50 C.F.R. § 17.95(c)

Current through November 30, 2024
Section 17.95(c) - Critical habitat-fish and wildlife

Culebra Island Giant Anole (Anolis roosevetti)

Note: No text. Map follows:

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Mona Boa (Epicrates monensis monensis)

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Mona Island-entire island.

Note: Map follows:

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American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus)

Florida. All land and water within the following boundary: Beginning at the easternmost tip of Turkey Point, Dade County, on the coast of Biscayne Bay; thence southeastward along a straight line to Christmas Point at the southernmost tip of Elliott Key; thence southwestward along a line following the shores of the Atlantic Ocean side of Old Rhodes Key, Palo Alto Key, Anglefish Key, Key Largo, Plantation Key, Windley Key, Upper Matecumbe Key, Lower Matecumbe Key, and Long Key, to the westernmost tip of Long Key; thence Northwestward along a straight line to the westernmost tip of Middle Cape; thence northward along the shore of the Gulf of Mexico to the north side of the mouth of Little Sable Creek; thence eastward along a straight line to the northernmost point of Nine-Mile Pond; thence northeastward along a straight line to the point of beginning.

Note: No map.

Narrow-headed Gartersnake (Thamnophis rufipunctatus)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Greenlee, Apache, Yavapai, Gila, and Coconino Counties in Arizona, as well as in Grant, Hidalgo, and Catron Counties in New Mexico, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of narrow-headed gartersnake consist of the following components:
(i) Perennial streams or spatially intermittent streams that provide both aquatic and terrestrial habitat that allows for immigration, emigration, and maintenance of population connectivity of narrow-headed gartersnakes and contain:
(A) Pools, riffles, and cobble and boulder substrate, with a low amount of fine sediment and substrate embeddedness;
(B) Organic and natural inorganic structural features (e.g., cobble bars, rock piles, large boulders, logs or stumps, aquatic vegetation, vegetated islands, logs, and debris jams) in the stream channel for basking, thermoregulation, shelter, prey base maintenance, and protection from predators;
(C) Water quality that meets or exceeds applicable State surface water quality standards; and
(D) Terrestrial habitat up to 328 feet (100 meters) from the active stream channel (water's edge) that includes flood debris, rock piles, and rock walls containing cracks and crevices, small mammal burrows, downed woody debris, and streamside vegetation (e.g., alder, willow, sedges, and shrubs) for thermoregulation, shelter, brumation and protection from predators throughout the year.
(ii) Hydrologic processes that maintain aquatic and riparian habitat through:
(A) A natural flow regime that allows for periodic flooding, or if flows are modified or regulated, a flow regime that allows for the movement of water, sediment, nutrients, and debris through the stream network, as well as maintenance of native fish populations; and
(B) Physical hydrologic and geomorphic connection between the active stream channel and its adjacent terrestrial areas.
(iii) A combination of native fishes, and soft-rayed, nonnative fish species such that prey availability occurs across seasons and years.
(iv) An absence of nonnative aquatic predators, such as fish species of the families Centrarchidae and Ictaluridae, American bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus), and/or crayfish (Orconectes virilis, Procambarus clarki, etc.), or occurrence of these nonnative species at low enough levels such that recruitment of narrow-headed gartersnakes is not inhibited and maintenance of viable prey populations is still occurring.
(v) Elevations of 2,300 to 8,200 feet (700 to 2,500 meters).
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on November 22, 2021.
(4) Data layers defining map units were created using the U.S. Geological Survey's 7.5' quadrangles, National Hydrography Dataset and National Elevation Dataset; the Service's National Wetlands Inventory dataset; and aerial imagery from Google Earth Pro. Line locations for lotic streams (flowing water) and drainages are depicted as the "Flowline" feature class from the National Hydrography Dataset geodatabase. The active channel along a stream is depicted as the "Wetlands" feature class from the Service's National Wetlands Inventory dataset. Any discrepancies between the "Flowline" and "Wetlands" feature classes were resolved using aerial imagery from Google Earth Pro. Elevation range is masked using the "Elev_Contour" feature class of the National Elevation Dataset. The administrative boundaries for Arizona and New Mexico were obtained from the Arizona Land Resource Information Service and New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System, respectively. This includes the most current (as of November 22, 2021) geospatial data available for land ownership, counties, States, and streets. Locations depicting critical habitat are expressed as decimal degree latitude and longitude in the World Geographic Coordinate System projection using the 1984 datum (WGS84). The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at http://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/, at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2020-0011, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Note: Index map follows:

Figure 1 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (5)

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(6) Unit 1: Upper Gila River Subbasin Unit, Grant and Hidalgo Counties, New Mexico.
(i) Unit 1 consists of 7,005 acres (ac) (2,835 hectares (ha)) in Grant and Hidalgo Counties, and is composed of lands in Federal (4,084 ac (1,653 ha)), State (553 ac (224 ha)), and private (2,368 ac (958 ha)) ownership in eight subunits west of the town of Glenwood, north of Silver City, and South of Gila and Cliff.
(ii) Map of Unit 1 follows:

Figure 2 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (6)(ii)

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(7) Unit 2: San Francisco River Subbasin Unit, Catron County, New Mexico.
(i) Unit 2 consists of 5,895 ac (2,386 ha) in Catron County, and is composed of lands in Federal (3,924 ac (1,588 ha)), State (3 ac (1 ha)), and private (1,967 ac (796 ha)) ownership in six subunits near the towns of Glenwood and Reserve.
(ii) Map of Unit 2 follows:

Figure 3 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (7)(ii)

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(8) Unit 3: Blue River Subbasin Unit, Greenlee County, Arizona, and Catron County, New Mexico.
(i) Unit 3 consists 3,368 ac (1,363 ha) in Greenlee County, Arizona, and Catron County, New Mexico, and is composed of lands in Federal (2,918 ac (1,181 ha)) and private (450 ac (182 ha)) ownership in three subunits near the towns of Blue, Arizona, and Luna, New Mexico.
(ii) Map of Unit 3 follows:

Figure 4 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (8)(ii)

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(9) Unit 4: Eagle Creek Unit, Greenlee County, Arizona.
(i) Unit 4 consists of 84 ac (34 ha) in Greenlee County, and is composed of lands in Federal (84 ac (34 ha)) and private (1 ac ([LESS THAN]1 ha)) ownership near the town of Woolaroc.
(ii) Map of Unit 4 follows:

Figure 5 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (9)(ii)

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(10) Unit 5: Black River Subbasin Unit, Apache and Greenlee Counties, Arizona.
(i) Unit 5 consists of 1,780 ac (720 ha) in Apache and Greenlee Counties, and is composed of lands in Federal (1,780 ac (720 ha)) ownership in six subunits near the towns of Maverick and Hannigan Meadow.
(ii) Map of Unit 5 follows:

Figure 6 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (10)(ii)

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(11) Unit 6: Canyon Creek Unit, Gila County, Arizona.
(i) Unit 6 consists of 204 ac (82 ha) in Gila County, and is composed of lands in Federal (204 ac (82 ha)) ownership southwest of the town of Heber.
(ii) Map of Unit 6 follows:

Figure 7 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (11)(ii)

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(12) Unit 7: Tonto Creek Subbasin Unit, Gila County, Arizona.
(i) Unit 7 consists of 2,293 ac (928 ha) in Gila County, and is composed of lands in Federal (2,176 ac (881 ha)) and private (117 ac (47 ha)) ownership in three subunits near the towns of Jakes Corner and Gisela.
(ii) Map of Unit 7 follows:

Figure 8 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (12)(ii)

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(13) Unit 8: Verde River Subbasin Unit, Coconino and Yavapai Counties, Arizona.
(i) Unit 8 consists of 3,156 ac (1,277 ha) in Coconino and Yavapai Counties, and is composed of lands in Federal (2,446 ac (990 ha)), State (109 ac (44 ha)), and private (602 ac (244 ha)) ownership in three subunits near the towns of Sedona and Perkinsville.
(ii) Map of Unit 8 follows:

Figure 9 to Narrow-headed Gartersnake paragraph (13)(ii)

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Northern Mexican Gartersnake (Thamnophis eques megalops)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for La Paz, Mohave, Yavapai, Gila, Cochise, Santa Cruz, and Pima Counties in Arizona, and in Grant County in New Mexico, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of northern Mexican gartersnake consist of the following components:
(i) Perennial or spatially intermittent streams that provide both aquatic and terrestrial habitat that allows for immigration, emigration, and maintenance of population connectivity of northern Mexican gartersnakes and contain:
(A) Slow-moving water (walking speed) with in-stream pools, off-channel pools, and backwater habitat;
(B) Organic and natural inorganic structural features (e.g., boulders, dense aquatic and wetland vegetation, leaf litter, logs, and debris jams) within the stream channel for thermoregulation, shelter, foraging opportunities, and protection from predators;
(C) Terrestrial habitat adjacent to the stream channel that includes riparian vegetation, small mammal burrows, boulder fields, rock crevices, and downed woody debris for thermoregulation, shelter, foraging opportunities, brumation, and protection from predators; and
(D) Water quality that meets or exceeds applicable State surface water quality standards.
(ii) Hydrologic processes that maintain aquatic and terrestrial habitat through:
(A) A natural flow regime that allows for periodic flooding, or if flows are modified or regulated, a flow regime that allows for the movement of water, sediment, nutrients, and debris through the stream network; and
(B) Physical hydrologic and geomorphic connection between a stream channel and its adjacent riparian areas.
(iii) A combination of amphibians, fishes, small mammals, lizards, and invertebrate species such that prey availability occurs across seasons and years.
(iv) An absence of nonnative fish species of the families Centrarchidae and Ictaluridae, American bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus), and/or crayfish (Orconectes virilis, Procambarus clarki, etc.), or occurrence of these nonnative species at low enough levels such that recruitment of northern Mexican gartersnakes is not inhibited and maintenance of viable prey populations is still occurring.
(v) Elevations from 130 to 8,497 feet (40 to 2,590 meters).
(vi) Lentic wetlands including off-channel springs, cienegas, and natural and constructed ponds (small earthen impoundment) with:
(A) Organic and natural inorganic structural features (e.g., boulders, dense aquatic and wetland vegetation, leaf litter, logs, and debris jams) within the ordinary high water mark for thermoregulation, shelter, foraging opportunities, brumation, and protection from predators;
(B) Riparian habitat adjacent to ordinary high water mark that includes riparian vegetation, small mammal burrows, boulder fields, rock crevices, and downed woody debris for thermoregulation, shelter, foraging opportunities, and protection from predators; and
(C) Water quality that meets or exceeds applicable State surface water quality standards.
(vii) Ephemeral channels that connect perennial or spatially intermittent perennial streams to lentic wetlands in southern Arizona where water resources are limited.
(3) Critical habitat does not include humanmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on May 28, 2021.
(4) Data layers defining map units were created included using the U.S. Geological Survey's 7.5' quadrangles, National Hydrography Dataset, and National Elevation Dataset; the Service's National Wetlands Inventory dataset; and aerial imagery from Google Earth Pro. Line locations for lotic streams (flowing water) and drainages are depicted as the "Flowline" feature class from the National Hydrography Dataset geodatabase. Point locations for lentic sites (ponds) are depicted as "NHDPoint" feature class from the National Hydrography Dataset geodatabase. Extent of riparian habitat surrounding lotic streams and lentic sites is depicted by the greater of the "Wetlands" and "Riparian" features classes of the Service's national Wetlands Inventory dataset and further refined using aerial imagery from Google Earth Pro. Elevation range is masked using the "Elev_Contour" feature class of the National Elevation Dataset. Administrative boundaries for Arizona and New Mexico were obtained from the Arizona Land Resource Information Service and New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System, respectively. This includes the most current (as of May 28, 2021) geospatial data available for land ownership, counties, States, and streets. Locations depicting critical habitat are expressed as decimal degree latitude and longitude in the World Geographic Coordinate System projection using the 1984 datum (WGS84). The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at http://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/, at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2020-0011, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5)Note: Index map follows:

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(6)Unit 1: Upper Gila River Subbasin Unit, Grant County, New Mexico.
(i)General description: Unit 1 consists of 1,133 acres (ac) (458 hectares (ha)) in Grant County, and is composed of lands in State (22 ac (9 ha)) and private (1,110 ac (449 ha)) ownership in two subunits near the towns of Cliff and Gila.
(ii)Map: Map of Unit 1 follows:

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(7)Unit 2: Tonto Creek Unit, Gila County, Arizona.
(i)General description: Unit 2 consists of 3,176 ac (1,285 ha) in Gila County, and is composed of lands in Federal (2,230 ac (902 ha)) and private (947 ac (383 ha)) ownership near the towns of Gisela and Punkin Center.
(ii)Map: Map of Unit 2 follows:

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(8)Unit 3: Verde River Subbasin Unit, Yavapai County, Arizona.
(i)General description: Unit 3 consists of 5,265 ac (2,131 ha) in Yavapai County, and is composed of lands in Federal (978 ac (396 ha)), State (571 ac (231 ha)), and private (3,715 ac (1,433 ha)) ownership in three subunits near the towns of Cottonwood, Cornville, Page Springs, and Camp Verde.
(ii)Map: Map of Unit 3 follows:

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(9)Unit 4: Bill Williams River Subbasin Unit, La Paz and Mohave Counties, Arizona.
(i)General description: Unit 4 consists of 2,245 ac (908 ha) in La Paz and Mohave Counties, and is composed of lands in Federal (1,119 ac (453 ha)) and private (1,126 ac (456 ha)) ownership in two subunits near the towns of Wikiup and Signal.
(ii)Map: Map of Unit 4 follows:

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(10)Unit 5: Arivaca Cienega Unit, Pima County, Arizona.
(i)General description: Unit 5 consists of 211 ac (86 ha) in Pima County and is composed of lands in Federal (149 ac (60 ha)), State (1 ac ([LESS THAN]1 ha)), and private (62 ac (25 ha)) ownership near the town of Arivaca.
(ii)Map: Map of Unit 5 follows:

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(11)Unit 6: Cienega Creek Subbasin Unit, Pima County, Arizona.
(i)General description: Unit 6 consists of 2,083 ac (843 ha) in Pima County and is composed of lands in Federal (1,113 ac (450 ha)), State (366 ac (148 ha)), and private (605 ac (245 ha)) ownership in four subunits near the towns of Tucson, Vail, and Sonoita.
(ii)Map: Map of Unit 6 follows:

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(12)Unit 7: Upper Santa Cruz River Subbasin Unit, Santa Cruz and Cochise Counties, Arizona.
(i)General description: Unit 7 consists of 380 ac (154 ha) in Santa Cruz and Cochise Counties, and is composed of lands in Federal (45 ac (18 ha)), State (111 ac (45 ha)), and private (224 ac (91 ha)) ownership in seven subunits near the towns of Sonoita and Patagonia.
(ii)Map: Map of Unit 7 follows:

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(13)Unit 8: Upper San Pedro River Subbasin Unit, Cochise and Santa Cruz Counties, Arizona.
(i)General description: Unit 8 consists of 5,834 ac (2,355 ha) in Cochise and Santa Cruz Counties, and is composed of lands in Federal (5,197 ac (2,103 ha)), State (8 ac (3 ha)), and private (630 ac (255 ha)) ownership in five subunits near the towns of Sierra Vista and Elgin.
(ii)Map: Map of Unit 8 follows:

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Mona Ground Iguana (Cyclura stejnegeri)

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Mona Island-entire island.

Note: Map follows:

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Coachella Valley Fringe-Toed Lizard (Uma inornata)

California. Riverside County. S 1/2 Section 5, SE 1/4 Section 6, E 1/2 Section 7, all of sections 8 through 11, W 1/2 Section 12, W 1/2 Section 13, all of sections 14 through 16, E 1/2 Section 17, E 1/2NW 1/4 Section 17, E 1/2SW 1/4 Section 17, all of sections 21 through 26, E 1/2NW 1/4, NW 1/4SE 1/4, E 1/2SE 1/4, NE 1/4 Section 27, all of sections 35 and 36, T4S R6E.

Note: Map follows:

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St. Croix Ground Lizard (Ameiva polops)

U.S. Virgin Islands. Protestant Cay, roughly defined by the coordinates 64°42'15" N. and 17°45'7.5" W.; and Green Cay, roughly defined by the coordinates 67°37'30" N. and 17°46'" W.

Note: Map follows:

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Black Pinesnake (Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Forrest, George, Greene, Harrison, Jones, Marion, Perry, Stone, and Wayne Counties, Mississippi, and Clarke County, Alabama, on the maps in this entry.
(2) Within these areas, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of black pinesnake consist of the following components:
(i)Tract size and habitat structure. A pine forest, historically dominated by longleaf pine and maintained by frequent fire, primarily having the following characteristics:
(A) An open canopy that sustains a reduced woody mid-story ([LESS THAN]10 percent cover) and abundant, diverse, native herbaceous groundcover (at least 40 percent cover); and
(B) Minimum of 5,000 ac (2,023 ha) of mostly unfragmented habitat.
(ii)Refugia sites. Naturally burned-out or rotted-out pine stumps and their associated root system tunnels, in pine forests historically dominated by longleaf pine.
(iii)Soils. Deep, sandy, well-drained soils characteristic of longleaf pine forests:
(A) No flooding or ponding;
(B) [LESS THAN]15 percent medium and coarse gravel fragments;
(C) [GREATER THAN]60 in (152 cm) depth to seasonal high water table;
(D) [GREATER THAN]60 in (152 cm) depth to the hardpan;
(E) Textural components equaling [GREATER THAN]30 percent sand and [LESS THAN]35 percent clay; and
(F) A slope [LESS THAN]15 percent.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on March 27, 2020. In addition, State and Department of Defense lands covered under the Camp Shelby Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan (INRMP) are not considered critical habitat in Unit 3; nor are U.S. Forest Service lands within the Camp Shelby Impact Area Buffer Zone.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were developed from USGS 7.5' quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then developed using Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 15N coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's internet site at http://www.fws.gov/mississippiES/, at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2014-0065, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5)Note: Index map follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Ovett-Jones and Wayne Counties, Mississippi.
(i) Unit 1 encompasses approximately 47,179 ac (19,093 ha) on Federal and private land in Jones and Wayne Counties, Mississippi. The majority of this unit (40,639 ac (16,446 ha)) is on Federal lands within the De Soto National Forest, with the remainder of the unit (6,540 ac (2,647 ha)) on private land. This unit is located between the Bogue Homo River and Thompson Creek, is approximately 2.0 mi (3.2 km) northeast of Ovett, and is mostly within the boundary of the Chickasawhay Ranger District of the De Soto National Forest. It is located just east of State Highway 15, west of Salem Road, north of the intersection of State Highway 15 and County Road 205, and approximately 1.3 mi (2.1 km) south of the intersection of Freedom Road and Forest Road.
(ii) Map of Units 1 (Ovett) and 2 (Piney Woods Creek) follows:

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(7) Unit 2: Piney Woods Creek-Perry and Wayne Counties, Mississippi.
(i) Unit 2 encompasses approximately 22,389 ac (9,061 ha) on Federal and private land located primarily in Wayne County, Mississippi, with a small portion extending into Perry County, Mississippi. The majority of this unit (17,744 ac (7,181 ha)) is on Federal lands within the De Soto National Forest, with the remainder of the Unit (4,645 ac (1,880 ha)) on private land. This unit is located between Thompson Creek and Piney Woods Creek, is approximately 4.0 mi (6.4 km) west of Clara, and is mostly within the boundary of the Chickasawhay Ranger District of the De Soto National Forest. It is located 2.3 mi (3.7 km) north of the intersection of Camp Eight Road and Will Best Road, and 0.4 mi (0.6 km) southeast of the intersection of Clara-Strengthford Road and Clara-Strengthford Reservoir Road.
(ii) Map of Unit 2 (Piney Woods Creek) is provided at paragraph (6)(ii) of this entry.
(8) Unit 3: Cypress Creek-Greene, George, Forrest, and Perry Counties, Mississippi.
(i) This unit is located north of Black Creek (Cypress Creek runs into part of the unit, but is not a barrier to gene flow), and is approximately 3.0 mi (4.8 km) east of McLaurin, 1.8 mi (2.9 km) south of New Augusta, and 4.6 mi (7.4 km) northwest of Benndale. Unit 3 is mostly within the installation boundary of Camp Shelby on the De Soto Ranger District of the De Soto National Forest, and is bordered by State Highways 26 and 57 and U.S. Highways 49 and 98. The majority of this unit (115,315 ac (46,666 ha)) is on Federal lands, with another 1,768 ac (716 ha) on State lands, and the remainder (14,357 ac (5,810 ha)) on private land. This unit contains 4,054 ac (1,641 ha) of State- and Department of Defense (DoD)-owned lands (covered under the Camp Shelby INRMP) that are exempted from critical habitat designation; and 14,862 ac (6,014 ha) of U.S. Forest Service-owned lands excluded from critical habitat designation.
(ii) Map of Units 3 (Cypress Creek) and 4 (Maxie) follows:

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(9) Unit 4: Maxie-Forrest, Perry, and Stone Counties, Mississippi.
(i) Subunit 4A-Forrest and Stone Counties, Mississippi. Subunit 4A is located between Double Branch and U.S. Highway 49 in Forrest and Stone Counties, Mississippi. It is 0.3 mi (4.8 km) northwest of Bond and 0.5 mi (0.8 km) southwest of Maxie, and is located mostly within the boundary of the De Soto Ranger District of the De Soto National Forest. Most of this subunit (8,914 ac (3,607 ha)) is on Federal lands within the De Soto National Forest, with the remainder of the subunit (6,303 ac (2,551 ha)) on private land.
(ii) Subunit 4B-Forrest, Perry, and Stone Counties, Mississippi. Subunit 4B is located between Black Creek and U.S. Highway 49 in Forrest, Perry, and Stone Counties, Mississippi. It is directly adjacent to Maxie on the western border, and is located mostly within the boundary of the De Soto Ranger District of the De Soto National Forest. Most of this subunit (28,232 ac (11,425 ha)) is on Federal lands within the De Soto National Forest, with the remainder of the subunit (16,079 ac (6,507 ha)) on private land.
(iii) Map of Unit 4 (Maxie) is provided at paragraph (8)(ii) of this entry.
(10) Unit 5: Howison-Harrison and Stone Counties, Mississippi.
(i) Unit 5 encompasses approximately 12,949 ac (5,240 ha) on Federal and private land in Harrison and Stone Counties, Mississippi. The majority of this unit (9,430 ac (3,816 ha)) is on Federal lands within the De Soto National Forest, with the remainder of the unit on private lands (3,519 ac (1,424 ha)). This unit is located between Tuxachanie Creek and U.S. Highway 49, approximately 0.4 mi (0.6 km) east of Howison and 1.3 mi (2 km) southeast of McHenry. The unit is bordered on the northern edge by E. McHenry Road and on the western edge by U.S. Highway 49 (buffered from the highway by at least 328 ft (100 m)).
(ii) Map of Unit 5 (Howison) follows:

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(11) Unit 6: Marion County Wildlife Management Area (WMA)-Marion County, Mississippi.
(i) Unit 6 encompasses approximately 11,856 ac (4,798 ha) on State and private land in Marion County, Mississippi. The unit is divided between State lands (5,587 ac (2,261 ha)) and private lands (6,270 ac (2,537 ha)). This unit is located between the Upper Little Creek and Lower Little Creek, 7.0 mi (11 km) southeast of Columbia. It is located 0.8 mi (1.3 km) north of State Highway 13, and 2.6 mi (4.2 km) south of U.S. Highway 98. Approximately half of Unit 6 is within the Marion County Wildlife Management Area.
(ii) Map of Unit 6 (Marion County WMA) follows:

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(12) Unit 7: Jones Branch-Clarke County, Alabama.
(i) Unit 7 encompasses approximately 33,395 ac (13,515 ha) of private land in Clarke County, Alabama. This unit is bordered by Salitpa Creek to the south, Tallahatta Creek to the north, and Harris Creek to the west. It is located approximately 2.7 mi (4.3 km) southeast of Campbell and 1.1 mi (1.8 km) north of the intersection of Old Mill Pond Road and Reedy Branch Road.
(ii) Map of Unit 7 (Jones Branch) follows:

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(13) Unit 8: Fred T. Stimpson Special Opportunity Area (SOA)-Clarke County, Alabama.
(i) Unit 8 encompasses approximately 5,943 ac (2,405 ha) on State and private land in Clarke County, Alabama. Over 60 percent of the unit (3,843 ac (1,555 ha)) is on State lands, with the remainder of the unit (2,100 ac (850 ha)) on private land. This unit is located between Sand Hill Creek and the Tombigbee River, is approximately 1 mi (1.6 km) north of Carlton, and is 1.0 mi (1.6 km) south of the intersection of County Road 15 and Christian Vall Road. The southern two-thirds of this unit is on the Fred T. Stimpson SOA.
(ii) Map of Unit 8 (Fred T. Stimpson SOA) follows:

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New Mexican Ridge-Nosed Rattlesnake (Crotalus willardi obscurus)

New Mexico. Hidalgo County. Elevations between 6,200 feet and 8,532 feet in Bear, Indian, and Spring Canyons, Animas Mountains.

Note: Map follows:

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Desert Tortoise-Mojave Population (Gopherus agassizii)

Index map of approximate locations of critical habitat units follows:

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California. Areas of land as follows:

1.Fremont-Kramer Unit. Kern, Los Angeles, and San Bernardino Counties. From BLM Maps: Victorville 1978 and Cuddeback Lake 1978. (Index map location A).

Mt. Diablo Meridian: T. 29 S., R. 39 E., secs. 13, 14, 22-26, 35, and 36; T. 29 S., R. 40 E., secs. 12-33; T. 29 S., R. 41 E., secs. 7, 8, 17-20, 27-30, and 32-36; T. 30 S., R. 38 E., secs. 24-26, 35, and 36; T. 30 S., R. 39 E., secs. 1-36 except secs. 3-5; T. 30 S., R. 40 E., secs. 4-9 and 13-36 except those portions of secs. 13, 14, and 23 lying northwesterly of the Randsburg-Mojave Road; T. 30 S., R. 41 E., secs. 1-36 except secs. 5-8 and 20 and those portions of secs. 17 and 18 lying easterly of U.S. Hwy. 395; T. 30 S., R. 42 E., secs. 7-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 31 S., R. 40 E., secs. 1 and 6 except that portion of sec. 6 lying southeasterly of the Randsburg-Mojave Road; T. 31 S., R. 41 E., secs. 1-17, 20-29, and 32-36 except those portions of secs. 20, 29 and 32 lying westerly of U.S. Hwy. 395; T. 31 S., R. 42 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 32 S., R. 41 E., secs. 1-4, 9-16, 21-28, and 34-36 except those portions of secs. 4, 9, 16, 21, 27, 28, and 34 lying westerly of U.S. Hwy. 395; T. 32 S., R. 42 E.; T. 32 S., R. 43 E., secs. 4-9, 16-21, and 28-33.

San Bernardino Meridian: T. 7 N., R. 5 W., secs. 2-11 and 14-18 except that portion of sec. 18 lying west of U.S. Hwy. 395; T. 7 N., R. 6 W., secs. 1-6, 12, and 13 except those portions of secs. 1, 12, and 13 lying westerly of U.S. Hwy. 395; T. 7 N., R. 7 W., secs. 1-6; T. 7 N., R. 8 W., secs. 1-4; T. 8 N., R. 4 W., secs. 6, 7, and 18; T. 8 N., R. 5 W., secs. 1-35 except secs. 24 and 25; T. 8 N., R. 6 W.; T. 8 N., R. 7 W.; T. 8 N., R. 8 W., secs. 1-28, and 33-36; T. 8 N., R. 9 W., secs. 1 and 7-24; T. 9 N., R. 4 W., secs. 2-11, 14-23, 30, and 31; T. 9 N., R. 5 W.; T. 9 N., R. 6 W.; T. 9 N., R. 7 W., secs. 1-4, 9-16, and 19-36; T. 9 N., R. 8 W., secs. 24, 25, and 31-36; T. 9 N., R. 9 W., sec. 36; T. 10 N., R. 4 W., secs. 6, 7, 18-20, and 29-34; T. 10 N., R. 5 W.; T. 10 N., R. 6 W., secs. 1-36 except sec. 6; T. 10 N., R. 7 W., secs. 9-16, 21-28, and 33-36; T. 11 N., R. 5 W., secs. 2-11, 14-23, and 26-35; T. 11 N., R. 6 W., secs. 1-36 except those portions of secs. 6, 7, 18, 19, 30, and 31 lying westerly of U.S. Hwy. 395; T. 11 N., R. 7 W., that portion of sec. 1 lying easterly U.S. Hwy. 395; T. 12 N., R. 5 W., secs. 31-35; T. 12 N., R. 6 W., secs. 31-36; T. 12 N., R. 7 W., that portion of sec. 36 lying easterly of U.S. Hwy. 395.

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2.Superior-Cronese Unit. San Bernardino County. From BLM Maps: Cuddeback Lake 1978, Soda Mts. 1978, Victorville 1978, and Newberry Springs 1978. (Index map location B).

Mt. Diablo Meridian: T. 29 S., R. 42 E., secs. 35 and 36; T. 29 S., R. 43 E., secs. 25, 26, and 31-36; T. 29 S., R. 44 E., secs. 20-36; T. 29 S., R. 45 E., secs. 14-16, 19-23, and 25-36; T. 29 S., R. 46 E., secs. 30-32; T. 30 S., R. 42 E., secs. 1, 2, 11-14, 23-26, 35, and 36; T. 30 S., R. 43 E.; T. 30 S., R. 44 E.; T. 30 S., R. 45 E.; T. 30 S., R. 46 E., secs. 3-36; T. 30 S., R. 47 E., secs. 7-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 31 S., R. 42 E., secs. 1, 2, 11-14, 23-26, 35, and 36; T. 31 S., R. 43 E.; T. 31 S., R. 44 E.; T. 31 S., R. 45 E.; T. 31 S., R. 46 E.; T. 31 S., R. 47 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 32 S., R. 43 E., secs. 1-3, 10-15, 22-27, and 34-36; T. 32 S., R. 44 E.; T. 32 S., R. 45 E.; T. 32 S., R. 46 E.; T. 32 S., R. 47 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 27-34.

