50 C.F.R. § 660.702

Current through September 30, 2024
Section 660.702 - Definitions

Basket-style longline gear means a type of longline gear that is divided into units called baskets, each consisting of a segment of main line to which 10 or more branch lines with hooks are spliced. The mainline and all branch lines are made of multiple braided strands of cotton, nylon, or other synthetic fibers impregnated with tar or other heavy coatings that cause the lines to sink rapidly in seawater.

Change in ownership means the addition of a new shareholder or partner to the membership of the corporation, partnership, or other entity. A change in ownership is not considered to have occurred if a member dies or becomes legally incapacitated and a trustee is appointed to act on their behalf, nor if the ownership of shares among existing members changes, nor if a member leaves the corporation or partnership or other entity and is not replaced. A change in ownership is not considered to have occurred if only the name of the entity changes.

Closure, when referring to closure of a fishery, means that taking and retaining, possessing, or landing the particular species or species group is prohibited.

Commercial fishing means:

(1) Fishing by a person who possesses a commercial fishing license or is required by law to possess such license issued by one of the states or the Federal Government as a prerequisite to taking, retaining, possessing, landing and/or selling of fish; or
(2) Fishing that results in or can be reasonably expected to result in sale, barter, trade, or other disposition of fish for other than personal consumption.

Commercial fishing gear includes the following types of gear and equipment used in the highly migratory species fisheries:

(1)Deep-set buoy gear. Line fishing gear which consists of vertical mainlines suspended from a buoy array, with gangions with hooks attached to either a vertical line or a horizontal line connected to the terminal ends of two vertical lines. All configurations must be set at or below a minimum depth and actively tended;
(2)Drift gillnet. A panel of netting, 14 inch (35.5 cm) stretched mesh or greater, suspended vertically in the water by floats along the top and weights along the bottom. A drift gillnet is not stationary or anchored to the bottom;
(3)Harpoon. Gear consisting of a pointed dart or iron attached to the end of a pole or stick that is propelled only by hand and not by mechanical means;
(4)Pelagic longline. A main line that is suspended horizontally in the water column and not stationary or anchored, and from which dropper lines with hooks (gangions) are attached. Legal longline gear also includes basket-style longline gear;
(5)Purse seine. An encircling net that may be closed by a purse line threaded through the bottom of the net. Purse seine gear includes ring net, drum purse seine, and lampara nets; and
(6)Surface hook-and-line. Fishing gear, other than longline gear, with one or more hooks attached to one or more lines (includes troll, rod and reel, handline, albacore jig, live bait, and bait boat). Surface hook and line is always attached to the vessel.

Council means the Pacific Fishery Management Council, including its Highly Migratory Species Management Team (HMSMT), Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC), Highly Migratory Species Advisory Subpanel (HMSAS), and any other committee established by the Council.

Family member for the purposes of change in ownership of limited entry deep-set buoy gear permits means spouse, domestic partner, cohabitant, child, stepchild, grandchild, parent, stepparent, mother-in-law, father-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparent, great-grandparent, brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister, stepsibling, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, or first cousin.

Fishing trip is a period of time between landings when fishing is conducted.

Fishing year is the year beginning at 0801 GMT (0001 local time) on April 1 and ending at 0800 GMT on March 31 (2400 local time) of the following year.

Force majeure means an event of extraordinary circumstances including the death of a vessel owner or operator, or when a designated vessel at sea (except while transiting between ports on a trip during which no fishing operations occur) is disabled by mechanical or structure failure, fire, or explosion, or the designated vessel is totally lost.

Harvest guideline means a specified numerical harvest objective that is not a quota. Attainment of a harvest guideline does not require closure of a fishery.

Highly Migratory Species (HMS) means species managed by the FMP, specifically:


striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax)

swordfish (Xiphias gladius)


common thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus)

shortfin mako or bonito shark (Isurus oxyrinchus)

blue shark (Prionace glauca)


north Pacific albacore (Thunnus alalunga)

yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares)

bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus)

skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis)

Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis)


dorado or dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus)

Highly Migratory Species Advisory Subpanel (HMSAS) means the individuals comprised of members of the fishing industry and public appointed by the Council to review proposed actions for managing highly migratory species fisheries.

