211 CMR, § 101.06

Current through Register 1538, January 3, 2025
Section 101.06 - Hearing Notice

The Commissioner shall prepare a hearing notice. The Filing Party shall arrange and pay for publication of the hearing notice at least 21 days before the date scheduled for an initial hearing in a Proceeding in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the Commonwealth. The Filing Party shall file with the Division proof of publication within 21 days of publication. The Presiding Officer may require additional evidence of compliance with 211 CMR 101.06. The Commissioner shall concurrently give notice of the Proceeding to the State Rating Bureau, the Attorney General and to any person who has filed a written request with the Division to receive notice of such Proceedings. The hearing notice shall contain:

(a) a reference to the statutory authority under which the Proceeding is held;
(b) the date, time and location of the initial hearing;
(c) a brief statement of the subjects and issues involved in the Proceeding;
(d) a brief statement of dates and procedures for submitting notices of appearance by Statutory Intervenors, petitions to appear as intervenors or participants, and notices of appearances of counsel;
(e) a brief statement of the dates and procedures for making oral statements at the initial hearing in the Proceeding.

211 CMR, § 101.06