San Bernardino Meridian: T. 9 N., R. 1 W., those portions of secs. 1 and 2 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 9 N., R. 1 E., that portion of sec. 6 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 10 N., R. 2 W., secs. 1-29; T. 10 N., R. 1 W., secs. 1-28, 30, and 33-36 except those portions of secs. 33-35 lying southwesterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 10 N., R. 1 E., secs. 18, 19, 30, and 31; T. 10 N., R. 2 E., secs. 1-5, 8-17, and 22-34 except those portions of secs. 25, 26, and 34 lying southeasterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 10 N., R. 3 E., secs. 1-12, 14-21, and 30 except those portions of secs. 11, 12, 14-16, 19-21, and 30 lying southeasterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 10 N., R. 4 E., those portions of secs. 5-7 lying northwesterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 11 N., R. 5 W., secs. 1 and 12; T. 11 N., R. 4 W., secs. 1-7, 9, 11, and 12; T. 11 N., R. 3 W., secs. 1-18; T. 11 N., R. 2 W.; T. 11 N., R. 1 W.; T. 11 N., R. 1 E., secs. 1-31; T. 11 N., R. 2 E., secs. 1-36 except sec. 31; T. 11 N., R. 3 E.; T. 11 N., R. 4 E., secs. 1-34 except those portions of secs. 25, 26, 33, and 34 lying southeasterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 11 N., R. 5 E., secs. 1-11 and 15-20 except those portions of secs. 1, 2, 10, 11, 15-17, 19, and 20 lying southeasterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 12 N., R. 5 W., sec. 36; T. 12 N., R. 4 W., secs. 31-36; T. 12 N., R. 3 W., secs. 31-36; T. 12 N., R. 2 W., secs. 31-36; T. 12 N., R. 1 W., secs. 31-36; T. 12 N., R. 1 E.; T. 12 N., R. 2 E., secs. 3-36; T. 12 N., R. 3 E., secs. 7-36; T. 12 N., R. 4 E., secs. 7-36; T. 12 N., R. 5 E., secs. 1-5 and 7-36; T. 12 N., R. 6 E., secs. 5-9, 15-22, and 27-34 except those portions of secs. 31-34 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 13 N., R. 1 E.; T. 13 N., R. 2 E., secs. 19 and 29-34; T. 13 N., R. 5 E., secs. 26-28 and 32-36; T. 14 N., R. 1 E., secs. 5-10, 15-23, and 24-36.

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3.Ord-Rodman Unit. San Bernardino County. From BLM Maps: Newberry Springs 1978 and Victorville 1978. (Index map location C).

San Bernardino Meridian: T. 6 N., R. 1 E., secs. 1-6, 10-15, 22-27, and 34-36; T. 6 N., R. 2 E., secs. 1-11, 14-22, and 28-33; T. 7 N., R. 1 W., secs. 1-4, 9-15, 22-26, 35, and 36 except those portions of secs. 4, 9, 10, 15, 22, 23, 26, and 35 lying southwesterly of State Hwy. 247; T. 7 N., R. 1 E.; T. 7 N., R. 2 E.; T. 7 N., R. 3 E.; T. 7 N., R. 4 E.; T. 7 N., R. 5 E., secs. 4-9 and 17-19 except those portions of secs. 4, 8, 9, and 17-19 lying southerly of the northern boundary of Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Base; T. 8 N., R. 1 W., secs. 1-18, 20-29, and 32-36 except those portions of secs. 6, 7, 17, 18, 20, 29, 32, and 33 lying southwesterly of State Hwy. 247; T. 8 N., R. 1 E.; T. 8 N., R. 2 E., secs. 2-36; T. 8 N., R. 3 E., secs. 7 and 18-36; T. 8 N., R. 4 E., secs. 13-16 and 18-36; T. 8 N., R. 5 E., secs. 16-18, 19-21, 28-30, and 31-33 except those portions of secs. 16 and 17 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 6 E., secs. 18-21 and 27-36 except those portions of secs. 18-21, 27, 28, 34, and 35 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 9 N., R. 1 W., secs. 19, 20, and 25-36 except those portions of secs. 19, 20, and 29-31 lying westerly of State Hwy. 247; T. 9 N., R. 1 E., secs. 25-36 except those portions of secs. 25-27 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 9 N., R. 2 E., secs. 27-35 except those portions of secs. 27-30 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40.

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4.Chuckwalla Unit. Imperial and Riverside Counties. From BLM Maps: Chuckwalla #18 1978, Parker-Blythe #16 1978, Salton Sea #20 1978, and Midway Well #21 1979. (Index map location D).

San Bernardino Meridian: T. 3 S., R. 13 E., secs. 19-21 and 27-35; T. 4 S., R. 8 E., secs. 1-6, 8-16, 22-26, and 36; T. 4 S., R. 9 E., secs. 6-10, and 15-36; T. 4 S., R. 10 E., secs. 19-21, and 27-34; T. 4 S., R. 13 E., secs. 2-36 except secs. 12 and 13; T. 4 S., R. 14 E., secs. 27-36; T. 4 S., R. 15 E., secs. 31 and 32; T. 5 S., R. 9 E., secs. 1-4, 12, 13, and 24; T. 5 S., R. 10 E., secs. 2-36 except sec. 31; T. 5 S., R. 11 E., secs. 19-21 and 28-33; T. 5 S., R. 12 E., sec. 36; T. 5 S., R. 13 E., secs. 1-36 except secs. 6 and 7; T. 5 S., R. 14 E.; T. 5 S., R. 15 E., secs. 4-9, 16-21, 25, S 1/2 sec. 26, S 1/2 sec. 27, and secs. 28-36; T. 5 S., R. 16 E., secs. 28-35; T. 6 S., R. 10 E., secs. 1-4, 9-16, 21-26, 35 and 36; T. 6 S., R. 11 E., secs. 4-36; T. 6 S., R. 12 E.; T. 6 S., R. 13 E.; T. 6 S., R. 14 E.; T. 6 S., R. 15 E.; T. 6 S., R. 16 E.; T. 6 S., R. 17 E., secs. 5-9, and 14-36; T. 6 S., R. 18 E., secs. 29-36; T. 6 S., R. 19 E., secs. 31-36; T. 6 S., R. 20 E., secs. 31-34; T. 7 S., R. 11 E., sec. 1; T. 7 S., R. 12 E., secs. 1-6, 9-15, and 23-25; T. 7 S., R. 13 E., secs. 1-30 and 31-36; T. 7 S., R. 14 E.; T. 7 S., R. 15 E.; T. 7 S., R. 16 E.; T. 7 S., R. 17 E.; T. 7 S., R. 18 E.; T. 7 S., R. 19 E.; T. 7 S., R. 20 E., secs. 3-10, 14-23, and 26-35; T. 8 S., R. 13 E., secs. 1, 2, and 11-14; T. 8 S., R. 14 E., secs. 1-18, and secs. 21-26; T. 8 S., R. 15 E., secs. 1-30 and 34-36; T. 8 S., R. 16 E.; T. 8 S., R. 17 E.; T. 8 S., R. 18 E.; T. 8 S., R. 19 E.; T. 8 S., R. 20 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 28-33; T. 9 S., R. 15 E., sec. 1; T. 9 S., R. 16 E., secs. 1-17, 20-29, and 32-36; T. 9 S., R. 17 E.; T. 9 S., R. 18 E.; T. 9 S., R. 19 E.; T. 9 S., R. 20 E., secs. 5-8, 17-20, and 29-33; T. 10 S., R. 16 E., secs. 1-5, 9-16, and 22-26; T. 10 S., R. 17 E.; T. 10 S., R. 18 E.; T. 10 S., R. 19 E.; T. 10 S., R. 20 E., secs. 3-36; T. 10 S., R. 21 E., secs. 18-21 and 28-34; T. 101/2 S., R. 21 E., secs. 31-33; T. 11 S., R. 17 E., secs. 1-5 and 8-15; T. 11 S., R. 18 E., secs. 1-24; T. 11 S., R. 19 E., secs. 1-26, 35, and 36; T. 11 S., R. 20 E., secs. 1-23 and 26-34; T. 11 S., R. 21 E., secs. 4-8; T. 12 S., R. 19 E., secs. 1, 2, 11-14, 23-26, 35, and 36; T. 12 S., R. 20 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 13 S., R. 19 E., secs. 1, 2, 11, 12, 22-27, and 34-36; T. 13 S., R. 20 E., secs. 3-10, 14-23, and 26-34.

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5.Pinto Mountain Unit. Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. From BLM Maps: Yucca Valley 1982, Sheep Hole Mountains 1978, Chuckwalla 1978, and Palm Springs #17 1978. (Index map location E).

San Bernardino Meridian: T. 1 S., R. 9 E., secs. 10-15, 24, 25, and 36; T. 1 S., R. 10 E., secs. 7-36; T. 1 S., R. 11 E., secs. 7-36; T. 1 S., R. 12 E., secs. 7-36 except sec. 12; T. 1 S., R. 13 E., secs. 13-36; T. 1 S., R. 14 E., secs. 13-32; T. 1 S., R. 15 E., secs. 13-30 and 36; T. 1 S., R. 16 E., secs. 18, 19, and 30-32; T. 2 S., R. 9 E., secs. 1, 12, and 13; T. 2 S., R. 10 E., secs. 1-24; T. 2 S., R. 11 E., secs. 1-24; T. 2 S., R. 12 E., secs. 1-22 except sec. 13; T. 2 S., R. 13 E., secs. 3-6; T. 2 S., R. 15 E., sec. 1; T. 2 S., R. 16 E., secs. 4-9, 16, 17, 20, 21, 28, 29, 32, and 33; T. 3 S., R. 16 E., secs. 4, 5, 8, and 9.

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6.Chemehuevi Unit. San Bernardino County. From BLM Maps: Sheep Hole Mts. 1978, Parker 1979, Needles 1978, and Amboy 1991. (Index map location F).

San Bernardino Meridian: T. 1 S., R. 22 E., those portions of secs. 3-5 lying northwesterly of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad; T. 1 S., R. 23 E., those portions of secs. 1-3 lying northerly of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad except that portion of sec. 1 lying easterly of U.S. Hwy. 95; T. 1 N., R. 22 E., secs. 1-4, 9-16, 20-29, and 32-36 except those portions of secs. 34-36 lying southerly of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad; T. 1 N., R. 23 E., secs. 1-36 except those portions of secs. 31-34 lying southerly of Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad; T. 1 N., R. 24 E., secs. 4-9, 16-21, and 29-31; T. 2 N., R. 18 E., secs. 1-5, and 9-14; T. 2 N., R. 19 E., secs. 2-10, and 16-18; T. 2 N., R. 22 E., secs. 1-5, 8-16, 21-28, and 33-36; T. 2 N., R. 23 E., secs. 5-8, 17-21, and 26-36; T. 2 N., R. 24 E., secs. 31 and 32; T. 3 N., R. 17 E., secs. 12, 13, 24, and 25; T. 3 N., R. 18 E.; T. 3 N., R. 19 E., secs. 1-35; T. 3 N., R. 20 E., secs. 5-8, 18, and 19; T. 3 N., R. 21 E., secs. 1-5, 9-16, 23, and 24; T. 3 N., R. 22 E., secs. 1-36 except sec. 31; T. 3 N., R. 23 E., secs. 2-11, 14-22, and 28-32; T. 4 N., R. 18 E., secs. 1, 2, 10-15, 21-28, and 32-36; T. 4 N., R. 19 E.; T. 4 N., R. 20 E., secs. 1-12, 16-20, and 29-32; T. 4 N., R. 21 E., secs. 1-17, 20-29, and 32-36; T. 4 N., R. 22 E.; T. 4 N., R. 23 E., secs. 1-35; T. 4 N., R. 24 E., Secs 6, 7, 18, and 19; T. 5 N., R. 15 E., secs. 1-6; T. 5 N., R. 16 E., secs. 4-6; T. 5 N., R. 18 E., secs. 1-6, 8-17, 22-26, 35, and 36; T. 5 N., R. 19 E.; T. 5 N., R. 20 E.; T. 5 N., R. 21 E.; T. 5 N., R. 22 E., secs. 2-36; (Unsurveyed) T. 5 N., R. 23 E., protracted secs. 19, and 29-33; T. 6 N., R. 14 E., secs. 1-3, 10-15, and 23-25; T. 6 N., R. 15 E.; T. 6 N., R. 16 E., secs. 1-23, and 27-34; T. 6 N., R. 17 E., secs. 1-18, 22-26, and 36; T. 6 N., R. 18 E.; T. 6 N., R. 19 E.; T. 6 N., R. 20 E.; T. 6 N., R. 21 E.; T. 6 N., R. 22 E., secs. 3-10, 15-23, and 26-35; T. 7 N., R. 14 E., secs. 1-5, 8-17, 21-28, and 33-36; T. 7 N., R. 15 E.; T. 7 N., R. 16 E.; T. 7 N., R. 17 E.; T. 7 N., R. 18 E.; T. 7 N., R. 19 E.; T. 7 N., R. 20 E.; T. 7 N., R. 21 E.; T. 7 N., R. 22 E., secs. 18-20, and 28-34; T. 8 N., R. 14 E., secs. 13, 23-28, and 31-36 except those portions of secs. 13, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, and 33 lying northwesterly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 15 E., secs. 9-36 except those portions of secs. 9-12, 17, and 18 lying northwesterly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 16 E., secs. 1, 2, and 7-36 except those portions of secs. 1, 2, and 7-10 and 11 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 17 E., secs. 1-36 except those portions of secs. 1-6 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 18 E., secs. 1-36 except that portion of sec. 6 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 19 E.; T. 8 N., R. 20 E.; T. 8 N., R. 21 E., secs. 7, 17-21, and 27-35; T. 9 N., R. 18 E., those portions of secs. 31-36 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 9 N., R. 19 E., secs. 23-29 and 31-36 except those portions of secs. 23, 24, 26-29, 31, and 32 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 9 N., R. 20 E., secs. 19, 20, and 29-33 except those portions of secs. 19 and 20 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40 and S 1/2 S 1/2 sec. 27, SW 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 26, and W 1/2 W 1/2 sec. 35.

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7.Ivanpah Unit. San Bernardino County. From BLM Maps: Amboy 1991, Ivanpah 1979, and Mesquite Lake 1990. (Index map location G).

San Bernardino Meridian: T. 9 N., R. 12 E., secs. 1, 2, 11-14, and 24; T. 9 N., R. 13 E., secs. 4-9, 16-21, and 28-30; T. 10 N., R. 12 E., secs. 25, 35, and 36; T. 10 N., R. 13 E., secs. 3-10, 16-21, and 28-33; T. 11 N., R. 12 E., secs. 1, 12, 13, 24, 25, and 36; T. 11 N., R. 13 E., secs. 1-12, 15-21, and 28-33; T. 11 N., R. 14 E., sec. 6; T. 12 N., R. 11 E., secs. 1-5 and 9-15; T. 12 N., R. 12 E., secs. 1-18, 21-27, 35, and 36; T. 12 N., R. 13 E.; T. 12 N., R. 14 E., secs. 4-9, 16-21, and 29-32; T. 13 N., R. 10 E., secs. 1-5, 10-14, 24, and 25; T. 13 N., R. 11 E.; T. 13 N., R. 12 E.; T. 13 N., R. 13 E.; T. 13 N., R. 14 E., secs. 3-9, 16-21, and 28-33; T. 14 N., R. 9 E., secs. 1, 12, 13, and 24; T. 14 N., R. 10 E.; (Unsurveyed) T. 14 N., R. 11 E., Protracted secs. 1-35; T. 14 N., R. 11 E., sec. 36; T. 14 N., R. 12 E.; T. 14 N., R. 13 E.; T. 14 N., R. 14 E., secs. 1-5, 8-17, and 19-35; T. 14 N., R. 15 E., secs. 1-12, and 14-22; T. 14 N., R. 16 E., sec. 6; T. 15 N., R. 9 E., secs. 24, 25, and 36; T. 15 N., R. 10 E., secs. 1-36 except sec. 6; T. 15 N., R. 11 E.; T. 15 N., R. 12 E.; T. 15 N., R. 13 E., secs. 3-11 and 14-36; T. 15 N., R. 14 E., secs. 12, 13, 23-28, and 33-36; T. 15 N., R. 15 E.; T. 15 N., R. 16 E., secs. 1-11, 14-22, and 28-33; T. 151/2 N., R. 14 E., secs. 24 and 25; T. 151/2 N., R. 15 E., secs. 19-36; T. 151/2 N., R. 16 E., secs. 19-35; T. 16 N., R. 10 E., secs. 25, 35, and 36; T. 16 N., R. 11 E.; T. 16 N., R. 12 E.; T. 16 N., R. 121/2 E., secs. 12, 13, 24, 25, and 36; T. 16 N., R. 13 E., secs. 7, 17-20, and 29-33; T. 16 N., R. 14 E., secs. 24, 25, 35, and 36 except those portions of secs. 24 and 35 lying northwesterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 16 N., R. 15 E., secs. 1-3, 10-14, and 23-36; T. 16 N., R. 16 E., secs. 6-8, 16-22, and 26-36; T. 17 N., R. 11 E., secs. 1-5, 8-17, 20-29, and 31-36; T. 17 N., R. 12 E., secs. 3-10, 14-23, and 26-36; T. 18 N., R. 11 E., secs. 13, 14, 22-28, and 33-36; T. 18 N., R. 12 E., secs. 18-20, and 28-33.

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8.Piute-Eldorado Unit. San Bernardino County. From BLM Maps: Amboy 1991, Needles 1978, and Ivanpah 1979. (Index map location H).

San Bernardino Meridian: T. 8 N., R. 14 E., secs. 1-4, 8-17, 19-24, 26-30, 32, and 33 except those portions of secs. 13, 23, 24, 26-28, 32, and 33 lying southeasterly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 15 E., secs. 1-12, 17, and 18 except those portions of secs. 1, 8-12, 17, and 18 lying southeasterly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 16 E., secs. 1-10 except those portions of sections 1-3 and 6-10 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 8 N., R. 17 E., those portions of secs. 1-6 lying northerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 9 N., R. 14 E., secs. 1-3, 10-15, 22-28, and 33-36; T. 9 N., R. 15 E.; T. 9 N., R. 16 E.; T. 9 N., R. 17 E., secs. 1-36 except that portion of sec. 36 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 9 N., R. 18 E., secs. 1-36 except those portions of secs. 31-36 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 9 N., R. 19 E., secs. 1-24 and 26-32 except those portions of secs. 26-29, 31, and 32 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 9 N., R. 20 E., secs. 3-8 and 17-20 except those portions of secs. 19 and 20 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 40; T. 10 N., R. 14 E., secs. 11-14, 22-27, and 34-36; T. 10 N., R. 15 E., secs. 1-3, 9-16, and 18-36; T. 10 N., R. 16 E.; T. 10 N., R. 17 E.; T. 10 N., R. 18 E.; T. 10 N., R. 19 E.; T. 10 N., R. 20 E.; T. 10 N., R. 21 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 28-31; T. 11 N., R. 15 E., secs. 9, 15, 16, 21, 22, 25-29, and 33-36; T. 11 N., R. 16 E., secs. 9, 15, 16, 21-23, 25-28, 31, and 33-36; T. 11 N., R. 17 E., secs. 8, 12-17, and 19-36; T. 11 N., R. 18 E., secs. 1-4 and 7-36; T. 11 N., R. 19 E., secs. 1-13, 18, 19, 23-27, and 29-36; T. 11 N., R. 20 E., secs. 1-11, 14-23, and 26-35; T. 12 N., R. 19 E.; T. 12 N., R. 20 E., secs. 3-11 and 13-36; T. 12 N., R. 21 E., secs. 19, 30, and 31; T. 13 N., R. 19 E., secs. 3-11 and 13-36; T. 13 N., R. 20 E., secs. 19 and 29-33; T. 14 N., R. 19 E., secs. 19 and 29-33.

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Nevada. Areas of land as follows:

9.Piute-Eldorado Unit. Clark County. From BLM Maps: Mesquite Lake 1990, Boulder City 1978, Ivanpah 1979, and Davis Dam 1979. (Index map location H).

Mt. Diablo Meridian: T. 23 S., R. 64 E., secs. 31-36 except that portion of sec. 31 lying northwesterly of the powerline and also except those portions of secs. 34-36 lying northeasterly of the powerline; T. 231/2 S., R. 64 E., secs. 31-36 except that portion of sec. 31 lying northwesterly of the powerline; T. 231/2 S., R. 65 E., that portion of sec. 31 lying southwesterly of the powerline; T. 24 S., R. 63 E., secs. 1, 2, 11-15, 22-28, and 33-36 except those portions of secs. 1, 2, 11, 14, and 15 lying northwesterly of the powerline and those portions of secs. 22, 27, 28, and 33 lying northwesterly of U.S. Hwy. 95; T. 24 S., R. 64 E.; T. 24 S., R. 65 E., secs. 6, 7, 18, 19, 30, and 31; T. 25 S., R. 61 E., secs. 13-15, E 1/2 sec. 16, E 1/2 sec. 21, secs. 22-27, E 1/2 sec. 28, secs. 35 and 36; T. 25 S., R. 62 E., secs. 4-9, and secs. 16-36; T. 25 S., R. 63 E., secs. 1-4, 9-16, and 19-36 except those portions of secs. 4, 9, and 16 lying northwesterly of U.S. Hwy. 95; T. 25 S., R. 64 E., secs. 1-35 except secs. 13, 24, and 25,; T. 25 S. R. 65 E., sec. 6; T. 26 S., R. 61 E., secs. 1, 2, 11-14, 24, 25, and 36; T. 26 S., R. 62 E., secs. 1-36 except secs. 28 and 33; T. 26 S., R. 63 E., secs. 2-36 except sec. 12; T. 26 S., R. 64 E., secs. 18-20, and 29-33; T. 27 S., R. 62 E., secs. 1-3, 5-8, 10-15, 22-26, 35, and 36; T. 27 S., R. 621/2 E., secs. 1, 12, 13, 24, 25, and 36; T. 27 S., R. 63 E.; T. 27 S., R. 64 E., secs. 4-9, 16-21, and 26-36; T. 27 S., R. 65 E., secs. 31-35; T. 28 S., R. 62 E., secs. 1-3, 9-16, 21-28, and 33-36; T. 28 S., R. 63 E., secs. 1-20, and 29-32; T. 28 S., R. 64 E., secs. 1-18, 21-26, 35, and 36; T. 28 S., R. 65 E., secs. 2-11, 14-21, and 28-35; T. 29 S., R. 62 E., secs. 1-4, 9-16, 21-28, 34, 35 and 36; T. 29 S., R. 63 E., secs. 5-10, 15-23, and 26-36; T. 29 S., R. 64 E., secs. 1-3, 9-16, 21-28, and 31-36; T. 29 S., R. 65 E., secs. 2-36 except secs. 12 and 13; T. 29 S., R. 66 E., secs. 30-32; T. 30 S., R. 62 E., secs. 1, 2, and 11-14; T. 30 S., R. 63 E., secs. 1-36 except secs. 30 and 31; T. 30 S., R. 64 E.; T. 30 S., R. 65 E., secs. 1-26, 30, 31, 35, and 36; T. 30 S., R. 66 E., secs. 4-9, 16-21, and 28-33; T. 31 S., R. 63 E., secs. 1-5, 8-16, 22-26, and 36; T. 31 S., R. 64 E.; T. 31 S., R. 65 E., secs. 1, 2, 6, 11-14, and 23-36 except that portion of sec. 36 lying southwesterly of State Hwy. 163; T. 31 S., R. 66 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 27-34 except that portion of sec. 31 lying southwesterly of State Hwy. 163; T. 32 S., R. 64 E., secs. 1-6, 8-16, 22-26, and 36; T. 32 S., R. 65 E., secs. 1-12, 17-20, and 29-32 except those portions of secs. 1 and 9-12 lying southeasterly or easterly of State Hwy. 163; T. 32 S., R. 66 E., those portions of secs. 3-6 lying northerly of State Hwy. 163; T. 33 S., R. 65 E., sec. 5.

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10.Mormon Mesa Unit. Clark and Lincoln Counties. From BLM Maps: Pahranagat 1978, Clover Mts. 1978, Overton 1978, Indian Springs 1979, Lake Mead 1979, and Las Vegas 1986. (Index map location I).

Mt. Diablo Meridian: T. 9 S., R. 62 E., secs. 13-15, 22-27, and 34-36 except those portions of secs. 15, 22, 27, and 34 lying westerly of the easterly boundary line of the Desert National Wildlife Range; T. 9 S., R. 63 E., secs. 18, 19, 30, and 31; T. 10 S., R. 62 E., secs. 1, 2, 11-14, 23-25, and 36 except those portions of secs. 14, 23, 35, and 36 lying westerly of the easterly boundary line of the Desert National Wildlife Range; T. 10 S., R. 63 E., secs. 6, 7, 13-15, 18-20, and 22-36; T. 10 S., R. 64 E., secs. 13-24 and 26-34; T. 10 S., R. 65 E., secs. 18, and 19; T. 11 S., R. 62 E., that portion of sec. 1 lying easterly of the easterly boundary line of the Desert National Wildlife Range; T. 11 S., R. 63 E.; T. 11 S., R. 64 E., secs. 4-9, 17-20, 30, and 31; T. 11 S., R. 66 E., secs. 31-36; T. 12 S., R. 63 E.; T. 12 S., R. 64 E., secs. 6, 7, and 25-36; T. 12 S., R. 65 E., secs. 1, 12, 13, and 24-36 except those portions of secs. 1, 2, 13, and 24 lying westerly of Union Pacific Railroad; T. 12 S., R. 66 E.; T. 12 S., R. 67 E., secs. 6-8, 16-22, and 27-33; T. 12 S., R. 68 E., secs. 23-29 and 31-36; T. 12 S., R. 69 E., secs. 1-5, 8-17, and 19-36; T. 121/2 S., R. 62 E., that portion of sec. 36 lying easterly of the easterly boundary line of the Desert National Wildlife Range; T. 13 S., R. 62 E., those portions of secs. 1, 12, 13, 24, and 25 lying easterly of the easterly line of the Desert National Wildlife Range; T. 13 S., R. 63 E.; T. 13 S., R. 64 E.; T. 13 S., R. 65 E., secs. 1-24, N 1/2 26, N 1/2 27, N 1/2 and SW 1/4 sec. 28, 29-32, and W 1/2 33; T. 13 S., R. 66 E., secs. 1-26, W 1/2 sec. 27, 35, and 36; T. 13 S., R. 67 E.; T. 13 S., R. 68 E., secs. 1-36 except those portions of secs. 25 and 33-36 lying southeasterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 13 S., R. 69 E., secs. 1-30 except those portions of secs. 25-30 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 13 S., R. 70 E., secs. 6, 7, 18, 19, 30, and 31 except those portions of secs. 30 and 31 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 131/2 S., R. 63 E., secs. 31-36; T. 131/2 S., R. 64 E., secs. 31-36 except that portion of sec. 36 lying southwesterly of State Hwy. 168; T. 14 S., R. 63 E., secs. 1-23, and 26-35; T. 14 S., R. 64 E., secs. 2-6, 8-11, 15, and 16; T. 14 S., R. 66 E., secs. 1, E 1/2 sec. 2, 12, E 1/2 sec. 13, and E 1/2 sec. 24; T. 14 S., R. 67 E., secs. 1-12 and 14-22 except those portions of secs. 12, 14, 15, 21, and 22 lying southerly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 14 S., R. 68 E., those portions of secs. 4-7 lying northwesterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 15 S., R. 63 E., secs. 2-11, 14-22, and 27-34; T. 16 S., R. 63 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 28-33; T. 17 S., R. 63 E., secs. 7-9, 16-21, and 28-32 except those portions of secs. 29 and 32 lying easterly of the westerly boundary line of the Apex Disposal Road; T. 18 S., R. 63 E., secs. 5-8, 17-19, and 29-31 except those portions of secs. 5, 8, 17-19, and 29-31 lying easterly of the westerly boundary line of the Apex Disposal Road and that portion of sec. 31 lying westerly of the easterly boundary line of Desert National Wildlife Range.

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11.Gold Butte-Pakoon Unit. Clark County. From BLM Maps: Overton 1978 and Lake Mead 1979. (Index map location J).

Mt. Diablo Meridian: T. 13 S., R. 71 E., secs. 32-34; T. 14 S., R. 69 E., secs. 24-26, and 34-36; T. 14 S., R. 70 E., secs. 1, and 10-36; T. 14 S., R. 71 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 15 S., R. 69 E., secs. 1-3, 9-16, 21-28, and 33-36; T. 15 S., R. 70 E., secs. 2-11, 15-22, and 28-33; T. 16 S., R. 69 E., secs. 1-36 except secs. 6, 7, and 29-32; T. 16 S., R. 70 E., secs. 4-36 except sec. 12; T. 16 S., R. 71 E., secs. 19, and 29-32; T. 17 S., R. 69 E., secs. 1-3, 11-14, 24, 25, and 36; T. 17 S., R. 70 E.; T. 17 S., R. 71 E., secs. 4-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 18 S., R. 69 E., sec. 1; T. 18 S., R. 70 E., secs. 1-6, 10-15, 22-27, and 34-36; T. 18 S., R. 71 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 19 S., R. 71 E., secs. 3, 4, 9, 10, 15, 16, 21, 22, 27, 28, 33 and 34; T. 20 S., R. 71 E., secs. 3 and 4.

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12.Beaver Dam Slope Unit. Lincoln County. From BLM Maps: Clover Mountains 1978 and Overton 1978. (Index map location K).

Mt. Diablo Meridian: T. 8 1/2 S., R. 71 E., that portion of sec. 34 lying south of a westerly extension of the north line of sec. 26, T. 41 S., R. 20 W. (Salt Lake Meridian), Washington County, Utah; T. 9 S., R. 71 E., secs. 3, 10, 15-17, 20-22, 27-29, and 32-34; T. 10 S., R. 70 E., secs. 19-36; T. 10 S., R. 71 E., secs. 3-5, 7-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 11 S., R. 70 E.; T. 11 S., R. 71 E., secs. 3-10, 15-22, and 27-34; T. 12 S., R. 70 E., secs. 1-12, 14-23, and 28-33; T. 12 S., R. 71 E., secs. 3-10.

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Utah. Areas of land as follows:

13.Beaver Dam Slope Unit. Washington County. From BLM Maps: St. George 1980 and Clover Mts. 1978. (Index map location K).

Salt Lake Meridian: T. 40 S., R. 19 W., S 1/2 sec. 28, S 1/2 sec. 29, S 1/2 sec. 31, secs. 32 and 33; T. 41 S., R. 19 W., S 1/2 sec. 2, S 1/2 sec. 3, secs. 4, 5, 6, E 1/2 sec. 7, secs. 8-11, 15-17, E 1/2 sec. 18, and secs. 19-22, and 28-33; T. 41 S., R. 20 W., E 1/2 sec. 1, secs. 24-26, 35, and 36; T. 42 S., R. 19 W., secs. 4-9, 16-22, and 27-34; T. 42 S., R. 20 W., secs. 1, 2, 11-14, 23-26, 35, and 36; T. 43 S., R. 18 W., secs. 7, 8, S 1/2 sec. 16, secs. 17-21, and 27-34; T. 43 S., R. 19 W., secs. 1-36 except N 1/2 sec. 1; T. 43 S., R. 20 W., secs. 1, 2, 11-14, 23-26, 35, and 36.

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14.Upper Virgin River Unit. Washington County. From BLM Map: St. George 1980. (Index map location L).

