Although the following practices are not mandatory under M.G.L. c. 132, §§ 40 through 46, their adoption is strongly recommended because they will benefit both the landowner and the public. If any of these practices are made part of an approved forest cutting plan, they become legal requirements.
Isolated wetlands may perform some important water quality functions, and may also provide wildlife habitat. In order to maintain their ability to perform these functions it is suggested that the standards required for Bordering Vegetated Wetlands also be applied to isolated wetlands, that is; avoid them if possible, cross them only when the ground is dry, frozen, or otherwise stable, and harvest no more than 50% of the basal area at any one time.
Plants along the stream banks are an important source of nutrients for stream ecosystems. Leaves, seeds, fruits, and invertebrates that fall into the water from overhanging plants can account for up to 75% of the nutrients in some streams. Tree limbs and branches that fall into streams provide cover for fish and other aquatic organisms, as well as perches and basking areas for reptiles, amphibians, and birds. Large trees that fall into streams often create riffle areas and plunge pools, critical habitat for fish and other aquatic organisms.
The roots of trees growing on or near stream banks stabilize the soil and reduce erosion. Exposed tree roots and undercut banks along streams also provide important cover for wildlife.
302 CMR, § 16.07