Cancel means to submit to the employing office an appropriate request electing not to be enrolled in a PSHB plan, by an enrollee who is eligible to continue enrollment, including because the enrollee did not enroll in, or chose to disenroll from, Medicare Part B.
Election not to enroll means to submit an appropriate request electing not to be enrolled in a PSHB plan by an individual who is eligible to enroll, including because the individual chooses not to enroll in Medicare Part B.
Medicare coverage means coverage that meets the requirements of § 890.1604 .
Reconsideration means the final level of administrative review of an initial decision by an employing office or OPM, as applicable.
Source agency means an agency that periodically provides information or data to OPM pursuant to an agreement under § 890.1612 .
5 C.F.R. §890.1602