Provided, however, it shall not constitute the practice of "packing" if the creditor, at least three business days before the loan is closed, makes a separate oral and a separate clear and conspicuous written disclosure in at least 12 point type to the borrower containing the following information: the cost of the credit insurance or other goods and services; the fact that the insurance, goods, or services will be prepaid and financed at the interest rate provided for in the loan; and that the purchase of such insurance, goods or services is not required to obtain the mortgage loan; provided further, that insurance premiums shall not be considered financed as part of the loan transaction if insurance premiums are calculated, earned and paid on a monthly or other regular, periodic basis.
In addition, the written disclosure shall contain a signed and dated acknowledgment by the obligor(s) that the oral disclosure was made and a signed and dated acknowledgment by the creditor that the oral disclosure was made. In addition to the disclosures required under 209 CMR 32.34(2)(b), a creditor shall comply with the requirements of 209 CMR 52.02(1): Written Disclosures and (3): Copy of the Credit Insurance Application as well as 209 CMR 52.03: Readability of the Required Disclosures for credit life insurance or credit accident and health insurance.
209 CMR, § 32.34