Comparable Municipalities. Municipalities designated by the Department for data collection and reporting purposes that share similar relevant characteristics to Participating Communities.
Demonstration Project. Not more than ten cities or towns as approved by the Department pursuant to 225 CMR 24.00 that may, notwithstanding M.G.L. c. 40A, § 13, M.G.L. chs. 142, 164 any other general or special law to the contrary, adopt and amend general or zoning ordinances or by-laws that require new building construction or Major Renovation projects to be fossil fuel-free, and enforce restrictions and prohibitions on new building construction and Major Renovation projects that are not fossil fuel-free, including through the withholding or conditioning of building permits.
DHCD. The Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development, as established by M.G.L. c. 23B.
Department. The Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, as established by M.G.L. c. 25A.
Fossil Fuel-free. As defined by a city or town to include, but not be limited to, an entire building or entire condominium unit that does not, in support of its operation after construction, utilize coal, oil, natural gas, other fuel hydrocarbons, including synthetic equivalents, or other fossil fuels.
Home Rule Petition. A petition submitted to the General Court pursuant to Amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, art. 89, § 8.
Hospitals or Medical Offices. A facility licensed or approved by the Department of Public Health to provide health care, including clinics licensed as health care facilities and facilities that provide substance use disorder treatment services, including outpatient withdrawal management, opioid treatment programs, office-based opioid treatment programs, acute treatment services (inpatient detoxification), and clinical stabilization services.
Local Approval. By a majority vote of the:
Major Renovation. Major renovation is defined as:
Participating Community. A city of town approved by the Department for participation in the Demonstration Project.
Prioritized Community. One of the first ten communities to file a home rule petition with the general court and listed in 225 CMR 24.03(1); provided, however, that a city or town that submits a letter of withdrawal pursuant to 225 CMR 24.03(2) shall no longer be considered a Prioritized Community.
Process Load. Energy demand in commercial or industrial buildings that is not covered by the Massachusetts building energy code.
Research Laboratories for Scientific or Medical Research. A building where a laboratory procedure or research activity occurs, where the building has an average ventilation at full occupancy greater than 0.5 cfm/sf. Such buildings shall provide the ventilation design documentation described in 225 CMR 23.00: Massachusetts Front-end Amendments to the International Energy Conservation Code 2021 Massachusetts Stretch Energy Code - 2023 Commercial Amendments to IECC2021, § C103.2 at the time of building permitting.
Substitute Community. A city or town that applies to the Department for participation in the Demonstration Project that is not a Prioritized Community listed in 225 CMR 24.03(1).
225 CMR, § 24.02