Salt Lake Meridian: T. 41 S., R. 13 W., secs. 17-21 except NW 1/4 NW 1/4 sec. 18, also W 1/2 and W 1/2 E 1/2 sec. 27, sec. 28 except that portion lying westerly of Gould Wash, N 1/2 sec. 29, N 1/2 sec. 30, N 1/2 N 1/2 sec. 33 except that portion lying westerly of Gould Wash, and N 1/2 NW 1/4 and NW 1/4 NE 1/4 sec. 34; T. 41 S., R. 14 W., S 1/2 S 1/2 and NE 1/4 SE 1/4 and SE 1/4 NE 1/4 sec. 13, that portion of sec. 14 lying westerly of Red Cliff Road, secs. 15-17 except N 1/2 NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 NW 1/4 sec. 17, secs. 19-22, that portion of sec. 23 lying westerly of Red Cliff Road and westerly of Interstate Hwy. 15, sec. 24, E 1/2 and N 1/2 SE 1/4 and SW 1/4 SE 1/4 sec. 25, and those portions of secs. 26, 27, and 32-34 lying northwesterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 41 S., R. 15 W., secs. 14, 19, 20, and 22-36; T. 41 S., R. 16 W., secs. 4, 9, 10, S 1/2 sec. 14, 15-16, 19, 21, W 1/2 sec. 22, secs. 24-25 except W 1/2 SW 1/4 sec. 24 and W 1/2 NW 1/4 and NW 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 25, and W 1/2 W 1/2 sec. 25, SW 1/4 NE 1/4 and NW 1/4 NW 1/4 and S 1/2 NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 and W 1/2 SE 1/4 sec. 27, E 1/2 and E 1/2 W 1/2 and NW 1/4 NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 28, N 1/2 and SE 1/4 and E 1/2 SW 1/4 sec. 30, NE 1/4 sec. 31, N 1/2 sec. 32, N 1/2 and SE 1/4 and N 1/2 SW 1/4 sec. 33, sec. 34, SE 1/4 SE 1/4 and that portion of sec. 35 lying westerly of State Hwy. 18, and sec. 36; T. 41 S., R. 17 W., secs. 9, 14-16, NE 1/4 sec. 21, N 1/2 sec. 22, NW 1/4 and E 1/2 sec. 23, sec. 24, and NE 1/4 sec. 25; T. 42 S., R. 14 W., those portions of secs. 5 and 6 lying northwesterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 42 S., R. 15 W., sec. 1, N 1/2 and N 1/2 S 1/2 sec. 2, NE 1/4 and W 1/2 sec. 3, secs. 4-9, W 1/2 W 1/2 sec. 10, N 1/2 N 1/2 sec. 12, secs. 16-18, N 1/2 and N 1/2 SE 1/4 and NE 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 19, and W 1/2 NW 1/4 and NW 1/4 SW 1/4 sec. 20, except those portions of secs. 1 and 12 lying southeasterly of Interstate Hwy. 15; T. 42 S., R. 16 W., secs. 1-2, NW 1/4 and E 1/2 sec. 3, NE 1/4 NE 1/4 sec. 4, NE 1/4 sec. 10, NW 1/4 and E 1/2 sec. 11-12, E 1/2 and NW 1/4 and N 1/2 SW 1/4 sec. 13 except that portion lying westerly of State Hwy. 18, and N 1/2 NE 1/4 sec. 24.

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Arizona. Areas of land as follows:

15.Beaver Dam Slope Unit. Mohave County. From BLM Maps: Overton 1978 and Littlefield 1987. (Index map location K).

Gila and Salt River Meridian: T. 41 N., R. 14 W., secs. 6, 7, 18, and 19; T. 41 N., R. 15 W., secs. 1-24, 26-28, 30, and 31; T. 41 N., R. 16 W., secs. 1-5, 8-17, 20-29, and 32-36; T. 42 N., R. 14 W., sec. 31; T. 42 N., R. 15 W., secs. 31-36; T. 42 N., R. 16 W., secs. 32-36.

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16.Gold Butte-Pakoon Unit. Mohave County. From BLM Maps: Overton 1978, Littlefield 1987, Mount Trumbull 1986, and Lake Mead 1979. (Index map location J).

Gila and Salt River Meridian: T. 32 N., R. 15 W., secs. 1-18 except those portions of secs. 13-18 lying south of the Lake Mead National Recreation area boundary line; T. 32 N., R. 16 W., secs. 1, 2, 12, and 13; T. 32 1/2 N., R. 15 W., secs. 31-36; T. 32 1/2 N., R. 16 W., secs. 35 and 36; T. 33 N., R. 14 W., secs. 4-8, 18, 19, and 28-31; T. 33 N., R. 15 W.; T. 33 N., R. 16 W., secs. 1-14, 17-20, 23-26, 29-32, 35, and 36; T. 34 N., R. 14 W., secs. 4-9, 17-19, 30, 31, 33, and 34; T. 34 N., R. 15 W.; T. 34 N., R. 16 W.; T. 35 N., R. 14 W., secs. 3-9, 16-22, and 28-35 ; T. 35 N., R. 15 W.; T. 35 N., R. 16 W.; T. 36 N., R. 14 W., secs. 2-11, 14-22, and 27-34; T. 36 N., R. 15 W.; T. 36 N., R. 16 W., secs. 1-36 except secs. 4-9; T. 37 N., R. 14 W., secs. 15, 22, 27, 31, and 33-35; T. 37 N., R. 15 W., secs. 5, 8, 17-22, and 27-36; T. 37 N., R. 16 W., sec. 35; T. 38 N., R. 15 W., sec. 6; T. 38 N., R. 16 W., secs. 1-12 and 14-22; T. 39 N., R. 15 W., secs. 2-10, 16-21, and 29-32; T. 39 N., R. 16 W., secs. 1, 12, 13, 20, 23-29, and 32-36; T. 40 N., R. 14 W., sec. 6; T. 40 N., R. 15 W., secs. 1, 10-15, and 21-36.

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Primary constituent elements: Desert lands that are used or potentially used by the desert tortoise for nesting, sheltering, foraging, dispersal, or gene flow.

Hawksbill Sea Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)

Puerto Rico:

(1) Isla Mona. All areas of beachfront on the west, south, and east sides of the island from mean high tide inland to a point 150 meters from shore. This includes all 7.2 kilometers of beaches on Isla Mona.
(2) Culebra Island. The following areas of beachfront on the north shore of the island from mean high tide inland to a point 150 meters from shore: Playa Resaca, Playa Brava, and Playa Larga.
(3) Cayo Norte. South beach, from mean high tide inland to a point 150 meters from shore.
(4) Isla Culebrita. All beachfront areas on the southwest facing shore, east facing shore, and northwest facing shore of the island from mean high tide inland to a point 150 meters from shore.

Note: Maps follow.

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Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)

U.S. Virgin Islands-A strip of land 0.2 mile wide (from mean high tide inland) at Sandy Point Beach on the western end of the island of St. Croix beginning at the southwest cape to the south and running 1.2 miles northwest and then northeast along the western and northern shoreline, and from the southwest cape 0.7 mile east along the southern shoreline.

Note: Map follows:

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Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Northwest Atlantic Ocean DPS (Caretta caretta)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for the following areas on the maps below:
(i) North Carolina-Brunswick, Carteret, New Hanover, Onslow, and Pender Counties;
(ii) South Carolina-Beaufort, Charleston, Colleton, and Georgetown Counties;
(iii) Georgia-Camden, Chatham, Liberty, and McIntosh Counties;
(iv) Florida-Bay, Brevard, Broward, Charlotte, Collier, Duval, Escambia, Flagler, Franklin, Gulf, Indian River, Lee, Manatee, Martin, Monroe, Palm Beach, Sarasota, St. Johns, St. Lucie, and Volusia Counties;
(v) Alabama-Baldwin County; and
(vi) Mississippi-Jackson County.
(2) Within these areas, the primary constituent elements of the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean distinct population segment of the loggerhead sea turtle are the extra-tidal or dry sandy beaches from the mean high-water line to the toe of the secondary dune, which are capable of supporting a high density of nests or serving as an expansion area for beaches with a high density of nests and that are well distributed within each State, or region within a State, and representative of total nesting, consisting of four components:
(i) Suitable nesting beach habitat that:
(A) Has relatively unimpeded nearshore access from the ocean to the beach for nesting females and from the beach to the ocean for both post-nesting females and hatchlings; and
(B) Is located above mean high water to avoid being inundated frequently by high tides.
(ii) Sand that:
(A) Allows for suitable nest construction;
(B) Is suitable for facilitating gas diffusion conducive to embryo development; and
(C) Is able to develop and maintain temperatures and a moisture content conducive to embryo development.
(iii) Suitable nesting beach habitat with sufficient darkness to ensure that nesting turtles are not deterred from emerging onto the beach and hatchlings and post-nesting females orient to the sea.
(iv) Natural coastal processes or artificially created or maintained habitat mimicking natural conditions. This includes artificial habitat types that mimic the natural conditions described in paragraphs (2)(i), (2)(ii), and (2)(iii) of this entry for beach access, nest site selection, nest construction, egg deposition and incubation, and hatchling emergence and movement to the sea. Habitat modification and loss occurs with beach stabilization activities that prevent the natural transfer and erosion and accretion of sediments along the ocean shoreline. Beach stabilization efforts that may impact loggerhead nesting include beach nourishment, beach maintenance, sediment dredging and disposal, inlet channelization, and construction of jetties and other hard structures. However, when sand placement activities result in beach habitat that mimics the natural beach habitat conditions, impacts to sea turtle nesting habitat are minimized.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on August 11, 2014.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map units were created using Google Earth imagery, then refined using Bing imagery. Unit descriptions were then mapped using North America Lambert Conformal Conic coordinates. The maps in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establish the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which each map is based are available to the public at the Service's Internet site at http://www.fws.gov/northflorida, at http:www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R4-ES-2012-0103, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the USFWS regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5)Note: Index map follows:

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(6)Note: Index map of critical habitat units in the Northern Recovery Unit:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-NC-01-Boque Banks, Carteret County, North Carolina.
(B) LOGG-T-NC-02-Bear Island, Onslow County, North Carolina.
(C) LOGG-T-NC-03-Topsail Island, Onslow and Pender Counties, North Carolina.
(D) LOGG-T-NC-04-Lea-Hutaff Island, Pender County, North Carolina.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-NC-01-Boque Banks: This unit consists of 38.9 km (24.2 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Beaufort Inlet to Bogue Inlet.
(B) LOGG-T-NC-02-Bear Island: This unit consists of 6.6 km (4.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Bogue Inlet to Bear Inlet.
(C) LOGG-T-NC-03-Topsail Island: This unit consists of 35.0 km (21.8 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from New River Inlet to New Topsail Inlet.
(D) LOGG-T-NC-04-Lea-Hutaff Island: This unit consists of 6.1 km (3.8 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from New Topsail Inlet to Rich Inlet.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-NC-01, LOGG-T-NC-02, LOGG-T-NC-03, and LOGG-T-NC-04 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-NC-05-Pleasure Island, New Hanover County, North Carolina.
(B) LOGG-T-NC-06-Bald Head Island, Brunswick County, North Carolina.
(C) LOGG-T-NC-07-Oak Island, Brunswick County, North Carolina.
(D) LOGG-T-NC-08-Holden Beach, Brunswick County, North Carolina.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-NC-05-Pleasure Island: This unit consists of 18.6 km (11.5 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Carolina Beach Inlet to 33.91433 N, 77.94408 W (historic location of Corncake Inlet).
(B) LOGG-T-NC-06-Bald Head Island: This unit consists of 15.1 km (9.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from 33.91433 N, 77.94408 W (historic location of Corncake Inlet) to the mouth of the Cape Fear River.
(C) LOGG-T-NC-07-Oak Island: This unit consists of 20.9 km (13.0 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the mouth of the Cape Fear River to Lockwoods Folly Inlet.
(D) LOGG-T-NC-08-Holden Beach: This unit consists of 13.4 km (8.3 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Lockwoods Folly Inlet to Shallotte Inlet.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-NC-05, LOGG-T-NC-06, LOGG-T-NC-07, and LOGG-T-NC-08 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-SC-01-North Island, Georgetown County, South Carolina.
(B) LOGG-T-SC-02-Sand Island, Georgetown County, South Carolina.
(C) LOGG-T-SC-03-South Island, Georgetown County, South Carolina.
(D) LOGG-T-SC-04-Cedar Island, Georgetown County, South Carolina.
(E) LOGG-T-SC-05-Murphy Island, Charleston County, South Carolina.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-SC-01-North Island: This unit consists of 13.2 km (8.2 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from North Inlet to Winyah Bay.
(B) LOGG-T-SC-02-Sand Island: This unit consists of 4.7 km (2.9 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and Winyah Bay and extends from Winyah Bay to 33.17534 N, 79.19206 W (northern boundary of an unnamed inlet separating Sand Island and South Island).
(C) LOGG-T-SC-03-South Island: This unit consists of 6.7 km (4.2 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from 33.17242 N, 79.19366 W (southern boundary of an unnamed inlet separating Sand Island and South Island) to North Santee Inlet.
(D) LOGG-T-SC-04-Cedar Island: This unit consists of 4.1 km (2.5 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and North Santee Inlet and extends from North Santee Inlet to South Santee Inlet.
(E) LOGG-T-SC-05-Murphy Island: This unit consists of 8.0 km (5.0 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and South Santee Inlet and extends from South Santee Inlet to 33.08335 N, 79.34285 W.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-SC-01, LOGG-T-SC-02, LOGG-T-SC-03, LOGG-T-SC-04, and LOGG-T-SC-05 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-SC-06-Cape Island, Charleston County, South Carolina.
(B) LOGG-T-SC-07-Lighthouse Island, Charleston County, South Carolina.
(C) LOGG-T-SC-08-Raccoon Key, Charleston County, South Carolina.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-SC-06-Cape Island: This unit consists of 8.3 km (5.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Cape Romain Inlet to 33.00988 N, 79.36529 W (northern boundary of an unnamed inlet between Cape Island and Lighthouse Island).
(B) LOGG-T-SC-07-Lighthouse Island: This unit consists of 5.3 km (3.3 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from 33.01306 N, 79.36659 W (southern boundary of an unnamed inlet between Cape Island and Lighthouse Island) to Key Inlet.
(C) LOGG-T-SC-08-Raccoon Key: This unit consists of 4.8 km (3.0 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Raccoon Creek Inlet to Five Fathom Creek Inlet.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-SC-06, LOGG-T-SC-07, and LOGG-T-SC-08 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-SC-09-Folly Island, Charleston County, South Carolina.
(B) LOGG-T-SC-10-Kiawah Island, Charleston County, South Carolina.
(C) LOGG-T-SC-11-Seabrook Island, Charleston County, South Carolina.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-SC-09-Folly Island: This unit consists of 11.2 km (7.0 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Lighthouse Inlet to Folly River Inlet.
(B) LOGG-T-SC-10-Kiawah Island: This unit consists of 17.0 km (10.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and Stono Inlet and extends from Stono Inlet to Captain Sam's Inlet.
(C) LOGG-T-SC-11-Seabrook Island: This unit consists of 5.8 km (3.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and North Edisto Inlet and extends from Captain Sam's Inlet to North Edisto Inlet.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-SC-09, LOGG-T-SC-10, and LOGG-T-SC-11 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-SC-12-Botany Bay Island and Botany Bay Plantation, Charleston County, South Carolina.
(B) LOGG-T-SC-13-Interlude Beach, Charleston County, South Carolina.
(C) LOGG-T-SC-14-Edingsville Beach, Charleston County, South Carolina.
(D) LOGG-T-SC-15-Edisto Beach State Park, Colleton County, South Carolina.
(E) LOGG-T-SC-16-Edisto Beach, Colleton County, South Carolina.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-SC-12-Botany Bay Island and Botany Bay Plantation: This unit consists of 6.6 km (4.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and North Edisto Inlet and extends from North Edisto Inlet to 32.53710 N, 80.24614 W (northern boundary of an unnamed inlet separating Botany Bay Plantation and Interlude Beach).
(B) LOGG-T-SC-13-Interlude Beach: This unit consists of 0.9 km (0.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from 32.53636 N, 80.24647 W (southern boundary of an unnamed inlet separating Interlude Beach and Botany Bay Plantation) to Frampton Inlet.
(C) LOGG-T-SC-14-Edingsville Beach: This unit consists of 2.7 km (1.7 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Frampton Inlet to Jeremy Inlet.
(D) LOGG-T-SC-15-Edisto Beach State Park: This unit consists of 2.2 km (1.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Jeremy Inlet to 32.50307 N, 80.29625 W (State Park boundary separating Edisto Beach State Park and the Town of Edisto Beach).
(E) LOGG-T-SC-16-Edisto Beach: This unit consists of 6.8 km (4.2 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and South Edisto River and extends from 32.50307 N, 80.29625 W (State Park boundary separating Edisto Beach State Park and the Town of Edisto Beach) to South Edisto Inlet.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-SC-12, LOGG-T-SC-13, LOGG-T-SC-14, LOGG-T-SC-15, and LOGG-T-SC-16 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-SC-17-Pine Island, Colleton County, South Carolina.
(B) LOGG-T-SC-18-Otter Island, Colleton County, South Carolina.
(C) LOGG-T-SC-19-Harbor Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-SC-17-Pine Island: This unit consists of 1.2 km (0.7 mi) of island shoreline along the South Edisto Inlet and extends from South Edisto River to 32.49266 N, 80.36846 W (northern boundary of an unnamed inlet to Fish Creek).
(B) LOGG-T-SC-18-Otter Island: This unit consists of 4.1 km (2.5 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and Saint Helena Sound and extends from Fish Creek Inlet to Saint Helena Sound.
(C) LOGG-T-SC-19-Harbor Island: This unit consists of 2.9 km (1.8 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and Saint Helena Sound and extends from Harbor Inlet to Johnson Inlet.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-SC-17, LOGG-T-SC-18, and LOGG-T-SC-19 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-SC-20-Little Capers Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina
(B) LOGG-T-SC-21-St. Phillips Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina
(C) LOGG-T-SC-22-Bay Point Island, Beaufort County, South Carolina
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-SC-20-Little Capers Island: This unit consists of 4.6 km (2.9 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from "Pritchards Inlet" (there is some uncertainty about the true name of this water feature) located at 32.29009 N, 80.54459 W to Trenchards Inlet.
(B) LOGG-T-SC-21-St. Phillips Island: This unit consists of 2.3 km (1.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and Trenchards Inlet and extends from Trenchards Inlet to Morse Island Creek Inlet East.
(C) LOGG-T-SC-22-Bay Point Island: This unit consists of 4.3 km (2.7 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and Port Royal Sound and extends from Morse Island Creek Inlet East along the Atlantic Ocean shoreline to Morse Island Creek Inlet West along the Port Royal Sound shoreline.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-SC-20, LOGG-T-SC-21, and LOGG-T-SC-22 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-GA-01-Little Tybee Island, Chatham County, Georgia.
(B) LOGG-T-GA-02-Wassaw Island, Chatham County, Georgia.
(C) LOGG-T-GA-03-Ossabaw Island, Chatham County, Georgia.
(D) LOGG-T-GA-04-St. Catherines Island, Liberty County, Georgia.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-GA-01-Little Tybee Island: This unit consists of 8.6 km (5.3 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Tybee Creek Inlet to Wassaw Sound.
(B) LOGG-T-GA-02-Wassaw Island: This unit consists of 10.1 km (6.3 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Wassaw Sound to Ossabaw Sound.
(C) LOGG-T-GA-03-Ossabaw Island: This unit consists of 17.1 km (10.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Ogeechee River to St. Catherines Sound.
(D) LOGG-T-GA-04-St. Catherines Island: This unit consists of 18.4 km (11.5 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from St. Catherines Sound to Sapelo Sound.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-GA-01, LOGG-T-GA-02, LOGG-T-GA-03, and LOGG-T-GA-04 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-GA-05-Blackbeard Island, McIntosh County, Georgia.
(B) LOGG-T-GA-06-Sapelo Island, McIntosh County, Georgia.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-GA-05-Blackbeard Island: This unit consists of 13.5 km (8.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Sapelo Sound to Cabretta Inlet.
(B) LOGG-T-GA-06-Sapelo Island: This unit consists of 9.3 km (5.8 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Cabretta Inlet to Doboy Sound.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-GA-05 and LOGG-T-GA-06 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-GA-07-Little Cumberland Island, Camden County, Georgia.
(B) LOGG-T-GA-08-Cumberland Island, Camden County, Georgia.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-GA-07-Little Cumberland Island: This unit consists of 4.9 km (3.0 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from St. Andrew Sound to Christmas Creek.
(B) LOGG-T-GA-08-Cumberland Island: This unit consists of 29.7 km (18.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Christmas Creek to St. Marys River.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-GA-07 and LOGG-T-GA-08 follows:

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(18)Note: Index map of critical habitat units in the Peninsular Florida Recovery Unit:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-01-South Duval County Beaches-Duval and St. Johns County line, Florida.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-02-Fort Matanzas National Monument, St. Johns County, Florida.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-03-River to Sea Preserve at Marineland-North Peninsula State Park, Flagler and Volusia Counties, Florida.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-01-South Duval County Beaches-Duval and St. Johns County line: This unit consists of 11.5 km (7.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the south boundary of Kathryn Abbey Hanna Park in Duval County to the boundary of the St. Johns County line.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-02-Fort Matanzas National Monument: This unit consists of 1.4 km (0.9 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and includes the shoreline along Fort Matanzas National Monument in St. Johns County.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-03-River to Sea Preserve at Marineland-North Peninsula State Park: This unit consists of 31.8 km (19.8 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the north boundary of the River to Sea Preserve at Marineland to the south boundary of North Peninsula State Park.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-01, LOGG-T-FL-02, and LOGG-T-FL-03 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-04-Canaveral National Seashore North, Volusia County, Florida.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-05-Canaveral National Seashore South-Merritt Island NWR-Kennedy Space Center, Brevard County, Florida.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-04-Canaveral National Seashore North: This unit consists of 18.2 km (11.3 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the north boundary of Canaveral National Seashore to the Volusia-Brevard County line.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-05-Canaveral National Seashore South-Merritt Island NWR-Kennedy Space Center: This unit consists of 28.4 km (17.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the Volusia-Brevard County line to the south boundary of Merritt Island NWR-Kennedy Space Center (Merritt Island NWR was established in 1963 as an overlay of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) John F. Kennedy Space Center).
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-04 and LOGG-T-FL-05 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-06-Central Brevard Beaches, Brevard County, Florida.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-07-South Brevard Beaches, Brevard County, Florida.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-08-Sebastian Inlet State Park-Archie Carr NWR South, Indian River County, Florida.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-06-Central Brevard Beaches: This unit consists of 19.5 km (12.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the south boundary of Patrick Air Force Base to the north boundary of Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge (NWR).
(B) LOGG-T-FL-07-South Brevard Beaches: This unit consists of 20.8 km (12.9 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the north boundary of Archie Carr NWR to Sebastian Inlet.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-08-Sebastian Inlet State Park-Archie Carr NWR South: This unit consists of 4.1 km (2.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Sebastian Inlet State Park and parcels within the Archie Carr NWR.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-06, LOGG-T-FL-07, and LOGG-T-FL-08 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-09-Fort Pierce Inlet-St. Lucie Inlet, St. Lucie and Martin Counties, Florida.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-10-St. Lucie Inlet-Jupiter Inlet, Martin and Palm Beach Counties, Florida.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-11-Jupiter Inlet-Lake Worth Inlet, Palm Beach County, Florida.
(D) LOGG-T-FL-12-Lake Worth Inlet-Boynton Inlet, Palm Beach County, Florida.
(E) LOGG-T-FL-13-Boynton Inlet-Boca Raton Inlet, Palm Beach County, Florida.
(F) LOGG-T-FL-14-Boca Raton Inlet-Hillsboro Inlet, Palm Beach and Broward Counties, Florida.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-09-Fort Pierce Inlet-St. Lucie Inlet: This unit consists of 35.2 km (21.9 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Fort Pierce Inlet to St. Lucie Inlet.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-10-St. Lucie Inlet-Jupiter Inlet: This unit consists of 24.9 km (15.5 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from St. Lucie Inlet to Jupiter Inlet.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-11-Jupiter Inlet-Lake Worth Inlet: This unit consists of 18.8 km (11.7 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Jupiter Inlet to Lake Worth Inlet.
(D) LOGG-T-FL-12-Lake Worth Inlet-Boynton Inlet: This unit consists of 24.3 km (15.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Lake Worth Inlet to Boynton Inlet.
(E) LOGG-T-FL-13-Boynton Inlet-Boca Raton Inlet: This unit consists of 22.6 km (14.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Boynton Inlet to Boca Raton Inlet.
(F) LOGG-T-FL-14-Boca Raton Inlet-Hillsboro Inlet: This unit consists of 8.3 km (5.2 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from Boca Raton Inlet to Hillsboro Inlet.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-09, LOGG-T-FL-10, LOGG-T-FL-11, LOGG-T-FL-12, LOGG-T-FL-13, and LOGG-T-FL-14 follows:

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(23) Unit LOGG-T-FL-15-Long Key, Monroe County, Florida.
(i)General description: This unit consists of 4.2 km (2.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the natural channel between Fiesta Key and Long Key to the natural channel between Long Key and Conch Key.
(ii) Map of Unit LOGG-T-FL-15 follows:

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(24) Unit LOGG-T-FL-16-Bahia Honda Key, Monroe County, Florida.
(i)General description: This unit consists of 3.7 km (2.3 mi) of island shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean and extends from the natural channel between Ohio Key and Bahia Honda Key to the natural channel between Bahia Honda Key and Spanish Harbor Key.
(ii) Map of Unit LOGG-T-FL-16 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-17-Longboat Key, Manatee and Sarasota Counties, Florida.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-18-Siesta and Casey Keys, Sarasota County, Florida.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-19-Venice Beaches and Manasota Key, Sarasota and Charlotte Counties, Florida.
(D) LOGG-T-FL-20-Knight, Don Pedro, and Little Gasparilla Islands, Charlotte County, Florida.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-17-Longboat Key: This unit consists of 16.0 km (9.9 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Longboat Pass to New Pass.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-18-Siesta and Casey Keys: This unit consists of 20.8 km (13.0 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Big Sarasota Pass to Venice Inlet.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-19-Venice Beaches and Manasota Key: This unit consists of 26.0 km (16.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Venice Inlet to Stump Pass.
(D) LOGG-T-FL-20-Knight, Don Pedro, and Little Gasparilla Islands: This unit consists of 10.8 km (6.7 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Stump Pass to Gasparilla Pass.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-17, LOGG-T-FL-18, LOGG-T-FL-19, and LOGG-T-FL-20 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-21-Gasparilla Island, Charlotte and Lee Counties, Florida.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-22-Cayo Costa, Lee County, Florida.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-23-Captiva Island, Lee County, Florida.
(D) LOGG-T-FL-24-Sanibel Island West, Lee County, Florida.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-21-Gasparilla Island: This unit consists of 11.2 km (6.9 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Gasparilla Pass to Boca Grande Pass.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-22-Cayo Costa: This unit consists of 13.5 km (8.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Boca Grande Pass to Captiva Pass.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-23-Captiva Island: This unit consists of 7.6 km (4.7 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Redfish Pass to Blind Pass.
(D) LOGG-T-FL-24-Sanibel Island West: This unit consists of 12.2 km (7.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Blind Pass to Tarpon Bay Road.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-21, LOGG-T-FL-22, LOGG-T-FL-23, and LOGG-T-FL-24 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-25-Little Hickory Island, Lee and Collier Counties, Florida.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-26-Wiggins Pass-Clam Pass, Collier County, Florida.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-27-Clam Pass-Doctors Pass, Collier County, Florida.
(D) LOGG-T-FL-28-Keewaydin Island and Sea Oat Island, Collier County, Florida.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-25-Little Hickory Island: This unit consists of 8.7 km (5.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Big Hickory Pass to Wiggins Pass.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-26-Wiggins Pass-Clam Pass: This unit consists of 7.7 km (4.8 mi) of mainland shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Wiggins Pass to Clam Pass.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-27-Clam Pass-Doctors Pass: This unit consists of 4.9 km (3.0 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Clam Pass to Doctors Pass.
(D) LOGG-T-FL-28-Keewaydin Island and Sea Oat Island: This unit consists of 13.1 km (8.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Gordon Pass to Big Marco Pass.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-25, LOGG-T-FL-26, LOGG-T-FL-27, and LOGG-T-FL-28 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-29-Cape Romano, Collier County, Florida.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-30-Ten Thousand Islands North, Collier County, Florida.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-29-Cape Romano: This unit consists of 9.2 km (5.7 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and Gullivan Bay and extends from Caxambas Pass to Gullivan Bay.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-30-Ten Thousand Islands North: This unit consists of 7.8 km (4.9 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and within Gullivan Bay.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-29 and LOGG-T-FL-30 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-31-Highland Beach, Monroe County, Florida.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-32-Graveyard Creek-Shark Point, Monroe County, Florida.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-33-Cape Sable, Monroe County, Florida.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-31-Highland Beach: This unit consists of 7.2 km (4.5 mi) of island (Key McLaughlin) shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from First Bay to Rogers River Inlet.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-32-Graveyard Creek-Shark Point: This unit consists of 0.9 km (0.6 mi) of mainland shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Shark Point (25.38796 N, 81.14933 W) to Graveyard Creek Inlet.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-33-Cape Sable: This unit consists of 21.3 km (13.2 mi) of mainland shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from the north boundary of Cape Sable at 25.25924 N, 81.16687 W to the south boundary of Cape Sable at 25.12470 N, 81.06681 W.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-31, LOGG-T-FL-32, and LOGG-T-FL-33 follows:

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(30)Note: Index map of critical habitat units in the Dry Tortugas Recovery Unit:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-34-Dry Tortugas, Monroe County, Florida.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-35-Marquesas Keys, Monroe County, Florida.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-34-Dry Tortugas: This unit consists of 5.7 km (3.6 mi) of shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and consists of Loggerhead Key, Garden Key, Bush Key, Long Key, Hospital Key, and East Key located in the Dry Tortugas about 108 km (67 mi) west of Key West.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-35-Marquesas Keys: This unit consists of 5.6 km (3.5 mi) of shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and consists of Marquesas Key, Unnamed Key 1, Unnamed Key 2, and Unnamed Key 3 located about 29.3 km (18.2 mi) west of Key West.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-34 and LOGG-T-FL-35 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-36-Boca Grande Key, Monroe County, Florida.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-37-Woman Key, Monroe County, Florida.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-36-Boca Grande Key: This unit consists of 1.3 km (0.8 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from 24.53767 N, 82.00763 W (at the northern end of the key) to 24.52757 N, 82.00581 W (at the southern end of the key).
(B) LOGG-T-FL-37-Woman Key: This unit consists of 1.3 km (0.8 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from 24.52452 N, 81.97893 N (at the western end of the key) to 24.52385 N, 81.96680 W (at the eastern end of the key).
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-36 and LOGG-T-FL-37 follows:

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(33)Note: Index map of critical habitat units in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Recovery Unit:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-MS-01-Horn Island, Jackson County, Mississippi.
(B) LOGG-T-MS-02-Petit Bois Island, Jackson County, Mississippi.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-MS-01-Horn Island: This unit consists of 18.6 km (11.5 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Dog Keys Pass to the easternmost point of the ocean facing island shore.
(B) LOGG-T-MS-02-Petit Bois Island: This unit consists of 9.8 km (6.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Horn Island Pass to Petit Bois Pass.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-MS-01 and LOGG-T-MS-02 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-AL-01-Mobile Bay-Little Lagoon Pass, Baldwin County, Alabama.
(B) LOGG-T-AL-02-Gulf State Park-Perdido Pass, Baldwin County, Alabama.
(C) LOGG-T-AL-03-Perdido Pass-Florida-Alabama line, Baldwin County, Alabama.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-AL-01-Mobile Bay-Little Lagoon Pass: This unit consists of 28.0 km (17.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Mobile Bay Inlet to Little Lagoon Pass.
(B) LOGG-T-AL-02-Gulf State Park-Perdido Pass: This unit consists of 10.7 km (6.7 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from the west boundary of Gulf State Park to Perdido Pass.
(C) LOGG-T-AL-03-Perdido Pass-Florida-Alabama line: This unit consists of 3.3 km (2.0 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Perdido Pass to the Alabama-Florida border.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-AL-01, LOGG-T-AL-02, and LOGG-T-AL-03 follows:

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(36) Unit LOGG-T-FL-38-Perdido Key, Escambia County, Florida.
(i)General description: This unit consists of 20.2 km (12.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from the Alabama-Florida border to Pensacola Pass.
(ii) Map of Unit LOGG-T-FL-38 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-39-Mexico Beach and St. Joe Beach, Bay and Gulf Counties, Florida.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-40-St. Joseph Peninsula, Gulf County, Florida.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-41-Cape San Blas, Gulf County, Florida.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-39-Mexico Beach and St. Joe Beach: This unit consists of 18.7 km (11.7 mi) of mainland shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from the eastern boundary of Tyndall Air Force Base to Gulf County Canal in St. Joseph Bay.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-40-St. Joseph Peninsula: This unit consists of 23.5 km (14.6 mi) of a spit shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from St. Joseph Bay to the west boundary of Eglin Air Force Base.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-41-Cape San Blas: This unit consists of 11.0 km (6.8 mi) of mainland and spit shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from the east boundary of Eglin Air Force Base to Indian Pass.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-39, LOGG-T-FL-40, and LOGG-T-FL-41 follows:

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(i) Units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-42-St. Vincent Island, Franklin County, Florida.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-43-Little St. George Island, Franklin County, Florida.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-44-St. George Island, Franklin County, Florida.
(D) LOGG-T-FL-45-Dog Island, Franklin County, Florida.
(ii) General descriptions of units:
(A) LOGG-T-FL-42-St. Vincent Island: This unit consists of 15.1 km (9.4 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Indian Pass to West Pass.
(B) LOGG-T-FL-43-Little St. George Island: This unit consists of 15.4 km (9.6 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from West Pass to Bob Sikes Cut.
(C) LOGG-T-FL-44-St. George Island: This unit consists of 30.7 km (19.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from Bob Sikes Cut to East Pass.
(D) LOGG-T-FL-45-Dog Island: This unit consists of 13.1 km (8.1 mi) of island shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico and extends from East Pass to St. George Sound.
(iii) Map of Units LOGG-T-FL-42, LOGG-T-FL-43, LOGG-T-FL-44, and LOGG-T-FL-45 follows:

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Plymouth Red-Bellied Turtle (Chrysemys rubriventris bangsi)

Massachusetts (Plymouth County).

