Aspen/Pitkin County area. Federal law does not require the maintenance plan to include such contingency measures.
Federal Requirements
Sections 42 USC 7407(d)(3)(E) and 7505a require the State to submit a maintenance plan that will provide for maintenance of the standard for ten years in order to redesignate areas to attainment. The federal requirements for preparation, adoption and submittal of implementation plans, including the maintenance plan, are set out at 40 CFR, Part 51 . The maintenance plans adopted by the Commission must include the control measures necessary to maintain the national standard for PM10 in the Aspen area for the requisite ten-year period. The Commission has codified the control measures necessary to maintain the PM10 NAAQS in order comply with requirement of 42 USC 7410(a)(2)(A) for such measures to be enforceable.
The regulatory revisions do not include any provisions that are not necessary to maintain the NAAQS, or that are otherwise more stringent than requirements of the federal act.
Statutory Authority
Specific and general authority to control PM10 emissions is set out at Sections 25-7-105(1) and 25-7-109(1) and (2), C.R.S. (1999).
Findings pursuant to Section 25-7-110.8
The control measures in the maintenance plan are calculated to maintain the PM10 NAAQS through 2015. The estimates of PM10 pollution associated with sand on streets and roads are based on EPA-approved models and assumptions. The Commission believes the EPA-approved model is inaccurate, but federal rules require the State to use such model to demonstrate the adequacy of the maintenance plan. Thus, the rule revision is based on the only methodology authorized for use by federal law. All methodologies and information made available by interested parties have been considered.
The regulatory revisions adopted by the Commission are the most cost-effective means of maintaining the PM10 NAAQS, and provide flexibility for the regulated community.
The regulatory alternatives selected by the Commission will maximize the air quality benefits of the regulation in the most cost-effective manner.
5 CCR 1001-20-III