Expires at the end of __ (date) unless sooner canceled, changed, or extended.
Original tariff _effective __________ (here show the effective date of the original tariff).
Page | Number of revision except as indicated |
Title | 1st |
1 | *8th |
3 | 5th |
5A | *Orig. |
10 | *8th |
151 | Orig. |
*New or Revised page.
R to signify reduction.
I to signify increase.
C to signify changed regulation.
T to signify a change in text but no change in rate or regulation.
S to signify reissued matter.
M to signify matter relocated without change.
N to signify new rate or regulation.
D to signify discontinued rate or regulation.
Z to signify a correction.
47 C.F.R. §61.54