Section 752.7031 - Leave and holidaysFor use in all USAID cost-reimbursement contracts for technical or professional services.
Leave and Holidays (OCT 1989)
(a)Vacation leave.(1) The Contractor may grant to its employees working under this contract vacations of reasonable duration in accordance with the Contractor's practice for its employees, but in no event shall such vacation leave be earned at a rate exceeding 26 work days per annum. Reimbursement for vacation leave is limited to the amount earned by employees while serving under this contract. For regular employees during their tour of duty in the Cooperating Country, vacation leave is provided under this contract primarily for purposes of affording necessary rest and recreation. The Contractor's Chief of Party, the employee and the Cooperating Country institution associated with this project shall develop vacation leave schedules early in the employee's tour of duty taking into consideration project requirements, employee preference and other factors.
(2) Leave taken during the concluding weeks of an employee's tour shall be included in the established leave schedule and be limited to that amount of leave which can be earned during a twelve-month period unless approved in accordance with paragraph (a)(3) of this clause.(3) Vacation leave earned but not taken by the end of the employee's tour pursuant to paragraphs (a) (1) and (2) of this clause will be forfeited unless the requirements of the project precluded the employee from taking such leave, and the contracting officer (with the endorsement of the Mission) approves one of the following as an alternative:(i) Taking, during the concluding weeks of the employee's tour, leave not permitted under (a)(2) of this section, or(ii) Lump-sum payment for leave not taken provided such leave does not exceed the number of days which can be earned by the employee during a twelve-month period.(b)Sick Leave. Sick leave is earned by employees in accordance with the Contractor's usual practice but not to exceed 13 work days per annum or 4 hours every 2 weeks. Additional sick leave after use of accrued vacation leave may be advanced in accordance with Contractor's usual practice, if in the judgment of the Contractor's Chief of Party it is determined that such additional leave is in the best interest of the project. In no event shall such additional leave exceed 30 days. The Contractor agrees to reimburse USAID for leave used in excess of the amount earned during the employee's assignment under this contract. Sick leave earned and unused at the end of a regular tour of duty may be carried over to an immediately-succeeding tour of duty under this contract. The use of home leave authorized under this clause shall not constitute a break in service for the purpose of sick leave carry-over. Contractor employees will not be compensated for unused sick leave at the completion of their duties under this contract.(c)Home leave.(1) Home leave is leave earned for service abroad for use only in the United States, in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or in the possessions of the United States.(2) A regular employee who is a U.S. citizen or resident and has served at least 2 years overseas, as defined in paragraph (c)(4) of this clause, under this contract and has not taken more than 30 workdays leave (vacation, sick, or leave without pay) in the United States, may be granted home leave of not more than 15 workdays for each such year of service overseas, provided that such regular employee agrees to return overseas upon completion of home leave under an additional 2 year appointment, or for a shorter period of not less than 1 year of overseas service under the contract if the Mission Director has approved in advance. Home leave must be taken in the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the possessions of the United States; any days spent elsewhere will be charged to vacation leave or leave without pay.(3) Notwithstanding the requirement in paragraph (c)(2), of this clause, that the Contractor's regular employee must have served 2 years overseas under this contract to be eligible for home leave, Contractor may grant advance home leave to such regular employee subject to all of the following conditions: (i) Granting of advance home leave would in each case serve to advance the attainment of the objectives of this contract;(ii) The regular employee shall have served a minimum of 18 months in the Cooperating Country on his/her current tour of duty under this contract; and(iii) The regular employee shall have agreed to return to the Cooperating Country to serve out the remainder of his/her current tour of duty and an additional 2 year appointment under this contract, or such other additional appointment of not less than 1 year of overseas service as the Mission Director may approve.(4) The period of service overseas required under paragraph (c)(2) or paragraph (c)(3) of this clause shall include the actual days spent in orientation in the United States (less language training) and the actual days overseas beginning on the date of departure from the United States port of embarkation on international travel and continuing, inclusive of authorized delays en route, to the date of arrival at the United States port of debarkation from international travel. Allowable vacation and sick leave taken while overseas, but not leave without pay, shall be included in the required period of service overseas. An amount equal to the number of days vacation and sick leave taken in the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or the possessions of the United States will be added to the required period of service overseas.(5) Salary during travel to and from the United States for home leave will be limited to the time required for travel by the most expeditious air route. The Contractor will be responsible for reimbursing USAID for salary payments made during home leave if in spite of the undertaking of the new appointment the regular employee, except for reasons beyond his/her control as determined by the contracting officer, does not return overseas and complete the additional required service. Unused home leave is not reimbursable under this contract.(6) To the extent deemed necessary by the Contractor, regular employees in the United States on home leave may be authorized to spend not more than 5 days in work status for consultation at home office/campus or at USAID/Washington before returning to their post of duty. Consultation at locations other than USAID/Washington or home office/campus, as well as any time in excess of 5 days spent for consultation, must be approved by the Mission Director or the contracting officer.(7) Except as provided in the schedule or approved by the Mission Director or the contracting officer, home leave is not authorized for TCN or CCN employees.(d)Holidays. Holidays for Contractor employees serving in the United States shall be in accordance with the Contractor's established policy and practice. Holidays for Contractor employees serving overseas should take into consideration local practices and shall be established in collaboration with the Mission Director.(e)Military leave. Military leave of not more than 15 calendar days in any calendar year may be granted in accordance with the Contractor's usual practice to each regular employee whose appointment is not limited to 1 year or less and who is a reservist of the United States Armed Forces, provided that such military leave has been approved in advance by the cognizant Mission Director or Assistant Administrator. A copy of any such approval shall be provided to the contracting officer.(f)Leave Records. The Contractor's leave records shall be preserved and made available as part of the contractor's records which are required to be preserved and made available by the Examination of Records by the Comptroller General and Audit clauses of this contract.(End of clause)
54 FR 46392, Nov. 3, 1989, as amended at 56 FR 2699, Jan. 24, 1991; 79 FR 74988 , Dec. 16, 2014