Highly Migratory Species Fishery Management Plan (FMP) means the Fishery Management Plan for the U.S. West Coast Fisheries for Highly Migratory Species developed by the Pacific Fishery Management Council and approved by the Secretary of Commerce and amendments to the FMP.

Highly Migratory Species Management Team (HMSMT) means the individuals appointed by the Council to review, analyze, and develop management measures for highly migratory species fisheries.

Incidental catch or incidental species means HMS caught while fishing for the primary purpose of catching other species with gear not authorized by the FMP.

Initial administrative determination (IAD) means a formal, written determination made by National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) on an application or permit request that is subject to an appeal within NMFS.

Injury, when referring to marine mammals and sea turtles, means the animal has been released with obvious physical injury or with attached fishing gear.

Land or landing means offloading fish from a fishing vessel or arriving in port to begin offloading fish or causing fish to be offloaded from a fishing vessel.

Mesh size means the opening between opposing knots in a net. Minimum mesh size means the smallest distance allowed between the inside of one knot to the inside of the opposing knot when the mesh is stretched, regardless of twine size.

Offloading means removing HMS from a vessel.

Ownership interest means participation in ownership of a corporation, partnership, or other entity that owns a limited entry deep-set buoy gear permit.

Permit holder means a permit owner.

Permit owner means a person who owns an HMS permit for a specific vessel fishing with specific authorized fishing gear.

Person, as it applies to fishing conducted under this subpart, means any individual, corporation, partnership, association or other entity (whether or not organized or existing under the laws of any state), and any Federal, state, or local government, or any entity of any such government that is eligible to own a documented vessel under the terms of 46 U.S.C. 12102(a) .

Processing or to process means the preparation or packaging of HMS to render it suitable for human consumption, industrial uses or long-term storage, including, but not limited to, cooking, canning, smoking, salting, drying, filleting, freezing, or rendering into meal or oil, but does not mean heading and gutting or freezing at sea unless additional preparation is done.

Prohibited species means any highly migratory species for which quotas or catch limits under the FMP have been achieved and the fishery closed; salmon; great white shark; basking shark; megamouth shark; and Pacific halibut.

Quota means a specified numerical harvest objective, the attainment (or expected attainment) of which causes closure of the fishery for that species or species group.

Recreational charter vessel means a vessel that carries fee-paying passengers for the purpose of recreational fishing.

Recreational fishing means fishing with authorized recreational fishing gear for personal use only and not for sale or barter.

Regional Administrator means the Regional Administrator for the West Coast Region, National Marine Fisheries Service, or a designee.

Special Agent-In-Charge (SAC) means the Special Agent-In-Charge, NMFS, Office of Enforcement, West Coast Division, or a designee of the Special Agent-In-Charge.

Sustainable Fisheries Division (SFD) means the Assistant Regional Administrator for Sustainable Fisheries, West Coast Region, NMFS, or his or her designee.

Totally lost means the vessel being replaced no longer exists in specie, or is absolutely and irretrievably sunk, or the costs of repair (including recovery) will exceed the value of the vessel after repairs.

Tranship means offloading or otherwise transferring HMS or products thereof to a receiving vessel.

Vessel monitoring system unit (VMS unit) means an automated, remote system and mobile transceiver unit that is approved by NMFS and provides information about a vessel's identity, location, and activity for the purposes of routine monitoring, control, surveillance and enforcement of area and time restrictions and other fishery management measures.

50 C.F.R. §660.702

69 FR 18453, Apr. 7, 2004, as amended at 76 FR 56328, Sept. 13, 2011; 80 FR 10394, Feb. 26, 2015; 80 FR 46520, Aug. 5, 2015; 83 FR 11150, Mar. 14, 2018; 85 FR 7250, Feb. 7, 2020; 88 FR 29548, May 8, 2023
83 FR 11150, 3/14/2018; 85 FR 7250, 3/9/2020; 88 FR 29548, 6/7/2023