III.C.1. The review team shall address the following topics in the manner provided. III.C.1.a. Evaluating and choosing a model (or models) and associated methods and assumptions to be used in regional emissions analyses. The MPO shall be responsible for selecting the transportation modeling procedures to be used within its modeling domain. The Division shall be responsible for selecting the emissions or air quality modeling procedures used for performing regional emissions analyses for conformity determinations and for SIP revisions.
III.C.1.b. Determining which minor arterials and other transportation projects should be considered "regionally significant" for the purposes of regional emissions analysis (in addition to those functionally classified as principal arterial or higher or fixed guideway systems or extensions that offer an alternative to regional highway travel), and which projects should be considered to have a significant change in design concept and scope from the transportation plan or TIP. III.C.1.b.(1) The review team shall review the transportation network and identify minor arterials that serve regional transportation needs.III.C.1.b.(2) Review the transportation projects disclosed to the MPO pursuant to Section III.E., and all transportation projects otherwise known to the members that may be regionally significant projects, and identify as regionally significant those projects that are on a facility which serves regional transportation needs and that would normally be included in the modeling of the metropolitan area's transportation network.III.C.1.b.(3) Identify any significant changes in design concept and scope of any project from the transportation plan, TIP, or regional emissions analysis supporting the conformity determination for a conforming TIP, upon the request of any participant in the consultation process, or any recipient of funds designated under Title 23 or the Federal Transit Act with authority to adopt or approve of the subject regionally significant project.III.C.1.c. Evaluating whether projects otherwise exempted from meeting the requirements of this subpart (see 40 CFR Sections 93.126 and 93.127) should be treated as non-exempt in cases where potential emissions impacts may exist for any reason. III.C.1.c.(1) At the request of any participant in the consultation process, the review team shall determine whether projects otherwise exempt from meeting the requirements of this subpart should be treated as non-exempt in cases where potential emissions impacts may exist for any reason.III.C.1.c.(2) For each non-attainment area that is outside of a metropolitan planning area, CDOT shall consult with the review team to identify categories of exempt projects that should be treated as non-exempt for such area.III.C.1.d. Making a determination, as required by 40 CFR Section 93.113(c)(1), whether past obstacles to TCM implementation have been identified and are being overcome, and whether State and local agencies with influence over approvals or funding for TCMs are giving maximum priority to approval or funding for TCMs. III.C.1.d.(1) The LPA and the Division shall provide the MPO with information necessary to develop a list of the TCMs The LPA may also request that the MPO, CDOT, the public transit agency, or any other agency responsible for implementing a TCM reaffirm its commitment to implement a TCM pursuant to the schedule established in the SIP.III.C.1.d.(2) The MPO, after consultation with the review team, shall determine whether obstacles to implementation of TCMs have been identified and are being overcome, and whether State and local agencies are giving maximum priority to approval or funding for TCMs. For each such determination, the MPO shall identify the past obstacles, the steps taken to overcome them, the State and local agencies with influence over approvals or funding, the basis for finding that such agencies are giving maximum priority to such approval or funding, and a revised schedule for the implementation of the TCM.III.C.1.d.(3) The MPO shall report any situation in which it determines that obstacles to implementing a TCM are not being overcome, or that State and local agencies with influence over approvals or funding are not giving maximum priority to approval or funding for TCMs. The report shall be provided to the agency sponsoring the TCM, the Division, the Commission and the Governor. The Commission may schedule the matter for a hearing regarding enforcement, and/or replacement of TCMs.III.C.1.e. Notification of transportation plan or TIP revisions or amendments, which merely add or delete exempt projects listed in 40 CFR Section 93.126 or 93.127. The MPO shall provide notice through the normal planning process , prior to consideration of any proposed amendment that adds or deletes exempt projects listed in 40 CFR Section 93.126 or 93.127 to or from the transportation plan or TIP.
III.C.1.f. Process for providing final documents and supporting information to each agency after approval or adoption. The MPO shall make available final TIPs and transportation plans to participants in the consultation process.
III.C.1.g. Choosing conformity tests and methodologies for isolated rural nonattainment areas, as required by 40 CFR Section 93.109(g). The Division and CDOT shall choose, in consultation with the members of the review team, the requirements and methodologies to be used to comply with 40 CFR Section 93.109. If the Division and CDOT cannot agree, the issue shall be referred to the Commission for review at a public meeting pursuant to Section III.H. The Commission may escalate the matter to the Governor as provided in Section III.H.
III.C.2. The review team shall address the following topics in the manner provided. Outside of the metropolitan planning areas, CDOT shall perform the tasks assigned to the MPO, excepting conformity determination tasks that it contracts out to other entities. III.C.2.a. Evaluating events which will trigger new conformity determinations in addition to those triggering events established in 40 CFR 93.104. III.C.2.a.(1) The MPO may identify events that would trigger new conformity determinations in addition to those triggering events established in 40 CFR Section 93.104, and the pollutant specific SIPs. Alternatively, the Commission may promulgate regulations or revise the SIP in a manner that would trigger a new conformity determination.III.C.2.a.(2) The MPO will consult with the review team to evaluate whether events that may trigger a new conformity determination pursuant to 40 CFR Section 93.104 or a pollutant specific SIP have occurred.III.C.2.b. Consulting on emissions analysis for transportation activities that cross the borders of MPOs or nonattainment areas or basins. In the event that contiguous MPOs are created within the state, the affected MPOs shall, in consultation with the participants in the consultation process, establish a consultation procedure for consulting on emissions analyses for transportation activities that cross the borders of MPOs or nonattainment areas or air basins.
III.C.2.c. Determining conformity of projects outside the metropolitan area and within the nonattainment or maintenance area. In the event that a nonattainment or maintenance area is created in the state that includes a metropolitan planning area or areas, but such metropolitan planning area(s) does not include the entire nonattainment or maintenance area, the affected MPOs, in consultation with the participants in the consultation process, shall establish a procedure for consulting on emissions analyses for transportation activities that cross the borders of MPOs or nonattainment areas or air basins.
III.C.2.d. Process for consulting on the design, schedule, and funding of research and data collection efforts and regional transportation model development by the MPO. The MPO, in consultation with the review team shall determine the design, schedule and funding of significant research and data collection efforts and regional transportation model development.