49 C.F.R. § 1018.25

Current through July 31, 2024
Section 1018.25 - Sanctions
(a)Closure of accounts. If a tariff filing fee account is past due more than 90 days, the Board will freeze the account until the account is made current. The Board will notify the account holder that the account has been frozen and that until the account balance including any applicable interest, penalties, and administrative costs are paid, all future filings, must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, or money order. The Board reserves the right to refuse to maintain an account which is repeatedly delinquent.
(b)Suspension or revocation of tariff filing privileges. If the account holder fails to satisfy all claims for tariff filing fees including applicable interest, penalties, and the administrative costs of collection of the debt, the Board may suspend or prohibit a tariff filing fee account holder from submitting tariff filings in its own name or on behalf of others.
(c)Suspension or revocation of certificates, licenses, or permits granted by the Board. The Board may suspend or revoke any certificates, permits, or licenses which the Board has granted to an account holder or other debtor for any inexcusable, prolonged, or repeated failure or refusal to pay a delinquent debt.
(d)Procedures for suspension or revocation of filing privileges, certificates, licenses, or permits for failure to pay tariff filing fees. Before suspending or revoking an account holder's privilege to submit tariff filings or suspending or revoking any certificate, license, or permit which the Board has granted to any account holder, the Board shall issue to the account holder an order to show cause why the tariff filing privilege or any certificate, license, or permit should not be suspended or revoked. The Board shall allow the debtor no more than 30 days to pay the debt in full including applicable interest, penalties, and administrative costs of collection of the delinquent debt. The Board may suspend or revoke any certificate, license, permit, approval or filing privilege at the end of this period upon a finding of willful noncompliance with the Board's order. If any certificate, license, permit, or filing privilege is revoked under this authority of this part, a new application with appropriate fees must be made to the Board, and all previous delinquent debts of the debtor to the Board must be paid before the Board will consider such application.
(e)Other sanctions. The remedies and sanctions available to the Board in this area are not exclusive. The Board may impose other sanctions, where permitted by law for any inexcusable, prolonged, or repeated failure of a debtor to pay such claim. In such cases, the Board will provide notice and a hearing, as required by law, to the debtor prior to the imposition of any such sanctions.

49 C.F.R. §1018.25

58 FR 7749, Feb. 9, 1993, as amended at 81 FR 8852, Feb. 23, 2016