(4) "Similar article produced in the United States" shall be an article of cheese, cheese product, or imitation cheese produced in the United States and marketed in the domestic wholesale market, which is determined by the Investigating Authority, based upon available information to be most like the imported article of quota cheese alleged to be involved in price-undercutting, in terms of its physical properties and end use. In making this determination, first consideration shall be given to the normal end uses of the article produced in the United States in comparison with the end use of the article of quota cheese alleged to be involved in price-undercutting. If the end use of both articles is determined to be the same (e.g., processing or retail sale), the physical characteristics of the two articles shall be considered.If the common end use of the two articles is processing, the representative samples of the two articles shall be examined in terms of processing quality, taking special note of processing yields. If the common end use of the two articles is retail sale, representative samples of the two articles shall be examined in terms of similarities of taste, texture, general appearance, quality, age, and packaging. Imported imitation quota cheese shall only be compared with imitation domestic cheese. If it is determined that the domestic cheese the price of which is claimed to be undercut is not similar to the quota cheese allegedly undercutting it, there shall be no finding of price-undercutting.