C202 Add the following definitions.
ALL-ELECTRIC BUILDING. A building with no on-site combustion equipment for fossil fuel use or capacity for including fossil fuel use in space heating, water heating, cooking, or drying appliances.
AUTOMATIC LOAD MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (ALMS). A control system that allows multiple connected electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) to share a circuit or panel and automatically manage power at each charger, reducing the total connected electrical capacity of all EVSE.
CLASS 3 EXHAUST. Exhaust meeting the definition of Class 3 air in ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 62.1-2019, including air with significant contaminant concentration, significant sensory-irritation intensity, or offensive odor. The Class 3 Exhaust system must be capable of reducing exhaust and makeup airflow rates to 50% of the zone design values or the minimum required to maintain pressurization relationship requirements.
CLASS 4 EXHAUST. Exhaust meeting the definition of Class 4 air in ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 62.1-2019, including laboratory fume hood exhaust, exhaust where energy recovery is not allowed by ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170 for use in energy recovery systems with leakage potential, and systems exhausting toxic, flammable, paint or corrosive fumes or dust. The Class 4 Exhaust system must be capable of reducing exhaust and makeup airflow rates to 50% of the zone design values or the minimum required to maintain pressurization relationship requirements. Excludes exempt exhaust.
CLEAN BIOMASS HEATING SYSTEM. Wood-pellet fired central boilers and furnaces with less than 3 million Btu/hour rated heat input, where the equipment has a thermal efficiency rating of 85% (higher heating value) or greater; and a particulate matter emissions rating of no more than 0.08 lb. PM2.5/MMBtu heat output, or wood chip fired central boilers and furnaces with less than three million Btu/hour rated heat input, where the equipment has a thermal efficiency rating of 80% or greater and a particulate matter emissions rating of no more than 0.10 lb. PM2.5/MMBtu heat output.
COMBUSTION EQUIPMENT. Any equipment or appliance used for space heating, service water heating, cooking, clothes drying and/or lighting that can use fuel gas, fuel oil or solid fuel and that is not a clean biomass heating system.
DEDICATED OUTSIDE AIR SYSTEM (DOAS). A ventilation system that supplies 100% outdoor air primarily for the purpose of ventilation and that is a separate system from the zone space-conditioning system.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE. An automotive-type vehicle for on-road use, such as passenger automobiles, buses, trucks, vans, neighborhood electric vehicles, electric motorcycles, and the like, primarily powered by an electric motor that draws current from a rechargeable storage battery, fuel cell, photovoltaic array, or other source of electric current. Informational note: defined as in 527 CMR 12 section 625.2.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT (EVSE). The conductors, including the ungrounded, grounded, and equipment grounding conductors, and the electric vehicle connectors, attachment plugs, and all other fittings, devices, power outlets, or apparatus installed specifically for the purpose of transferring energy between the premises wiring and the electric vehicle. Informational note: defined as in 527 CMR 12 section 625.2.
ELECTRIC VEHICLE READY PARKING SPACE ("EV READY SPACE"). A designated parking space which is provided with wiring and electrical service sufficient to provide 240 volt AC Level 2 or equivalent EV charging, as defined by Standard SAE J1772 for EVSE servicing light duty electric vehicles.
ENTHALPY RECOVERY RATIO. The ratio of change in enthalpy of the entering supply airflow and the leaving supply airflow to the difference in enthalpy between the entering supply airflow and the entering exhaust airflow, with no adjustment to account for that portion of the psychrometric change in the leaving supply airflow that is the result of leakage of entering exhaust airflow rather than exchange of heat or moisture between the airstreams.
EXEMPT EXHAUST. Exhaust for which energy recovery systems are prohibited by the applicable International Mechanical Code.
EXHAUST SOURCE HEAT PUMP. A type of electric heat pump that utilizes ventilation exhaust air as the thermal energy source.
FUEL GAS. A natural gas, manufactured gas, liquified petroleum gas or a mixture of these. Informational note: Definition of fuel gas is mirrored from 2021 IMC to be useful in defining combustion equipment. It typically refers to natural gas and propane.
FUEL OIL. Kerosene or any hydrocarbon oil having a flash point not less than 100°F (38 °C). Informational note: Definition of fuel oil is mirrored from 2021 IMC to be useful in defining combustion equipment. It typically refers to heating oil products.
GLAZED WALL SYSTEM. System consisting of any combination of both vision glass and/or spandrel sections to create an above-grade wall that is designed to separate the exterior and interior environments. These systems include, but are not limited to, curtain walls, window walls, and storefront windows.
MIXED-FUEL BUILDING. A building that contains combustion equipment or includes piping for such equipment.
OTHER EXHAUST. Any exhaust that does not fall under the categories of Exempt Exhaust, Class 4 Exhaust, or Class 3 Exhaust.
SENSIBLE ENERGY RECOVERY RATIO. The change in the dry-bulb temperature of the outdoor air supply divided by the difference between the outdoor air and entering exhaust air drybulb temperatures, expressed as a percentage.
SPANDREL SECTION. The opaque portion of a glazed wall system typically used to conceal or obscure features of the building structure or used for visual effect. A spandrel section may consist of, but is not limited to, an exterior exposed cladding layer (glazing or opaque material) with an interior insulated panel.
TENANT SPACE FIT OUT ZONE. Portion of a building in which only the envelope is completed, and the mechanical, lighting, and other interior systems are either incomplete or partially complete at the time of building permitting. Mechanical, lighting, and other interior systems may be completed under either the same building permit or a different building permit from the host building.
THERMAL BRIDGE: Part of the building envelope where otherwise uniform thermal resistance is changed by full or partial penetration of the thermal insulation by materials with higher thermal conductivities and/or where the interior and exterior areas of the envelope are different, such as, but not limited to, parapets and corners.
CLEAR FIELD: A thermal bridge that is uniformly distributed throughout an assembly such that accounting for the thermal bridge individually is impractical for whole-building calculations.
LINEAR: A thermal bridge that is continuous in one direction of the exterior envelope.
POINT A thermal bridge that is discrete and countable on an individual basis for whole-building calculations.
225 CMR, § 23, § C202