An area including Briggs Reservoir, Cooks Pond, Little South Pond, South Triangle Pond, Great South Pond, Powderhorn Pond, Boat Pond, Hoyte Pond, Gunners Exchange Pond, Crooked Pond and Island Pond as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of the right-of-way of the Boston Edison and New Bedford Gas and Edison Light Company transmission lines and the westerly right-of-way line of Long Pond Road, thence southeasterly, along the westerly right-of-way line of Long Pond Road, 10,370 feet to the intersection of the said right-of-way line and the boundary line of the Myles Standish State Forest; thence southerly and westerly, along the boundary line of the Myles Standish State Forest, crossing and re-crossing Snake Hill Road, 11,200 feet, more or less; thence westerly, leaving the boundary line of the State Forest, 1,550 feet, more or less, to the boundary line of the Myles Standish State Forest; thence westerly, along the boundary line of the Myles Standish State Forest, 9,180 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the boundary of the said State Forest and the easterly right-of-way line of the Algonquin Gas Transmission Company pipeline; thence northerly, along the easterly right-of-way line of the said pipeline, 6,223 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the easterly right-of-way line of the said pipeline and the northerly right-of-way line of Kings Pond Plain Road; thence northeasterly, along the northerly right-of-way line of said road 3,100 feet to a point; thence northerly, 800 feet, more or less, to the southerly right-of-way line of the Boston Edison and new Bedford Gas and Edison Light Company transmission lines; thence northwesterly, along the southerly right-of-way base of the said transmission lines, 4,150 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the southerly right-of-way line of the said transmission lines and the easterly right-of-way line of the Algonquin Gas Transmission Company pipeline; thence northerly, along the easterly right-of-way line of the said pipeline, 2,500 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the easterly right-of-way line of the said pipeline and the southerly right-of-way line of Black Cat Road; thence southeasterly, along the southerly right-of-way line of said road, crossing South Pond Road and continuing southeasterly, along the southerly right-of-way line of an unnamed road, 10,370 feet, more or less, to a point; thence southerly 2,300 feet, more or less, to the northerly right-of-way line of the Boston Edison and New Bedford Gas and Edison Light Company transmission lines, thence easterly, along the northerly right-of-way line of the said transmission lines, 1,300 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the northerly right-of-way line of the said transmission lines and the westerly right-of-way line of Long Pond Road; thence southerly, along the westerly right-of-way line of said road, 100 feet, more or less, the place of beginning.

Note: Map follows:

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Sonoyta Mud Turtle (Kinosternon sonoriense longifemorale)

(1) Critical habitat unit is depicted for Pima County, Arizona, on the map below.
(2) Within this area, the physical or biological features essential to the conservation of the Sonoyta mud turtle consist of the following components:
(i) Aquatic habitat, such as streams and natural or manmade ponds, with perennial or near-perennial sources of water, containing or including:
(A) Surface water to 2 meters (7 feet) deep, with a rocky, muddy, or sandy substrate, and emergent or submergent vegetation, or both;
(B) Surface water free of nonnative predators and competitors, including crayfish, American bullfrogs, and large sunfish;
(C) Shallow water areas with dense emergent vegetation (e.g., cattail, spikerush, and travelling spikerush);
(D) Access to deeper open water in ponds, and submerged vegetation (e.g., holly-leaved water nymph, slender pondweed, ditch-grass, and horned pondweed); and
(E) Areas with complex structure, including protective shelter sites such as root masses, rock features, and undercut banks.
(ii) Aquatic invertebrate prey base (e.g., Anisoptera, Trichoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, aquatic snail species) and their corresponding habitat, including submergent or emergent vegetation and a variety of forage, and prey such as algae, diatoms, and other microorganisms.
(iii) Terrestrial, riparian habitat, adjacent to suitable aquatic habitat, containing or including:
(A) Accessible shoreline for Sonoyta mud turtles without insurmountable rock or artificial vertical barriers to allow movement between wetted sites, between aquatic habitat and terrestrial nest sites, and between aquatic habitat and estivation sites;
(B) Riparian areas that maintain soil moisture to prevent desiccation of eggs and provide estivation sites, located along the banks of ponds and streams with riparian vegetation (e.g., cottonwood, willow, seepwillow, mesquite, greythorn, wolfberry, salt grass, and arrowweed); and
(C) Estivation and nesting sites, including depressions under vegetation, soil, or organic matter; rock crevices; and soil burrows under overhanging banks of streams or ponds, that are available year-round.
(3) Critical habitat does not include most manmade structures (such as buildings, aqueducts, runways, roads, and other paved areas) and the land on which they are located existing within the legal boundaries on July 23, 2020. However, the spring enclosure, the manmade pond, the manmade channel that connects the springs to the pond, and the piped water that connects the two springs within the designated critical habitat are part of the designation.
(4)Critical habitat map units. Data layers defining map unit were developed using ESRI ArcGIS mapping software along with various spatial layers. We used ground-truthed data provided by Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument staff that depicts all aquatic habitat used by the Sonoyta mud turtle, including Quitobaquito Pond and moat, the two Quitobaquito springs, the manmade channel that connects the springs to the pond, and the piped water that connects the two springs. For terrestrial, we used satellite imagery available in ArcGIS to delineate the riparian areas surrounding the surface water habitat. World Imagery used from ArcGIS provides 1 meter or better satellite and aerial imagery in many parts of the world and lower resolution satellite imagery worldwide. The map includes 15m TerraColor 0.3m resolution imagery at this map scale of 1:6,000. Additionally, imagery at different resolutions has been contributed by the GIS User Community. ArcGIS was also used to calculate area hectares and acres, and was used to determine longitude and latitude coordinates in decimal degrees. The coordinate system used in mapping and calculating area and locations within the unit was Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) conformal projection with 1983 North American Datum in Zone 12. The map in this entry, as modified by any accompanying regulatory text, establishes the boundaries of the critical habitat designation. The coordinates or plot points or both on which the map is based are available to the public at http://www.fws.gov/southwest/es/arizona/, at http://www.regulations.gov at Docket No. FWS-R2-ES-2017-0014, and at the field office responsible for this designation. You may obtain field office location information by contacting one of the Service regional offices, the addresses of which are listed at 50 CFR 2.2 .
(5) Quitobaquito Unit, Pima County, Arizona.
(i)General description: This unit consists of 12.28 acres (4.97 hectares) in the Rio Sonoyta watershed in Pima County, and is composed entirely of Federal land owned by the National Park Service on Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument. The unit includes Quitobaquito Pond, the two Quitobaquito springs, the manmade channel that connects the springs to the pond, and the piped water that connects the two springs and surrounding riparian habitat.
(ii) Unit map follows:

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Alameda Whipsnake (Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus)

(1) Critical habitat units are depicted for Alameda, Contra Costa, San Joaquin, and Santa Clara counties, California, on the maps below.
(2) The primary constituent elements (PCEs) of critical habitat for the Alameda whipsnake (Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus) are the habitat components that provide:
(i)Scrub/shrub communities with a mosaic of open and closed canopy: Scrub/shrub vegetation dominated by low- to medium-stature woody shrubs with a mosaic of open and closed canopy, as characterized by the chamise, chamise-eastwood manzanita, chaparral whitethorn, and interior live oak shrub vegetation series occurring at elevations from sea level to approximately 3,850 feet (1,170 meters). Such scrub/shrub vegetation within these series form a pattern of open and closed canopy used by the Alameda whipsnake for shelter from predators; temperature regulation, because it provides sunny and shady locations; prey-viewing opportunities; and nesting habitat and substrate. These features contribute to support a prey base consisting of western fence lizards and other prey species such as skinks, frogs, snakes, and birds.
(ii)Woodland or annual grassland plant communities contiguous to lands containing PCE 1: Woodland or annual grassland vegetation series comprised of one or more of the following: Blue oak, coast live oak, California bay, California buckeye, and California annual grassland vegetation series. This mosaic of vegetation supports a prey base consisting of western fence lizards and other prey species such as skinks, frogs, snakes, and birds, and provides opportunities for: Foraging, by allowing snakes to come in contact with and visualize, track, and capture prey (especially western fence lizards, along with other prey such as skinks, frogs, birds); short and long distance dispersal within, between, or adjacent to areas containing essential features (i.e., PCE 1 or PCE 3); and contact with other Alameda whipsnakes for mating and reproduction.
(iii)Lands containing rock outcrops, talus, and small mammal burrows. These areas are used for retreats (shelter), hibernacula, foraging, and dispersal, and provide additional prey population support functions.
(3) Critical habitat does not include manmade structures existing on the effective date of this rule and not containing one or more of the primary constituent elements, such as buildings, aqueducts, airports, and roads, and the land on which such structures are located.

Critical Habitat Unit Maps

(4) GIS data layers defining map units were created on a base of USGS 7.5' quadrangles, and critical habitat units were then mapped using Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates.
(5) Note: Index map (Map 1) follows:

