Assessment. The comprehensive review of a youth's strengths, treatment needs, risk areas and history of offending behavior, mental status, medical and behavioral health history, developmental history, family relationships, functioning in and ties to the community, educational needs, history of compliance with probation or other supervised release, and history of compliance while detained pre-trial, where applicable, completed by regional clinical, medical, and educational staff, and a youth's caseworker.
Case History. A document completed in conjunction with a youth's initial Assessment and updated on a regular basis by a youth's caseworker or other authorized staff, regarding the youth's personal and family history.
Classification. The process by which a youth's treatment plan and placement are determined following commitment.
Classification Grid. Offense based guidelines used by a youth's Treatment Team and the Regional Review Team when determining the length of time a youth may spend in residential treatment.
Extension. The term used when the treatment assignment given to a youth by the RRT is increased to provide additional time for the youth to meet treatment goals or address emergent treatment issues, to enable the youth to transition to a less restrictive placement or the community.
Pass Eligibility. The determination by the RRT that a youth has met sufficient treatment milestones to merit his or her eligibility for structured, supervised and unsupervised access to the community.
Staffing. A meeting of a youth's Treatment Team first held within 45 days of a youth's commitment to the Department to review the Assessment and other information relevant to the youth's strengths, needs, history of offending behavior and level of risk, to develop the treatment plan that will be recommended to the RRT. Staffing also used to refer to subsequent meetings of the Treatment Team following the youth's initial classification to discuss changes in placement or emergent treatment needs and determine whether the youth should be presented to the RRT for a review of his or her placement and/or treatment plan.
Treatment Team. Regional body assembled to assist in the Assessment, Classification, placement and treatment of a youth upon the youth's commitment to the Department. The Treatment Team may include, but is not limited to, the youth, the youth's parent or guardian, the youth's Caseworker, the District Manager, the Program Clinical Director, the Program Advocate, the Program Educational Coordinator, and where applicable, the youth's attorney, Department of Children and Families and/or Department of Mental Health caseworker, probation officer, school personnel and other community partners.
109 CMR, § 4.03