If the area 3A annual combined catch limit (CCL) in net pounds is: | then the area 3A annual commercial allocation is: |
[LESS THAN]10,000,000 lb | 81.1% of the Area 3A CCL. |
[GREATER THAN EQUAL TO]10,000,000 and [LESS THAN EQUAL TO]10,800,000 lb | the Area 3A CCL minus a fixed 1,890,000-lb allocation to the charter halibut fishery. |
[GREATER THAN]10,800,000 and [LESS THAN EQUAL TO]20,000,000 lb | 82.5% of the Area 3A CCL. |
[GREATER THAN]20,000,000 and [LESS THAN EQUAL TO]25,000,000 lb | the Area 3A CCL minus a fixed 3,500,000-lb allocation to the charter halibut fishery. |
[GREATER THAN]25,000,000 lb | 86.0% of the Area 3A CCL. |
50 C.F.R. §Table 2 to Subpart E of Part 300