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(6) Unit 1: Tilden-Briones Unit, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Benecia, Richmond, Briones Valley, Walnut Creek. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 559589, 4200848; 559600, 4200866; 559610, 4200873; 559622, 4200883; 559668, 4200910; 559710, 4200940; 559715, 4200943; 559727, 4200952; 559753, 4200969; 559781, 4200994; 559806, 4201021; 559817, 4201037; 559840, 4201073; 559850, 4201093; 559874, 4201113; 559878, 4201115; 559895, 4201123; 559909, 4201130; 559929, 4201135; 559955, 4201148; 560009, 4201170; 560047, 4201192; 560059, 4201212; 560058, 4201230; 560055, 4201250; 560049, 4201289; 560047, 4201306; 560041, 4201332; 560035, 4201363; 560029, 4201381; 560024, 4201403; 560018, 4201432; 560016, 4201456; 560009, 4201486; 560008, 4201508; 560027, 4201518; 560061, 4201509; 560277, 4201575; 560304, 4201584; 560308, 4201587; 560316, 4201583; 560411, 4201602; 560673, 4201602; 560694, 4201602; 560784, 4201604; 560794, 4201635; 560795, 4201674; 560794, 4201701; 560795, 4201737; 560793, 4201770; 560784, 4201808; 560789, 4201847; 560781, 4201888; 560778, 4201912; 560787, 4201944; 560802, 4201953; 560814, 4201960; 560827, 4201961; 560841, 4201962; 560859, 4201967; 560885, 4201957; 560924, 4201964; 560963, 4201972; 561010, 4201974; 561046, 4201975; 561085, 4201974; 561112, 4201969; 561131, 4201962; 561143, 4201941; 561158, 4201908; 561162, 4201880; 561176, 4201857; 561200, 4201847; 561244, 4201832; 561286, 4201830; 561337, 4201830; 561384, 4201835; 561422, 4201840; 561464, 4201835; 561497, 4201814; 561518, 4201778; 561523, 4201757; 561522, 4201714; 561523, 4201670; 561535, 4201628; 561567, 4201583; 561633, 4201578; 561664, 4201585; 561676, 4201599; 561698, 4201630; 561743, 4201673; 561773, 4201694; 561793, 4201727; 561809, 4201771; 561825, 4201815; 561840, 4201826; 561863, 4201820; 561892, 4201798; 561922, 4201775; 561950, 4201759; 561983, 4201753; 562031, 4201743; 562087, 4201741; 562142, 4201740; 562201, 4201735; 562251, 4201731; 562327, 4201726; 562402, 4201715; 562451, 4201695; 562483, 4201684; 562515, 4201676; 562520, 4201673; 562524, 4201668; 562648, 4201533; 562609, 4201434; 562618, 4201405; 562618, 4201401; 562629, 4201363; 562660, 4201340; 562698, 4201311; 562741, 4201294; 562778, 4201281; 562820, 4201273; 562852, 4201262; 562877, 4201265; 562892, 4201277; 562923, 4201298; 562949, 4201336; 562974, 4201369; 563001, 4201384; 563007, 4201373; 563208, 4201106; 563205, 4201067; 563205, 4201065; 563161, 4201021; 563142, 4200970; 563186, 4200952; 563142, 4200832; 563139, 4200818; 563123, 4200790; 563125, 4200770; 563146, 4200742; 563162, 4200718; 563186, 4200699; 563215, 4200696; 563243, 4200706; 563272, 4200721; 563288, 4200746; 563308, 4200752; 563332, 4200763; 563376, 4200779; 563421, 4200784; 563442, 4200782; 563501, 4200700; 563552, 4200705; 563575, 4200685; 563598, 4200656; 563709, 4200752; 563829, 4200743; 564014, 4200365; 564039, 4200383; 564043, 4200372; 564054, 4200336; 564087, 4200298; 564131, 4200262; 564176, 4200238; 564206, 4200230; 564240, 4200230; 564288, 4200239; 564318, 4200251; 564348, 4200269; 564383, 4200299; 564422, 4200330; 564466, 4200350; 564498, 4200363; 564540, 4200391; 564575, 4200417; 564612, 4200445; 564623, 4200459; 564628, 4200460; 564628, 4200465; 564626, 4200508; 564625, 4200550; 564601, 4200580; 564489, 4200581; 564471, 4200581; 564471, 4200584; 564477, 4200616; 564487, 4200636; 564471, 4200649; 564475, 4200653; 564528, 4200688; 564593, 4200648; 564634, 4200740; 564648, 4200799; 564514, 4200855; 564437, 4200917; 564365, 4200985; 564332, 4201032; 564294, 4201014; 564285, 4201011; 564265, 4201031; 564236, 4201060; 564207, 4201086; 564224, 4201161; 564184, 4201193; 564147, 4201209; 564148, 4201210; 564178, 4201233; 564210, 4201259; 564246, 4201295; 564274, 4201321; 564316, 4201359; 564319, 4201361; 564442, 4201318; 564455, 4201349; 564461, 4201348; 564501, 4201340; 564549, 4201331; 564564, 4201357; 564567, 4201388; 564566, 4201432; 564555, 4201478; 564531, 4201503; 564495, 4201540; 564480, 4201553; 564654, 4201564; 564602, 4201626; 564638, 4201649; 564692, 4201649; 564764, 4201721; 564810, 4201767; 564900, 4201803; 564973, 4201957; 565036, 4202002; 565145, 4201993; 565263, 4202011; 565354, 4202038; 565390, 4201984; 565444, 4201984; 565535, 4201921; 565616, 4201757; 565689, 4201739; 565707, 4201776; 565761, 4201748; 565807, 4201767; 565825, 4201803; 565916, 4201839; 565943, 4201739; 565861, 4201667; 565816, 4201585; 565816, 4201522; 565897, 4201576; 566015, 4201603; 566079, 4201522; 566197, 4201495; 566287, 4201513; 566323, 4201540; 566396, 4201549; 566441, 4201612; 566423, 4201694; 566378, 4201803; 566342, 4201893; 566278, 4201975; 566233, 4202066; 566224, 4202093; 566242, 4202183; 566251, 4202256; 566414, 4202156; 566421, 4202175; 566459, 4202274; 566532, 4202637; 566577, 4203099; 566668, 4203507; 567592, 4204522; 568182, 4205111; 568472, 4205447; 568476, 4205455; 568831, 4206130; 568847, 4206125; 568875, 4206127; 568906, 4206134; 568926, 4206141; 568939, 4206151; 568947, 4206174; 568941, 4206195; 568937, 4206225; 568932, 4206254; 568928, 4206288; 568927, 4206308; 568925, 4206339; 568921, 4206370; 568913, 4206408; 568910, 4206442; 568899, 4206491; 568895, 4206528; 568900, 4206560; 568915, 4206578; 568948, 4206582; 568959, 4206575; 568975, 4206565; 568998, 4206552; 569027, 4206533; 569052, 4206513; 569089, 4206488; 569127, 4206468; 569163, 4206457; 569207, 4206436; 569241, 4206414; 569271, 4206411; 569306, 4206389; 569333, 4206380; 569376, 4206378; 569391, 4206415; 569400, 4206433; 569400, 4206513; 569403, 4206596; 569397, 4206647; 569375, 4206689; 569320, 4206753; 569275, 4206791; 569231, 4206839; 569195, 4206859; 569173, 4206878; 569173, 4206904; 569224, 4206929; 569269, 4206942; 569317, 4206952; 569368, 4206958; 569439, 4206971; 569512, 4206993; 569560, 4207000; 569653, 4207009; 569717, 4207019; 569781, 4207019; 569826, 4207028; 569839, 4207044; 569861, 4207055; 569880, 4207074; 569899, 4207089; 569928, 4207115; 569965, 4207146; 570045, 4207198; 570111, 4207248; 570172, 4207285; 570215, 4207316; 570262, 4207355; 570304, 4207381; 570355, 4207412; 570424, 4207449; 570451, 4207464; 570507, 4207492; 570534, 4207505; 570605, 4207531; 570687, 4207563; 570733, 4207594; 570760, 4207613; 570788, 4207630; 570820, 4207650; 570850, 4207667; 570868, 4207677; 570918, 4207695; 570966, 4207705; 571001, 4207706; 571057, 4207695; 571070, 4207694; 571112, 4207711; 571145, 4207731; 571159, 4207740; 571170, 4207748; 571214, 4207783; 571248, 4207829; 571264, 4207848; 571286, 4207865; 571309, 4207875; 571370, 4207888; 571421, 4207892; 571456, 4207896; 571497, 4207895; 571550, 4207894; 571617, 4207896; 571671, 4207893; 571706, 4207895; 571744, 4207892; 571777, 4207886; 571811, 4207880; 571860, 4207871; 571900, 4207859; 571961, 4207836; 571997, 4207824; 572010, 4207821; 572096, 4207796; 572124, 4207776; 572155, 4207742; 572185, 4207709; 572219, 4207674; 572245, 4207647; 572261, 4207633; 572291, 4207609; 572309, 4207594; 572318, 4207585; 572336, 4207561; 572350, 4207536; 572369, 4207506; 572385, 4207476; 572402, 4207449; 572424, 4207421; 572450, 4207395; 572491, 4207352; 572526, 4207323; 572564, 4207295; 572589, 4207272; 572622, 4207237; 572641, 4207215; 572666, 4207187; 572699, 4207151; 572733, 4207112; 572768, 4207070; 572791, 4207041; 572815, 4207014; 572831, 4206995; 572845, 4206979; 572858, 4206959; 572864, 4206944; 572878, 4206912; 572881, 4206900; 572897, 4206859; 572909, 4206820; 572924, 4206769; 572934, 4206708; 572945, 4206655; 572950, 4206603; 572952, 4206576; 572955, 4206545; 572957, 4206510; 572963, 4206472; 572969, 4206440; 572976, 4206417; 572987, 4206395; 573004, 4206355; 573022, 4206317; 573043, 4206272; 573057, 4206243; 573073, 4206211; 573094, 4206178; 573116, 4206145; 573133, 4206121; 573147, 4206103; 573180, 4206076; 573205, 4206061; 573239, 4206048; 573264, 4206043; 573281, 4206042; 573300, 4206040; 573350, 4206038; 573368, 4206037; 573405, 4206034; 573453, 4206014; 573478, 4205993; 573511, 4205970; 573542, 4205949; 573613, 4205923; 573679, 4205909; 573702, 4205901; 573714, 4205898; 573740, 4205895; 573800, 4205892; 573879, 4205889; 573957, 4205890; 574007, 4205890; 574050, 4205891; 574081, 4205892; 574182, 4205885; 574218, 4205871; 574272, 4205858; 574344, 4205841; 574407, 4205826; 574430, 4205822; 574472, 4205813; 574520, 4205802; 574554, 4205797; 574589, 4205795; 574638, 4205745; 574687, 4205708; 574737, 4205663; 574789, 4205614; 574835, 4205564; 574873, 4205508; 574890, 4205463; 574898, 4205445; 574925, 4205416; 574947, 4205386; 574948, 4205327; 574950, 4205216; 574953, 4205090; 574988, 4205087; 575042, 4204930; 575062, 4204924; 575111, 4204861; 575111, 4204836; 575172, 4204793; 575241, 4204764; 575416, 4204759; 575468, 4204711; 575555, 4204713; 575553, 4204762; 575663, 4204768; 575768, 4204779; 575854, 4204792; 575859, 4204779; 576227, 4204939; 576222, 4204952; 576383, 4205009; 576392, 4205002; 576402, 4204994; 576413, 4204977; 576471, 4204831; 576517, 4204744; 576518, 4204744; 576520, 4204737; 576537, 4204692; 576563, 4204635; 576588, 4204586; 576613, 4204538; 576635, 4204495; 576656, 4204446; 576675, 4204407; 576700, 4204359; 576724, 4204321; 576743, 4204271; 576754, 4204241; 576770, 4204197; 576783, 4204152; 576795, 4204097; 576800, 4204053; 576795, 4204005; 576791, 4203960; 576765, 4203912; 576750, 4203894; 576765, 4203871; 576573, 4203766; 576477, 4203728; 576427, 4203685; 576426, 4203684; 576431, 4203680; 576441, 4203672; 576448, 4203667; 576465, 4203672; 576511, 4203685; 576513, 4203685; 576546, 4203664; 576700, 4203708; 576700, 4203694; 576699, 4203675; 576712, 4203673; 576729, 4203671; 576712, 4203531; 576654, 4203432; 576645, 4203426; 576637, 4203399; 576627, 4203344; 576616, 4203317; 576612, 4203308; 576609, 4203299; 576608, 4203299; 576585, 4203295; 576559, 4203305; 576542, 4203296; 576528, 4203277; 576518, 4203265; 576494, 4203262; 576457, 4203257; 576412, 4203264; 576358, 4203250; 576332, 4203263; 576215, 4203352; 576217, 4203332; 576218, 4203332; 576218, 4203330; 576219, 4203319; 576156, 4203317; 576140, 4203316; 576129, 4203292; 576136, 4203265; 575971, 4203325; 575985, 4203337; 575981, 4203430; 575812, 4203328; 575812, 4203328; 575813, 4203332; 575793, 4203351; 575733, 4203379; 575600, 4203414; 575550, 4203365; 575550, 4203365; 575544, 4203371; 575528, 4203379; 575484, 4203433; 575442, 4203433; 575406, 4203351; 575400, 4203338; 575394, 4203338; 574863, 4203334; 574863, 4203334; 574816, 4203333; 574814, 4203317; 574805, 4203293; 574789, 4203257; 574773, 4203228; 574746, 4203193; 574722, 4203163; 574695, 4203133; 574665, 4203106; 574677, 4203080; 574665, 4203035; 574719, 4202955; 574744, 4202888; 574773, 4202784; 574779, 4202765; 574777, 4202755; 574769, 4202706; 574785, 4202699; 574788, 4202678; 574793, 4202627; 574798, 4202578; 574803, 4202544; 574446, 4202541; 574352, 4202580; 574354, 4202445; 574446, 4202434; 574534, 4202424; 574559, 4202422; 574596, 4202398; 574639, 4202361; 574686, 4202347; 574749, 4202325; 574734, 4202316; 574700, 4202310; 574679, 4202319; 574650, 4202325; 574622, 4202340; 574597, 4202348; 574566, 4202347; 574557, 4202331; 574564, 4202309; 574574, 4202293; 574593, 4202276; 574623, 4202258; 574654, 4202248; 574684, 4202238; 574706, 4202226; 574737, 4202205; 574758, 4202188; 574781, 4202170; 574781, 4202172; 574783, 4202184; 574846, 4202186; 574855, 4202199; 574862, 4202235; 574877, 4202256; 574927, 4202280; 574933, 4202300; 574974, 4202269; 574973, 4202239; 574964, 4201505; 575052, 4201535; 575241, 4201597; 575195, 4201668; 575198, 4201759; 575232, 4201791; 575271, 4201928; 575242, 4201927; 575276, 4202021; 575534, 4202030; 575603, 4201994; 575630, 4201998; 575934, 4202051; 576037, 4201903; 575925, 4201664; 575940, 4201645; 575959, 4201630; 575979, 4201619; 576000, 4201612; 576024, 4201610; 576038, 4201606; 576045, 4201614; 576066, 4201544; 576150, 4201518; 576170, 4201561; 576165, 4201595; 576222, 4201746; 576282, 4201829; 576248, 4201881; 576272, 4201920; 576235, 4201988; 576323, 4202106; 576390, 4202154; 576421, 4202154; 576452, 4202128; 576506, 4202156; 576554, 4202156; 576553, 4202325; 576572, 4202357; 576752, 4202358; 576822, 4202289; 576913, 4202375; 576922, 4202382; 576934, 4202365; 576961, 4202338; 576988, 4202306; 577016, 4202282; 577035, 4202279; 577057, 4202280; 577079, 4202300; 577096, 4202321; 577104, 4202338; 577110, 4202362; 577127, 4202369; 577142, 4202361; 577143, 4202360; 577165, 4202394; 577276, 4202319; 577286, 4202312; 577299, 4202332; 577351, 4202409; 577375, 4202446; 577370, 4202469; 577358, 4202508; 577328, 4202547; 577295, 4202574; 577291, 4202575; 577261, 4202610; 577272, 4202622; 577191, 4202613; 577186, 4202604; 577102, 4202647; 577004, 4202699; 576997, 4202698; 576967, 4202695; 576954, 4202695; 576903, 4202757; 576898, 4202764; 576879, 4202771; 576865, 4202787; 576861, 4202806; 576863, 4202821; 576864, 4202822; 576857, 4202826; 576834, 4202850; 576825, 4202860; 576810, 4202852; 576807, 4202859; 576803, 4202885; 576806, 4202886; 576806, 4202886; 576795, 4202904; 576806, 4202918; 576804, 4202960; 576824, 4202960; 576829, 4203023; 576828, 4203083; 576809, 4203080; 576809, 4203083; 576811, 4203113; 576822, 4203124; 576826, 4203141; 576871, 4203175; 576875, 4203164; 576875, 4203164; 576876, 4203165; 576897, 4203150; 576931, 4203258; 576973, 4203390; 576955, 4203427; 576963, 4203455; 576949, 4203459; 576995, 4203594; 577025, 4203581; 577050, 4203637; 577032, 4203654; 577085, 4203711; 577062, 4203730; 577063, 4203731; 577045, 4203748; 577064, 4203768; 577070, 4203780; 577090, 4203780; 577122, 4203780; 577152, 4203809; 577123, 4203838; 577122, 4203839; 577126, 4203855; 577126, 4203856; 577128, 4203858; 577130, 4203871; 577129, 4203872; 577128, 4203872; 577123, 4203886; 577128, 4203890; 577248, 4203967; 577503, 4204117; 577524, 4204130; 577581, 4204065; 577547, 4204027; 577516, 4203997; 577478, 4203946; 577496, 4203906; 577427, 4203867; 577404, 4203859; 577381, 4203855; 577356, 4203855; 577348, 4203849; 577347, 4203843; 577350, 4203832; 577354, 4203829; 577370, 4203789; 577398, 4203786; 577468, 4203821; 577544, 4203867; 577613, 4203946; 577628, 4203963; 577637, 4203955; 577728, 4203834; 577827, 4203697; 577839, 4203724; 577842, 4203721; 577878, 4203682; 577922, 4203646; 577968, 4203601; 578004, 4203568; 578032, 4203538; 578036, 4203533; 577989, 4203469; 578035, 4203421; 578041, 4203420; 578026, 4203410; 577997, 4203384; 577972, 4203354; 577964, 4203342; 577926, 4203313; 577834, 4203315; 577836, 4203269; 577888, 4203272; 577940, 4203186; 577956, 4203244; 577966, 4203246; 578004, 4203264; 578032, 4203296; 578067, 4203326; 578090, 4203349; 578146, 4203330; 578173, 4203288; 578187, 4203263; 578199, 4203229; 578202, 4203204; 578222, 4203168; 578242, 4203139; 578238, 4203134; 578287, 4203060; 578331, 4202980; 578377, 4203024; 578400, 4203000; 578413, 4203008; 578439, 4202982; 578457, 4202958; 578472, 4202938; 578479, 4202910; 578463, 4202880; 578446, 4202864; 578404, 4202846; 578354, 4202821; 578317, 4202804; 578296, 4202788; 578283, 4202763; 578294, 4202728; 578311, 4202694; 578326, 4202674; 578342, 4202655; 578380, 4202644; 578420, 4202642; 578455, 4202648; 578497, 4202651; 578536, 4202658; 578585, 4202686; 578609, 4202712; 578640, 4202741; 578659, 4202763; 578673, 4202772; 578690, 4202774; 578708, 4202769; 578735, 4202752; 578755, 4202730; 578782, 4202696; 578808, 4202675; 578840, 4202679; 578866, 4202692; 578904, 4202707; 578945, 4202699; 578955, 4202695; 578979, 4202684; 579013, 4202665; 579036, 4202647; 579053, 4202628; 579077, 4202605; 579074, 4202582; 579068, 4202577; 579053, 4202561; 579022, 4202548; 578985, 4202534; 578959, 4202523; 578952, 4202505; 578944, 4202480; 578933, 4202447; 578907, 4202425; 578880, 4202417; 578843, 4202414; 578797, 4202416; 578774, 4202415; 578748, 4202413; 578745, 4202394; 578760, 4202376; 578802, 4202363; 578839, 4202358; 578866, 4202350; 578689, 4202259; 578647, 4202240; 578514, 4202180; 578556, 4202165; 578418, 4202044; 578395, 4202016; 578347, 4201956; 578167, 4202075; 578180, 4202322; 578129, 4202378; 578067, 4202323; 578065, 4202314; 578053, 4202305; 578040, 4202279; 578030, 4202240; 578016, 4202196; 578006, 4202168; 577990, 4202146; 577967, 4202130; 577933, 4202116; 577896, 4202112; 577877, 4202109; 577851, 4202131; 577816, 4202100; 577782, 4202069; 577749, 4202101; 577564, 4202280; 577529, 4202245; 577485, 4202199; 577485, 4202199; 577485, 4202198; 577460, 4202173; 577370, 4202080; 577376, 4202072; 577433, 4202019; 577363, 4201778; 577331, 4201778; 577332, 4201711; 577396, 4201713; 577394, 4201779; 577428, 4201779; 577430, 4201779; 577512, 4201779; 577530, 4201779; 577537, 4201779; 577537, 4201770; 577538, 4201706; 577545, 4201705; 577544, 4201700; 577540, 4201671; 577542, 4201638; 577541, 4201632; 577538, 4201611; 577536, 4201564; 577534, 4201530; 577538, 4201529; 577538, 4201402; 577538, 4201293; 577537, 4201253; 577536, 4201192; 577535, 4201120; 577534, 4201081; 577536, 4201079; 577534, 4201077; 577533, 4201030; 577538, 4200585; 577552, 4200594; 577608, 4200632; 577613, 4200617; 577621, 4200607; 577640, 4200605; 577659, 4200614; 577681, 4200630; 577705, 4200650; 577728, 4200669; 577767, 4200692; 577786, 4200702; 577810, 4200710; 577827, 4200701; 577834, 4200697; 577849, 4200689; 578289, 4200465; 578511, 4200312; 578408, 4200202; 578408, 4200201; 578384, 4200180; 578284, 4200090; 578248, 4200058; 578332, 4199980; 578336, 4199979; 578335, 4199978; 578400, 4199934; 578410, 4199922; 578467, 4199857; 578476, 4199822; 578457, 4199735; 578361, 4199646; 578289, 4199669; 578237, 4199677; 578204, 4199683; 578151, 4199678; 578145, 4199661; 578199, 4199638; 578317, 4199588; 578296, 4199524; 578257, 4199464; 578209, 4199408; 578213, 4199362; 578134, 4199277; 578107, 4199251; 578080, 4199250; 578043, 4199213; 577984, 4199186; 578027, 4199158; 578065, 4199194; 578090, 4199182; 578063, 4199113; 578034, 4199097; 577976, 4199082; 577965, 4199072; 577947, 4199026; 577934, 4198990; 577989, 4199022; 578085, 4199082; 578120, 4199131; 578127, 4199141; 578202, 4199253; 578307, 4199384; 578293, 4199408; 578332, 4199460; 578353, 4199450; 578376, 4199468; 578490, 4199606; 578558, 4199671; 578548, 4199703; 578627, 4199727; 578664, 4199697; 578679, 4199663; 578696, 4199653; 578746, 4199655; 578798, 4199609; 578909, 4199444; 578515, 4199325; 578494, 4199343; 578464, 4199342; 578443, 4199319; 578444, 4199289; 578465, 4199270; 578318, 4199132; 578347, 4199129; 578393, 4199102; 578412, 4199086; 578431, 4199059; 578437, 4199032; 578442, 4199010; 578428, 4198978; 578417, 4198958; 578414, 4198942; 578402, 4198941; 578203, 4199021; 578194, 4199011; 578213, 4198971; 578220, 4198933; 578265, 4198888; 578279, 4198865; 578289, 4198800; 578291, 4198793; 578298, 4198747; 578130, 4198670; 578107, 4198717; 578107, 4198717; 578063, 4198646; 577915, 4198592; 577914, 4198585; 577904, 4198580; 577903, 4198581; 577892, 4198559; 577878, 4198531; 577861, 4198504; 577848, 4198471; 577827, 4198453; 577815, 4198437; 577799, 4198413; 577796, 4198408; 577864, 4198261; 577830, 4198271; 577780, 4198264; 577731, 4198288; 577714, 4198260; 577674, 4198299; 577671, 4198289; 577672, 4198262; 577673, 4198232; 577679, 4198218; 577680, 4198196; 577686, 4198176; 577686, 4198160; 577688, 4198146; 577688, 4198118; 577689, 4198097; 577690, 4198088; 577690, 4198078; 577682, 4198058; 577672, 4198043; 577649, 4198017; 577622, 4197994; 577589, 4197982; 577556, 4197977; 577556, 4197951; 577562, 4197928; 577572, 4197905; 577584, 4197874; 577593, 4197853; 577591, 4197828; 577567, 4197811; 577536, 4197821; 577516, 4197831; 577515, 4197831; 577516, 4197830; 577508, 4197762; 577429, 4197762; 577430, 4197756; 577441, 4197730; 577451, 4197711; 577474, 4197673; 577482, 4197666; 577488, 4197672; 577535, 4197621; 577555, 4197599; 577613, 4197520; 577653, 4197458; 577684, 4197403; 577722, 4197348; 577734, 4197239; 577737, 4197211; 577741, 4197160; 577742, 4197127; 577730, 4197021; 577724, 4196998; 577737, 4196969; 577766, 4196954; 577768, 4196921; 577735, 4196882; 577708, 4196898; 577708, 4196898; 577688, 4196910; 577627, 4196905; 577596, 4196918; 577546, 4196938; 577521, 4196951; 577509, 4196935; 577483, 4196947; 577435, 4196939; 577460, 4196893; 577412, 4196906; 577402, 4196908; 577399, 4196911; 577333, 4196950; 577294, 4196957; 577242, 4196987; 577243, 4196904; 577245, 4196840; 577377, 4196780; 577413, 4196717; 577438, 4196720; 577539, 4196735; 577571, 4196739; 577621, 4196706; 577720, 4196591; 577741, 4196567; 577710, 4196462; 577815, 4196397; 577817, 4196396; 577881, 4196284; 577926, 4196101; 577928, 4196094; 577946, 4196033; 577878, 4195883; 577945, 4195861; 578135, 4195648; 578135, 4195648; 578137, 4195644; 578141, 4195630; 578143, 4195624; 578143, 4195624; 578090, 4195543; 578080, 4195527; 578055, 4195549; 577980, 4195616; 577981, 4195723; 577981, 4195727; 577961, 4195734; 577958, 4195735; 577905, 4195718; 577877, 4195669; 577822, 4195567; 577760, 4195614; 577761, 4195616; 577772, 4195630; 577777, 4195636; 577691, 4195699; 577663, 4195678; 577612, 4195640; 577578, 4195615; 577329, 4195684; 577312, 4195688; 577246, 4195707; 577160, 4195731; 577157, 4195732; 577125, 4195731; 577072, 4195730; 577077, 4195742; 577099, 4195794; 577015, 4195791; 577022, 4195747; 577019, 4195743; 577017, 4195742; 577026, 4195729; 577008, 4195728; 576942, 4195727; 576926, 4195727; 576931, 4195700; 576950, 4195592; 576895, 4195531; 576936, 4195472; 576945, 4195478; 576952, 4195482; 576961, 4195457; 576950, 4195432; 576946, 4195423; 576949, 4195401; 576946, 4195383; 576932, 4195362; 576929, 4195344; 576935, 4195311; 576935, 4195310; 576940, 4195281; 576920, 4195284; 576914, 4195285; 576861, 4195294; 576813, 4195302; 576803, 4195304; 576757, 4195323; 576670, 4195356; 576668, 4195357; 576669, 4195358; 576705, 4195420; 576704, 4195475; 576626, 4195509; 576615, 4195496; 576613, 4195494; 576580, 4195522; 576594, 4195548; 576538, 4195578; 576499, 4195511; 576477, 4195438; 576469, 4195413; 576454, 4195412; 576389, 4195415; 576358, 4195435; 576296, 4195474; 576238, 4195511; 576169, 4195539; 576170, 4195542; 576170, 4195542; 576090, 4195574; 576020, 4195551; 575992, 4195558; 575787, 4195668; 575829, 4195785; 575829, 4195785; 575837, 4195804; 575844, 4195867; 575776, 4195887; 575766, 4195866; 575745, 4195856; 575707, 4195858; 575653, 4195884; 575639, 4195878; 575622, 4195870; 575591, 4195870; 575590, 4196115; 575260, 4196113; 575179, 4196112; 575019, 4196111; 574968, 4196111; 574917, 4196111; 574872, 4196072; 574860, 4196005; 574704, 4196004; 574702, 4196110; 574633, 4196109; 574290, 4196108; 574366, 4196205; 574365, 4196436; 574365, 4196444; 574326, 4196475; 574294, 4196481; 574227, 4196520; 574173, 4196532; 574112, 4196537; 574000, 4196554; 573946, 4196599; 573918, 4196596; 573891, 4196576; 573830, 4196635; 573840, 4196652; 573757, 4196656; 573758, 4196566; 573750, 4196552; 573588, 4196643; 573365, 4196769; 573237, 4196937; 572967, 4196827; 572909, 4196822; 572715, 4196763; 572675, 4196764; 572599, 4196749; 572520, 4196762; 572458, 4196795; 572422, 4196970; 572342, 4197052; 572025, 4197097; 571893, 4197104; 571721, 4197127; 571489, 4197179; 571327, 4197231; 571031, 4197288; 571036, 4197334; 570991, 4197340; 570955, 4197362; 570939, 4197372; 570919, 4197410; 570873, 4197450; 570800, 4197494; 570797, 4197491; 570794, 4197497; 570737, 4197520; 570687, 4197495; 570620, 4197478; 570582, 4197421; 570564, 4197372; 570546, 4197296; 570513, 4197291; 570439, 4197280; 570481, 4197264; 570505, 4197245; 570540, 4197220; 570529, 4197198; 570492, 4197209; 570433, 4197226; 570473, 4197138; 570360, 4197057; 570301, 4197053; 570303, 4197014; 570266, 4196934; 570274, 4196922; 570249, 4196902; 570265, 4196829; 570235, 4196805; 570245, 4196764; 570265, 4196669; 570265, 4196627; 570265, 4196568; 570293, 4196500; 570298, 4196498; 570294, 4196490; 570343, 4196413; 570371, 4196368; 570323, 4196259; 570185, 4196258; 570186, 4196221; 570182, 4196076; 570191, 4196075; 570447, 4196078; 570428, 4195831; 570413, 4195618; 570626, 4195533; 570848, 4195445; 570778, 4195390; 570184, 4194917; 570160, 4194904; 570115, 4194878; 570071, 4194857; 570058, 4194848; 570056, 4194834; 569756, 4194603; 569733, 4194586; 569640, 4194514; 569633, 4194514; 569631, 4194510; 569554, 4194466; 569507, 4194430; 569495, 4194402; 569413, 4194308; 569257, 4194294; 569224, 4194317; 568839, 4194095; 568798, 4193986; 568832, 4193941; 568867, 4193955; 568902, 4193912; 568958, 4193839; 568372, 4193367; 568401, 4193278; 568467, 4193201; 568479, 4193179; 568497, 4193087; 568500, 4193074; 568535, 4192993; 568652, 4192885; 568829, 4192725; 568816, 4192719; 568794, 4192710; 568668, 4192690; 568516, 4192684; 568350, 4192684; 568198, 4192684; 568154, 4192688; 568059, 4192697; 567874, 4192737; 567735, 4192796; 567596, 4192862; 567470, 4192915; 567365, 4192955; 567193, 4193015; 567014, 4193041; 566895, 4193034; 566776, 4192988; 566650, 4192915; 566650, 4192915; 566627, 4192907; 566624, 4192906; 566624, 4192905; 566624, 4192905; 566597, 4192895; 566552, 4192888; 566521, 4192917; 566488, 4192936; 566462, 4192947; 566440, 4192960; 566427, 4192961; 566400, 4192966; 566374, 4192986; 566356, 4193003; 566343, 4193028; 566329, 4193054; 566313, 4193082; 566303, 4193114; 566300, 4193137; 566308, 4193173; 566304, 4193194; 566299, 4193206; 566295, 4193224; 566289, 4193242; 566272, 4193263; 566264, 4193283; 566257, 4193304; 566244, 4193328; 566218, 4193353; 566191, 4193372; 566172, 4193392; 566153, 4193417; 566142, 4193427; 566130, 4193452; 566116, 4193473; 566110, 4193492; 566107, 4193514; 566107, 4193528; 566135, 4193541; 566161, 4193552; 566206, 4193554; 566224, 4193561; 566242, 4193562; 566256, 4193561; 566279, 4193564; 566318, 4193554; 566350, 4193555; 566369, 4193539; 566383, 4193537; 566412, 4193510; 566443, 4193494; 566492, 4193479; 566516, 4193476; 566576, 4193472; 566614, 4193469; 566635, 4193452; 566659, 4193446; 566685, 4193446; 566726, 4193452; 566775, 4193453; 566815, 4193462; 566865, 4193470; 566882, 4193472; 566928, 4193481; 566957, 4193473; 566973, 4193477; 566999, 4193498; 567067, 4193498; 567140, 4193530; 567231, 4193610; 567262, 4193679; 567196, 4193738; 567112, 4193745; 567064, 4193797; 566998, 4193888; 566914, 4193947; 566907, 4193947; 566744, 4194028; 566704, 4194054; 566645, 4194123; 566629, 4194171; 566590, 4194250; 566542, 4194313; 566475, 4194340; 566430, 4194341; 566357, 4194341; 566306, 4194332; 566236, 4194326; 566187, 4194311; 566166, 4194288; 566181, 4194263; 566226, 4194236; 566297, 4194219; 566346, 4194200; 566359, 4194141; 566321, 4194109; 566219, 4194071; 566123, 4194045; 566121, 4194043; 566085, 4194028; 566045, 4194009; 566000, 4193982; 565973, 4193974; 565949, 4193974; 565929, 4193985; 565924, 4194001; 565935, 4194013; 565972, 4194030; 565986, 4194039; 565987, 4194043; 565994, 4194065; 565999, 4194093; 565974, 4194197; 565965, 4194189; 565956, 4194186; 565953, 4194186; 565949, 4194187; 565945, 4194192; 565943, 4194195; 565945, 4194202; 565948, 4194209; 565948, 4194210; 565950, 4194215; 565949, 4194231; 565939, 4194249; 565923, 4194263; 565904, 4194273; 565885, 4194283; 565866, 4194296; 565852, 4194308; 565845, 4194312; 565841, 4194314; 565831, 4194315; 565821, 4194311; 565811, 4194302; 565798, 4194289; 565779, 4194291; 565761, 4194300; 565755, 4194322; 565755, 4194340; 565752, 4194362; 565770, 4194383; 565785, 4194398; 565819, 4194420; 565866, 4194442; 565891, 4194460; 565919, 4194465; 565958, 4194462; 565969, 4194455; 565986, 4194446; 566001, 4194440; 566020, 4194434; 566040, 4194431; 566058, 4194437; 566074, 4194447; 566088, 4194458; 566099, 4194472; 566109, 4194480; 566121, 4194495; 566126, 4194508; 566112, 4194521; 566103, 4194532; 566069, 4194560; 566057, 4194586; 566045, 4194618; 566026, 4194655; 566019, 4194681; 566006, 4194705; 565985, 4194738; 565976, 4194749; 565920, 4194749; 565872, 4194728; 565854, 4194719; 565832, 4194719; 565820, 4194726; 565795, 4194734; 565773, 4194719; 565761, 4194712; 565747, 4194694; 565734, 4194685; 565721, 4194674; 565702, 4194663; 565686, 4194654; 565668, 4194651; 565650, 4194655; 565637, 4194648; 565622, 4194645; 565601, 4194642; 565588, 4194640; 565575, 4194637; 565559, 4194637; 565538, 4194643; 565522, 4194648; 565509, 4194650; 565472, 4194660; 565458, 4194661; 565442, 4194671; 565435, 4194687; 565439, 4194719; 565454, 4194754; 565456, 4194779; 565460, 4194815; 565455, 4194847; 565447, 4194877; 565445, 4194905; 565447, 4194921; 565447, 4194956; 565448, 4194986; 565456, 4195011; 565466, 4195024; 565463, 4195042; 565454, 4195052; 565441, 4195063; 565419, 4195084; 565408, 4195090; 565396, 4195102; 565382, 4195127; 565370, 4195137; 565359, 4195146; 565343, 4195143; 565325, 4195121; 565306, 4195101; 565295, 4195090; 565281, 4195074; 565258, 4195057; 565219, 4195034; 565190, 4195018; 565160, 4195014; 565127, 4195009; 565113, 4195012; 565081, 4195008; 565051, 4194998; 565029, 4194989; 565013, 4194970; 564996, 4194953; 564979, 4194948; 564964, 4194951; 564949, 4194967; 564948, 4194986; 564949, 4195005; 564953, 4195018; 564955, 4195044; 564957, 4195058; 564951, 4195077; 564942, 4195097; 564931, 4195114; 564920, 4195131; 564911, 4195141; 564876, 4195174; 564861, 4195179; 564840, 4195187; 564817, 4195200; 564795, 4195226; 564762, 4195259; 564738, 4195281; 564712, 4195315; 564683, 4195340; 564665, 4195356; 564642, 4195375; 564626, 4195391; 564612, 4195406; 564592, 4195421; 564575, 4195441; 564565, 4195453; 564553, 4195473; 564540, 4195468; 564532, 4195474; 564512, 4195476; 564481, 4195468; 564449, 4195463; 564420, 4195458; 564390, 4195452; 564373, 4195446; 564348, 4195701; 564487, 4195799; 564397, 4195881; 564368, 4195873; 564342, 4195867; 564314, 4195886; 564283, 4195904; 564263, 4195925; 564253, 4195948; 564232, 4195968; 564224, 4195980; 564213, 4196012; 564194, 4196038; 564172, 4196029; 564139, 4196011; 564101, 4195997; 564069, 4195996; 564028, 4196023; 564005, 4196063; 563978, 4196099; 563970, 4196131; 563963, 4196161; 563954, 4196194; 563912, 4196245; 563886, 4196211; 563874, 4196195; 563848, 4196223; 563837, 4196235; 563814, 4196215; 563672, 4196374; 563668, 4196379; 563374, 4196709; 563398, 4196736; 563390, 4196745; 563353, 4196786; 563361, 4196794; 563374, 4196806; 563372, 4196815; 563368, 4196838; 563324, 4196856; 563294, 4196891; 563274, 4196912; 563271, 4196960; 563277, 4196964; 563271, 4196972; 563265, 4196984; 563255, 4196996; 563235, 4197007; 563205, 4197055; 563186, 4197043; 563168, 4197079; 563163, 4197088; 563149, 4197105; 563120, 4197133; 563107, 4197145; 563084, 4197172; 563077, 4197184; 563070, 4197195; 563052, 4197180; 563045, 4197174; 563026, 4197197; 563000, 4197243; 562983, 4197271; 562945, 4197316; 562925, 4197338; 562792, 4197491; 562755, 4197535; 562721, 4197596; 562710, 4197616; 562691, 4197651; 562660, 4197663; 562660, 4197668; 562654, 4197671; 562641, 4197682; 562629, 4197697; 562622, 4197704; 562612, 4197722; 562597, 4197755; 562582, 4197785; 562563, 4197812; 562545, 4197821; 562522, 4197832; 562498, 4197840; 562481, 4197843; 562454, 4197845; 562433, 4197852; 562412, 4197866; 562392, 4197882; 562380, 4197892; 562385, 4197969; 562334, 4197999; 562316, 4198008; 562286, 4198022; 562253, 4198072; 562234, 4198106; 562323, 4198187; 562340, 4198202; 562293, 4198255; 562289, 4198258; 562274, 4198273; 562204, 4198341; 562172, 4198372; 562161, 4198373; 562136, 4198392; 562126, 4198391; 562028, 4198432; 561966, 4198470; 561938, 4198488; 561911, 4198517; 561858, 4198567; 561833, 4198643; 561789, 4198671; 561716, 4198706; 561475, 4198986; 561222, 4199269; 561229, 4199290; 561241, 4199326; 561155, 4199391; 561058, 4199464; 561057, 4199464; 561046, 4199476; 560935, 4199588; 560845, 4199680; 560590, 4199939; 560545, 4199874; 560535, 4199859; 560524, 4199843; 560513, 4199853; 560435, 4199926; 560447, 4199939; 560454, 4199946; 560510, 4200002; 560509, 4200103; 560508, 4200141; 560507, 4200172; 560445, 4200222; 560418, 4200390; 560502, 4200435; 560502, 4200435; 560499, 4200577; 560482, 4200603; 560460, 4200629; 560443, 4200647; 560423, 4200667; 560410, 4200681; 560384, 4200707; 560347, 4200709; 560305, 4200700; 560224, 4200695; 560218, 4200724; 560170, 4200698; 560075, 4200679; 560070, 4200609; 560069, 4200592; 560069, 4200590; 560066, 4200591; 560040, 4200605; 559975, 4200626; 559910, 4200633; 559865, 4200650; 559821, 4200653; 559787, 4200684; 559678, 4200689; 559675, 4200682; 559668, 4200687; 559655, 4200696; 559633, 4200718; 559617, 4200742; 559611, 4200753; 559601, 4200788; 559591, 4200818; returning to 559589, 4200848; excluding 565010, 4199872; 564877, 4199656; 564878, 4199620; 564977, 4199555; 565008, 4199524; 565015, 4199497; 565039, 4199385; 565060, 4199332; 565083, 4199317; 565156, 4199348; 565189, 4199315; 565220, 4199264; 565216, 4199173; 565239, 4199148; 565346, 4199105; 565346, 4199075; 565313, 4199018; 565314, 4198968; 565334, 4198947; 565433, 4198908; 565464, 4198882; 565468, 4198722; 565491, 4198715; 565518, 4198776; 565553, 4198817; 565586, 4198822; 565617, 4198789; 565617, 4198751; 565600, 4198698; 565595, 4198644; 565618, 4198609; 565621, 4198543; 565650, 4198470; 565653, 4198406; 565638, 4198355; 565646, 4198330; 565644, 4198198; 565657, 4198193; 565710, 4198201; 565733, 4198142; 565756, 4198137; 565818, 4198182; 565856, 4198167; 565913, 4198111; 565931, 4198068; 565969, 4198018; 566006, 4197947; 566008, 4197922; 566026, 4197914; 566089, 4197714; 566165, 4197710; 566209, 4197682; 566232, 4197619; 566286, 4197594; 566314, 4197574; 566353, 4197480; 566381, 4197450; 566534, 4197360; 566570, 4197355; 566628, 4197381; 566712, 4197390; 566959, 4197351; 566959, 4197318; 566806, 4197119; 566799, 4197083; 566809, 4197063; 566829, 4197071; 566905, 4197150; 566968, 4197186; 567067, 4197208; 567087, 4197198; 567115, 4197155; 567178, 4197018; 567188, 4196978; 567222, 4196940; 567240, 4196889; 567378, 4196786; 567403, 4196784; 567434, 4196820; 567456, 4196830; 567487, 4196831; 567494, 4196818; 567495, 4196780; 567462, 4196731; 567463, 4196698; 567550, 4196610; 567547, 4196600; 567555, 4196595; 567558, 4196572; 567546, 4196524; 567587, 4196481; 567606, 4196354; 567621, 4196344; 567669, 4196355; 567697, 4196330; 567718, 4196276; 567711, 4196256; 567645, 4196238; 567612, 4196214; 567607, 4196194; 567617, 4196187; 567711, 4196195; 567782, 4196181; 567806, 4196150; 567827, 4196079; 567809, 4196046; 567809, 4196026; 567891, 4195978; 567907, 4195940; 567968, 4195918; 568064, 4195911; 568092, 4195901; 568116, 4195871; 568134, 4195821; 568149, 4195805; 568228, 4195829; 568253, 4195806; 568289, 4195797; 568333, 4195754; 568376, 4195739; 568444, 4195740; 568480, 4195722; 568546, 4195746; 568584, 4195716; 568645, 4195731; 568722, 4195691; 568762, 4195692; 568815, 4195733; 568815, 4195743; 568830, 4195756; 568914, 4195744; 568968, 4195668; 569004, 4195628; 569028, 4195567; 569034, 4195453; 569062, 4195441; 569084, 4195481; 569081, 4195573; 569034, 4195664; 568937, 4195798; 568847, 4195830; 568749, 4195819; 568713, 4195803; 568677, 4195808; 568639, 4195841; 568570, 4195855; 568532, 4195880; 568504, 4195885; 568438, 4195877; 568415, 4195884; 568369, 4195942; 568308, 4195962; 568267, 4196007; 568241, 4196050; 568185, 4196078; 568164, 4196105; 568163, 4196194; 568143, 4196225; 568147, 4196311; 568139, 4196326; 568116, 4196331; 568098, 4196351; 568070, 4196442; 568006, 4196475; 567946, 4196576; 567895, 4196591; 567877, 4196608; 567877, 4196672; 567904, 4196718; 567903, 4196845; 567841, 4196981; 567843, 4197027; 567863, 4197091; 567878, 4197111; 567931, 4197134; 568010, 4197128; 568025, 4197135; 568026, 4197148; 568027, 4197161; 567994, 4197181; 567862, 4197169; 567735, 4197153; 567705, 4197163; 567671, 4197196; 567560, 4197151; 567534, 4197164; 567501, 4197202; 567505, 4197334; 567492, 4197351; 567418, 4197399; 567400, 4197427; 567405, 4197450; 567468, 4197473; 567468, 4197516; 567371, 4197520; 567351, 4197533; 567340, 4197576; 567365, 4197642; 567412, 4197711; 567415, 