7 C.F.R. § 1924.107

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 1924.107 - Utilities

All development under this subpart must have adequate, economic, safe, energy efficient, dependable utilities with sufficient easements for installation and maintenance.

(a)Water and wastewater disposal systems -
(1)Single Family Housing. If sites are served by central water or sewer systems, the systems must meet the requirements of paragraphs (a)(2) (i) and (ii) of this section. If sites have individual water or sewer systems, they must meet the requirements of the state department of health or other comparable reviewing and regulatory authority and the minimum requirements of exhibit B (available in any RHS field office), paragraphs V and VI. Sites in subdivisions of more than 25 dwelling units on individual systems, or sites that do not meet the requirements of exhibit B, paragraphs V and VI, must have state director concurrence.
(2)Multiple Family Housing. Proposals processed under this paragraph shall be served by centrally owned and operated water and wastewater disposal systems unless this is determined by RHS to be economically or environmentally not feasible. All central systems, whether they are public, community, or private, shall meet the design requirements of the state department of health or other comparable reviewing and regulatory authority. The regulatory authority will verify in writing that the water and wastewater systems are in compliance with the current provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act and the Clean Water Act, respectively.
(i) Sites which are not presently served by a central system, but are scheduled for tie-in to the central system within 2 years, should have all lines installed during the initial construction. Such sites must have an approved interim water supply or wastewater disposal system installed capable of satisfactory service until the scheduled tie-in occurs.
(ii) In addition to written assurance of compliance with state and local requirements, there must be assurance of continuous service at reasonable rates for central water and wastewater disposal systems. Public ownership is preferred whenever possible. In cases where interim facilities are installed pending extension or construction of permanent public services, the developer must assume responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the interim facility or establish an entity for its operation and maintenance which is acceptable to the local governing body. If a system is not or will not be publicly owned and operated, it must comply with one of the following:
(A) Be an organization that meets the ownership and operating requirements for a water or wastewater disposal system that RHS could finance under 7 CFR part 1942, subpart A or be dedicated to and accepted by such an organization.
(B) Be an organization or individual that meets other acceptable methods of ownership and operation as outlined in HUD Handbook 4075.12, "Ownership and Organization of Central Water and Sewerage Systems." RHS should be assured that the organization has the right, in its sole discretion, to enforce the obligation of the operator of the water and sewerage systems to provide satisfactory continuous service at reasonable rates.
(C) Be adequately controlled as to rates and services by a public body (unit of Government or public services commission).
(iii) Multiple family developments of more than 25 units with individual system must have national office concurrence.
(A) [Reserved]
(B) Supporting information for the proposed individual water systems, covering the following points:
(1) In areas where difficulty is anticipated in developing an acceptable water supply, the availability of a water supply will be determined before closing the loan.
(2) Documentation must be provided that the quality of the supply meets the chemical, physical, and bacteriological standards of the regulatory authority having jurisdiction. The maximum contaminant levels of U.S. EPA shall apply. Individual water systems must be tested for quantity and bacteriological quality. Where problems are anticipated with chemical quality, chemical tests may be required. Chemical tests would be limited to analysis for the defects common to the area such as iron and manganese, hardness, nitrates, pH, turbidity, color, or other undesirable elements. Polluted or contaminated water supplies are unacceptable. In all cases, assurance of a potable water supply before loan closing is required.
(C) Supporting information for individual wastewater disposal systems with subsurface discharge provided by a soil scientist, geologist, soils engineer, or other person recognized by the local regulatory authority. This data must include the following:
(1) Assurance of nonpollution of ground water. The local regulatory authority having jurisdiction must be consulted to ensure that installation of individual wastewater systems will not pollute ground water sources or create other health hazards or otherwise violate State water quality standards.
(2) Records of percolation tests. Guidance for performing these tests is included in the EPA design manual, "Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems" and the minimum RHS requirements are in exhibit B, paragraph VI. (These may be waived by the state director when the state has established other acceptable means for allowing onsite disposal.)
(3) Determination of soil types and description. The assistance of the SCS or other qualified persons should be obtained for soil type determination and a copy of its recommendations included in the documentation.
(4) Description of ground water elevations, showing seasonal variations.
(5) Confirmation of space allowances. An accurate drawing to indicate that there is adequate space available to satisfactorily locate the individual water and wastewater disposal systems; likewise, documented assurance of compliance with all local requirements. Structures served by wastewater disposal systems with subsurface discharge require larger sites than those structures served by another type system.
(6) Description of exploratory pit observations, if available.
(D) Supporting information for individual wastewater disposal systems with surface discharge covering the following points:
(1) Effluent standards issued by the appropriate regulatory agency that controls the discharge of the proposed individual systems. Assurance from this regulatory agency that the effluent standards will not be exceeded by the individual systems being proposed must be included.
(2) Program of maintenance, parts, and service available to the system-owner for upkeep of the system.
(3) A plan for local inspection of the system by a responsible agency with the authority to ensure compliance with health and safety standards.
(b)Electric service. The power supplier will be consulted by the applicant to assure that there is adequate service available to meet the needs of the proposed site. Underground service is preferred.
(c)Gas service. Gas distribution facilities, if provided, will be installed according to local requirements where adequate and dependable gas service is available.
(d)Other utilities. Other utilities, if available, will be installed according to local requirements.

7 C.F.R. §1924.107