5 Colo. Code Regs. § 1001-18-I

Current through Register Vol. 48, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section 5 CCR 1001-18-I - Street Sanding Materials Specifications

The provisions of this Section I shall apply to street sanding materials purchased after October 1, 1991 or used after June 1, 1992 by: any governmental entity; any employee, official, representative, or agent of such governmental entity; and any person who contracts with such governmental entity for the purpose of applying street sanding material in the AIR program area, as defined in Section 42-4-307(8) C.R.S. This Section I shall also apply to all suppliers of street sanding materials to be used by these governmental entities.

I.B.1. "Percent Fines" means the percent material passing a #100 sieve as determined by the American Society for Testing Materials' (ASTM) "Standard Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse aggregates", designation C136-84a (1988) (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials designation T27-88.)
I.B.2. "Durability Index" means the percent loss of weight as determined using ASTM "Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine". Designation C131-89.
I.B.3. "High Degree of Angularity" means that grains exhibit sharply intersecting, planar faces over entire surface.
I.B.4. "Street Sanding Material(s)," when used in Section I, Street Sanding Materials Specifications, means natural geologic materials, excluding salt and other de-icing chemicals, used to provide increased traction on roadways or paved areas.
I.B.5. "Recycled Street Sanding Material" means previously used street sanding material which has been collected from roadways or paved areas and is then re-used as is, after washing, or after blending with new street sanding material.
I.B.6. "Full Deployment" means that all roadways targeted for treatment during a snow/ice event are sanded.
I.B.7, "Independent Laboratory" means a facility capable of performing the specified tests in a competent, professional, and unbiased manner with no financial, family, or personal connection to the supplier or user of street sanding materials.
I.B.8. "User(s)" means any governmental entity, and any employee, official, representative, or agent of such governmental entity responsible for the application of street sanding materials, and any person who contracts with such governmental entity for the purpose of applying street sanding material.
I.C.Street Sanding Material Standards
I.C.I. Material Standards

All street sanding material, whether new or recycled, shall equal or exceed either of the following standards:

I.C.1.a. less than 2% fines and less than 45% durability index or;
I.C.I.b. less than 4% fines, less than 33% durability index, and a high degree of angularity exhibited by the majority of the grains.
I.D.Testing Requirements
I.D.1. General

Testing of street sanding material covered by this regulation shall consist of the determination of:

I.D.1.a. the percent fines;
I.D.1.b. the durability index; and
I.D.1.c. the high degree of angularity exhibited by the majority of the grains.
I.D.2. Supplier Requirements
I.D.2.a. Suppliers of street sanding material covered by this regulation shall perform at least one test to determine the percent fines each week on the material as it is produced.
I.D.2.b. Suppliers shall have one test per month performed by an independent laboratory to determine the percent fines on a representative sample of their street sanding material. This shall be performed each month in which street sanding material is produced.
I.D.2.C. Suppliers shall have one test performed by an independent laboratory determine the durability index on a representative sample from the pit source between July 1 and September 30 each year in which they sell street sanding material covered by this regulation.
I.D.2.d. If Section C.I.b. applies, supplier shall furnish once per month of production a signed statement certifying that a visual examination for angularity was performed on the street sanding material and the results of that visual exam.
I.D.3. User Requirements

Users shall have a test performed by an independent laboratory to determine the percent fines index on all recycled materials at least once for the first 250 tons of recycled material used each winter and at least once for every 500 tons of recycled material thereafter.

I.D.4. Division Audit Authority

The Air Pollution Control Division (Division) may enter the site of any supplier or user of sanding material covered by this regulation for the purpose of obtaining a sample of material to determine if the material meets- e applicable standards.

I.E.Reporting Requirements
I.E.I. Suppliers Requirements
I.E.1.a. Suppliers shall submit to the Division a monthly report that contains a summary of the results of all percent fines tests performed by the supplier and independent laboratories as required by the provisions of Section I.D.2.a. and b. For material conforming to Section I.C.1.b., suppliers shall submit monthly certification that visual examination of angularity of grains has been performed and the results of that visual exam.
I.E.1.b. For every year that street sanding material is produced, the supplier shall submit to the Division a copy of the results of the annual durability index test performed by independent labs as required by Section I.D.2.C. no later than 60 days after the test is conducted.
I.E.1.c. Prior to, or upon, delivery of street sanding material, suppliers shall provide users of street sanding material covered by this regulation with a report demonstrating that the supplier has met all testing requirements of this regulation applicable to the time period in which deliveries are made
I.E.2. Users Requirements
I.E.2.a. Users of recycled street sanding material shall submit to the Division copies of the results of testing conducted according to Section D.3. no later than 30 days after the tests are conducted.
I.E.2.b. Within 7 calendar days of awarding a contract for the purchase of street sanding material to a supplier, the user shall notify the Division of the supplier's name and the location of the aggregate pit(s) from which the material will be supplied.
I.E.2.C. The user shall maintain on file reports received under the provisions of Section E.l.c. for a period of three (3) years.
I.E.3. Division Audit Authority

All records generated under the provisions of this regulation shall be made available for inspection upon request by the Division.

I.F.Alternative Test Methods and Standards

Alternative percent fines and durability index test procedures for percent fines and durability may be approved by the Division and EPA should they be determined to provide a measure that is equivalent to the test procedures of this regulation.

I.G.Alternative Sanding Materials

Experimentation with new street sanding materials may be approved by the Division and EPA provided that the impact of such experiments or tests does not contribute appreciably to air quality degradation.

5 CCR 1001-18-I