4197734; 567361, 4197736; 567241, 4197606; 567205, 4197600; 567182, 4197608; 567182, 4197638; 567197, 4197676; 567176, 4197765; 567153, 4197788; 567117, 4197805; 567056, 4197817; 567030, 4197845; 567030, 4197893; 567012, 4197906; 566989, 4197905; 566951, 4197880; 566936, 4197826; 566909, 4197790; 566883, 4197790; 566826, 4197907; 566857, 4197950; 566884, 4198016; 566950, 4198052; 566949, 4198088; 566926, 4198154; 566905, 4198171; 566860, 4198174; 566811, 4198148; 566749, 4198084; 566642, 4198088; 566616, 4198115; 566616, 4198146; 566646, 4198179; 566646, 4198192; 566628, 4198220; 566609, 4198301; 566530, 4198391; 566524, 4198432; 566562, 4198488; 566578, 4198659; 566555, 4198658; 566505, 4198635; 566434, 4198556; 566406, 4198560; 566383, 4198581; 566350, 4198631; 566323, 4198776; 566254, 4198846; 566233, 4198894; 566174, 4198957; 566168, 4199021; 566137, 4199058; 566109, 4199147; 566110, 4199254; 566127, 4199312; 566215, 4199501; 566275, 4199593; 566287, 4199601; 566341, 4199604; 566396, 4199653; 566565, 4199746; 566737, 4199831; 566760, 4199874; 566841, 4199875; 566828, 4199913; 566833, 4199961; 566930, 4200163; 566919, 4200201; 566897, 4200196; 566869, 4200137; 566776, 4200022; 566736, 4200001; 566657, 4200001; 566637, 4199990; 566592, 4199916; 566562, 4199885; 566519, 4199862; 566372, 4199812; 566296, 4199802; 566248, 4199753; 566078, 4199749; 565996, 4199796; 565960, 4199796; 565958, 4199748; 565997, 4199636; 566001, 4199570; 565971, 4199478; 565891, 4199325; 565871, 4199325; 565807, 4199370; 565686, 4199435; 565566, 4199576; 565444, 4199631; 565418, 4199725; 565367, 4199771; 565361, 4199832; 565343, 4199842; 565242, 4199861; 565165, 4199912; 565125, 4199878; 565094, 4199868; returning to 565010, 4199872; and excluding 569193, 4197159; 569166, 4197029; 569175, 4196978; 569248, 4196700; 569266, 4196677; 569414, 4196617; 569568, 4196517; 569801, 4196306; 569869, 4196304; 569892, 4196317; 569924, 4196373; 569928, 4196541; 569950, 4196597; 569983, 4196618; 570110, 4196619; 570145, 4196647; 570153, 4196683; 570142, 4196705; 570096, 4196756; 570053, 4196771; 569989, 4196765; 569890, 4196784; 569852, 4196799; 569808, 4196875; 569810, 4196906; 569825, 4196929; 569984, 4197027; 570007, 4197067; 570026, 4197162; 570054, 4197167; 570092, 4197152; 570156, 4197145; 570166, 4197155; 570186, 4197222; 570289, 4197296; 570297, 4197314; 570296, 4197370; 570253, 4197372; 570185, 4197349; 570106, 4197338; 570086, 4197348; 570060, 4197378; 570060, 4197406; 570095, 4197459; 570109, 4197515; 570162, 4197574; 570166, 4197717; 570203, 4197783; 570291, 4197903; 570291, 4197964; 570305, 4198020; 570341, 4198061; 570399, 4198090; 570467, 4198101; 570533, 4198101; 570683, 4198069; 570714, 4198039; 570730, 4197999; 570778, 4197951; 570802, 4197893; 570858, 4197850; 570915, 4197741; 570979, 4197686; 571068, 4197649; 571112, 4197621; 571143, 4197571; 571296, 4197514; 571360, 4197476; 571446, 4197447; 571479, 4197444; 571530, 4197458; 571626, 4197456; 571824, 4197514; 571910, 4197512; 572007, 4197475; 572137, 4197446; 572188, 4197446; 572370, 4197486; 572418, 4197512; 572555, 4197536; 572601, 4197508; 572690, 4197542; 572736, 4197550; 572794, 4197523; 572845, 4197485; 572899, 4197460; 572950, 4197455; 573062, 4197444; 573115, 4197462; 573125, 4197475; 573112, 4197493; 573056, 4197494; 572937, 4197496; 572873, 4197518; 572796, 4197594; 572788, 4197617; 572803, 4197696; 572777, 4197700; 572765, 4197690; 572730, 4197616; 572661, 4197603; 572626, 4197585; 572593, 4197579; 572552, 4197599; 572494, 4197599; 572478, 4197609; 572476, 4197634; 572486, 4197662; 572526, 4197721; 572525, 4197784; 572505, 4197792; 572492, 4197782; 572427, 4197641; 572418, 4197603; 572397, 4197580; 572276, 4197574; 572174, 4197532; 572139, 4197550; 572078, 4197552; 572067, 4197572; 572003, 4197642; 571914, 4197657; 571850, 4197682; 571810, 4197684; 571777, 4197673; 571675, 4197672; 571660, 4197690; 571583, 4197702; 571583, 4197776; 571557, 4197775; 571517, 4197752; 571431, 4197744; 571428, 4197794; 571372, 4197804; 571313, 4197837; 571186, 4197835; 571130, 4197870; 571084, 4197916; 571076, 4197933; 571090, 4198033; 571072, 4198050; 570963, 4198098; 570957, 4198123; 570970, 4198166; 571000, 4198194; 571071, 4198218; 571098, 4198246; 571121, 4198284; 571120, 4198330; 571108, 4198348; 571041, 4198380; 571036, 4198398; 571043, 4198444; 571068, 4198513; 571103, 4198551; 571159, 4198582; 571179, 4198605; 571211, 4198720; 571208, 4198773; 571187, 4198796; 571154, 4198795; 570986, 4198618; 570917, 4198620; 570902, 4198595; 570885, 4198534; 570867, 4198513; 570816, 4198518; 570788, 4198540; 570742, 4198619; 570706, 4198656; 570675, 4198656; 570676, 4198626; 570702, 4198575; 570702, 4198537; 570692, 4198527; 570651, 4198516; 570628, 4198526; 570580, 4198574; 570534, 4198581; 570513, 4198606; 570457, 4198601; 570447, 4198629; 570454, 4198705; 570430, 4198865; 570340, 4198940; 570315, 4198940; 570307, 4198894; 570321, 4198808; 570303, 4198589; 570275, 4198541; 570235, 4198533; 570165, 4198588; 570167, 4198669; 570177, 4198705; 570176, 4198763; 570158, 4198809; 570138, 4198806; 570118, 4198783; 570071, 4198658; 570040, 4198648; 569994, 4198688; 569948, 4198705; 569908, 4198710; 569908, 4198687; 569916, 4198674; 569936, 4198632; 569939, 4198591; 569932, 4198563; 569872, 4198471; 569872, 4198451; 569943, 4198431; 569967, 4198396; 569969, 4198357; 569912, 4198301; 569858, 4198278; 569851, 4198257; 569821, 4198227; 569819, 4198173; 569829, 4198120; 569718, 4198099; 569692, 4198109; 569597, 4198209; 569398, 4198385; 569349, 4198461; 569313, 4198461; 569319, 4198412; 569458, 4198188; 569553, 4198084; 569630, 4197978; 569651, 4197935; 569667, 4197847; 569713, 4197799; 569698, 4197745; 569676, 4197732; 569622, 4197727; 569553, 4197759; 569528, 4197759; 569528, 4197731; 569569, 4197665; 569567, 4197615; 569540, 4197579; 569535, 4197551; 569589, 4197508; 569600, 4197432; 569607, 4197427; 569600, 4197396; 569516, 4197385; 569437, 4197395; 569343, 4197447; 569323, 4197450; 569267, 4197416; 569209, 4197418; 569181, 4197393; 569171, 4197372; 569169, 4197319; 569182, 4197258; returning to 569193, 4197159.
(ii) Note: Map of Unit 1 is provided in paragraph (c)(7)(ii) of this section.
(7) Unit 2: Oakland-Las Trampas, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Oakland East, Las Trampas Ridge, Diablo, and Hayward. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 571706, 4187420; 571707, 4187421; 571716, 4187451; 571727, 4187468; 571744, 4187490; 571756, 4187508; 571757, 4187509; 571759, 4187532; 571763, 4187571; 571791, 4187646; 571825, 4187732; 571832, 4187744; 571768, 4187924; 571751, 4187967; 571760, 4187990; 571768, 4188011; 571781, 4188026; 571784, 4188027; 571801, 4188031; 571833, 4188037; 571847, 4188046; 571858, 4188064; 571875, 4188082; 571889, 4188088; 571893, 4188091; 571896, 4188095; 571896, 4188099; 571894, 4188105; 571889, 4188115; 571883, 4188127; 571882, 4188131; 571881, 4188133; 571874, 4188139; 571867, 4188142; 571869, 4188144; 571870, 4188147; 571873, 4188153; 571877, 4188157; 571881, 4188161; 571886, 4188165; 571886, 4188165; 571887, 4188165; 571887, 4188166; 571888, 4188166; 571970, 4188166; 572045, 4188160; 572146, 4188147; 572259, 4188110; 572340, 4188072; 572447, 4188022; 572560, 4187984; 572686, 4187965; 572824, 4187978; 572943, 4188003; 573050, 4188034; 573163, 4188053; 573251, 4188072; 573371, 4188084; 573484, 4188097; 573597, 4188103; 573710, 4188122; 573804, 4188122; 573898, 4188116; 573986, 4188110; 574055, 4188110; 574149, 4188116; 574237, 4188122; 574257, 4188128; 574325, 4188147; 574377, 4188181; 574417, 4188200; 574462, 4188219; 574506, 4188251; 574532, 4188257; 574559, 4188255; 574595, 4188243; 574671, 4188202; 574720, 4188178; 574784, 4188151; 574851, 4188129; 574880, 4188128; 574915, 4188133; 574952, 4188142; 574985, 4188145; 575011, 4188148; 575032, 4188129; 575085, 4188086; 575123, 4188062; 575145, 4188029; 575188, 4187979; 575247, 4187914; 575286, 4187884; 575323, 4187866; 575346, 4187881; 575374, 4187887; 575422, 4187858; 575450, 4187851; 575471, 4187835; 575514, 4187792; 575542, 4187762; 575570, 4187738; 575637, 4187712; 575669, 4187690; 575696, 4187677; 575706, 4187662; 575710, 4187644; 575705, 4187631; 575693, 4187617; 575685, 4187605; 575714, 4187557; 575731, 4187532; 575756, 4187493; 575778, 4187453; 575796, 4187419; 575810, 4187401; 575830, 4187378; 575844, 4187365; 575883, 4187331; 575900, 4187309; 575938, 4187268; 575975, 4187234; 575999, 4187206; 576010, 4187191; 576021, 4187178; 576025, 4187160; 576017, 4187139; 576025, 4187109; 576034, 4187085; 576054, 4187060; 576071, 4187037; 576103, 4186998; 576130, 4186976; 576151, 4186962; 576165, 4186950; 576214, 4186909; 576246, 4186887; 576271, 4186860; 576285, 4186851; 576285, 4186887; 576280, 4186901; 576305, 4186895; 576323, 4186892; 576351, 4186868; 576365, 4186840; 576382, 4186826; 576403, 4186793; 576410, 4186758; 576418, 4186721; 576422, 4186672; 576431, 4186640; 576455, 4186595; 576483, 4186563; 576522, 4186540; 576540, 4186531; 576573, 4186516; 576617, 4186500; 576647, 4186471; 576698, 4186434; 576741, 4186412; 576784, 4186389; 576828, 4186362; 576865, 4186341; 576890, 4186319; 576908, 4186301; 576918, 4186292; 576919, 4186268; 576939, 4186211; 576961, 4186191; 576989, 4186123; 577003, 4186087; 577018, 4186047; 577028, 4186006; 577037, 4185975; 577048, 4185937; 577052, 4185907; 577044, 4185888; 577014, 4185884; 576994, 4185863; 576992, 4185806; 577000, 4185748; 577000, 4185691; 576995, 4185650; 576987, 4185615; 576986, 4185589; 576973, 4185569; 576956, 4185538; 576951, 4185517; 576955, 4185497; 576969, 4185458; 576987, 4185413; 577009, 4185384; 577020, 4185357; 577034, 4185341; 577052, 4185346; 577078, 4185351; 577086, 4185361; 577101, 4185376; 577129, 4185377; 577159, 4185364; 577219, 4185358; 577250, 4185388; 577260, 4185400; 577301, 4185373; 577309, 4185354; 577320, 4185332; 577333, 4185301; 577351, 4185280; 577383, 4185260; 577414, 4185254; 577441, 4185255; 577491, 4185234; 577514, 4185223; 577544, 4185233; 577561, 4185255; 577570, 4185278; 577567, 4185291; 577558, 4185302; 577542, 4185311; 577529, 4185314; 577510, 4185312; 577520, 4185336; 577542, 4185344; 577559, 4185346; 577583, 4185348; 577601, 4185349; 577630, 4185345; 577650, 4185329; 577665, 4185322; 577679, 4185316; 577693, 4185306; 577707, 4185296; 577729, 4185273; 577737, 4185264; 577734, 4185255; 577742, 4185226; 577748, 4185173; 577764, 4185130; 577775, 4185083; 577782, 4185053; 577802, 4185000; 577810, 4184990; 577859, 4184961; 577874, 4184960; 577871, 4184928; 577885, 4184903; 577920, 4184864; 577939, 4184840; 577985, 4184805; 578040, 4184768; 578085, 4184750; 578135, 4184742; 578163, 4184741; 578187, 4184743; 578212, 4184749; 578243, 4184761; 578249, 4184800; 578243, 4184825; 578238, 4184875; 578240, 4184897; 578235, 4184935; 578230, 4184956; 578226, 4184993; 578220, 4185031; 578216, 4185050; 578213, 4185073; 578227, 4185072; 578262, 4185046; 578275, 4185042; 578287, 4185051; 578298, 4185075; 578294, 4185105; 578281, 4185129; 578292, 4185145; 578303, 4185170; 578320, 4185191; 578333, 4185222; 578332, 4185287; 578326, 4185329; 578311, 4185376; 578300, 4185413; 578294, 4185471; 578284, 4185489; 578266, 4185508; 578241, 4185518; 578222, 4185513; 578211, 4185495; 578209, 4185446; 578215, 4185404; 578216, 4185342; 578209, 4185297; 578202, 4185265; 578145, 4185242; 578137, 4185239; 578084, 4185239; 578033, 4185229; 577980, 4185239; 577945, 4185275; 577934, 4185307; 577920, 4185350; 577911, 4185403; 577904, 4185467; 577904, 4185506; 577904, 4185540; 577907, 4185634; 577926, 4185691; 577956, 4185791; 577977, 4185843; 577980, 4185850; 578013, 4185903; 578038, 4185917; 578073, 4185943; 578101, 4185961; 578150, 4185972; 578206, 4185967; 578217, 4185958; 578239, 4185947; 578287, 4185938; 578330, 4185930; 578387, 4185914; 578427, 4185911; 578457, 4185918; 578486, 4185957; 578504, 4185965; 578525, 4185975; 578554, 4185980; 578587, 4185973; 578628, 4185976; 578678, 4185983; 578731, 4185995; 578768, 4186014; 578803, 4186041; 578804, 4186044; 578881, 4186031; 579094, 4186094; 579221, 4186099; 579275, 4186121; 579352, 4186171; 579424, 4186243; 579528, 4186334; 579610, 4186361; 579700, 4186375; 579777, 4186343; 579800, 4186343; 579913, 4186384; 580017, 4186438; 580053, 4186470; 580107, 4186587; 580148, 4186623; 580148, 4186625; 580116, 4186705; 580107, 4186773; 580053, 4186881; 579854, 4187288; 579795, 4187311; 579736, 4187393; 579573, 4187424; 579456, 4187411; 579420, 4187442; 579415, 4187469; 579397, 4187533; 579388, 4187573; 579352, 4187646; 579298, 4187791; 579212, 4187953; 579144, 4188026; 579130, 4188071; 579003, 4188302; 578832, 4188302; 578773, 4188324; 578732, 4188347; 578672, 4188405; 578748, 4188508; 578783, 4188556; 578895, 4188582; 578900, 4188576; 578900, 4188576; 578917, 4188593; 578922, 4188626; 578914, 4188660; 578936, 4188693; 578958, 4188703; 578984, 4188719; 579018, 4188732; 579048, 4188745; 579062, 4188775; 579063, 4188778; 579180, 4188868; 579109, 4188917; 579116, 4188925; 579117, 4188956; 579104, 4188979; 579084, 4189001; 579054, 4189040; 579046, 4189051; 579228, 4189052; 579246, 4189157; 579199, 4189178; 579168, 4189192; 579243, 4189244; 579295, 4189281; 579295, 4189354; 579217, 4189314; 579201, 4189306; 579150, 4189399; 579150, 4189419; 579149, 4189477; 578994, 4189492; 578994, 4189414; 578649, 4189419; 578612, 4189480; 578435, 4189486; 578438, 4189519; 578456, 4189605; 578474, 4189645; 578501, 4189704; 578519, 4189713; 578551, 4189736; 578619, 4189790; 578696, 4189835; 578723, 4189903; 578755, 4189939; 578777, 4189976; 578786, 4190071; 578804, 4190138; 578845, 4190206; 578881, 4190270; 578913, 4190272; 578896, 4190263; 578938, 4190252; 578973, 4190242; 578980, 4190229; 579006, 4190209; 579036, 4190186; 579037, 4190186; 579067, 4190163; 579085, 4190150; 579100, 4190140; 579138, 4190138; 579147, 4190171; 579159, 4190185; 579175, 4190206; 579190, 4190256; 579201, 4190290; 579241, 4190339; 579249, 4190414; 579301, 4190411; 579350, 4190408; 579374, 4190373; 579419, 4190349; 579483, 4190345; 579606, 4190266; 579629, 4190235; 579657, 4190210; 579702, 4190197; 579793, 4190185; 579793, 4190185; 579906, 4190178; 579954, 4190194; 580009, 4190148; 580042, 4190149; 580041, 4190145; 580046, 4190149; 580041, 4190115; 580035, 4190084; 580020, 4190025; 580019, 4190018; 580003, 4190002; 579976, 4189965; 579969, 4189926; 579965, 4189870; 580170, 4189874; 580164, 4189928; 580241, 4190157; 580242, 4190158; 580246, 4190154; 580346, 4190092; 580385, 4190071; 580436, 4190051; 580513, 4190034; 580514, 4190033; 580610, 4190033; 580609, 4190164; 580605, 4190346; 580606, 4190349; 580611, 4190348; 580612, 4190348; 580654, 4190253; 580684, 4190258; 580696, 4190261; 580714, 4190266; 580734, 4190284; 580653, 4190471; 580655, 4190477; 580675, 4190477; 580712, 4190469; 580744, 4190468; 580766, 4190473; 580737, 4190564; 580735, 4190566; 580742, 4190598; 580743, 4190630; 580710, 4190650; 580654, 4190809; 580735, 4190839; 580737, 4190842; 580737, 4190842; 580695, 4190930; 580686, 4190949; 580687, 4190949; 580724, 4190994; 580781, 4191063; 580791, 4191055; 580848, 4191065; 580843, 4191050; 580851, 4191011; 580866, 4190962; 580879, 4190918; 580896, 4190914; 580914, 4190924; 580941, 4190951; 580964, 4190983; 580965, 4190973; 580958, 4190948; 580962, 4190927; 580979, 4190903; 580991, 4190885; 581002, 4190855; 581003, 4190844; 581003, 4190819; 581010, 4190791; 581024, 4190776; 581032, 4190772; 581057, 4190768; 581095, 4190770; 581125, 4190756; 581145, 4190739; 581166, 4190732; 581172, 4190738; 581231, 4190723; 581287, 4190700; 581309, 4190678; 581307, 4190657; 581304, 4190630; 581305, 4190612; 581316, 4190579; 581314, 4190549; 581312, 4190549; 581193, 4190527; 581154, 4190396; 581235, 4190263; 581268, 4190283; 581308, 4190236; 581390, 4190258; 581420, 4190260; 581423, 4190218; 581421, 4190198; 581424, 4190175; 581433, 4190158; 581444, 4190149; 581475, 4190122; 581508, 4190096; 581533, 4190079; 581564, 4190066; 581594, 4190057; 581623, 4190058; 581648, 4190061; 581697, 4190063; 581733, 4190071; 581789, 4190070; 581825, 4190066; 581848, 4190054; 581868, 4190025; 581881, 4190004; 581906, 4189988; 581942, 4189970; 581956, 4189958; 581977, 4189921; 581997, 4189898; 582044, 4189871; 582080, 4189861; 582130, 4189842; 582155, 4189819; 582170, 4189806; 582194, 4189778; 582219, 4189760; 582245, 4189744; 582271, 4189729; 582295, 4189723; 582337, 4189715; 582382, 4189698; 582415, 4189680; 582442, 4189639; 582450, 4189615; 582462, 4189575; 582470, 4189554; 582476, 4189536; 582500, 4189503; 582525, 4189470; 582542, 4189447; 582575, 4189400; 582602, 4189346; 582625, 4189298; 582636, 4189283; 582645, 4189280; 582790, 4189203; 582960, 4189113; 582985, 4189099; 583060, 4189078; 583061, 4189078; 583273, 4189019; 583334, 4189094; 583230, 4189179; 583294, 4189284; 583253, 4189439; 583286, 4189458; 583324, 4189584; 583108, 4189725; 583075, 4189801; 583072, 4189804; 583072, 4189817; 583067, 4189850; 583065, 4189867; 583083, 4189901; 583113, 4189936; 583126, 4189941; 583165, 4189958; 583209, 4189971; 583220, 4189975; 583335, 4189977; 583317, 4190355; 583314, 4190356; 583317, 4190357; 583312, 4190446; 583307, 4190539; 583306, 4190565; 583336, 4190623; 583337, 4190625; 583375, 4190663; 583397, 4190663; 583427, 4190663; 583499, 4190656; 583573, 4190755; 583607, 4190801; 583610, 4190801; 583609, 4190804; 583903, 4190822; 583907, 4190813; 583907, 4190812; 583907, 4190812; 583968, 4190690; 583984, 4190656; 583994, 4190636; 584086, 4190447; 584114, 4190392; 584026, 4190377; 583964, 4190357; 583968, 4190277; 583887, 4190259; 583867, 4190323; 583808, 4190242; 583754, 4190267; 583694, 4190209; 583774, 4190138; 583724, 4190064; 583745, 4190051; 583765, 4190030; 583809, 4189998; 583874, 4189971; 583935, 4189920; 583964, 4189871; 584061, 4189766; 584100, 4189670; 584145, 4189630; 584135, 4189626; 584151, 4189608; 584174, 4189579; 584200, 4189531; 584200, 4189531; 584140, 4189507; 584223, 4189404; 584197, 4189361; 584148, 4189280; 584247, 4189222; 584458, 4189260; 584458, 4189260; 584481, 4189245; 584499, 4189212; 584434, 4189155; 584443, 4189073; 584546, 4189138; 584548, 4189129; 584535, 4189100; 584526, 4189072; 584502, 4189015; 584497, 4189002; 584439, 4188974; 584349, 4188983; 584349, 4188984; 584316, 4189004; 584279, 4189027; 584246, 4189036; 584226, 4189016; 584283, 4188956; 584336, 4188914; 584451, 4188841; 584511, 4188795; 584512, 4188795; 584450, 4188719; 584436, 4188718; 584277, 4188712; 584279, 4188665; 584356, 4188523; 584380, 4188523; 584376, 4188447; 584566, 4188447; 584581, 4188448; 584619, 4188391; 584619, 4188391; 584619, 4188391; 584628, 4188377; 584646, 4188316; 584649, 4188306; 584723, 4188326; 584741, 4188330; 584749, 4188338; 584784, 4188367; 584780, 4188373; 584780, 4188373; 584805, 4188338; 584972, 4188451; 584973, 4188448; 584975, 4188456; 584996, 4188470; 585065, 4188374; 585116, 4188289; 585131, 4188251; 585134, 4188226; 585137, 4188204; 585123, 4188175; 585157, 4188144; 585118, 4188116; 585122, 4188112; 585224, 4187998; 585290, 4188057; 585291, 4188058; 585293, 4188060; 585322, 4188086; 585387, 4188013; 585336, 4187981; 585336, 4187981; 585365, 4187930; 585370, 4187915; 585386, 4187889; 585406, 4187867; 585428, 4187842; 585456, 4187817; 585485, 4187791; 585513, 4187772; 585531, 4187752; 585551, 4187731; 585570, 4187704; 585585, 4187673; 585609, 4187636; 585628, 4187606; 585641, 4187618; 585647, 4187621; 585695, 4187639; 585709, 4187663; 585711, 4187637; 585724, 4187602; 585751, 4187575; 585772, 4187535; 585780, 4187519; 585714, 4187446; 585718, 4187289; 585719, 4187221; 585720, 4187185; 585720, 4187184; 585721, 4187158; 585722, 4187101; 585729, 4187080; 585729, 4187079; 585753, 4186996; 585808, 4186921; 585802, 4186926; 585805, 4186922; 585819, 4186897; 585490, 4187081; 585466, 4187094; 585461, 4186866; 585494, 4186824; 585533, 4186846; 585528, 4186859; 585832, 4186868; 585831, 4186866; 585836, 4186869; 585891, 4186735; 585890, 4186735; 585902, 4186689; 585720, 4186691; 585722, 4186639; 585750, 4186637; 585748, 4186628; 585741, 4186562; 585765, 4186486; 585761, 4186475; 585750, 4186437; 585719, 4186437; 585745, 4186365; 585812, 4186380; 585837, 4186402; 585900, 4186394; 585934, 4186390; 585988, 4186401; 585995, 4186425; 586025, 4186439; 586052, 4186421; 586070, 4186435; 586124, 4186384; 586022, 4186289; 585996, 4186269; 585948, 4186246; 585936, 4186157; 585782, 4186212; 585739, 4186228; 585739, 4186098; 585739, 4185967; 585739, 4185809; 585955, 4185947; 585968, 4185930; 585971, 4185926; 586013, 4185871; 585997, 4185833; 585968, 4185760; 585991, 4185775; 586033, 4185726; 586039, 4185719; 586083, 4185668; 586146, 4185594; 586168, 4185571; 586190, 4185558; 586248, 4185471; 586238, 4185448; 586342, 4185521; 586356, 4185501; 586400, 4185531; 586416, 4185526; 586433, 4185512; 586447, 4185514; 586465, 4185507; 586474, 4185506; 586480, 4185503; 586484, 4185499; 586500, 4185475; 586511, 4185461; 586533, 4185440; 586556, 4185418; 586571, 4185396; 586577, 4185379; 586582, 4185359; 586591, 4185354; 586610, 4185345; 586621, 4185333; 586631, 4185307; 586630, 4185282; 586632, 4185254; 586645, 4185199; 586739, 4185019; 587160, 4185020; 587162, 4185018; 587372, 4185015; 587384, 4185092; 587392, 4185136; 587415, 4185157; 587435, 4185174; 587435, 4185174; 587435, 4185174; 587485, 4185199; 587522, 4185217; 587567, 4185221; 587605, 4185238; 587608, 4185239; 587627, 4185246; 587652, 4185256; 587659, 4185258; 587690, 4185270; 587705, 4185252; 587705, 4185252; 587705, 4185252; 587694, 4185239; 587695, 4185200; 587704, 4185161; 587721, 4185124; 587743, 4185101; 587778, 4185076; 587811, 4185066; 587815, 4185065; 587817, 4185064; 587833, 4185059; 587902, 4185111; 587946, 4185154; 587948, 4185159; 587949, 4185158; 587966, 4185147; 587940, 4185119; 587932, 4185097; 587882, 4185037; 587882, 4185037; 587773, 4184945; 587740, 4184748; 587965, 4184460; 588249, 4184573; 588254, 4184566; 588267, 4184561; 588288, 4184557; 588307, 4184559; 588337, 4184571; 588367, 4184588; 588382, 4184598; 588415, 4184590; 588445, 4184575; 588479, 4184530; 588503, 4184503; 588518, 4184470; 588536, 4184433; 588551, 4184408; 588562, 4184384; 588573, 4184358; 588586, 4184338; 588605, 4184310; 588617, 4184282; 588625, 4184258; 588629, 4184245; 588642, 4184217; 588645, 4184210; 588655, 4184192; 588932, 4184209; 588954, 4184164; 588958, 4184164; 588971, 4184151; 588990, 4184113; 588997, 4184090; 589011, 4184066; 589027, 4184031; 589058, 4183979; 589062, 4183958; 589063, 4183953; 589068, 4183934; 589058, 4183925; 589050, 4183923; 589009, 4183924; 588941, 4183911; 588933, 4183889; 588977, 4183792; 589121, 4183474; 589036, 4183450; 588877, 4183409; 588629, 4183397; 588617, 4183343; 588585, 4183204; 588591, 4183060; 588624, 4182930; 588678, 4182812; 588706, 4182764; 588643, 4182720; 588685, 4182661; 588748, 4182704; 588822, 4182599; 589256, 4182617; 589529, 4182206; 589528, 4182109; 589513, 4182107; 589491, 4182097; 589486, 4182077; 589492, 4182044; 589492, 4182044; 589158, 4182039; 589160, 4181853; 589160, 4181853; 589161, 4181806; 589162, 4181692; 589042, 4181714; 588881, 4181517; 588560, 4181409; 588361, 4181441; 588361, 4181490; 588355, 4181901; 588056, 4181855; 587726, 4181803; 587756, 4181737; 587802, 4181752; 587849, 4181748; 587888, 4181742; 587932, 4181736; 587948, 4181734; 587990, 4181758; 588068, 4181705; 588152, 4181587; 588181, 4181541; 588177, 4181515; 588198, 4181453; 588212, 4181343; 588241, 4181315; 588185, 4181121; 588188, 4181098; 588168, 4181097; 588061, 4181063; 588040, 4181050; 588041, 4181049; 588012, 4181034; 587891, 4180950; 587787, 4180869; 587690, 4180958; 587565, 4180998; 587502, 4180998; 587384, 4180990; 587298, 4181021; 587274, 4181092; 587274, 4181225; 587235, 4181398; 587188, 4181515; 587055, 4181672; 586874, 4181861; 586670, 4181994; 586592, 4181994; 586521, 4182017; 586474, 4182064; 586419, 4182096; 586372, 4182112; 586333, 4182166; 586074, 4182355; 585792, 4182527; 585556, 4182637; 585446, 4182692; 585266, 4182810; 585264, 4182807; 585015, 4182457; 585015, 4182425; 585038, 4182355; 585046, 4182300; 585015, 4182276; 584968, 4182198; 584944, 4182127; 584936, 4182049; 584968, 4181915; 584999, 4181766; 584973, 4181615; 584952, 4181477; 584910, 4181233; 584814, 4181063; 584825, 4180978; 584782, 4180936; 584750, 4180819; 584251, 4180861; 583806, 4181031; 583392, 4181382; 582606, 4182199; 581871, 4182797; 581863, 4182804; 581831, 4182687; 581842, 4182581; 581820, 4182443; 581672, 4182273; 581672, 4182264; 581682, 4182125; 581704, 4181997; 581672, 4181796; 581566, 4181605; 581544, 4181477; 581619, 4181201; 581651, 4181010; 581629, 4180777; 581629, 4180681; 581714, 4180639; 581873, 4180575; 581980, 4180479; 582001, 4180278; 582033, 4180140; 582043, 4179917; 582107, 4179768; 582118, 4179566; 582118, 4179120; 582224, 4179046; 582394, 4178961; 582457, 4178823; 582574, 4178600; 582606, 4178399; 582691, 4178303; 582691, 4178176; 582744, 4178059; 582680, 4177857; 582691, 4177730; 582797, 4177443; 582882, 4177284; 582893, 4177231; 582935, 4177125; 583031, 4177040; 583041, 4176944; 583036, 4176877; 582970, 4176854; 582939, 4176805; 582913, 4176773; 582882, 4176745; 582837, 4176717; 582798, 4176689; 582776, 4176658; 582779, 4176647; 582808, 4176613; 582856, 4176588; 582882, 4176570; 582903, 4176548; 582904, 4176536; 582880, 4176494; 582848, 4176440; 582838, 4176423; 582847, 4176412; 582869, 4176398; 582894, 4176384; 582926, 4176371; 582955, 4176337; 582948, 4176317; 582925, 4176285; 582894, 4176252; 582866, 4176226; 582862, 4176182; 582866, 4176144; 582852, 4176123; 582826, 4176101; 582809, 4176099; 582796, 4176101; 582771, 4176098; 582734, 4176089; 582719, 4176075; 582669, 4176052; 582649, 4176039; 582635, 4176024; 582637, 4175999; 582636, 4175967; 582649, 4175926; 582665, 4175887; 582686, 4175855; 582712, 4175810; 582711, 4175783; 582708, 4175736; 582703, 4175699; 582708, 4175669; 582720, 4175638; 582737, 4175608; 582724, 4175597; 582712, 4175574; 582697, 4175554; 582699, 4175539; 582708, 4175508; 582709, 4175506; 582687, 4175494; 582639, 4175468; 582618, 4175434; 582641, 4175408; 582628, 4175357; 582630, 4175355; 582630, 4175355; 582637, 4175343; 582647, 4175322; 582654, 4175300; 582653, 4175291; 582607, 4175288; 582530, 4175262; 582496, 4175180; 582492, 4175178; 582446, 4175182; 582316, 4175238; 582237, 4175262; 582171, 4175315; 582104, 4175328; 582038, 4175304; 581925, 4175267; 581821, 4175262; 581715, 4175278; 581663, 4175293; 581607, 4175291; 581569, 4175253; 581567, 4175251; 581567, 4175251; 581540, 4175233; 581440, 4175350; 581239, 4175537; 581168, 4175640; 581136, 4175763; 581117, 4176047; 581084, 4176190; 581052, 4176357; 581013, 4176538; 581026, 4176687; 581175, 4176848; 581317, 4176900; 581427, 4176978; 581478, 4177120; 581478, 4177236; 581311, 4177204; 581110, 4177062; 580942, 4176919; 580833, 4176616; 580787, 4176396; 580820, 4176261; 580871, 4176144; 580942, 4175989; 580858, 4175938; 580816, 4175992; 580805, 4176080; 580690, 4176299; 580633, 4176448; 580621, 4176690; 580667, 4176828; 579816, 4177334; 579793, 4177426; 579781, 4177564; 579793, 4177737; 579793, 4177818; 579666, 4177956; 579597, 4178082; 579597, 4178151; 579816, 4178174; 580000, 4178232; 580149, 4178335; 580264, 4178485; 580172, 4178565; 580057, 4178807; 580011, 4178957; 579908, 4179198; 579827, 4179463; 579770, 4179647; 579747, 4179808; 579741, 4179808; 579597, 4179808; 579597, 4179818; 579589, 4179826; 579578, 4179955; 579475, 4180043; 579404, 4180073; 579381, 4180108; 579322, 4180131; 579301, 4180184; 579243, 4180206; 579225, 4180234; 579222, 4180264; 579168, 4180310; 579168, 4180365; 579122, 4180398; 579124, 4180423; 579184, 4180480; 579184, 4180531; 579103, 4180540; 579092, 4180558; 579097, 4180586; 579117, 4180637; 579106, 4180677; 579119, 4180718; 579134, 4180736; 579133, 4180772; 579092, 4180804; 579085, 4180824; 579102, 4180853; 579120, 4180863; 579124, 4180921; 579155, 4180952; 579228, 4181001; 579288, 4181123; 579287, 4181169; 579246, 4181217; 579217, 4181298; 579220, 4181321; 579252, 4181357; 579326, 4181398; 579440, 4181425; 579516, 4181458; 579558, 4181502; 579558, 4181520; 579551, 4181527; 579482, 4181516; 579426, 4181488; 579343, 4181482; 579282, 4181461; 579249, 4181464; 579208, 4181483; 579188, 4181481; 579130, 4181437; 579089, 4181444; 579016, 4181426; 578993, 4181433; 578980, 4181453; 578964, 4181519; 578933, 4181511; 578886, 4181468; 578871, 4181419; 578846, 4181389; 578810, 4181383; 578767, 4181426; 578756, 4181454; 578753, 4181492; 578727, 4181545; 578700, 4181535; 578685, 4181440; 578696, 4181387; 578691, 4181347; 578663, 4181351; 578653, 4181361; 578616, 4181458; 578593, 4181468; 578583, 4181462; 578579, 4181384; 578567, 4181348; 578554, 4181340; 578498, 4181342; 578473, 4181317; 578435, 4181334; 578379, 4181300; 578278, 4181282; 578234, 4181297; 578216, 4181319; 578216, 4181360; 578258, 4181462; 578203, 4181614; 578195, 4181665; 578172, 4181690; 578162, 4181743; 578133, 4181778; 578120, 4181816; 578110, 4181824; 578102, 4181877; 578028, 4181884; 578018, 4181894; 578007, 4181942; 578060, 4182047; 578087, 4182080; 578105, 4182134; 578186, 4182134; 578183, 4182165; 578173, 4182177; 578178, 4182208; 578195, 4182223; 578205, 4182287; 578184, 4182315; 578189, 4182335; 578259, 4182442; 578355, 4182504; 578413, 4182515; 578451, 4182561; 578517, 4182590; 578588, 4182595; 578634, 4182575; 578700, 4182573; 578741, 4182554; 578777, 4182508; 578810, 4182450; 578834, 4182374; 578868, 4182313; 578924, 4182281; 578978, 4182228; 579031, 4182198; 579123, 4182199; 579201, 4182182; 579322, 4182112; 579375, 4182123; 579473, 4182169; 579575, 4182173; 579583, 4182183; 579580, 4182203; 579539, 4182238; 579539, 4182264; 579627, 4182308; 579635, 4182321; 579644, 4182422; 579725, 4182456; 579724, 4182487; 579714, 4182499; 579713, 4182593; 579713, 4182613; 579680, 4182606; 579660, 4182580; 579650, 4182519; 579585, 4182460; 579583, 4182366; 579561, 4182350; 579515, 4182350; 579444, 4182293; 579399, 4182273; 579335, 4182270; 579302, 4182279; 579246, 4182320; 579165, 4182329; 579109, 4182318; 579086, 4182331; 578999, 4182426; 578962, 4182523; 578954, 4182571; 578928, 4182586; 578855, 4182608; 578819, 4182648; 578778, 4182676; 578726, 4182734; 578693, 4182723; 578648, 4182695; 578597, 4182700; 578567, 4182720; 578503, 4182691; 578447, 4182696; 578414, 4182708; 578381, 4182741; 578361, 4182728; 578349, 4182659; 578280, 4182623; 578227, 4182625; 578217, 4182587; 578161, 4182571; 578149, 4182530; 578134, 4182505; 578058, 4182461; 578062, 4182331; 578034, 4182301; 578030, 4182275; 577999, 4182242; 577997, 4182221; 577987, 4182196; 577944, 4182157; 577907, 4182114; 577886, 4182116; 577866, 4182136; 577840, 4182197; 577799, 4182242; 577786, 4182275; 577775, 4182349; 577757, 4182377; 577759, 4182433; 577728, 4182458; 577727, 4182539; 577702, 4182592; 577701, 4182645; 577668, 4182681; 577664, 4182772; 577626, 4182802; 577661, 4182902; 577628, 4182901; 577579, 4182886; 577531, 4182895; 577480, 4182948; 577456, 4183001; 577408, 4183047; 577392, 4183074; 577401, 4183204; 577421, 4183235; 577500, 4183258; 577535, 4183320; 577567, 4183348; 577576, 4183472; 577644, 4183615; 577691, 4183682; 577711, 4183750; 577734, 4183789; 577746, 4183842; 577766, 4183881; 577902, 4184014; 577961, 4184136; 577989, 4184167; 578021, 4184251; 578021, 4184274; 578021, 4184284; 578001, 4184282; 577971, 4184230; 577885, 4184138; 577815, 4184011; 577770, 4183964; 577677, 4183905; 577667, 4183872; 577538, 4183744; 577516, 4183655; 577436, 4183522; 577391, 4183483; 577361, 4183475; 577305, 4183477; 577236, 4183535; 577167, 4183550; 577090, 4183595; 577082, 4183613; 577084, 4183661; 577069, 4183714; 577041, 4183721; 577008, 4183668; 576973, 4183660; 576939, 4183680; 576891, 4183720; 576895, 4183796; 576869, 4183834; 576862, 4183862; 576844, 4183862; 576834, 4183846; 576824, 4183790; 576773, 4183790; 576694, 4183840; 576561, 4183973; 576550, 4183996; 576553, 4184027; 576583, 4184085; 576572, 4184093; 576501, 4184100; 576455, 4184145; 576403, 4184236; 576374, 4184358; 576351, 4184398; 576338, 4184441; 576315, 4184479; 576289, 4184560; 576255, 4184603; 576224, 4184671; 576139, 4184770; 576113, 4184876; 576092, 4184914; 576081, 4185051; 576150, 4185217; 576233, 4185383; 576273, 4185436; 576371, 4185526; 576381, 4185557; 576378, 4185590; 576360, 4185625; 576354, 4185673; 576305, 4185813; 576266, 4185868; 576225, 4185906; 576194, 4185966; 576192, 4185972; 576202, 4185995; 576204, 4186045; 576191, 4186053; 576168, 4186032; 576151, 4186002; 576132, 4185831; 576150, 4185786; 576205, 4185677; 576205, 4185662; 576215, 4185652; 576233, 4185599; 576236, 4185517; 576227, 4185479; 576179, 4185428; 576064, 4185201; 576034, 4185180; 575948, 4185090; 575908, 4185077; 575882, 4185100; 575806, 4185145; 575772, 4185239; 575741, 4185271; 575667, 4185294; 575657, 4185291; 575657, 4185258; 575696, 4185218; 575701, 4185177; 575719, 4185154; 575722, 4185099; 575835, 4184985; 575864, 4184912; 575897, 4184889; 575938, 4184841; 575990, 4184710; 576108, 4184574; 576119, 4184551; 576121, 4184508; 576135, 4184470; 576258, 4184319; 576266, 4184273; 576299, 4184215; 576308, 4184167; 576349, 4184088; 576365, 4184017; 576399, 4183921; 576502, 4183787; 576600, 4183618; 576689, 4183599; 576745, 4183551; 576865, 4183506; 576942, 4183449; 576985, 4183441; 577125, 4183372; 577179, 4183324; 577177, 4183286; 577164, 4183260; 577160, 4183232; 577183, 4183197; 577186, 4183154; 577178, 4183131; 577179, 4183072; 577187, 4183060; 577187, 4182999; 577197, 4182986; 577213, 4182908; 577262, 4182875; 577280, 4182850; 577298, 4182779; 577431, 4182704; 577465, 4182661; 577475, 4182626; 577496, 4182588; 577540, 4182451; 577563, 4182416; 577569, 4182317; 577611, 4182218; 577645, 4182162; 577691, 4182125; 577704, 4182061; 577807, 4181869; 577869, 4181814; 577892, 4181746; 577962, 4181675; 577969, 4181657; 577967, 4181612; 577920, 4181550; 577927, 4181522; 577945, 4181500; 577984, 4181419; 577977, 4181388; 577959, 4181378; 577868, 4181377; 577781, 4181419; 577727, 4181485; 577681, 4181490; 577668, 4181530; 577617, 4181601; 577556, 4181628; 577507, 4181610; 577482, 4181627; 577454, 4181670; 577422, 4181749; 577389, 4181759; 577371, 4181774; 577358, 4181814; 577333, 4181847; 577309, 4181920; 577253, 4181930; 577225, 4181955; 577222, 4181993; 577183, 4182049; 577178, 4182079; 577155, 4182107; 577144, 4182150; 577134, 4182163; 577083, 4182162; 577058, 4182172; 577047, 4182190; 576994, 4182220; 576991, 4182271; 576952, 4182308; 576917, 4182333; 576883, 4182376; 576847, 4182470; 576818, 4182498; 576800, 4182543; 576794, 4182660; 576766, 4182710; 576679, 4182776; 576640, 4182816; 576568, 4182930; 576545, 4182983; 576522, 4183010; 576506, 4183015; 576506, 4183014; 576307, 4183277; 576275, 4183301; 576236, 4183342; 576193, 4183382; 576165, 4183423; 576148, 4183458; 576107, 4183496; 576077, 4183541; 576049, 4183586; 576019, 4183601; 575968, 4183612; 575931, 4183608; 575914, 4183606; 575878, 4183623; 575850, 4183633; 575828, 4183633; 575809, 4183636; 575785, 4183655; 575777, 4183670; 575766, 4183706; 575743, 4183739; 575687, 4183747; 575670, 4183756; 575659, 4183771; 575650, 4183794; 575610, 4183811; 575509, 4183871; 575486, 4183893; 575476, 4183970; 575413, 4184009; 575325, 4184048; 575286, 4184092; 575257, 4184150; 575208, 4184267; 575173, 4184358; 574651, 4184981; 574584, 4185041; 574438, 4185139; 574346, 4185217; 574229, 4185324; 574151, 4185382; 574063, 4185460; 573966, 4185529; 573834, 4185650; 573795, 4185709; 573727, 4185821; 573639, 4185933; 573532, 4186016; 573420, 4186079; 573298, 4186201; 573255, 4186220; 573201, 4186245; 573147, 4186293; 573079, 4186381; 573031, 4186444; 572875, 4186517; 572753, 4186581; 572690, 4186586; 572646, 4186595; 572568, 4186644; 572529, 4186737; 572485, 4186771; 572280, 4186912; 572134, 4187019; 572003, 4187141; 571939, 4187185; 571900, 4187234; returning to 571706, 4187420.
(ii) Note: Map of Unit 2 (Unit 1, Unit 2, and Unit 6 (Map 2) follows:

