Example: Activities that promote tourism, economic development, charitable, public health, environmental, or educational goals;
Example: Attendance at training and educational events and conferences designed to improve the efficiencies and effectiveness of public services, or to enhance the knowledge and skills of public employees relative to their official duties;
Example: Business travel necessary to make informed purchasing decisions,
selections, and inspections;
Example: A class field trip that will enable students in a government class to observe proposed legislation being debated, or that will enable students in a Spanish class to hear the language spoken by native speakers;
Example: Any purpose defined by an agency's enabling legislation;
Example: Any purpose defined as a legitimate public purpose by the agency's governing body or, absent a governing body, chief executive officer, that is in furtherance of the agency's mission.
Example: A District Attorney sends employees to a training conference concerning sexual offenses against children. The District Attorney's sex offense unit typically works with an employee of the state Department of Children and Families (DCF) when it prosecutes such cases. The DCF employee may accept payment of her travel expenses by the District Attorney so that she may attend the conference. No disclosure is required. Example: A law enforcement officer travels out of state to bring a fugitive back to the Commonwealth. The officer's travel expenses may be paid by a prosecutor's office. No disclosure is required.
Example: Police, fire, and public works employees who would be first responders to emergency incidents involving natural gas may attend in-state training sessions sponsored by the natural gas companies, and may accept payment of travel expenses and hospitality of substantial value. The public employees are only required to make a disclosure if a matter involving the sponsoring utility has come before them in the six months prior to the training, or comes before them in the six months following the training.
Example: A State Representative attends monthly Chamber of Commerce breakfast meetings in his district so as to keep informed about issues of interest to business owners in his district. Attending the meetings has substantial value because a number of small meetings sponsored by the same entity are aggregated. The Representative may accept the cost of refreshments at the breakfasts, and no disclosure is required.
Example: A legislative aide to a State Senator regularly attends State House programs sponsored by a variety of different groups, including constituents, business associations, and nonprofit organizations. Some or all of these groups may have an interest in legislation before the Senate. Pastries, sandwiches, drinks, and other refreshments are provided. The value may or may not be substantial. The aide attends these programs in order to be informed about the views of various entities on matters that may come before her Senator. The aide may accept the cost of refreshments at the State House programs, and no disclosure is required.
Example: Members of a legislative caucus are offered bus transportation to a manufacturing site, lunch, and a tour of the site. The purpose of the tour is to inform the members of the circumstances of a Commonwealth industry. The transportation, lunch and tour are of substantial value. The members may accept the costs of the transportation, lunch and tour, and no disclosure is required.
Example of What is Not Permissible: An individual legislator is invited to lunch by a partner at a law firm who is not a personal friend of the legislator. The cost of the lunch exceeds $50. The two spend the majority of the time discussing pending legislation in which clients of the lawyer have an interest. This example does not fall within this exemption because it is a lunch, not a group informational program. The legislator may attend the lunch but must pay for his own lunch.
Example: A legislator is invited to attend a fundraiser dinner for a charitable organization. She is not asked to make the $250 contribution that would otherwise be required for attendance at the dinner. The legislator is not certain until the day of the event whether her other commitments will permit her to attend, but she does in fact attend the dinner. Several days after the dinner, the legislator fills out the disclosure form required by 930 CMR 5.08(3)(b), in which she makes the determination that her attendance at the event will increase public awareness of the cause assisted by the charity, and that this will serve a legitimate public purpose. The legislator may accept the waiver of the attendance fee.
Example: A city councilor directs his aide to attend a basketball game to which the councilor has been invited, and for which an admission fee of $75 is being charged to raise money for a local Boys & Girls Club. The fee is waived for the councilor and/or his aide. The councilor makes a written determination in advance of the event that the aide's attendance at the event will increase the visibility of charitable activities promoted by the Boys & Girls Club, and that this will serve a legitimate public purpose. The aide may attend the event, and may accept waiver of the admission fee.
A public employee who may not accept an honorarium may request that the donor instead give it to charity, but may not identify any particular charity. If the public employee makes such a request, this exemption does not eliminate any possible tax consequences.
The public employee who is receiving the award may also accept payment or reimbursement of reasonable travel expenses as defined in 930 CMR 5.08(2)(a)1. in connection with his or her attendance, and the attendance of his or her guests, at any award ceremony, and may accept any display item related to the degree or award (such as a trophy, plaque, bowl, desk ornament, or certificate) in accordance with the criteria and policies of the degree or award program. A public employee receiving an award pursuant to this exemption may accept a monetary award or stipend only if the public employee has not had, and does not reasonably expect to have, official dealings as a public employee with either the awarding entity or any sponsors of the award. If a particular matter involving the awarding entity, or a sponsor of the award, comes before the public employee during the six months following such acceptance, the employee must make a written public disclosure pursuant to M.G.L. c. 268A, § 23(b)(3). 930 CMR 5.08(6) does not authorize acceptance of testimonial dinners that would be prohibited by M.G.L. c. 268, § 9A. Nothing in 930 CMR 5.08 authorizes a public employee to accept any gift by a lobbyist that is prohibited by M.G.L. c. 268B, § 6, or M.G.L. c. 3, § 43, last paragraph. Gifts from lobbyists prohibited by those statutes may be accepted only in accordance with 930 CMR 5.09.
Example: The Governor is invited to attend an evening event for a non-profit corporation. The event will honor the retiring director of the non-profit corporation. The event is open to the public and tickets cost $100, but the sponsoring non-profit has offered to waive the cost of admission for the Governor. When the invitation is extended, the Governor is asked if he is willing to welcome the attendees and introduce the retiring director at the beginning of the event. The Governor has been asked to perform a ceremonial function, and may accept free admission to the event.
Example: A biotech firm has a luxury box at Fenway Park. The firm is hosting employees of a foreign firm with which it hopes to start a new venture. The biotech firm invites several officials from the town where it hopes to build the new venture to attend a game at Fenway with the foreign firm's employees. Comparable tickets to the game would otherwise cost $200. The local officials are not asked to do anything other than be present and chat with the other attendees. The officials have not been asked to perform a ceremonial function, and should pay the cost of their tickets if they choose to attend.
Example: An office supply company wishes to donate backpacks of school supplies to needy children, and enlists the help of certain legislators in distributing the backpacks. The legislators may hold the backpacks temporarily while waiting to turn them over to their ultimate recipients, and must inform the ultimate recipients of the identity of the donor.
Example: A teacher has a class with 23 students. Parents of 20 of the students collect money and give the teacher a $150 gift certificate to a book store, indicating that it is a class gift. One of the parents who did not contribute to the class gift gives the teacher a $25 certificate to a spa. The teacher may accept the $150 class gift certificate and no disclosure is required. The teacher may not accept any other gift from the parents who contributed to the class gift. The teacher may accept the $25 spa certificate, but must file a disclosure pursuant to M.G.L. c. 268A, § 23(b)(3).
Example: A teacher has a class with 23 students. Parents of 13 of the students collect money and give the teacher a $130 gift certificate to a book store, indicating that it is a class gift. Parents of the other ten students collect money and give the teacher a $100 gift certificate to an office supply store, indicating that the gift is a gift to the classroom and that the teacher should use it to buy necessary classroom supplies. The teacher can accept the first gift on his own behalf and the second on behalf of the classroom. He must spend the $100 office supply gift certificate on classroom supplies and should keep receipts documenting those purchases. Items purchased with money that is a gift to the classroom is the property of the school district. The teacher may not knowingly accept any additional gift from parents who participated in the class gift.
930 CMR, § 5.08