The purpose of Part B of this regulation is to reduce air pollution resulting from emissions from diesel powered motor vehicles, as defined in Part B of this regulation, registered or required to be registered, routinely operated in the program area, or principally operated from a terminal, maintenance facility, branch, or division located within the Program area, and not subject to Part A of this regulation.
This regulation shall apply to the diesel inspection program area as defined in Section 42-4-401(8) C.R.S.
Part B of this regulation shall apply to all diesel-fueled motor vehicles as defined in Section 42-4-401(5) C.R.S., except those diesel-powered vehicles subject to the provisions for Part A of this regulation (Diesel Fleet Self-Certification Program), pursuant to Section 42-4-414, C.R.S.
Emissions Control shall be issued without testing for diesel opacity compliance. Prior to the expiration of such certification, such vehicle shall be inspected and a Certification of Emissions Control shall be obtained for diesel smoke opacity compliance.
A licensed Diesel Opacity Inspection station shall charge a fee not to exceed the hourly shop rate for one hour as posted by the station pursuant to Part B, IV.A.4. of this regulation, for the inspection of any diesel-fueled motor vehicle required to be inspected pursuant to this regulation.
If the vehicle fails the initial opacity inspection, the vehicle owner has 30 days in which to have repairs or adjustments made and return the vehicle to the licensed diesel inspection station which performed the initial inspection for one reinspection at a cost not exceeding the posted hourly shop rate for one hour.
In order to encompass costs incurred by the Department of Revenue and the Department of Public Health and Environment in the administration, operation and evaluation of the diesel Opacity Inspection Program Certificate of Emissions Control (CEC) credits shall be sold to licensed diesel vehicle inspection stations for a cost of five dollars ($5) each. Certificates of emissions control must be purchased from the agency designated by the Commission (AQCC). Licensed stations will be charged for the passing test records generated.
Any home rule city, town, or county shall, upon request by the governing body of such local government to the Department of Public Health and Environment and the Department of Revenue, be included in the Diesel Opacity Inspection Program. When such a request is made, said departments and governing body shall agree to a start-up date for the Diesel Opacity Inspection Program in such areas. On or after such dates, all diesel-fueled motor vehicles which are registered in the area shall be inspected and required to comply with the provisions of this regulation, as if such area was in the Program area.
5 CCR 1001-15-B-I