View Image

(8) Unit 3: Hayward-Pleasanton Ridge, Alameda County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Hayward, Newark, Dublin, and Niles. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 585269, 4165999; 585371, 4166270; 585519, 4166567; 585450, 4166770; 585431, 4166955; 585623, 4167122; 585713, 4167237; 585733, 4167344; 585763, 4167406; 585800, 4167440; 585819, 4167443; 585875, 4167470; 585920, 4167470; 585930, 4167470; 585952, 4167464; 585987, 4167462; 586262, 4167359; 586524, 4167014; 586710, 4167050; 586725, 4167112; 586738, 4167184; 586741, 4167200; 586738, 4167237; 586744, 4167250; 586759, 4167275; 586746, 4167307; 586733, 4167314; 586730, 4167349; 586719, 4167443; 586755, 4167465; 586782, 4167533; 586796, 4167652; 586895, 4167475; 586894, 4167475; 586924, 4167422; 586941, 4167422; 586973, 4167053; 587028, 4167054; 587029, 4167040; 587030, 4167024; 587030, 4167024; 587030, 4167024; 587032, 4166970; 587059, 4166943; 587086, 4166942; 587106, 4166933; 587159, 4166923; 587177, 4166933; 587191, 4166944; 587201, 4166952; 587214, 4166964; 587245, 4166945; 587312, 4166906; 587326, 4166909; 587355, 4166915; 587370, 4166898; 587378, 4166889; 587442, 4166875; 587453, 4166885; 587525, 4166937; 587579, 4166871; 587655, 4166806; 587755, 4166771; 587765, 4166767; 587766, 4166404; 587767, 4166201; 587891, 4166132; 588035, 4166079; 588064, 4166075; 588160, 4165989; 588151, 4165958; 588199, 4165920; 588288, 4165905; 588435, 4165906; 588444, 4165874; 588460, 4165492; 588106, 4165477; 588124, 4165066; 587770, 4165051; 587771, 4164884; 588557, 4164310; 589385, 4164346; 589368, 4165876; 589365, 4166259; 589175, 4166273; 589139, 4166304; 589139, 4166304; 589140, 4166304; 589141, 4166304; 589143, 4166304; 589144, 4166304; 589145, 4166304; 589146, 4166304; 589147, 4166304; 589148, 4166304; 589149, 4166304; 589151, 4166304; 589152, 4166304; 589153, 4166304; 589154, 4166304; 589155, 4166304; 589156, 4166304; 589157, 4166304; 589159, 4166304; 589160, 4166304; 589161, 4166304; 589162, 4166304; 589163, 4166305; 589164, 4166305; 589192, 4166310; 589200, 4166317; 589200, 4166318; 589201, 4166318; 589201, 4166319; 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588275, 4173213; 588529, 4173138; 588702, 4173099; 588854, 4173025; 588988, 4172966; 589160, 4172888; 589260, 4172878; 589278, 4172870; 589288, 4172866; 589303, 4172859; 589320, 4172852; 589334, 4172847; 589349, 4172841; 589372, 4172834; 589405, 4172822; 589419, 4172820; 589429, 4172817; 589450, 4172811; 589470, 4172806; 589483, 4172803; 589516, 4172796; 589557, 4172780; 589566, 4172777; 589578, 4172773; 589617, 4172759; 589631, 4172757; 589647, 4172753; 589657, 4172751; 589675, 4172749; 589701, 4172744; 589711, 4172741; 589726, 4172737; 589746, 4172728; 589756, 4172718; 589769, 4172707; 589780, 4172691; 589785, 4172669; 589794, 4172663; 589804, 4172654; 589820, 4172647; 589834, 4172643; 589850, 4172644; 589858, 4172649; 589859, 4172653; 589866, 4172649; 590046, 4172523; 590097, 4172410; 590195, 4172296; 590238, 4172275; 590281, 4172276; 590362, 4172317; 590344, 4172351; 590351, 4172402; 590391, 4172433; 590434, 4172457; 590508, 4172445; 590579, 4172428; 590606, 4172421; 590681, 4172527; 590734, 4172567; 590740, 4172568; 590754, 4172571; 590773, 4172574; 590779, 4172574; 590806, 4172547; 590818, 4172492; 590830, 4172479; 591370, 4172472; 592495, 4172468; 592495, 4172469; 592548, 4172468; 592577, 4172462; 592597, 4172459; 592634, 4172451; 592649, 4172452; 592664, 4172451; 592673, 4172450; 592640, 4172397; 592706, 4172349; 592766, 4172440; 592771, 4172439; 592861, 4172439; 592862, 4172439; 592864, 4172331; 592864, 4172326; 592865, 4172264; 592830, 4172268; 592821, 4172262; 592821, 4172246; 592824, 4172235; 592833, 4172217; 592837, 4172207; 592848, 4172192; 592856, 4172180; 592737, 4172211; 592697, 4172225; 592685, 4172236; 592665, 4172235; 592663, 4172209; 592685, 4172164; 592723, 4172119; 592772, 4172075; 592810, 4172048; 592804, 4172039; 592794, 4172026; 592792, 4172006; 592802, 4171984; 592833, 4171939; 592851, 4171927; 592785, 4171852; 592786, 4171803; 592891, 4171806; 592891, 4171773; 592888, 4171769; 592891, 4171690; 592895, 4171678; 592891, 4171647; 592893, 4171628; 592898, 4171586; 592901, 4171567; 592915, 4171539; 592936, 4171510; 592951, 4171498; 592960, 4171492; 592977, 4171490; 592996, 4171486; 593012, 4171482; 593024, 4171479; 593034, 4171475; 593054, 4171474; 593080, 4171484; 593120, 4171492; 593139, 4171493; 593173, 4171488; 593197, 4171482; 593206, 4171484; 593206, 4171506; 593200, 4171531; 593191, 4171562; 593174, 4171601; 593174, 4171602; 593177, 4171602; 593208, 4171640; 593231, 4171711; 593231, 4171748; 593214, 4171764; 593199, 4171788; 593197, 4171793; 593225, 4171790; 593275, 4171783; 593317, 4171778; 593352, 4171771; 593391, 4171762; 593406, 4171759; 593443, 4171753; 593473, 4171758; 593530, 4171760; 593571, 4171766; 593604, 4171765; 593640, 4171766; 593695, 4171758; 593753, 4171746; 593797, 4171730; 593834, 4171710; 593880, 4171688; 593919, 4171664; 593943, 4171648; 593976, 4171622; 594006, 4171600; 594023, 4171581; 594026, 4171548; 593988, 4171476; 593945, 4171435; 593856, 4171366; 593770, 4171299; 593712, 4171213; 593704, 4171136; 593710, 4171038; 593747, 4170958; 593796, 4170879; 593869, 4170821; 593951, 4170779; 594017, 4170765; 594079, 4170782; 594081, 4170783; 594082, 4170783; 594083, 4170786; 594115, 4170830; 594117, 4170833; 594140, 4170830; 594148, 4170813; 594157, 4170768; 594181, 4170752; 594213, 4170763; 594231, 4170797; 594239, 4170832; 594253, 4170843; 594280, 4170811; 594301, 4170784; 594315, 4170747; 594336, 4170717; 594355, 4170714; 594390, 4170713; 594412, 4170728; 594542, 4170730; 594644, 4170753; 594708, 4170777; 594756, 4170803; 594769, 4170807; 594790, 4170820; 594807, 4170831; 594833, 4170845; 594836, 4170848; 594870, 4170864; 594881, 4170870; 594969, 4170703; 595378, 4169293; 595550, 4169164; 595777, 4168678; 596053, 4168453; 595932, 4168389; 595956, 4168312; 595958, 4168285; 595947, 4168270; 595940, 4168263; 595917, 4168244; 595908, 4168229; 595906, 4168217; 595903, 4168183; 595908, 4168151; 595926, 4168100; 595939, 4168079; 595949, 4168069; 595964, 4168048; 595992, 4168019; 596003, 4168015; 596031, 4168000; 596051, 4167990; 596073, 4167977; 596091, 4167970; 596115, 4167950; 596133, 4167933; 596097, 4167900; 596072, 4167808; 596097, 4167764; 596081, 4167684; 596062, 4167618; 596084, 4167557; 596123, 4167529; 596159, 4167521; 596172, 4167485; 596189, 4167440; 596206, 4167390; 596222, 4167369; 596230, 4167341; 596233, 4167299; 596236, 4167275; 596241, 4167240; 596250, 4167212; 596265, 4167160; 596273, 4167144; 596279, 4167135; 596288, 4167130; 596303, 4167130; 596315, 4167130; 596344, 4167131; 596379, 4167138; 596402, 4167142; 596430, 4167152; 596449, 4167157; 596471, 4167164; 596487, 4167169; 596497, 4167171; 596508, 4167174; 596529, 4167177; 596547, 4167178; 596572, 4167177; 596586, 4167166; 596602, 4167148; 596616, 4167120; 596612, 4167094; 596595, 4167085; 596585, 4167071; 596552, 4167061; 596542, 4167058; 596511, 4167052; 596482, 4167047; 596472, 4167045; 596426, 4167035; 596393, 4167024; 596379, 4167007; 596367, 4166977; 596361, 4166963; 596354, 4166945; 596359, 4166928; 596363, 4166907; 596371, 4166892; 596385, 4166869; 596393, 4166857; 596403, 4166835; 596404, 4166820; 596410, 4166793; 596421, 4166782; 596433, 4166755; 596446, 4166722; 596455, 4166700; 596470, 4166674; 596482, 4166654; 596488, 4166641; 596496, 4166622; 596510, 4166602; 596522, 4166582; 596529, 4166569; 596543, 4166546; 596549, 4166527; 596552, 4166516; 596561, 4166488; 596571, 4166455; 596582, 4166427; 596594, 4166395; 596611, 4166366; 596618, 4166354; 596627, 4166340; 596649, 4166312; 596672, 4166279; 596683, 4166265; 596692, 4166256; 596721, 4166237; 596740, 4166223; 596748, 4166215; 596760, 4166201; 596779, 4166183; 596786, 4166172; 596791, 4166159; 596788, 4166127; 596779, 4166095; 596764, 4166067; 596750, 4166044; 596743, 4166014; 596741, 4166001; 596737, 4165952; 596743, 4165927; 596754, 4165905; 596767, 4165888; 596785, 4165869; 596800, 4165854; 596816, 4165839; 596845, 4165815; 596862, 4165797; 596880, 4165769; 596888, 4165756; 596895, 4165731; 596904, 4165706; 596911, 4165691; 596930, 4165657; 596942, 4165643; 596955, 4165629; 596978, 4165597; 597001, 4165568; 597026, 4165541; 597037, 4165534; 597050, 4165529; 597093, 4165508; 597105, 4165502; 597138, 4165479; 597160, 4165463; 597178, 4165446; 597209, 4165422; 597220, 4165409; 597243, 4165385; 597263, 4165362; 597275, 4165348; 597289, 4165326; 597307, 4165295; 597322, 4165272; 597337, 4165251; 597353, 4165235; 597377, 4165210; 597423, 4165180; 597442, 4165170; 597466, 4165157; 597503, 4165136; 597541, 4165121; 597557, 4165115; 597593, 4165106; 597612, 4165120; 597621, 4165126; 597632, 4165141; 597653, 4165161; 597682, 4165182; 597698, 4165198; 597710, 4165209; 597728, 4165225; 597753, 4165242; 597777, 4165254; 597797, 4165263; 597832, 4165279; 597860, 4165292; 597886, 4165300; 597907, 4165281; 597928, 4165249; 597939, 4165230; 597948, 4165208; 597957, 4165184; 597965, 4165174; 597972, 4165166; 597994, 4165152; 598026, 4165151; 598052, 4165157; 598104, 4165164; 598149, 4165154; 598170, 4165146; 598188, 4165136; 598205, 4165121; 598226, 4165079; 598241, 4165068; 598255, 4165059; 598275, 4165038; 598299, 4165013; 598316, 4164986; 598329, 4164959; 598344, 4164932; 598357, 4164898; 598364, 4164869; 598369, 4164856; 598377, 4164835; 598389, 4164808; 598401, 4164777; 598429, 4164725; 598438, 4164716; 598448, 4164710; 598468, 4164691; 598478, 4164685; 598497, 4164678; 598519, 4164672; 598546, 4164664; 598565, 4164657; 598588, 4164644; 598637, 4164618; 598649, 4164613; 598665, 4164601; 598698, 4164578; 598718, 4164562; 598727, 4164538; 598744, 4164497; 598751, 4164455; 598758, 4164425; 598772, 4164378; 598780, 4164350; 598790, 4164316; 598804, 4164272; 598820, 4164215; 598832, 4164180; 598846, 4164141; 598858, 4164110; 598865, 4164093; 598873, 4164072; 598882, 4164049; 598896, 4164020; 598912, 4163980; 598928, 4163941; 598944, 4163907; 598964, 4163866; 598980, 4163838; 598999, 4163798; 599030, 4163743; 599049, 4163697; 599076, 4163650; 599093, 4163620; 598650, 4163199; 598162, 4163032; 597935, 4162556; 597447, 4162401; 596649, 4162377; 596727, 4161559; 596679, 4161553; 596493, 4161501; 596337, 4161460; 596182, 4161377; 595985, 4161325; 595978, 4161334; 595835, 4161377; 595690, 4161418; 595607, 4161480; 595524, 4161563; 595452, 4161646; 595369, 4161750; 595234, 4161812; 595130, 4161853; 595006, 4161884; 594871, 4161874; 594799, 4161853; 594685, 4161791; 594623, 4161729; 594550, 4161667; 594426, 4161553; 594374, 4161480; 594312, 4161377; 594271, 4161253; 594229, 4161128; 594146, 4161066; 594053, 4161035; 593991, 4161045; 593939, 4161087; 593898, 4161128; 593836, 4161190; 593815, 4161253; 593815, 4161335; 593804, 4161418; 593794, 4161543; 593784, 4161667; 593753, 4161781; 593670, 4161843; 593597, 4161864; 593483, 4161833; 593359, 4161781; 593235, 4161729; 593110, 4161698; 593028, 4161719; 592945, 4161750; 592841, 4161760; 592655, 4161791; 592530, 4161750; 592489, 4161688; 592406, 4161605; 592334, 4161501; 592261, 4161429; 592199, 4161335; 592095, 4161149; 592033, 4161025; 591992, 4160880; 591950, 4160755; 591909, 4160704; 591795, 4160610; 591775, 4160603; 591660, 4160559; 591567, 4160486; 591464, 4160424; 591407, 4160360; 590912, 4160704; 589936, 4161024; 589484, 4161385; 588893, 4161607; 588409, 4162058; 588155, 4162354; 587761, 4162321; 587490, 4162378; 587244, 4162641; 586956, 4162846; 586784, 4162879; 586784, 4162887; 586790, 4163066; 586792, 4163117; 586769, 4163141; 586644, 4163273; 586431, 4163527; 586291, 4163766; 586168, 4163954; 586029, 4164176; 585897, 4164233; 585807, 4164324; 585717, 4164644; 585716, 4164653; 585712, 4164739; 585701, 4164972; 585701, 4164986; 585712, 4165171; 585832, 4165497; 585658, 4165554; 585646, 4165742; 585381, 4165840; returning to 585269, 4165999.
(ii) Note: Map of Unit 3 (Map 3) follows:

