Odometer Disclosure Statement
Federal law (and State law, if applicable) requires that you state the mileage in connection with the transfer of ownership. Failure to complete or providing a false statement may result in fines and/or imprisonment.
I state that the odometer now reads ______ (no tenths) miles and to the best of my knowledge that it reflects the actual mileage of the vehicle described herein, unless one of the following statements is checked.
-(1) I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge the odometer reading reflects the amount of mileage in excess of its mechanical limits.
-(2) I hereby certify that the odometer reading is NOT the actual mileage. WARNING-ODOMETER DISCREPANCY.
(Transferor's Signature)
(Transferee's Signature)
(Printed name)
(Printed name)
Date of Statement _______________________________
Transferee's Name _______________________________
Transferee's Address _______________________________
(City) (State) (ZIP Code)
49 C.F.R. §B to Part 580