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(9) Unit 4: Mount Diablo-Black Hills, Contra Costa County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Diablo, Tassajara, Walnut Creek, Clayton. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 587469, 4194136; 587939, 4194568; 588429, 4194484; 588517, 4194568; 588718, 4194677; 588869, 4194828; 588894, 4194853; 588913, 4194953; 588927, 4195024; 588899, 4195658; 588832, 4195885; 588601, 4196521; 588591, 4196523; 588592, 4196524; 588541, 4196661; 588513, 4196736; 588530, 4196754; 588603, 4196809; 588653, 4196812; 588711, 4196735; 588752, 4196709; 588774, 4196773; 588822, 4196829; 588817, 4196858; 588874, 4196856; 588923, 4196851; 588978, 4196874; 589014, 4196931; 589062, 4196960; 589090, 4196976; 589125, 4197042; 589163, 4197117; 589092, 4197248; 589049, 4197337; 588951, 4197415; 588878, 4197515; 588807, 4197513; 588719, 4197544; 588683, 4197488; 588634, 4197493; 588606, 4197473; 588481, 4197436; 588514, 4197345; 588387, 4197362; 588264, 4197341; 588239, 4197371; 588153, 4197461; 588048, 4197462; 587967, 4197688; 587998, 4197701; 588197, 4197775; 588208, 4197815; 588219, 4197874; 588215, 4197923; 588179, 4197993; 588116, 4198041; 588057, 4198145; 588027, 4198240; 588069, 4198275; 588049, 4198330; 587987, 4198461; 587703, 4198447; 587617, 4198658; 587635, 4198690; 587734, 4198896; 587828, 4199024; 587977, 4199159; 588113, 4199284; 588173, 4199495; 588149, 4199683; 588155, 4199884; 588155, 4199906; 588211, 4200053; 588236, 4200118; 588304, 4200203; 588318, 4200196; 588335, 4200186; 588440, 4200119; 588492, 4199940; 588634, 4199995; 588719, 4199995; 588818, 4199983; 588976, 4199963; 589017, 4199991; 589071, 4200049; 589154, 4200075; 589213, 4200087; 589189, 4200499; 589188, 4200511; 589337, 4200529; 589399, 4200536; 589557, 4200549; 589631, 4200554; 589707, 4200525; 589737, 4200514; 589698, 4200337; 589687, 4199962; 589926, 4199910; 590103, 4199986; 590148, 4200033; 590148, 4200067; 590152, 4200123; 590162, 4200201; 590195, 4200260; 590211, 4200273; 590238, 4200140; 590238, 4199868; 590238, 4199631; 590146, 4199425; 590144, 4199402; 590129, 4199228; 590122, 4199141; 589488, 4199124; 589423, 4199065; 589384, 4199049; 589399, 4198938; 589438, 4198871; 589480, 4198804; 589452, 4198667; 589395, 4198502; 589397, 4198419; 589504, 4198350; 589776, 4198339; 589897, 4198345; 589993, 4198339; 590092, 4198309; 590129, 4198284; 590129, 4198131; 590238, 4197805; 590509, 4197805; 590528, 4197805; 590889, 4197805; 591201, 4197805; 591211, 4197738; 591216, 4197601; 591211, 4197496; 591268, 4197411; 591415, 4197312; 591576, 4197402; 591596, 4197423; 591704, 4197099; 591866, 4196983; 592467, 4197245; 593008, 4197752; 593012, 4198200; 593037, 4198195; 593799, 4198194; 593804, 4198194; 593802, 4197973; 593800, 4197665; 594249, 4197677; 594262, 4197408; 594618, 4197387; 594647, 4196609; 595450, 4196605; 595458, 4195926; 595671, 4195936; 595674, 4196109; 596111, 4196119; 596027, 4195950; 596184, 4195952; 596281, 4196126; 597137, 4196128; 597151, 4194892; 598757, 4194910; 598752, 4195293; 598936, 4195287; 598872, 4195917; 598742, 4196057; 597972, 4196028; 597966, 4196498; 598436, 4196509; 598524, 4196362; 598740, 4196238; 598741, 4196154; 598976, 4195997; 598984, 4195971; 599024, 4195342; 599136, 4194911; 599038, 4194400; 599071, 4194357; 599349, 4194091; 597975, 4194029; 597956, 4193671; 597159, 4193680; 597159, 4193266; 596748, 4193261; 596778, 4192517; 597149, 4192513; 597156, 4189977; 597242, 4189986; 597514, 4189551; 597894, 4189334; 598165, 4189117; 598491, 4188791; 598709, 4188511; 598753, 4188511; 598753, 4188455; 598871, 4188302; 599577, 4188411; 600012, 4188411; 600446, 4187977; 600880, 4187651; 601695, 4186728; 602129, 4186456; 602944, 4185370; 603324, 4185153; 603650, 4184936; 603779, 4184807; 603542, 4184796; 601470, 4184564; 600272, 4184571; 600238, 4184570; 600195, 4184570; 600147, 4184570; 599989, 4184567; 599977, 4184239; 599550, 4184239; 599550, 4183913; 599340, 4184011; 598785, 4184138; 598786, 4184147; 598772, 4184597; 598771, 4184647; 598763, 4185302; 598761, 4185412; 598758, 4185541; 598755, 4185742; 598755, 4185749; 598754, 4185765; 598750, 4186082; 598639, 4186080; 598470, 4186163; 598367, 4186076; 598252, 4186058; 598249, 4186065; 598207, 4186074; 598159, 4186018; 598117, 4186002; 598011, 4185918; 597984, 4185821; 597924, 4185799; 597753, 4185622; 597719, 4185636; 597626, 4185685; 597525, 4185702; 597426, 4185779; 597369, 4185868; 597416, 4185961; 597493, 4186033; 597548, 4185942; 597641, 4185957; 597599, 4186043; 597618, 4186093; 597687, 4186112; 597752, 4186146; 597745, 4186227; 597804, 4186333; 597826, 4186358; 597805, 4186397; 597766, 4186378; 597734, 4186380; 597646, 4186425; 597605, 4186411; 597553, 4186316; 597463, 4186346; 597449, 4186405; 597478, 4186430; 597464, 4186469; 597413, 4186463; 597382, 4186509; 597327, 4186508; 597309, 4186656; 597316, 4186737; 597342, 4186783; 597337, 4186788; 597354, 4186834; 597403, 4186877; 597481, 4186910; 597469, 4186984; 597351, 4186920; 597272, 4186833; 597170, 4186823; 597163, 4186771; 597203, 4186697; 597206, 4186686; 597204, 4186675; 597127, 4186611; 597023, 4186628; 596933, 4186658; 596921, 4186625; 596959, 4186587; 596961, 4186540; 597091, 4186479; 597095, 4186403; 597103, 4186386; 597151, 4186191; 597107, 4186163; 596981, 4186073; 596847, 4186065; 596749, 4186139; 596747, 4186198; 596669, 4186270; 596665, 4186338; 596691, 4186540; 596643, 4186586; 596616, 4186654; 596575, 4186713; 596484, 4186784; 596407, 4186701; 596360, 4186729; 596334, 4186756; 596317, 4186745; 596281, 4186732; 596201, 4186675; 596157, 4186654; 596097, 4186656; 596025, 4186654; 595957, 4186653; 595747, 4186647; 595746, 4186683; 596008, 4186985; 596001, 4187244; 595730, 4187237; 595719, 4187540; 595808, 4187704; 595759, 4187758; 595729, 4187774; 595703, 4187743; 595667, 4187710; 595585, 4187614; 595558, 4187648; 595528, 4187667; 595499, 4187679; 595487, 4187698; 595468, 4187800; 595447, 4187855; 595413, 4187888; 595429, 4187967; 595434, 4188064; 595407, 4188098; 595386, 4188085; 595340, 4188061; 595350, 4188041; 595347, 4187986; 595324, 4187940; 595291, 4187920; 595266, 4187812; 595294, 4187742; 595299, 4187714; 595293, 4187693; 595257, 4187654; 595225, 4187582; 595197, 4187526; 595193, 4187381; 595173, 4187306; 595140, 4187260; 595071, 4187230; 595069, 4187225; 595055, 4187217; 595022, 4187220; 594918, 4187213; 594836, 4187242; 594742, 4187278; 594650, 4187314; 594641, 4187318; 594544, 4187327; 594544, 4187327; 594443, 4187362; 594349, 4187395; 594305, 4187448; 594282, 4187528; 594262, 4187601; 594259, 4187610; 594243, 4187669; 594230, 4187682; 594226, 4187687; 594226, 4187719; 594228, 4187774; 594222, 4187774; 593800, 4187766; 593776, 4187904; 593715, 4187966; 593667, 4187969; 593636, 4187970; 593366, 4187931; 593343, 4187957; 593320, 4187982; 593151, 4187981; 593144, 4187981; 593142, 4187978; 593010, 4188098; 592921, 4188293; 592931, 4188292; 592842, 4188494; 592804, 4188582; 592739, 4188729; 592734, 4188740; 592670, 4188720; 592613, 4188713; 592610, 4188712; 592607, 4188712; 592607, 4188718; 592608, 4188849; 592585, 4188842; 592585, 4188842; 592563, 4188852; 592554, 4188879; 592548, 4188897; 592581, 4188931; 592583, 4188954; 592400, 4189066; 592401, 4189071; 592408, 4189112; 592415, 4189115; 592460, 4189134; 592442, 4189198; 592436, 4189221; 592206, 4189212; 592206, 4189328; 592216, 4189495; 592268, 4189579; 592267, 4189601; 592258, 4189791; 592258, 4189799; 592373, 4189936; 592436, 4190030; 592541, 4190082; 592625, 4190103; 592625, 4190449; 592531, 4190449; 592436, 4190460; 592363, 4190481; 592300, 4190460; 592216, 4190491; 592101, 4190533; 591996, 4190596; 591881, 4190690; 591839, 4190764; 591797, 4190837; 591775, 4190852; 591734, 4190879; 591639, 4190932; 591493, 4191047; 591445, 4191063; 591429, 4191068; 591304, 4191110; 591241, 4191162; 591105, 4191267; 591010, 4191267; 590916, 4191298; 590843, 4191246; 590843, 4191120; 590798, 4191044; 590769, 4190994; 590692, 4191040; 590643, 4191068; 590570, 4191120; 590507, 4191141; 590423, 4191246; 590339, 4191372; 590266, 4191382; 590245, 4191414; 590235, 4191634; 590140, 4191917; 589899, 4191739; 589857, 4191686; 589763, 4191487; 589648, 4191519; 589480, 4191529; 589333, 4191508; 589092, 4191676; 589040, 4191644; 588977, 4191644; 588851, 4191686; 588851, 4191704; 588851, 4191728; 588966, 4191969; 588977, 4192085; 588966, 4192116; 588872, 4192158; 588809, 4192252; 588809, 4192305; 588725, 4192483; 588788, 4192619; 588746, 4192630; 588694, 4192630; 588536, 4192777; 588410, 4192861; 588295, 4192944; 588295, 4193007; 588264, 4193154; 588159, 4193238; 588096, 4193353; 587700, 4193738; returning to 587469, 4194136.
(ii) Note: Map of Unit 4 (Map 4) follows:

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(10) Unit 5A: Cedar Mountain, Alameda and San Joaquin Counties, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Altamont, Midway, Mendenhall Springs, and Cedar Mtn. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 624962, 4170579; 625090, 4170515; 625154, 4170515; 625282, 4170515; 625474, 4170515; 625645, 4170558; 625731, 4170366; 625837, 4170216; 626179, 4170216; 626478, 4170066; 626585, 4170066; 626607, 4170195; 626586, 4170399; 626612, 4170390; 626615, 4170402; 626626, 4170412; 626629, 4170422; 626647, 4170434; 626684, 4170436; 626707, 4170437; 626747, 4170425; 626770, 4170407; 626790, 4170391; 626813, 4170378; 626916, 4170347; 626952, 4170323; 626958, 4170301; 626972, 4170253; 626979, 4170229; 626989, 4170208; 627014, 4170156; 627029, 4170132; 627056, 4170089; 627067, 4170049; 627082, 4170002; 627104, 4169947; 627139, 4169865; 627167, 4169809; 627195, 4169785; 627228, 4169767; 627251, 4169785; 627304, 4169793; 627382, 4169802; 627397, 4169763; 627414, 4169719; 627433, 4169669; 627458, 4169619; 627478, 4169587; 627515, 4169552; 627558, 4169537; 627589, 4169507; 627605, 4169498; 627635, 4169480; 627660, 4169479; 627680, 4169489; 627710, 4169497; 627746, 4169507; 627774, 4169519; 627799, 4169530; 627821, 4169526; 627879, 4169517; 627925, 4169510; 627973, 4169509; 628048, 4169503; 628109, 4169500; 628174, 4169480; 628209, 4169464; 628262, 4169442; 628292, 4169436; 628335, 4169426; 628368, 4169417; 628404, 4169394; 628430, 4169357; 628450, 4169311; 628467, 4169264; 628487, 4169239; 628505, 4169216; 628508, 4169199; 628522, 4169179; 628555, 4169134; 628575, 4169119; 628598, 4169094; 628639, 4169047; 628666, 4169011; 628750, 4168928; 628805, 4168875; 628842, 4168896; 628863, 4168894; 628886, 4168893; 628938, 4168875; 628971, 4168851; 629006, 4168810; 629023, 4168784; 629021, 4168755; 629020, 4168729; 629029, 4168691; 629039, 4168653; 629035, 4168625; 629041, 4168604; 629049, 4168574; 629076, 4168531; 629098, 4168485; 629141, 4168434; 629182, 4168396; 629196, 4168394; 629218, 4168381; 629270, 4168352; 629286, 4168227; 629286, 4168009; 629326, 4167870; 629564, 4167612; 629544, 4167413; 629524, 4167116; 629504, 4166838; 629643, 4166600; 629683, 4166342; 629584, 4166104; 629385, 4165985; 629167, 4166005; 628671, 4165925; 628532, 4165786; 628314, 4165628; 628155, 4165370; 627897, 4165012; 627738, 4164655; 627599, 4164358; 627183, 4164020; 626925, 4163643; 626925, 4163246; 627024, 4162929; 627202, 4162770; 627163, 4162631; 626845, 4162393; 626627, 4162175; 626250, 4161996; 625774, 4161798; 625416, 4161758; 625297, 4161540; 625357, 4161341; 625615, 4161063; 625952, 4160647; 626270, 4160389; 626309, 4160091; 626250, 4159575; 626270, 4159377; 626409, 4159139; 626349, 4158781; 626369, 4158385; 626239, 4157942; 626171, 4157710; 625893, 4157511; 625674, 4157492; 625436, 4157630; 625278, 4157531; 624901, 4157571; 624762, 4157412; 624524, 4157313; 624206, 4157293; 623809, 4157293; 623373, 4157273; 623369, 4157265; 623273, 4157015; 622122, 4157293; 621011, 4157928; 620436, 4158722; 619801, 4159258; 619761, 4159774; 619543, 4159754; 619166, 4159694; 618888, 4159734; 618531, 4159774; 618293, 4159833; 617896, 4159774; 617538, 4159694; 617360, 4159436; 616983, 4159337; 616586, 4159218; 615732, 4159484; 615878, 4159699; 615819, 4160001; 615780, 4160265; 615771, 4160548; 615878, 4160899; 615917, 4161191; 615790, 4161328; 615771, 4161679; 615653, 4162020; 615897, 4162459; 616170, 4162645; 616375, 4163064; 616328, 4163465; 616368, 4163901; 616308, 4164397; 616658, 4164712; 616715, 4164704; 616865, 4164811; 617057, 4164918; 617164, 4165025; 617207, 4165153; 617249, 4165196; 617484, 4165260; 617698, 4165260; 617912, 4165260; 618061, 4165174; 618296, 4165025; 618339, 4164896; 618446, 4164896; 618531, 4164854; 618659, 4164768; 618745, 4164597; 618830, 4164533; 618873, 4164405; 618980, 4164362; 619108, 4164362; 619236, 4164234; 619514, 4163999; 619599, 4163978; 619792, 4163935; 619941, 4163871; 620048, 4163871; 620133, 4163743; 620411, 4163743; 620603, 4163572; 620689, 4163572; 620796, 4163529; 621137, 4163422; 621244, 4163444; 621437, 4163358; 621543, 4163316; 621672, 4163294; 621800, 4163187; 621821, 4162995; 621832, 4163004; 622206, 4163294; 622206, 4163465; 622206, 4163572; 622248, 4163679; 622013, 4163935; 621928, 4163956; 621800, 4163999; 621736, 4164085; 621714, 4164277; 621565, 4164341; 621415, 4164384; 621372, 4164576; 621330, 4164640; 621266, 4164726; 621266, 4164832; 621415, 4164961; 621522, 4165046; 621650, 4165131; 621714, 4165238; 621693, 4165345; 621672, 4165473; 621714, 4165580; 621693, 4165815; 621607, 4165965; 621586, 4166071; 621565, 4166232; 621565, 4166285; 621650, 4166520; 621821, 4166712; 622013, 4166926; 622099, 4166947; 622334, 4167140; 622547, 4167204; 622633, 4167289; 622590, 4167396; 622526, 4167588; 622526, 4167866; 622526, 4167994; 622483, 4168144; 622462, 4168315; 622676, 4168528; 622782, 4168742; 622782, 4168891; 622654, 4169020; 622505, 4169126; 622355, 4169126; 622377, 4169233; 622419, 4169426; 622419, 4169596; 622419, 4169767; 622312, 4169810; 624150, 4169789; 624342, 4169874; 624492, 4170024; 624492, 4170152; 624492, 4170323; 624534, 4170494; 624705, 4170601; 624833, 4170643; returning to 624962, 4170579.
(ii) Note: Map of Unit 5A is provided in paragraph (11)(ii) of this section.
(11) Unit 5B; Alameda County and Santa Clara County, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Niles, La Costa Valley, Mendenhall Springs, Calaveras Reservoir, Mt. Day. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 602197, 4155953; 602394, 4155892; 602698, 4155953; 602747, 4156027; 603122, 4156019; 603577, 4155710; 603854, 4155726; 603919, 4155564; 604114, 4155499; 604130, 4155353; 604634, 4155174; 604797, 4154979; 605138, 4155483; 605561, 4155580; 605805, 4155743; 606943, 4154914; 607089, 4154702; 607349, 4154670; 607658, 4154410; 607772, 4154166; 608146, 4153922; 608309, 4153499; 608585, 4153402; 608666, 4153255; 608926, 4153255; 609203, 4153125; 609284, 4152979; 609609, 4152995; 610195, 4152816; 610634, 4152394; 610699, 4152198; 611398, 4152198; 611983, 4152475; 612373, 4152475; 612650, 4152361; 613056, 4152540; 613446, 4152524; 613593, 4152361; 614487, 4151955; 614617, 4151961; 614780, 4151820; 614962, 4151397; 614905, 4151070; 615116, 4150964; 615241, 4150715; 615366, 4150801; 615750, 4150782; 616019, 4150206; 616192, 4150109; 616413, 4149812; 616499, 4149254; 616134, 4148909; 615641, 4148634; 615372, 4147941; 614624, 4147768; 614579, 4147670; 614189, 4147648; 613874, 4147530; 613683, 4147420; 613492, 4147170; 613184, 4147002; 613007, 4146920; 612824, 4147011; 612733, 4146904; 612627, 4146904; 612475, 4146920; 612323, 4147102; 611959, 4147102; 611701, 4147481; 611337, 4147588; 611185, 4147542; 610866, 4148043; 610638, 4148134; 610699, 4148241; 610623, 4148301; 610365, 4148286; 610365, 4148362; 610092, 4148575; 609849, 4148575; 609257, 4148800; 609257, 4149227; 609090, 4149379; 608771, 4149288; 608391, 4149531; 608057, 4149516; 607693, 4149789; 607161, 4149470; 606645, 4149546; 606478, 4149956; 606463, 4150457; 606387, 4150518; 605901, 4150472; 605795, 4150563; 605750, 4150913; 605628, 4151034; 605036, 4151186; 604763, 4151398; 604186, 4151429; 604292, 4151095; 604277, 4150821; 604034, 4150791; 603973, 4150472; 603867, 4150609; 603533, 4150746; 603396, 4151262; 603199, 4151565; 603108, 4151550; 603047, 4151656; 602759, 4151778; 602425, 4151793; 602377, 4151646; 602030, 4151353; 601817, 4151292; 601301, 4150943; 601438, 4150852; 601377, 4150670; 600982, 4150624; 600724, 4150320; 600239, 4150290; 600087, 4150487; 599829, 4150548; 599737, 4150700; 599707, 4151292; 599586, 4151626; 598902, 4152355; 599039, 4152385; 599191, 4152552; 599510, 4153372; 599540, 4153645; 599358, 4153827; 599555, 4153949; 599662, 4154161; 599677, 4154526; 599798, 4154541; 600056, 4154860; 600421, 4154936; 600922, 4154799; 601392, 4154966; 601514, 4155042; 601575, 4155179; 601544, 4155437; 601711, 4155558; 601833, 4155877; 602106, 4156074; returning to 602197, 4155953.
(ii) Note: Map of Unit 5A and Unit 5B (Map 5) follows:

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(12) Unit 6: Caldecott Tunnel, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California.
(i) From USGS 1:24,000 scale quadrangles Briones Valley, and Oakland East. Land bounded by the following UTM Zone 10, NAD83 coordinates (E, N): 566273, 4191731; 566273, 4191775; 566276, 4191777; 566275, 4191780; 566294, 4191824; 566332, 4191876; 566329, 4191875; 566330, 4191877; 566390, 4191931; 566415, 4191935; 566458, 4191942; 566525, 4191942; 566600, 4191940; 566669, 4191935; 566750, 4191950; 566752, 4191952; 566839, 4191957; 566944, 4191974; 567064, 4191950; 567124, 4191941; 567186, 4191988; 567240, 4192047; 567227, 4192102; 567203, 4192172; 567156, 4192217; 567079, 4192271; 567066, 4192295; 567040, 4192363; 567037, 4192422; 567001, 4192463; 566959, 4192511; 566950, 4192542; 566937, 4192585; 566909, 4192628; 566891, 4192658; 566845, 4192729; 566798, 4192772; 566741, 4192832; 566727, 4192843; 566723, 4192842; 566687, 4192855; 566647, 4192882; 566625, 4192904; 566624, 4192905; 566624, 4192906; 566627, 4192907; 566650, 4192915; 566650, 4192915; 566776, 4192988; 566895, 4193034; 567014, 4193041; 567193, 4193015; 567365, 4192955; 567470, 4192915; 567596, 4192862; 567735, 4192796; 567874, 4192737; 568059, 4192697; 568154, 4192688; 568198, 4192684; 568350, 4192684; 568516, 4192684; 568668, 4192690; 568794, 4192710; 568816, 4192719; 568885, 4192674; 569349, 4192659; 570105, 4192947; 570104, 4192949; 570201, 4192984; 570206, 4192985; 570967, 4193256; 571027, 4193166; 571060, 4193146; 571089, 4193100; 571085, 4193094; 571113, 4193087; 571153, 4193067; 571189, 4193034; 571239, 4192998; 571292, 4192955; 571345, 4192912; 571391, 4192879; 571440, 4192856; 571474, 4192826; 571493, 4192770; 571507, 4192720; 571507, 4192677; 571509, 4192637; 571500, 4192615; 571485, 4192563; 571471, 4192513; 571463, 4192468; 571449, 4192419; 571443, 4192379; 571428, 4192347; 571426, 4192341; 571396, 4192291; 571336, 4192158; 571335, 4192155; 571309, 4192084; 571230, 4191987; 571131, 4191901; 571110, 4191870; 571063, 4191824; 571036, 4191808; 571021, 4191784; 571000, 4191768; 570982, 4191756; 570968, 4191741; 570953, 4191723; 570942, 4191705; 570924, 4191679; 570902, 4191656; 570890, 4191641; 570876, 4191624; 570855, 4191599; 570818, 4191574; 570789, 4191551; 570766, 4191532; 570748, 4191520; 570730, 4191505; 570713, 4191489; 570696, 4191477; 570666, 4191470; 570652, 4191472; 570642, 4191487; 570624, 4191517; 570623, 4191557; 570610, 4191565; 570597, 4191564; 570569, 4191545; 570544, 4191533; 570522, 4191522; 570481, 4191513; 570431, 4191507; 570377, 4191500; 570335, 4191500; 570296, 4191493; 570271, 4191488; 570228, 4191474; 570182, 4191457; 570131, 4191433; 570106, 4191422; 570052, 4191402; 570011, 4191390; 569972, 4191372; 569929, 4191357; 569883, 4191341; 569840, 4191327; 569800, 4191313; 569709, 4191263; 569680, 4191243; 569662, 4191230; 569631, 4191209; 569607, 4191194; 569587, 4191178; 569562, 4191158; 569542, 4191128; 569529, 4191089; 569518, 4191057; 569512, 4191026; 569507, 4191000; 569503, 4190973; 569497, 4190945; 569491, 4190916; 569480, 4190893; 569464, 4190866; 569458, 4190850; 569450, 4190828; 569442, 4190801; 569422, 4190770; 569400, 4190748; 569378, 4190719; 569367, 4190704; 569361, 4190680; 569366, 4190659; 569394, 4190657; 569425, 4190659; 569453, 4190661; 569483, 4190662; 569506, 4190650; 569526, 4190643; 569539, 4190637; 569548, 4190661; 569558, 4190707; 569565, 4190747; 569575, 4190779; 569593, 4190830; 569602, 4190856; 569612, 4190892; 569622, 4190907; 569630, 4190935; 569639, 4190973; 569642, 4190993; 569647, 4191031; 569650, 4191055; 569660, 4191091; 569666, 4191105; 569679, 4191137; 569688, 4191146; 569718, 4191166; 569782, 4191200; 569814, 4191218; 569865, 4191241; 569965, 4191276; 570008, 4191299; 570032, 4191310; 570064, 4191321; 570101, 4191336; 570140, 4191343; 570186, 4191350; 570223, 4191351; 570235, 4191352; 570263, 4191311; 570652, 4191238; 570706, 4191244; 570724, 4191310; 570758, 4191385; 570802, 4191401; 570818, 4191407; 570862, 4191409; 570947, 4191357; 571019, 4191288; 571101, 4191224; 571197, 4191141; 571215, 4191127; 571062, 4190723; 571068, 4190712; 571078, 4190695; 571080, 4190684; 571082, 4190675; 571089, 4190659; 571103, 4190639; 571130, 4190610; 571154, 4190584; 571169, 4190573; 571187, 4190563; 571187, 4190553; 571189, 4190539; 571201, 4190525; 571209, 4190518; 571220, 4190521; 571233, 4190526; 571251, 4190537; 571261, 4190535; 571280, 4190532; 571307, 4190531; 571329, 4190534; 571338, 4190526; 571353, 4190516; 571363, 4190508; 571365, 4190503; 571375, 4190488; 571395, 4190466; 571413, 4190452; 571434, 4190442; 571446, 4190439; 571462, 4190438; 571501, 4190409; 571518, 4190382; 571532, 4190368; 571530, 4190356; 571530, 4190350; 571532, 4190326; 571543, 4190299; 571554, 4190284; 571569, 4190268; 571587, 4190253; 571621, 4190240; 571650, 4190240; 571676, 4190245; 571711, 4190256; 571727, 4190260; 571727, 4190257; 571728, 4190233; 571737, 4190205; 571757, 4190178; 571799, 4190134; 571837, 4190109; 571864, 4190088; 571906, 4190051; 571936, 4190024; 571957, 4190013; 572007, 4189996; 572029, 4189908; 572044, 4189882; 572057, 4189869; 572066, 4189862; 572094, 4189850; 572124, 4189847; 572160, 4189839; 572205, 4189832; 572226, 4189836; 572263, 4189846; 572304, 4189859; 572342, 4189843; 572359, 4189837; 572382, 4189835; 572400, 4189837; 572427, 4189846; 572448, 4189859; 572461, 4189872; 572473, 4189859; 572490, 4189852; 572538, 4189848; 572694, 4189850; 572729, 4189845; 572755, 4189840; 572861, 4189793; 572876, 4189783; 572913, 4189747; 572989, 4189665; 573044, 4189602; 573076, 4189564; 573078, 4189557; 573124, 4189412; 573209, 4189380; 573237, 4189455; 573402, 4189420; 573445, 4189336; 573625, 4188983; 573587, 4188867; 573568, 4188810; 573554, 4188767; 574038, 4188607; 574070, 4188596; 574233, 4188195; 574259, 4188130; 574257, 4188128; 574237, 4188122; 574149, 4188116; 574055, 4188110; 573986, 4188110; 573898, 4188116; 573804, 4188122; 573710, 4188122; 573597, 4188103; 573484, 4188097; 573371, 4188084; 573251, 4188072; 573163, 4188053; 573050, 4188034; 572943, 4188003; 572824, 4187978; 572686, 4187965; 572560, 4187984; 572447, 4188022; 572340, 4188072; 572259, 4188110; 572146, 4188147; 572045, 4188160; 571970, 4188166; 571888, 4188166; 571887, 4188166; 571887, 4188166; 571887, 4188165; 571886, 4188165; 571886, 4188165; 571881, 4188161; 571877, 4188157; 571873, 4188153; 571871, 4188149; 571870, 4188147; 571869, 4188144; 571867, 4188142; 571864, 4188142; 571861, 4188142; 571853, 4188140; 571840, 4188132; 571830, 4188124; 571820, 4188118; 571808, 4188115; 571795, 4188114; 571786, 4188115; 571778, 4188116; 571765, 4188119; 571749, 4188124; 571727, 4188134; 571718, 4188138; 571708, 4188144; 571698, 4188159; 571692, 4188165; 571679, 4188165; 571670, 4188161; 571655, 4188156; 571634, 4188158; 571592, 4188163; 571567, 4188176; 571565, 4188179; 571512, 4188141; 571496, 4188145; 571484, 4188148; 571473, 4188148; 571459, 4188148; 571450, 4188148; 571425, 4188145; 571395, 4188147; 571362, 4188155; 571338, 4188158; 571339, 4188199; 571336, 4188202; 571332, 4188206; 571316, 4188221; 571290, 4188247; 571267, 4188268; 571159, 4188361; 571159, 4188361; 571152, 4188367; 571152, 4188367; 571152, 4188369; 571147, 4188412; 571139, 4188431; 571124, 4188447; 571110, 4188455; 571092, 4188459; 571077, 4188458; 571059, 4188452; 571045, 4188442; 571037, 4188430; 571036, 4188431; 570979, 4188447; 570979, 4188503; 570910, 4188502; 570903, 4188514; 570896, 4188523; 570877, 4188533; 570872, 4188536; 570858, 4188540; 570843, 4188543; 570813, 4188552; 570797, 4188566; 570784, 4188581; 570763, 4188592; 570733, 4188594; 570735, 4188667; 570745, 4188667; 570754, 4188667; 570787, 4188661; 570788, 4188661; 570806, 4188660; 570819, 4188664; 570830, 4188660; 570833, 4188677; 570824, 4188685; 570803, 4188734; 570801, 4188738; 570730, 4188783; 570704, 4188807; 570690, 4188830; 570693, 4188851; 570693, 4188866; 570696, 4188864; 570697, 4188875; 570701, 4188926; 570692, 4188981; 570673, 4189023; 570620, 4189064; 570596, 4189097; 570554, 4189137; 570547, 4189144; 570529, 4189180; 570491, 4189204; 570482, 4189203; 570441, 4189197; 570400, 4189209; 570348, 4189212; 570323, 4189220; 570316, 4189215; 570313, 4189213; 570304, 4189214; 570277, 4189222; 570237, 4189275; 570227, 4189303; 570206, 4189322; 570160, 4189358; 570140, 4189388; 570127, 4189406; 570119, 4189422; 570108, 4189444; 570081, 4189442; 570074, 4189388; 570068, 4189365; 570062, 4189348; 570055, 4189335; 570039, 4189356; 570011, 4189362; 569994, 4189361; 569984, 4189360; 569972, 4189368; 569961, 4189370; 569955, 4189354; 569962, 4189345; 569981, 4189335; 569988, 4189319; 569980, 4189290; 569976, 4189256; 569979, 4189255; 569976, 4189241; 569962, 4189230; 569954, 4189216; 569954, 4189193; 569947, 4189169; 569934, 4189135; 569917, 4189099; 569908, 4189068; 569904, 4189038; 569901, 4189010; 569887, 4188982; 569881, 4188962; 569876, 4188940; 569869, 4188915; 569858, 4188902; 569837, 4188888; 569819, 4188877; 569814, 4188860; 569809, 4188835; 569817, 4188807; 569833, 4188798; 569830, 4188740; 569812, 4188737; 569797, 4188801; 569800, 4188803; 569795, 4188810; 569711, 4189182; 569653, 4189441; 569641, 4189496; 569636, 4189583; 569616, 4189631; 569598, 4189682; 569594, 4189688; 569411, 4189917; 569406, 4189923; 569374, 4189924; 569274, 4189980; 569225, 4190030; 569177, 4190078; 569155, 4190106; 569155, 4190106; 569136, 4190157; 569081, 4190173; 569032, 4190167; 569002, 4190189; 568998, 4190224; 568980, 4190269; 568946, 4190290; 568922, 4190323; 568917, 4190364; 568874, 4190407; 568830, 4190433; 568805, 4190445; 568769, 4190447; 568737, 4190460; 568752, 4190479; 568751, 4190531; 568734, 4190563; 568709, 4190593; 568678, 4190593; 568668, 4190561; 568653, 4190529; 568616, 4190528; 568591, 4190563; 568571, 4190602; 568571, 4190642; 568572, 4190676; 568572, 4190713; 568544, 4190750; 568497, 4190740; 568399, 4190730; 568348, 4190753; 568311, 4190797; 568321, 4190846; 568286, 4190879; 568234, 4190900; 568189, 4190901; 568159, 4190874; 568128, 4190840; 568090, 4190857; 568083, 4190876; 568077, 4190892; 568039, 4190907; 568033, 4190907; 567986, 4190905; 567958, 4190903; 567880, 4191055; 567753, 4191088; 567774, 4191141; 567786, 4191184; 567793, 4191211; 567628, 4191208; 567585, 4191141; 567544, 4191110; 567515, 4191105; 567484, 4191124; 567463, 4191153; 567439, 4191163; 567405, 4191148; 567395, 4191124; 567395, 4191098; 567398, 4191072; 567273, 4191000; 567225, 4190952; 567182, 4190935; 566962, 4190894; 566820, 4190877; 566797, 4190871; 566794, 4190872; 566746, 4190862; 566691, 4190848; 566634, 4190839; 566578, 4190827; 566565, 4190839; 566538, 4190851; 566505, 4190864; 566476, 4190886; 566455, 4190918; 566441, 4190942; 566440, 4190975; 566440, 4191017; 566445, 4191065; 566448, 4191102; 566445, 4191121; 566437, 4191147; 566426, 4191175; 566420, 4191219; 566417, 4191239; 566550, 4191256; 566714, 4191328; 566840, 4191413; 566850, 4191422; 566864, 4191428; 566894, 4191453; 566899, 4191506; 566850, 4191574; 566801, 4191623; 566722, 4191661; 566642, 4191669; 566549, 4191647; 566476, 4191647; 566431, 4191648; 566387, 4191648; 566317, 4191674; 566287, 4191694; returning to 566273, 4191731.
(ii) Note: Map of Unit 6 provided in paragraph (7)(ii) of this section.

50 C.F.R. §17.95(c)

42 FR 47840, Sept. 22, 1977
84 FR 52800 , 11/4/2019; 85 FR 11262 , 3/27/2020; 85 FR 37588 , 7/23/2020; 86 FR 22570 , 5/28/2021; 86 FR 58474 , 11/22/2021